• Suspense

    Marked in Mexico by Kim McMahill @kimmcmahill #RLFblog #RomanticSuspense

    Marked in Mexico by Kim McMahill @kimmcmahill #RLFblog #RomanticSuspenseKim McMahill, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about your book.

    Marked in Mexico by Kim McMahill

    Genre: Romantic Suspense
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG13
    When hostages are taken at one of Mexico’s most popular Mayan ruins an idyllic Caribbean vacation turns deadly. The kidnappers believe the abduction will be a simple way to negotiate the release of a colleague from a Texas prison, but matters become complicated and the stakes much higher when they realize one of their hostages is the daughter of a powerful U.S. Senator and another is an ex-Army Ranger who has no intention of playing by the rules.

    Where to buy Marked in Mexico

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B006WBA2EU/
    Barnes and Noble http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/marked-in-mexico-kim-mcmahill/1108229485
    Kobo http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/marked-in-mexico
    Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/122369

    Kim McMahill Social Media

    Kim McMahill grew up in Wyoming which is where she developed her sense of adventure and love of the outdoors. She started out writing non-fiction, but her passion for exotic world travel, outrageous adventures, stories of survival, and happily-ever-after endings soon drew her into a world of romantic suspense and adventure fiction. Along with writing novels Kim has also published over eighty travel and geographic articles, and contributed to a travel anthology. Kim currently resides in Colorado, and when not writing, she enjoys gardening, traveling, hiking, and spending time with family
    Blog https://www.kimmcmahill.blogspot.com
    Twitter https://twitter.com/kimmcmahill
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KimMcMahillAuthor/
    Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/29854356-a-taste-of-tragedy
    Amazon Author Page http://www.amazon.com/Kim-McMahill/e/B007IK0EJW/
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kimmcmahill/


  • Suspense

    Meet Dylan from Lyrical Embrace, Suspense by Amber Daulton @AmberDaulton1 #RLFblog #RomanticSuspense

    Meet Dylan from Lyrical Embrace, Suspense by Amber Daulton @AmberDaulton1 #RLFblog #RomanticSuspense Welcome Dylan Haynes from Lyrical Embrace, a new Romantic Suspense by Amber Daulton.

    Meet Dylan Haynes

    Age: 25
    Gender: Male
    Birthplace: Willow Springs, Vermont
    Profession: Music Teacher; Ex-Drummer for a rock band
    Ethnicity: Caucasian
    Dylan, please provide a physical description of yourself.
    I’m about six feet tall with short, spiky brown hair and blue eyes. I keep in good shape because I’m a volunteer firefighter, and I gotta be quick when disaster strikes. I have a red dragon tattoo on my left arm, and it twists around my biceps.
    Please tell us a little about yourself.
    I like to think of myself as a normal guy, and I hope I portray that to the people I first meet. I used to play for an indie rock band, Fortune’s Glory, but most people don’t recognize me since the band never made it big. I’m grateful for that. I’ve moved back home to Willow Springs, so I usually don’t meet clubbers and fans anymore.
    Who is the significant other in your life?
    Erica Timberly is the perfect woman for me. She’s strong, beautiful, and stubborn, but vulnerable too. She’s an excellent violinist and loves music just as much as I do. After all the crap she’s been through, she’s still trusting and kind. She loves with her whole heart, and I’m damn glad she picked me.

    Insight from the Author

    How educated is this character? Is he book smart, self-taught, widely-experienced?
    Dylan grew up around music because his parents owned and operated a music academy, so he spent a lot of time learning to play the drums and other instruments. Music is his life, and even he dropped out of college freshman year to join Fortune’s Glory when he was eighteen years old.
    Are any of his skills a source of pride? Embarrassment? Which ones and why?
    He’s an excellent drummer and is proud of that, but he loves to teach as much as he loves performing. When his students succeed, he feels as though he’s accomplished something great and takes pride in their achievements.
    What is your character’s family like?
    Dylan’s parents and siblings are supportive and understanding. He’s the baby in the family, but they treat him like an adult, most of the time. His mom has a knack for embarrassing him, but he knows she only does so because she loves him.
    Is your character involved in his community?
    Yes, very much so. After years of partying and having fun, he wanted to do something good and give back to the community where he’d come from, so he volunteers as a fireman. As such, he’s also a certified EMT.
    What is your hero’s biggest hopes and dreams?
    He always wanted to be a famous musician, but his dreams changed when he was on tour and playing clubs with Fortune’s Glory. He didn’t like the person he was turning into. The drugs, alcohol, and groupies distracted him from the music, so he was just going through the motions and no longer enjoying himself. After quitting the band, he found a new dream and succeeded in reaching it. He has a real, down-to-earth life, which includes a good job and a loving woman. Life couldn’t be better for him.

    About Your Writer: Questions for your character to answer about you.

    To honor the person who chose to share your story, please answer at least four of these questions. Questions with more than one point should be considered one question. You may answer as many more as you like.
    What do you wish your writer, Amber, had not told others about you?
    Back when I was still drumming for Fortune’s Glory, Erica attended the concerts at the clubs and crushed hard on me, but I didn’t even know she existed. I just never saw her in the crowd of screaming, dancing fans. I was nothing but an arrogant, sexist hound dog back then, and Erica knew it. After I stopped drinking and left the band, I headed back home to get my life together. Then Erica and I finally met. I’m embarrassed of the way I acted before, but I’ve since proved to Erica I’m a changed man.
    When your writer is writing about you, what do you think makes your writer the most sad? What makes your writer the most happy?
    I think Amber was a little sad when writing about my bandmate who overdosed on heroin. That time in my life was difficult for me, so I’m relieved she didn’t go in great detail about it. More than anything, she was getting all weepy when writing about Erica’s past. You see, Erica was in an abusive relationship before we met, so Amber had no choice but to mention it.
    At the end of the story, Amber really enjoyed writing the scene where Erica fought back against her ex and finally broke free from him for good. Amber prefers strong female leads, and that’s definitely Erica.
    Why do you think your writer loves to write?
    She likes making people smile and giving them happy endings. I’m a prime example of that. I was getting my life back on track after quitting the band, but then Amber introduced me to Erica. Wow! That one moment changed everything for me, and I wouldn’t give it up for all the money or fame in the world.
    What other character from your book do you think your writer should write a book about? Care to tell us why?
    Lyrical Embrace is book four in the Deerbourne Inn series–a multi-author collaboration of novellas–and each author is only allowed to write one book in the series. Hopefully, that will change because my older brother, Birley, desperately needs a woman in his life. His ex-wife split town years ago, and he’s raising his son and daughter alone. The kids are great–don’t get me wrong–but he needs another reason to get out of bed in the morning. All he does is work at the music academy and take care of the kids. He rarely dates. Damn, the man doesn’t even bed hop. So I hope Amber will brighten up Birley’s future sooner rather than later. If not, I’m gonna have a long talk with her.

    Where to buy Lyrical Embrace

    Publisher https://bit.ly/2AIkSFk
    Amazon https://amzn.to/2ChIhNT
    Barnes and Noble https://bit.ly/2ChIhgR
    IBooks https://apple.co/2M3T9mW
    Kobo https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/lyrical-embrace
    Google Play https://bit.ly/2DqXlsV

    Amber Daulton’s Social Media

    Amber Daulton is the author of the romantic-suspense series Arresting Onyx and several standalone novellas. Her books are published through The Wild Rose Press and Books to Go Now, and are available in ebook, print on demand, audio, and foreign language formats.
    Amber lives in North Carolina with her husband and four demanding cats.
    Blog http://amberdaultonauthor.blogspot.com/
    Twitter https://twitter.com/AmberDaulton1
    Facebook Author Page www.facebook.com/amber.daulton.author
    Pinterest http://pinterest.com/amberdaulton5/
    Goodreads www.goodreads.com/author/show/6624921.Amber_Daulton
    Amazon Author Page http://amzn.to/14JoZff


  • Shapeshifter

    Meet Yann from A Merman’s Choice by Alice Renaud @alicerauthor #RLFblog #paranormalromance

    Meet Yann from A Merman's Choice by Alice Renaud @alicerauthor #RLFblog #paranormalromanceWelcome Yann from A Merman’s Choice, the new Fantasy Romance novella by Alice Renaud.

    Meet Yann Benetynn

    Age: 23
    Gender: Male
    Birthplace: Benetynn, one of the Morvann Islands, off the coast of West Wales (UK)
    Profession: Nature warden. Sometimes also ferries tourists to and from the islands, on his boat Gwilan.
    Ethnicity: In human shape, white
    Species (for scifi/fantasy characters): Shape-shifting merman.
    Please provide a physical description of the character.
    In his merman, or aquatic, shape, Yann has dark grey skin and webbed hands and feet. Oh, and a foot-long, flexible tail. But not a fish tail! Mermen are one hundred per cent hot-blooded mammals. In human shape he’s a big, muscular guy. He has a young, handsome face, with a straight nose and square chin, crowned by a mop of glossy chestnut curls. He also has striking emerald-green eyes.
    Please tell us a little about your character.
    Yann is caring, kind, loyal and brave. He defies the laws of his Clan to save humans from drowning. His love for Alex brings him in conflict with his people, but he risks all to protect her. In the end he realizes that his own happiness matters, and he sacrifices his right to lead his Clan in order to marry Alex. A big guy, with a big heart!
    Who is the significant other in your character’s life?
    His human love interest, Alex. She’s the light of his life.
    What special skills does your character rely on?
    Yann is a shape shifting merman, he can move between the human world and the sea world. In aquatic shape, he can talk to sea mammals, taste every current through the membranes of his nose, and hear the song of a humpback whale from a hundred miles away. He can swim as well as any dolphin, and stay underwater for as long as a pilot whale. Like them he uses echolocation to orientate himself, and communicate at a distance with other mermen. He can also compose songs, in the mermen language of musical clicks and whistles. In human shape he’s a great sailor, and a fantastic swimmer.
    What does he have a knack for doing?
    He has a knack for annoying other mermen by spending too much time with humans, and in human shape. Also he keeps rescuing humans – even when doing so risks revealing his true nature. The mermen live incognito alongside humans and won’t allow any human to know the truth about them.
    What is your character’s family like?
    Yann lost his mother when he was young. He was brought up by his father, Bryn. Bryn is caring, but stern. He expects Yann to follow in his footsteps and become leader after him. That means he has to behave like a proper merman, and marry a nice mermaid who can help him lead the Benetynn Clan.
    What past event causes your character the most fear?
    Yann’s mum died whilst rescuing a human swimmer who had got into difficulty. When Yann was 12, another swimmer got into trouble near his island. He wanted to save her, but his father wouldn’t let him, for fear Yann would die too – or reveal his true nature to a human. Yann had to watch the woman die, knowing he could have saved her. After that, he promised himself that he would never again let a human drown. His biggest fear is breaking that promise. He will risk his own life, and his Clan’s anger, to rescue humans.
    If your character could make any one thing happen, what would it be?
    Yann would love mermen to live openly among humans, so he’d no longer have to hide his true self. In the distant past, mermen and humans lived side by side and intermarried, but centuries ago mermen decided to stay away from humans as much as possible and keep themselves to themselves. It’s a source of regret for Yann. He thinks that his people’s secrecy comes at a heavy price.

    About Your Writer: Questions for your character to answer about you.

    To honor the person who chose to share your story, please answer at least four of these questions. Questions with more than one point should be considered one question. You may answer as many more as you like.
    Why do you think your writer chose to write about you?
    I guess I have a pretty unusual story. I’m the first merman in centuries to marry a human. My writer loves Wales and Brittany, and their legends, so she’s always been drawn to the stories of us mermen and our world.
    Why do you think your writer loves to write?
    I think she loves to escape from her everyday life and spend time with us. We have exciting tales to tell, and it’s more fun for her than working in an office, I guess.
    What other character from your book do you think your writer should write a book about? Care to tell us why?
    I know she’s already written about my mate Rob, and his spunky girlfriend Charlie, so I’d like her to write a book about my best friend, Caltha. She’s been really helpful to me and Alex, so it would be great if she too could find love. Though I’m not sure what kind of man would be man enough for Caltha. She’s one feisty mermaid, and she’s devoted to the Clans. It would take magic to convince her to let her hair down a little, and allow herself to be loved and cared for.
    Is there anything you’d like to say to your writer?
    Thanks for giving me such a lovely wife. I wish you hadn’t made it so hard! But hey, it’s all good now.

    Where to buy A Merman’s Choice by Alice Renaud

    For centuries the shape-shifting mermen of the Morvann Islands have lived incognito among humans. But one of them, Yann, has developed some bad habits. Like rescuing humans, even when doing so risks revealing his true nature. When he fishes Alex out of the sea, he doesn’t expect her to reappear eight months later, and turn his life upside down by asking him to be her guide.
    Alex is determined to fulfil a promise to her dying grandmother, by gathering pictures and stories of the Morvanns. But she soon discovers that, on these remote Welsh islands, legends have a habit of becoming true!
    Over the course of a few days, Yann and Alex grow close. But some mermen hate humans. Their hostility, and Yann’s secret, threaten to tear the couple apart just as they are discovering that they are soul mates. Can Yann overcome the obstacles in his path and make the right choice?
    Publisher Black Velvet Seductions http://www.blackvelvetseductions.com
    Amazon https://amzn.to/2QglyeI
    Kobo https://books2read.com/u/31xw7a

    Alice Renaud Social Media

    Alice was born and brought up in Brittany, Western France, her father was French and her mother British (from Wales). She moved to London, UK, in 1997, where she now lives with her husband and son. She works full time as a compliance specialist in a pharmaceutical company. She has been writing in her free time since she was 14. She got quite a few short stories published in UK magazines, before moving to longer fiction. She wrote three contemporary romance books, but didn’t find a publisher for them. She then realized that mermen, sea witches, and time travelling warlocks were a lot more fun than sheikhs and billionaires! Her first two paranormal romances did not find a publisher either, then she wrote A Merman’s Choice, which was published in January this year by Black Velvet Seductions. It is the first book in the Sea of Love series, a fantasy romance trilogy inspired by the landscapes and legends of Brittany and Wales. The second book in the series, Music for a Merman, will be out later this year. She loves reading and writing stories, and sharing them with anyone who’s interested!
    Twitter https://twitter.com/alicerauthor
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AliceRenaudAuthorRomance/
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/18670218.Alice_Renaud
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.co.uk/l/B07L52P17B


  • Free Book Friday

    Read free: Triple Burn by Holly Bargo @HollyBargoBooks #FreeBookFriday #RLFblog #Read

    Read free: Triple Burn by Holly Bargo @HollyBargoBooks #FreeBookFriday #RLFblog #ReadIt’s #FreeBook Friday on RLFblog! Join us for a collection of free reads and downloads. All genres and heat levels. This week’s featured book is Triple Burn by Holly Bargo. Bookmark this site so you don’t miss a thing.

    Welcome to FreeBook Friday

    Each week, you’ll find free books to download and read. Some are straight up giveaways, some Kindle Unlimited, others are Kindle Select, and some are free with newsletter sign up. Always a mix of genres and heat levels. These free deals may be limited in time, so please be sure to check prices before clicking the final buy button.

    When you sign up for a newsletter, you are signing up ONLY for that author’s newsletter, not a list of authors who will all then email you. You can unsubscribe at any time, however, please do not mark these emails as spam. When you sign up, you give your permission for the author to email you. Thank you, and enjoy the books!

    Triple Burn by Holly Bargo

    A lengthy and increasingly unnerving interview lands Ursula a job as the event planner at a foreign embassy. Not until the government hustles her off to a different planet does she realize just how foreign that embassy is. When the U.S. ambassador hands over one of her coworkers during her first event as collateral to seal a trade agreement, Ursula breaks out of the embassy, determined to find a way back home before she, too, can be used as a bargaining chip in this world desperate for females.
    What she doesn’t know as she navigates the unfamiliar streets of a totally alien culture and climate, is that she already caught the attention of a native warrior triad in a land where women are coddled and kept, yet prized above all else. They take her, elated to have obtained their collective heart’s desire.
    What they don’t know is how fiercely independent a woman from Earth can be. Disoriented, confused, and not a little angry at the way these three overbearing, dominant, sexy warriors take over her life, she wants to go home, but soon discovers this job was a one-way ticket courtesy of the United States government. If she can’t go back, she must go forward. Can she retain her identify and adapt to life on this new world with the three warriors who’ve claimed her as their mate? Is compromise possible between a woman used to controlling her own life and three warriors steeped in a culture that forbids it?
    Download your free book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07Q4FV2ZK
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    At the Mercy of Her Pleasure by Kayelle AllenAt the Mercy of Her Pleasure by Kayelle Allen #FreeBookFriday #Read

    To free his enslaved brother from a cruel master, Senth, an all-party-fun-and-games thief, must take on the hardest assignment of his life: stealing from the Empress. To make matters worse, he has no choice but to work with the beautiful NarrAy, a by-the-book rebel captain whose addictive pheromones could jeopardize the mission and destroy Senth’s will.
    When the unthinkable happens and NarrAy professes her love for him, Senth must decide if what he feels is real. Can he trust this woman? If he loves her back, can he still save his brother? Or will Senth end up at the mercy of her pleasure forever…
    Download your free book: https://books2read.com/u/m2o9P1
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    Dancing in the Dark by Virginia KellyDancing in the Dark by Virginia Kelly #FreeBookFriday #Read

    What if you discovered all you ever wanted were the things you left behind?
    Covert CIA agent Matt Kincaid is back in tiny Walton Springs, only to find Janey Blackmon waiting to ask him a favor. Matt’s not there to reminisce with the girl he’s never forgotten…and he’s definitely not there to divulge government secrets about her missing brother.
    Ten years and Janey hasn’t forgotten the love of her life…or that he abandoned her on prom night. Bound by duty and honor, he was shipped out to parts unknown by Uncle Sam. But she knew he’d go because adventure is in Matt’s blood. Being stuck in a small town with plain Jane the librarian wasn’t ever in his plans.
    Trapped by a flood, with no phone or power, desire tempts them both. Will passion—and Matt’s offer to recreate prom night—lead to a future together? Or are they just dancing in the dark?
    Download your free book: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00CJFMX8G
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  • Suspense

    An Uptown Girl and a Cowboy by Lorelei Confer @loreleiconfer #RLFblog #RomanticSuspense

    An Uptown Girl and a Cowboy by Lorelei Confer @loreleiconfer #RLFblog #RomanticSuspenseLorelei Confer, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about your book.

    An Uptown Girl and a Cowboy by Lorelei Confer

    Genre Romantic Suspense
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): spicy
    Samantha Williams, a New York City girl, wanna be photographer, stumbles into Rosie’s Diner in Saddle Creek, Wyoming, outside Jackson Hole. Disheveled from a horrid travel day, Sam finds the only seat available is at the counter beside a cowboy–a burly, staggeringly handsome, strong-muscled cowboy, who she is immediately attracted to and who has some baggage of his own.
    Elliott Bouchard, an Outfitter and trainer of therapy horses, thinks he already found his one true love and buried her. He feels responsible for his wife’s death, until he meets Samantha Williams. He wants her for himself; to protect her, not only from the raw elements of the west but from someone following her who wants her gone.
    After Sam’s life is threatened, due to murderous evidence she unknowingly has in a picture, Elliott comes to her rescue. But will he be there in time?

    Where to buy An Uptown Girl and a Cowboy

    Amazon https://amzn.to/2uu519I
    Barnes and Noble https://bit.ly/2YDEWD8
    iBooks https://bit.ly/2qPIIui
    Kobo https://bit.ly/2YtCPSg
    Smashwords https://bit.ly/2qPIIui

    Lorelei Confer Social Media

    Lorelei Confer lives on a peninsula in the mid west coast of Florida with her high school sweetheart, now husband, and AJ, her longhaired Chihuahua.
    In the fourth grade, she wrote her first story–something about getting a shot at the doctors–that was produced by the teacher for parents and students in an assembly. When she was older, she spilled her guts in a journal every night and wrote long newsy love letters to Viet Nam.
    She is a multi published author of romantic suspense with two series: the Deadly series and the Saddle Creek series. She also has written numerous novellas and short stories.
    She loves to hear from her readers so if you want to stay “in the know” visit her website, www.loreleiconfer.com, sign up for her newsletters and contact her.
    Website www.loreleiconfer.com
    Blog www.loreleiconfer.blogspot.com
    Twitter https://twitter.com/loreleiconfer
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LoreleiConferAuthor/
    Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/loreleiconfer/
    Goodreads https://bit.ly/2U1jLw9
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Lorelei-Confer/e/B004HX4G6K/
    Newsletter https://bit.ly/2UZyQe1


  • Know the Hero,  Suspense

    Know the Hero from Flotsam and Jetsam: the Amelia Island Affair by MS Spencer @msspencerauthor #RLFblog #CozyMystery

    Know the Hero from Flotsam and Jetsam: the Amelia Island Affair by MS Spencer @msspencerauthor #RLFblog #CozyMysteryMS Spencer, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your hero, but first, tell us about the book.

    Flotsam and Jetsam: the Amelia Island Affair by MS Spencer

    Genre: Cozy Mystery/Romantic Suspense

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG13

    State Park Rangers Simon Ribault and Ellie Ironstone are used to dealing with messy campers and ravaging raccoons, but when three bodies wash up on the beach, they mobilize all their powers of deduction. Who are they and how did they get to the shore of Amelia Island? Are they connected to the secretive League of the Green Cross? Or linked to a mysterious Jamaican drug ring?

    Ellie, new to Amelia Island, must penetrate a close-knit community if she wants to find answers to the mystery, all while deciding between two rivals for her affection: Thad, the handsome local idol, and Simon, the clever, quirky bookworm.

    Simon, for his part, will have to call on both his well-honed research skills to solve the case and his not-so well-honed skills as a Don Juan to lure Ellie away from Thad.

    Know the Hero from Flotsam and Jetsam: the Amelia Island Affair

    Here are some fun questions to help us know your hero.

    It’s late, he’s bored. What does he do?

    That’s easy: read. There are more books in Simon’s house than dust motes. He holds some five graduate degrees and is always looking to learn more.

    What kind of food would he impulse buy if hungry?

    Well, since Simon eats only plain hamburgers and fries, that would be his first and only choice. He does claim that at one time he was a gourmand, but there’s no solid evidence of that. At one point in Flotsam and Jetsam he is under such stress that he accepts a slice of pizza, but sadly (in my opinion) removes the anchovies before eating it.

    Describe the kind of clothes he prefers to wear.

    Since he is a State Park ranger, he wears a uniform. He’s happy with that—one less decision to make. Of course, it does lead to some confusion, since Ellie also wears a ranger uniform.

    Does he know how to fix things?

    Unfortunately, he’s one of those nerds who knows all kinds of esoteric stuff but not how to fix a toilet or employ high tech machinery. Ellie has to show him how to use a baby monitor to eavesdrop on the bad guys.

    He tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.

    He kissed Ellie, and that went pretty well, until Georgia caught them and Ellie got jealous and wouldn’t speak to him. (Correction: she stopped speaking to him after she called him a louse.)

    How does he act around children he doesn’t know?

    Oh, he’s wonderful, especially with scouts. When a girl scout—acting on a dare—ends up stuck in the mud he delivers her from the jaws of an alligator in the nick of time. Or at least that’s how the other girl scouts tell it.

    What is he like first thing in the morning?

    A bit too bouncy in Ellie’s opinion. Although when he finds himself getting used to having eggs and coffee with her every morning he resists. (It’s that darn “M” word.)

    Can he use chopsticks?

    Of course! Although there’s no real need for them when you have the hamburger bun.

    Does he drink coffee? If so, how does he take it? If not, what does he drink instead?

    Black and lots of it. After the sun dips below the yardarm, beer. Like his food, he likes it plain and simple—Pabst Blue Ribbon always.

    What apps would he have on his phone?

    He wouldn’t. No need on a small island in which you know where everyone is at all times. He’s good at science (that degree in criminology) but has no use for bells and whistles.

    Android or iPhone?

    Android. He wouldn’t own an Apple product if he and it were the last things on earth.

    Beard or clean-shaven?

    Clean shaven—he likes things neat and tidy, except his house. I mean, if the house were tidied up, where would he put his books?

    Earrings/piercings/tattoos or unadorned skin?

    No artificial embellishments <he shivers>. Ellie would say he was handsome enough without, but the real reason is that after reading Ray Bradbury’s The Illustrated Man, Simon developed a phobia of tattoos.

    Personal vehicle or public transport?

    OMG, Simon’s baby is his 1966 Ford Mustang GT, with the original engine and a fully restored interior with vintage vinyl seats. Georgia claims it’s full of old magazines and books, but in fact Simon keeps it pristine. He also drives a park truck.

    Recycle or toss?

    Recycle. He’s a State Park ranger, for heaven’s sake. He picks up other people’s trash.

    Thanks for helping us get to know your hero!

    Where to buy Flotsam and Jetsam: the Amelia Island Affair

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Flotsam-Jetsam-Amelia-Island-Affair-ebook/dp/B07JKTXYJC
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/flotsam-and-jetsam-m-s-spencer/1129787048?ean=2940161601945
    iBooks https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/flotsam-and-jetsam/id1439717297?mt=11
    Kobo https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/flotsam-and-jetsam-the-amelia-island-affair
    Indigo https://www.chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/books/flotsam-and-jetsam-the-amelia/9781509223350-item.html
    Google Play https://play.google.com/store/books/details/M_S_Spencer_Flotsam_and_Jetsam_the_Amelia_Island_A?id=bFx-DwAAQBAJ
    Indie-bound https://www.indiebound.org/book/9781509223343
    Bookstrand https://www.bookstrand.com/flotsam-and-jetsam-the-amelia-island-affair
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