• Paranormal

    Hearts and Fangs Everywhere @ejkolodziej

    Witch Devotions.

    Turning over the blog to author
    Elizabeth J Kolodziej today. Enjoy the ride!
     – – –
    Hello everyone! I am Elizabeth J. Kolodziej, author of the Last
    Witch Series and lover of kittens and puppies. I must say that with the third book
    coming out I have come a long way from where I was in 2009. Yes, 3 years seems like
    a very short period, but I personally think there are 3 regular human years and
    3 long author years.
    The Last Witch Series has been my baby because it was something
    I grew from nothing. It now has two novellas connected to the series, was in brick
    and morter

    and Noble stores, got great reviews from places like Readers Favorite and
    Reader Views and I think it is still going places. In fact, I don’t think a series
    really starts to pick up until the third book comes out.

    I did a poll once around five months ago asking regular people
    when they began reading a series. The answer? When the third book comes out and they
    know the reader is serious about their writing career. I can’t say I don’t feel
    similar considering the boom of self published authors out there who believe they
    want this for a career. However, most don’t seem to register how much work goes
    into being an author, traditionally published or indie.
    With the thrd book out I have been asked if this is the last book
    and where I want to go from here. The answer? The Last Witch Series has at least
    two-three more books to go until it ends. Maybe more. Truthfully, I would like to
    make it an eight book series. Why? Eight is my lucky number. Go figure.
    However, the beauty in this is I have now grown so much as an
    author that I am seeing the beauty in dabbling in other genres. For instance, I
    have created the zombiepunk series. I pray to have Gravely Inanimated out
    by the end of the year, or if anything early next year. Steampunk is a fun genre (I
    really love the clothes!) and not only that but italso  gives me a whole new arena of
    people to talk to and meet.
    Also, there are my erotica books like, Demon Protection Plan,
    where I can be a little more naughty and have more freedom in how graphic I get
    with the sexual content. That is a whole other sort of lovely readers I get to meet
    and know.
    Elizabeth J. Kolodziej
    What genre is next? I have no idea. I always said I would never
    write zombies, but look at my steampunk book. So maybe I will write a little scifi.
    The point is after three plus years I have learned to keep my mind open to new and different
    writing. The way I write a book for Last Witch is totally different from the way
    I do it for ZombiePunk. In my opinion, one is more intricate and detailed than the
    other. That isn’t to say you get something more out of one book, you will just end
    up reading a different kind of style. And that’s ok! Different is not a bad thing
    and trying something new only brings out more ideas.
    I am proud that I have come as far as I have in these past three
    years and I hope to keep going further. It is my fans I have to thank for being
    able to keep on going along with the tons and tons of marvelous writing friends
    I meet. I am in this for the marathon, not the sprint. You will continue to see
    me everywhere you go.
    Hearts and Fangs,
    Liz ^_^
    Buy Link: http://www.amazon.com/Witch-Devotions-book-Series-ebook/dp/B009G1COE4/