Know the Hero

Know the Hero includes fun questions about your hero, a cover, blurb, buy links, and author social media.

  • Know the Hero,  Science Fiction Romance

    Know the Hero from A Small Degree of Hope by Lyndi Alexander #RLFblog #SciFi #Romance

    Know the Hero from A Small Degree of Hope by Lyndi Alexander #RLFblog #SciFi #RomanceLyndi Alexander, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your hero, but first, tell us about the book.

    A Small Degree of Hope by Lyndi Alexander

    Genre: sci-fi romance
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
    Against her wealthy father’s demands, and the usual blockades of a male dominated profession, Kylie Sanderson proves worthy of her position as lead investigator of planet Andan’s Scientific and Investigative Research Taskforce. Someone is killing Andan’s women in an attempt to mutate them into reptiles. Kylie makes it her mission to discover who’s behind the murders and prevent more grotesque deaths.
    Shapeshifting lizard Griff comes to Andan to stop his brethren from mutating other planets’ women into mindless breeding stock. Overcoming Kylie’s suspicious and defensive nature proves difficult, but he must in order to help the SIRT team thwart his planet’s scientists.
    When Kylie is abducted and becomes the first human to survive the transformation, it’s up to Griff to rescue her so SIRT can restore her human form. On the run and desperate to unravel the mysteries of Kylie’s past to solve the crimes of their present, can she and Griff forge a future for themselves?

    Know the Hero from A Small Degree of Hope

    Here are some fun questions to help us know your hero.
    It’s late, he’s bored. What does he do?
    Griff would revert to his reptile form and go hunting for something to eat.
    What kind of food would he impulse buy if hungry?
    Definitely raw steak
    Describe the kind of clothes he prefers to wear.
    When he’s around humans, he tries to dress unobtrusively–a pullover shirt and jeans. In his reptile form, he finds no need for clothing.
    Does he know how to fix things?
    Yes. He’s very good at working with things–not so much, working with people.
    He tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.
    Once he’s fallen in love with Kylie, he only wants to save her. But his people want to transform her into a breeding reptile. He is only one alien against all of them, so he isn’t successful at first. He blames himself for her pain.
    How does he act around children he doesn’t know?
    He loves all small beings, human or alien. He would try to make them laugh.
    What is he like first thing in the morning?
    He’s all business, at least during the time of our story. We imagine, though, that if he could come to a time in his life where he’s not at war, he could spend time sharing heat with a mate.
    How does he act around people who don’t know what he is?
    Griff knows that his kind is the aggressor in this conflict, so he’s on guard against most humans at the time of the story. The SIRT officers would likely kill him, not knowing if he’s “one of the good ones.” So he is very low-key and cautious with humans he doesn’t know and trust.
    Will he let a worker handle things or do it himself?
    He’s a hands-on type of alien–when the only one you can count on is yourself, you need to make sure you’re safe. Fortunately he lets Kylie into his circle and they trust each other.
    Earrings/piercings/tattoos or unadorned skin?
    His natural scales are a beautiful mottled red–why decorate?
    Personal vehicle or public transport?
    Since he is on a human world instead of his own, he’s mostly on foot or with Kylie in her car.
    Recycle or toss?
    He is involved in a life or death struggle with his own people, trying to save human women–I doubt he even thinks about it. Priorities, right?
    Thanks for helping us get to know your hero!

    Where to buy A Small Degree of Hope

    Barnes and Noble

    Lyndi Alexander Social Media

    Lyndi Alexander always dreamed of faraway worlds and interesting alien contacts. She lives as a post-modern hippie in Asheville, North Carolina, a single mother of her last child of seven, a daughter on the autism spectrum, finding that every day feels a lot like first contact with a new species.
    Amazon Author Page


  • Know the Hero,  Suspense

    Know the Hero from Flotsam and Jetsam: the Amelia Island Affair by MS Spencer @msspencerauthor #RLFblog #CozyMystery

    Know the Hero from Flotsam and Jetsam: the Amelia Island Affair by MS Spencer @msspencerauthor #RLFblog #CozyMysteryMS Spencer, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your hero, but first, tell us about the book.

    Flotsam and Jetsam: the Amelia Island Affair by MS Spencer

    Genre: Cozy Mystery/Romantic Suspense

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG13

    State Park Rangers Simon Ribault and Ellie Ironstone are used to dealing with messy campers and ravaging raccoons, but when three bodies wash up on the beach, they mobilize all their powers of deduction. Who are they and how did they get to the shore of Amelia Island? Are they connected to the secretive League of the Green Cross? Or linked to a mysterious Jamaican drug ring?

    Ellie, new to Amelia Island, must penetrate a close-knit community if she wants to find answers to the mystery, all while deciding between two rivals for her affection: Thad, the handsome local idol, and Simon, the clever, quirky bookworm.

    Simon, for his part, will have to call on both his well-honed research skills to solve the case and his not-so well-honed skills as a Don Juan to lure Ellie away from Thad.

    Know the Hero from Flotsam and Jetsam: the Amelia Island Affair

    Here are some fun questions to help us know your hero.

    It’s late, he’s bored. What does he do?

    That’s easy: read. There are more books in Simon’s house than dust motes. He holds some five graduate degrees and is always looking to learn more.

    What kind of food would he impulse buy if hungry?

    Well, since Simon eats only plain hamburgers and fries, that would be his first and only choice. He does claim that at one time he was a gourmand, but there’s no solid evidence of that. At one point in Flotsam and Jetsam he is under such stress that he accepts a slice of pizza, but sadly (in my opinion) removes the anchovies before eating it.

    Describe the kind of clothes he prefers to wear.

    Since he is a State Park ranger, he wears a uniform. He’s happy with that—one less decision to make. Of course, it does lead to some confusion, since Ellie also wears a ranger uniform.

    Does he know how to fix things?

    Unfortunately, he’s one of those nerds who knows all kinds of esoteric stuff but not how to fix a toilet or employ high tech machinery. Ellie has to show him how to use a baby monitor to eavesdrop on the bad guys.

    He tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.

    He kissed Ellie, and that went pretty well, until Georgia caught them and Ellie got jealous and wouldn’t speak to him. (Correction: she stopped speaking to him after she called him a louse.)

    How does he act around children he doesn’t know?

    Oh, he’s wonderful, especially with scouts. When a girl scout—acting on a dare—ends up stuck in the mud he delivers her from the jaws of an alligator in the nick of time. Or at least that’s how the other girl scouts tell it.

    What is he like first thing in the morning?

    A bit too bouncy in Ellie’s opinion. Although when he finds himself getting used to having eggs and coffee with her every morning he resists. (It’s that darn “M” word.)

    Can he use chopsticks?

    Of course! Although there’s no real need for them when you have the hamburger bun.

    Does he drink coffee? If so, how does he take it? If not, what does he drink instead?

    Black and lots of it. After the sun dips below the yardarm, beer. Like his food, he likes it plain and simple—Pabst Blue Ribbon always.

    What apps would he have on his phone?

    He wouldn’t. No need on a small island in which you know where everyone is at all times. He’s good at science (that degree in criminology) but has no use for bells and whistles.

    Android or iPhone?

    Android. He wouldn’t own an Apple product if he and it were the last things on earth.

    Beard or clean-shaven?

    Clean shaven—he likes things neat and tidy, except his house. I mean, if the house were tidied up, where would he put his books?

    Earrings/piercings/tattoos or unadorned skin?

    No artificial embellishments <he shivers>. Ellie would say he was handsome enough without, but the real reason is that after reading Ray Bradbury’s The Illustrated Man, Simon developed a phobia of tattoos.

    Personal vehicle or public transport?

    OMG, Simon’s baby is his 1966 Ford Mustang GT, with the original engine and a fully restored interior with vintage vinyl seats. Georgia claims it’s full of old magazines and books, but in fact Simon keeps it pristine. He also drives a park truck.

    Recycle or toss?

    Recycle. He’s a State Park ranger, for heaven’s sake. He picks up other people’s trash.

    Thanks for helping us get to know your hero!

    Where to buy Flotsam and Jetsam: the Amelia Island Affair

    Barnes and Noble
    Google Play

    MS Spencer Social Media

    Linked in
    Amazon Author Page


  • Know the Hero,  Suspense

    Know the Hero from Mack the Wife by Debby Conrad@ConradDebby #RLFblog #RomanticSuspense

    Know the Hero from Mack the Wife by Debby Conrad@ConradDebby #RLFblog #RomanticSuspenseDebby Conrad, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your hero, but first, tell us about the book.

    Mack the Wife by Debby Conrad

    Genre Romantic Suspense

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): 4

    Mackenzie O’Brien believes the only way her overprotective brothers will stay out of her life and find loves of their own is if she is married and settled. When an old love returns to town, Mackenzie is anxious to see if she and Grady Sullivan can pick up where they left off.
    Grady tries to fight his attraction to Mackenzie. He wants nothing to do with the spoiled little rich girl who broke his heart years ago or her ridiculous marriage scheme. He’s a cop, living on a cop’s salary and she is way out of his league. And besides, her brothers hate him.
    But Mackenzie won’t take no for an answer—until Grady suspects one or more of her brothers may be guilty of murder. Then she has no choice but to reconsider her plans. Because when it comes to family, the O’Briens stick together, even if it means giving up on love. Or does it?
    Crystal Lake series:
    Book 1 Mack the Wife
    Book 2 Aidan’s Way
    Book 3 Chasing Connor
    Book 4 Hunter’s Reluctance
    Book 5 Blaming Owen

    Know the Hero from Mack the Wife

    Here are some fun questions to help us know your hero.
    It’s late, he’s bored. What does he do?
    Spends time with his black Labrador Retriever, Lucky.
    Describe the kind of clothes he prefers to wear.
    Jeans, t-shirts and boots. Cop’s uniform while on duty.
    Does he know how to fix things?
    Yes. In addition to being a cop he is building a home on the lake. He is very handy.
    He tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.
    Got caught “literally” with his pants down while having sex with Mackenzie when they were eighteen. Mack’s brothers have hated him ever since.
    What is he like first thing in the morning?
    A little weary. He works hard, has a lot on his plate.
    Can he use chopsticks?
    No. He’s a man’s man. Give him a shovel and he’ll show you a few moves.
    Does he drink coffee? If so, how does he take it? If not, what does he drink instead?
    Beard or clean-shaven?
    Personal vehicle or public transport?
    Personal vehicle. Black SUV.
    Thanks for helping us get to know your hero!

    Where to buy Mack the Wife

    Publisher Debby Conrad
    Barnes and Noble

    Debby Conrad Social Media

    Sexy reads with a dash of humor and a slice of suspense!
    Debby Conrad has been spinning tales since junior high school when she would force her younger sister and a few close friends to listen to her fantasies and dreams. Back then she had no idea her silly tales would end up in print, or that her later dream of becoming a novelist would come true.
    Debby lives with her husband in NW Pennsylvania, has two grown daughters, five grandchildren and a miniature Dachshund who does not like being ignored while she writes.
    As an award-winning author, with 26 published romance novels to her credit, it is always a surprise as to what she will work on next. Even she doesn’t know sometimes; not until the fingers hit the keyboard. She recently completed Love, Lies and Bow Ties, the 8th and final book in the Love, Lies and More Lies series. Other series include the Crystal Lake series, Chance at Love series and the Orchard Falls series.
    Amazon Author Page


  • Know the Hero,  Suspense

    Know the Hero from Becker Circle by Addison Brae @AddisonBrae1 #RLFblog #RomanticSuspense

    Know the Hero from Becker Circle by Addison Brae @AddisonBrae1 #RLFblog #RomanticSuspenseAddison Brae, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your hero, but first, tell us about the book.

    Becker Circle by Addison Brae

    Genre: Contemporary Romantic Suspense
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
    Gillian’s first and only boyfriend believed she was too gutless to leave. He was dead wrong. Gillian graduated Harvard early and left his hot temper and everyone else behind for Dallas. Determined to make it on her own, she lands a second job bartending at the neighborhood pub smack in drama central where most every jerk in the neighborhood hits on her—at a huge price.
    A week into the job, the neighborhood’s very popular drug dealer falls to his death a few feet from the table she’s serving. The cops say suicide, but Gillian and Jon, the hot guitar player in the house band, suspect foul play, and she intends to prove it. They dig deeper, grow closer, and make a shocking discovery. They know the murderer. Watch the trailer

    Know the Hero from Becker Circle

    Here are some fun questions to help us know your hero.
    It’s late, Jon’s bored. What does he do?
    Typically Jon walks down the street to the George & Dragon where he always finds a cold beer, good food, and someone he knows. If he feels creative, he stays home, picks up his guitar, and writes a new song.
    What kind of food would he impulse buy if hungry?
    Jon’s not picky about what type of food, but he is picky about how it’s prepared. As a bit of a chef himself, burgers have to be lean with pink in the middle and Italian dishes must be at least nearly as good as his grandmother makes. He’s always prepared to cook a gourmet breakfast.
    Describe the kind of clothes he prefers to wear.
    Jon’s best feature is the way he pulls off a look like he rolled out of bed and threw on a shirt, messy hair and all. His olive complexion and straight brown hair comes from his dad’s Italian roots. He’s in tee-shirts, sweatshirts, jeans, whatever’s comfortable—whether working with clients or onstage. Jon’s not picky about what he looks like as long as his clothes are clean and fit right.
    Does he know how to fix things?
    Jon’s talent is diffusing trouble at the bar before it gets out of hand and rescuing his friends when they’re in a bind. For anything else, he calls his apartment maintenance.
    He tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.
    Jon watches his new friend, Gillian, dig a little too deep into the drug world to prove the man they saw die did not take his own life. They agree to work together but despite his warnings, she impulsively acts on clues. She doesn’t understand that her life is at stake. Sharing more will give away too much.
    How does he act around children he doesn’t know?
    He owns his own web design business, plays in a band, and lives in a community full of single people. The only kids Jon sees are those who stay with their parents on the weekends in the apartment community.
    What is he like first thing in the morning?
    Jon pulls off a very sexy just-rolled-out-of-bed look with tussled hair and a slightly wrinkled tee-shirt all the time without trying.
    Can he use chopsticks?
    Jon can use chopsticks in a crunch. He’d choose pizza, manicotti, or any Italian food over Asian most of the time.
    Does he drink coffee? If so, how does he take it? If not, what does he drink instead?
    Jon enjoys a large coffee with half-and-half in the morning, another thing he and Gillian have in common.
    What apps would he have on his phone?
    For Jon’s music life, he uses a metronome, tuner, all the music apps, and ride services to call for his friends when they’re in a bind. For work, he has website building apps as well as those for illustrating, editing photos, image sources, and file share for work and gig set lists.
    Android or iPhone?
    Beard or clean-shaven?
    Facial hair makes him itch.
    Earrings/piercings/tattoos or unadorned skin?
    His dad was a cop and encouraged him not to go the pierce or tattoo route. When his dad was killed in the line of duty, Jon promised himself he never would.
    Personal vehicle or public transport?
    Jon’s usually loaded down with guitars and amps, which doesn’t work well with trains and buses. He drives a red pickup truck with a treasured blue bandana hanging from the rearview. One of the Eagles band members threw it off the stage at a concert he went to with his dad.
    Recycle or toss?
    Toss. In the apartment living world, recycling isn’t available.
    Thanks for helping us get to know your hero!

    Where to buy Becker Circle

    Amazon **$0.99 THROUGH MARCH 17 to celebrate the book’s first birthday**
    Barnes and Noble

    Addison Brae Social Media

    Addison Brae lives in Dallas, Texas on the edge of downtown. As a child, she was constantly in trouble for hiding under the bed to read when she was supposed to be napping. She has been writing since childhood starting with diaries, letters and short stories. She continues today with articles, video scripts and other content as an independent marketing consultant. When she’s not writing, Addison spends her time traveling the world, collecting interesting cocktail recipes and hosting parties. She’s still addicted to reading and enjoys jogging in her neighborhood park, sipping red wine, binge-watching TV series, vintage clothing and hanging out with her artistic other half and their neurotic cat Lucy.
    Amazon Author Page


  • Know the Hero,  Regency

    Know the Hero from A Leap Into Love by Alina K Field @AlinaKField #RLFblog #RegencyRomance

    Know the Hero from A Leap Into Love by Alina K Field @AlinaKField #RLFblog #RegencyRomanceAlina K Field, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your hero, but first, tell us about the book.

    A Leap Into Love by Alina K Field

    Genre Regency Romance
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG
    Can a gentleman be too charming? The ladies of Upper Upton think so.And it’s almost Leap Day, when a man who refuses a lady’s proposal of marriage must offer a forfeit.
    When the single ladies of the village conspire to teach their charmer a lesson that might bankrupt him, the town’s loveliest young widow steps up to warn him.
    His secrets and hers make them a perfect match—and she’s the lady he wants. But she won’t accept his proposal, not even to rescue him.
    As Leap Day approaches, the clock is ticking. Can he convince her in time to say yes to his offer and take a leap into love?

    Know the Hero from A Leap Into Love

    Here are some fun questions to help us know your hero.
    It’s late, he’s bored. What does he do?
    As an innkeeper with a small son to keep after, he’s seldom bored. There are always chores to be seen to and inn guests to tend to. Plus, Alexander Grant has never met the stranger he can’t strike up a pleasant chat with to while away the time.
    What kind of food would he impulse buy if hungry?
    A delicious meat pasty.
    Describe the kind of clothes he prefers to wear.
    He very much misses his regimentals, but having sold out some years ago, he prefers to be well-dressed in proper but sturdy coats and a simply tied neck cloth.
    Does he know how to fix things?
    He’s quite handy around the inn.
    He tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.
    It was a difficult day when his plan to save his young son’s future went awry and his father disowned him. But that was many years past, and he’s made his own way in the world, providing his young boy with a good home.
    How does he act around children he doesn’t know?
    He’s firm, and fair, and always willing to chat with them.
    What is he like first thing in the morning?
    Cheerful. Alexander is always cheerful.
    How does he handle things when in a “proper” social situation?
    As an officer and a gentleman, he knows perfectly well how to conduct himself among the quality.
    Valet or takes care of himself?
    He left his batman on the Peninsula when he sold out and returned home. He’s had no valet since.
    Necktie/cravat or open shirt?
    A properly tied neck cloth.
    Sleeves buttoned or rolled up?
    When he’s working the taps, he rolls up his sleeves.
    Powdered wig or natural hair?
    Natural hair.
    Carriage or horseback?
    His days of riding the countryside on a fine mount are mostly behind him. Within the village, he walks, unless he’s freighting supplies and goods, and then he travels by wagon.
    Thanks for helping us get to know your hero!

    Where to buy A Leap Into Love


    Alina K Field Social Media

    Award winning author Alina K Field earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree in English and German literature, but her true passion is the much happier world of romance fiction. Though her roots are in the Midwestern U.S., after six very, very, very cold years in Chicago, she moved to Southern California and hasn’t looked back. She shares a midcentury home with her husband, her spunky, blonde, rescued terrier, and the blue-eyed cat who conned his way in for dinner one day and decided the food was too good to leave.
    She is the author of several Regency romances, including the 2014 Book Buyer’s Best winner, Rosalyn’s Ring. She is hard at work on her next series of Regency romances, but loves to hear from readers!
    Amazon Author Page


  • Historical,  Know the Hero

    Know the Hero from Destiny’s Secrets by Kara O’Neal @KaraONealAuthor #RLFblog #HistoricalRomance

    Know the Hero from Destiny's Secrets by Kara O'Neal @KaraONealAuthor #RLFblog #HistoricalRomanceKara O’Neal, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your hero, but first, tell us about the book.

    Destiny’s Secrets by Kara O’Neal

    Genre Historical Romance
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG-13
    Andrew and Ben Lonnigan, brothers and private investigators, have accepted an important case—to reunite the long-lost DuBois daughters with their rightful inheritance. Abducted from their childhood home in New Orleans when they were three and two-years-old, Jo and Charlotte were adopted by separate families.
    Andrew heads north to find Josephine Tatum—a pants-wearing, spitfire veterinarian who challenges his mind and captures his heart. Ben travels south to find Charlotte Ryan—the financial mind behind her father’s ranch, with a sweet disposition and, unfortunately, a fiancé.
    As the sisters journey toward destiny, Charlotte must guard her heart against Ben, a man too daring to ever return her love. And Andrew must hide his feelings from Jo, a woman determined to carve her own path. While the foursome battle feelings, they must also war with a villain from the sisters’ past, one with the will and the means to destroy everything the DuBois daughters hold dear

    Know the Hero from Destiny’s Secrets

    Here are some fun questions to help us know your hero.
    It’s late, he’s bored. What does he do?
    Andrew Lonnigan would play chess.
    What kind of food would he impulse buy if hungry?
    Lemon drops
    Describe the kind of clothes he prefers to wear.
    Ones that don’t need a lot of ironing. No fuss. So denim pants and cotton shirts.
    Does he know how to fix things?
    YES. He can fix anything.
    He tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.
    He probably tried to pull a prank on his older brother, Conner, who happens to be the sheriff. I bet he thought it would be funny to sketch a “Wanted” poster that looked like Conner and then sent it to the sheriff in Liberty, which is about 20 miles from where Andrew and Conner live. And I’m pretty sure the sheriff in Liberty put two and two together and turned around and pulled a prank on Andrew by arresting Conner. Yeah, I bet that happened. Ha! Hilarious!
    How does he act around children he doesn’t know?
    He would be calm and kind and accommodating. And he wouldn’t approach them in an abrupt way because he wouldn’t want to scare them.
    What is he like first thing in the morning?
    Very quiet. Methodical. He would go through his routine without fuss.
    How does he handle things when in a “proper” social situation?
    Carefully. He wouldn’t hide in the corner, but he definitely wouldn’t be the center of attention.
    Valet or takes care of himself?
    Takes care of himself. Always.
    Necktie/cravat or open shirt?
    Necktie. But only on special occasions.
    Sleeves buttoned or rolled up?
    Powdered wig or natural hair?
    Natural hair.
    Carriage or horseback?
    Thanks for helping us get to know your hero!

    Where to buy Destiny’s Secrets by Kara O’Neal

    Barnes and Noble

    Kara O’Neal Social Media

    Kara O’Neal loves books. A lot. Her favorites have happy endings, hunky heroes and spunky heroines. And when it comes to romance, true love is a must! In her books readers are guaranteed all of the above, plus a little suspense.
    Kara lives in Texas with her husband who patiently helps her with research, and her three children who sweetly manage their mother’s absent-mindedness. She loves to cook, to spend time with her family, but hates making shopping lists and refuses to succumb to the chore. (Even though she has to return to the store multiple times.)
    All of her stories come from the hearts of her characters. The strong family bonds found in her books are inspired by the interactions she has with her own family. She values the ties that bind her to home and the faith found in God.
    Amazon Author Page