Character Interviews

Interviews with a character from a book

  • Character Interviews

    Character Interview: Tunney Nichols (Jean Joachim)

    Today on Romance Lives Forever we’re featuring a character
    interview with one of Jean Joachim’s heroes, Tunney Nichols of The Renovated
    Jean’s allowing him to be interviewed by Adora Smutz, so we’ll step out
    of the way and let her take over!

    The Renovated Heart.

    I’m lucky today to have Tunney Nichols, hero of The
    Renovated Heart here with me for an interview. Leave a comment with your email
    address and Tunney will select a name at random to win a copy of “The Renovated
    Heart.” Sit in that chair over there, Tunney, would you like some coffee? *Jean
    pours coffee*. First question.
    Are you upset your
    name is not in the title?
    No, not really. The house I grew up in is on the cover, so
    I’m happy. I’m not that egotistical, no matter what that crazy lady
    interviewer, Adora Smutz, might be telling you.
    Is your love interest
    the way you pictured her? Or would you have preferred someone with a different
    hair color?
    Are you kidding? Better. Kit is better than I could have
    imagined. Her beautiful hair, shining in the moonlight, her big…soft…round…fits
    so well. *blushes*. She’s perfect, Jean. Good job, I wouldn’t change a thing,
    even that little beauty mark on the inside of her left thigh. Hey, did I just
    say that? *Puts his hand over his eyes.*
    Sunny Days,
    Moonlit Nights
    Do you have any
    annoying habits your author did not share with us in your book?
    Yes, I do and I’ll be damned if I’m going to share those
    with the world here! I’m not stupid.
    Any hobbies we might
    be interested in knowing about?
    Nope, just lovin’ my beautiful woman. ‘Spose that’s more of
    a regular activity than a hobby. Tunney snickered.
    Are you happy with
    the profession your author chose for you or would you rather be working at
    something totally different and why?
    I love building. Almost as much as I love Kit. Like
    reclaiming and saving old things, like my house…and my life! *laughs*
    Would you like to be
    taller, blonder, thinner, or smarter than you have been portrayed?
    Nah. Jean caught the sexy beast in me just right! Not that
    I’m bragging or anything. But Kit seems happy with me. That’s enough for me.
    The Marriage List
    Now for a personal
    question. Is there enough sex in the book for you? Would you have liked more?
    Hey, show me a guy who says he wouldn’t like more and I’ll
    show you a liar! If she had put any more in the book, it would have crossed
    over from steamy to erotic. Kit and I like to keep some things to ourselves. *wiggles
    his eyebrows*
    Did you author handle your “love” scenes the way you like or
    was she too explicit or not explicit enough?
    I’m okay with her descriptions. Did I say that okay, Jean?
    Is you’re heroine a
    good kisser?
    Kit? Oh the best. She’s great in the sack…wait. I think I’m
    not supposed to say that. Don’t tell Kit, okay? *whispers*
    Are you happy with
    the setting? Did you want a bigger house or car?
    I love that old house but I could have used a fancy sports
    car. Win some, lose some.
    Now and Forever 1
    How many re-writes
    did you have to live through?
    Jean made me promise not to tell. And I’m expecting a
    hundred bucks in my bank account by tomorrow, Jean. *winks*
    Did your author
    listen to you when you tried to redirect her?
    Jean didn’t need direction from me. Is that the way you
    wanted me to say that, Jean?
    Did your story end
    too soon?
    My story will never end. My fairy tale with Kit will last
    Who was your favorite
    supporting character?
    Zoe was. The kid’s got guts.
    Did you fight much
    with your author or did you two see eye-to-eye?
    Now and Forever2
    No one fights with Jean and gets away with it. Oops, is that
    TMI? Seriously, she wrote me just the way I am. Turns out that for a writer,
    she’s a pretty good listener, too.
    A bit about the Renovated House
    Can a broken heart be renovated like an old house? Kit’s
    life came to a halt when her husband slapped her with a divorce. Finding
    herself without a job or a place to live, she’s forced to take Tunney Nichols up
    on his offer of cheap rent for his parent’s house. The catch: she must allow
    him to renovate while she’s living there. Out of fear, Kit tells a lie she soon
    regrets as she is drawn to the sexy man plastering and painting his way into
    her heart.
    Now and Forever3
    Can Sarah forget the abuse from her late husband? Can she
    fix her heart and the hearts of her children? With her two children in tow,
    Sarah relocates to be near her sister, she meets Jim, a neighbor and English
    professor. A mutual interest in writing, paves the way for a friendship that blossoms
    into romance. But is Jim the right man for Sarah or does another man from her
    past still light her fire?
    Find the eBook here
    (paperback coming in a couple of months):
    Barnes & Noble:
    Stop by Jean’s Facebook page for latest news of her books.
  • Character Interviews

    Character Interview: Dante from Dante’s Flame

    Dante’s Flame.
    Janine, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. Tell us about
    your latest book, including its genre. Does it cross over to other genres? If
    so, what are they?
    FLAME is a medieval set in Naples, Italy, during the political struggle between the
    French and Spanish kings for control over Naples.
    Dante Santangelo sides with the French and is watching the Valente family for
    signs of Spanish loyalties. Alessandra Podesta is sent to Naples by her parents to get her out of the
    “tempting” Venetian environment, hoping it will stop the illicit tales she
    writes. She lives with her cousins, the Valentes. Dante thinks she was sent
    there to aid the Spanish king. She gets caught up in the politically tense
    situation while looking for adventure to write about. Her curious nature
    befuddles Dante and nearly gets Alessandra killed. She’s a firecracker, and
    he’s very intelligent, serious. Needless to say, they don’t see eye-to-eye.
    What is the single most important part of writing for
    Research. Because I write historicals, it’s imperative to
    know about the location and time of the story. During the research process, I
    usually discover reasons for conflict between the hero and heroine. Without
    becoming aware of 15th century Naples,
    I wouldn’t have known about the political war. Or about the people and their
    superstitions. All of which factor into the story.
    What do you enjoy most about life?
    1) Spending time with my husband of 40 years; 2) Being a
    grandma, or Nonna, as my 6 grandkids call me. I enjoy all of them, even the one
    who is more stubborn than his mother was, lol. 3) Besides my grandchildren, I
    enjoy my dogs and wish I could have more than just three. Dogs are refreshing,
    loyal, loving. 4) During the summer, I love getting outside and tending to my
    gardens, both floral and vegetable. The string beans, peppers, tomatoes,
    zucchini, fingerling potatoes, and everything else I grow tastes a whole lot
    better than what I buy in stores. 5) I love watching soccer, particularly the
    Serie A, which is Italy’s
    top-flight league. And, of course, I love the Italian national team. My
    youngest daughter began playing soccer nearly 32 years ago when she was four.
    She never looked back, and my husband and I were so proud of her accomplishments
    on and off the field. LOL, I had a difficult time watching her play. She’s a
    goalkeeper (she still plays), and that always made, and still makes, me
    What did you learn from writing your first book? 
    The first book I wrote was in 1980, or there about. I was so
    new to writing and broke every rule in the book. It was such a learning
    experience. At the time, I didn’t belong to RWA, which I joined in 1996. That
    first book, though, made me realize how difficult writing a novel really is. I
    probably would have ended my career there if I hadn’t received good rejections
    from editors and agents. Encouraging rejections. And the wonderful support of
    Would you consider self publishing?
    Yes, I’d love to self-publish. I might one day, but I’m so
    inept with the tech. side of the computer. I can’t even figure out Facebook or
    a blog I started that has only a name to it. It’s mind-boggling to me. I’ve
    taken classes, yet I still cannot figure them out! Twitter, too. But
    self-publishing will give me a chance to have control over every aspect of my
    book. There’s the potential to make a good living selling on my own. Right now,
    I don’t have a manuscript ready to self-publish.
    If you could give the younger version of yourself advice
    what would it be?
    It would be the same as I give all writers, whether starting
    out or advanced: Don’t give up! That was one of the hardest lessons I learned.
    Had I given up, I would have never published and likely would have always
    wondered if I might have achieved that goal.
    Also, read, read, read! Which I did. The only regret I have
    is not finding RWA 10 or so years sooner. The organization opened an entire
    world of insight to the craft, the one thing a writer should never stop
    Lily and the Falcon
    If I was a first time reader of your books, which one
    would you recommend I start with and why?
    REBEL HEART. There is something about this book and the
    hero, Beau Hamilton, that has been my favorite ever since I wrote it in the
    80s. He’s irascible, gruff, but underneath it all, there is a man with a soft
    heart for the heroine and others who are important to him. But she drags him
    kicking and screaming all the way to the end before he finally admits he loves
    her. You’ll see his transformation in small degrees, and you’ll understand why
    when you learn his backstory.
    What do you hope readers take with them after reading your work?
    I hope they see that love does conquer all, that it can be
    quick or slow-building, and with an unlikely person. I think you have to
    believe in the power of love, and I hope my stories convey that.
    A biography has been written about you. What do you think
    the title would be in six words or less?
    I posed this question to my family, and they agreed on:
    Proud, Passionate…and Italian
    If money were not an object, where would you most like to
    of course! I’m not sure what city, but more than likely Rome
    or Milan. My
    favorite soccer team is A.C. Milan. Roma is my second favorite. Plus I’d love
    to live among the history and the medieval feel of thecities. The one time I
    visited Italy,
    I fell in love with the atmosphere and the way of life as well as the ancient
    and medieval architecture.
    Picture yourself as a store. Considering your personality
    and lifestyle, what type of products would be sold there?
    Books, music, Italian and soccer related things, anything
    for and about dogs. I’d also have a café in my store that served Italian drinks
    and pastries. It would be very eclectic but it would be warm and inviting.
    As a child, what was your favorite thing about school?
    I looked forward to writing papers. I think writing novels
    stemmed from that early desire.
    If you came with a warning label, what would it say?
    “Open carefully. Contents under pressure.” Admittedly, I
    have a temper, and it doesn’t take much to set me off, especially if I see an
    injustice being done.
    Please Fill in the Blanks
    I love pizza with cheese and pepperoni.
    I’m always ready for watching Italian soccer.
    When I’m alone, I listen to music and dance around the
    You’d never be able to tell, but I’m Italian. (blonde
    hair and blue eyes fool everyone).
    If I had a halo it would be an angel’s halo with the
    devil’s horns attached
    Surrender to Honor
    If I could become a billionaire I’d help all the
    homeless animals in the world
    I can never travel far from home because I’m
    afraid to fly

    Character Interview

    Tell us about the main character in your current book.
    What is he like?
    Dante Santangelo is a highly educated, intelligent man with
    a secret he hides until the very end. He was born in Naples
    but left at an early age and grew up in Provence.
    His eyes are a captivating blue/violet. He teaches Latin and French at the University of Naples and speaks four languages. Dante
    is fairly easy-going but can get intense over injustices to human or animal. On
    the surface he seems to be quiet, agreeable. But beneath the surface, his
    seldom lost ire lurks.
    If your main character was here today, what would he say
    is his strongest point?
    His patience.
    Does he think he has a weakness? (If so, what does he
    think it is? What does his lover think it is? What does his enemy think it is?)
    Alessandra is his weakness. She constantly tries his
    patience. A man can only take so much!
    What drives your hero to do the things he does? What
    makes him want to be the “good guy?”
    Dante lived a privileged life, but his mother and father
    wouldn’t let him forget that their wealth and lifestyle could be taken away in
    a heartbeat. He was taught to help others, treat women with respect, and to be
    open-minded. His parents had a strong influence in his life. They’re responsible
    for the man he became. But don’t let that fool you. He is by no means a Beta
    What’s your main character’s favorite guilty pleasure?
    Besides the heroine, lol? Sugared almonds from Rome.

    Answered as Dante Santangelo:

    If you didn’t know how old you were how old would you be?
    Judging by my maturity, knowledge and wisdom, I would
    probably be in my mid- to late 30s.
    A biography has been written about you. What do you think
    the title would be in six words or less?
    The French-Italian Connection.
    If money were not an object, where would you most like to
    Most likely Naples or Northern Italy.
    As a child, what was your favorite thing about school?
    The pranks I pulled. My teachers did not have a sense of
    If you came with a warning label, what would it say?
    Do not provoke. Volatile beneath the surface and may cause
    physical pain.

    Please Fill in the Blanks (as the character)

    I love sweet cakes with thick cream filling.
    I’m always ready for making love to my wife.
    When I’m alone, I’m pensive.
    You’d never be able to tell, but I do know how to have
    fun. I’m not always so serious
    If I had a halo it would be fairly
    straight because of my kind-hearted nature
    If I could have the power I’d end the conflict
    between countries.
    I can never figure out my wife because she lacks
    fear and has a strong sense of adventure

    About the Author

    Jannine Corti Petska was born in New
    York but raised in Southern California.
    Her parents’ first language was Italian, and Jannine was raised in an Old World environment. She began writing romance novels
    when her three daughters were young and she was a stay-at-home mom.
    In-between writing and caring for her family, she tutored Italian, Spanish,
    German, and English as a Second Language at a local college. Although she loves
    placing her stories in medieval Italy,
    she has also written romantic tales of the cowboy in the American West. Jannine
    lives in Southern California with her husband
    of 40 years and three high-energy Rat Terriers. To find out more about Jannine,
    please visit her website.


    Blurb, DANTE’S FLAME

    Alessandra Podesta writes illicit tales unsuitable for a
    young lady. Exasperated, her father sends her to visit relatives in Naples to curb her wild
    imagination. But in her undying need for adventure, she toys with the
    affections of her tutor and is forced to marry him. When she unknowingly falls
    into a dangerous game of supremacy between two countries, she trusts the wrong
    people and endangers her life.
    French tutor Dante Santangelo is secretly aiding the French
    in maintaining their rule over Naples.
    When he is manipulated into marrying the visiting cousin of the Valente Family,
    he seizes upon the perfect opportunity to infiltrate the family, who are under
    suspicion of helping the Spanish. When Alessandra’s life is in jeopardy Dante
    must choose between love and duty. Will he offer up his life to save
    Alessandra? Or remain duty-bound to the French?

    Buy Links:

    The Wild Rose Press
    REBEL HEART, American western
    CARINA AND THE NOBLEMAN, book 1 of my medieval psychic
    sisters trilogy
    CHARLOTTE AND THE GYPSY, book 2 of my medieval psychic
    sisters trilogy
    LOVE’S SWEET WAGER, love along the California Trail
    THE LILY AND THE FALCON, book 1 of my Italian Medieval
    SURRENDER TO HONOR, book 2 of my Italian Medieval series
    DANTE’S FLAME, book 3 of my Italian Medieval series
    Short stories, both Medievals set in Italy
    Books Coming Soon
    MINE TO KEEP, release date Aug. 15, 2012
    Janine Corti Petska


    I will give away an e-copy of DANTE’S FLAME to one lucky

    Find Me Here

    Blog: No time for one.
  • Character Interviews

    Character Interview: Steve from Action

    Action by Liz Borino.

    Welcome to Romance Lives Forever, Liz. Tell us about your new

    Book title: Action
    Author: Liz Borino
    Genre: Gay Romance
    Buy links: Amazon AllRomance
    Publisher: Lazy Day
    Length (words): 38,000
    Heat rating: R
    Blurb: When the bright lights and flashing cameras of Hollywood capture your
    every move, how can you fulfill your deepest desires? For Zack Greene, a
    formerly out-of-control actor, and Steve Michaels, the director who unearthed
    the heart of the man beneath the ego, it’s a constant struggle.
    In public, Steve and Zack are the picture of professional
    partners. However, behind closed doors, their partnership is taken to a new
    level. They engage in a carefully constructed Dom/sub relationship that not
    only brings them pleasure, but keeps Zack from slipping back into his wild
    Their delicate balance is thrown askew when a producer on
    the show threatens to expose their lifestyle, while taking advantage of Zack in
    a moment of vulnerability. Will Steve be able to ease the pain and save the
    love they share? Or will they come apart when they need each other most?
    Warning: Light
    BDSM, D/s relationship, spanking, and hot m/m sex
    What are your main
    characters’ names?
    Zack Greene- 28, lead actor on Ben’s Life sitcom
    Steve Michaels- 31, director of Ben’s Life


    Tell us about the
    main character in your current book. What is he like?
    Steve Michaels is a director on Ben’s Life. He likes good
    food, his job, hiking, and his cat, Timmy. However, he loves his family,
    including his boyfriend, and sub, Zack Greene.
    If your main character
    was here today, what would he say is his strongest point?
    His ability to exert loving control in all he does.
    Does he think he has
    a weakness? (If so, what does he think it is? What does his lover think it is?
    What does his enemy think it is?)
    Steve would say his weakness is the inability to be around
    large groups of people for long periods of time, which is problematic in the
    entertainment industry. Zack adores Steve and honestly has a difficult time
    finding fault with him. He would probably wish Steve felt more comfortable
    letting his guard down, oh and put the clean clothes away instead of leaving
    them in the dryer. Rich, the producer who tries to screw things up, and Steve’s
    enemy, complains that Steve is a weak Dom. He believes Steve needs to be harder
    on Zack.
    What drives your hero
    to do the things he does? What makes him want to be the “good guy?”
    Steve was raised in a military household, until his father
    died when he was 12. At that young age, Steve had to take control of the house
    and help out his mother while she fell apart. This contributed to his sense of
    right and wrong—and his dominate nature.
    What’s your main
    character’s favorite guilty pleasure?
    Vanilla ice cream with chocolate sauce and a cherry.

    Answered as the main character:

    If you were a tool, what would people use you to do?
    Sandpaper. It makes everything smooth, essentially better.
    Picture yourself as a store. Considering your personality
    and lifestyle, what type of products would be sold there?
    Movie store. I’d make sure to stock indie films as well as
    the big names because we all have to start somewhere.
    Tell us an
    embarrassing story that has to do with a pet. If you have no pets, a story
    about a significant other will do. ^_^
    How about I combine them? Zack talked about wanting pets
    from the moment we moved in together. And I’m a sucker for his blue eyes,
    especially when he begs, but I knew we worked too much for a dog. So, one day I
    sent him to get something at a store completely out of the way. I made it
    absolutely clear the product could only be found there. No, he wasn’t happy
    with me. I did it, though, because I found an ad for kittens from a local cat.
    The owner of the cat came over and let me pick from the litter. After checking
    out medical records for each, I picked chose Timmy, a stubborn and loving
    kitten his expressive blue eyes. I really like that combination. Anyway, in the
    process of setting him up in the garage to surprise Zack, Timmy peed—all over
    the front of my jeans. Wouldn’t be so much of an issue had Zack not been
    pulling into the garage at that exact moment. He jumped out of the car and
    found me holding Timmy and said, “Where did he come from?”
    “I don’t know,” I responded, “I found him here when I came
    looking for food in this fridge.”
    Zack smiled and pet the cat, then noticed my jeans. “What
    happened to you?”
    “The cat must be scared.”
    My brat of a boyfriend then took the kitten from me and
    cuddled him. “Stop blaming this precious kitten for your control issues. Why
    don’t you change so we can decide what to do?” I swear that cat laughed at me
    as I walked away. Zack still believes I have no idea how Timmy got there. And
    that pretty well describes my relationship with both of them.

    Please Fill in the Blanks (as the character)

    I love pizza* with pineapple.
    I’m always ready for cuddling.
    When I’m alone, I think too much.
    You’d never be able to tell, but I need my boyfriend as
    much as he needs me
    If I had a halo it would be made
    of fire and ice
    If I could fly I’d never drive in LA traffic again.
    I can never administer pain without pleasure because
    I love Zack too much.

    Author Bio

    Liz Bornio
    Liz Borino is the author of
    the Taylor Twins series, including Expectations, What Money Can’t Buy, and
    Gifts from the Past and Ben’s Life series, beginning with Action. She lives
    behind her computer screen, currently stationed in some irrelevant small town
    in Pennsylvania.
    When she leaves her computer, Liz loves to spend time in cities around the
    world, particularly New York and London.
    She’s the quiet one with
    Snapple or green tea, at the local Starbucks, until someone threatens human
    rights within her earshot. Should you be around when that happens, take a step
    back and wait for the storm to pass. Her two pet causes are women and gay
    rights. Why? Because contrary to popular opinion, and current legislation, they’re
    people, too.
    Liz believes her best
    training in the craft of fiction came from her Public Relations undergraduate
    degree. Now, when she isn’t writing or editing erotic romance novels, she’s applying
    literary theories to the classics in pursuit of a master’s in English.


    Taylor Twins: Expectations,
    What Money Can’t Buy, and Gifts from the Past
    Ben’s Life: Action

    Books Coming Soon

    Ben’s Life: Cutaway,
    That’s a Wrap and the prequel (only
    available in the forthcoming print edition) Casting.

    Find Liz Online


  • Character Interviews

    Brothers in Arms: Character Interviews Kendall McKenna

    Brothers in Arms 

    Today I have a special treat: two interviews by the heroes of Brothers in Arms by Kendall McKenna. I’m turning the blog over to her. Take it away, Kendall!

    – – –

    I’ve written a story called Brothers In Arms. It’s not your
    typical m/m erotic romance, in that it’s pretty heavy on plot, action and
    mystery. There’s a romance, to be sure. And the times the guys do get together,
    it’s scorching! The two main characters are Jonah Carver and Kellan Reynolds.
    Jonah is an active duty Recon Marine. Kellan used to be Jonah’s platoon
    commander in the beginning of the war in Iraq. They’re a couple of smart,
    competent bad-asses.
    As if serving in combat together wasn’t enough, these two
    found themselves at the center of an international mystery that they had to
    resolve, while staying alive, and rekindling their romance. When the bad guys
    made the mistake of snatching Kellan, you can imagine Jonah’s reaction.
    First, I’d like to introduce you to each of the guys in
    turn, and then let them answer some questions in their own voices. I think
    you’ll find Kellan a little more forthcoming than Jonah, but that’s just how
    Jonah is.

    Kellan Reynolds: CEO, author, retired Recon Marine Corps

    What is Kellan like?
    Kellan is an intellectual man of action. He’s thoughtful and
    methodical, but when the situation calls for action, he doesn’t hesitate. He’s
    ambitious, and focused, not afraid to actively pursue what he wants. Kellan
    belongs in a bygone era. He believes in, and actually lives by, words such as
    duty, honor, and integrity. Kellan is charismatic, very much a natural leader. He’s
    got a sense of humor he keeps under wraps, except with those closest to him,
    namely Jonah.
    What would Kellan say is his strongest point?
    His intellect. Kellan believes his ability to think through
    issues is his biggest strength. He’d even go so far as to say he’s able to
    think his way through the opposing side of an issue.
    Does Kellan think he has a weakness?
    Yes. He believes his weakness is his tendency to worry about
    his public image. But, if you catch him in a weak moment, he’ll jokingly tell
    you that his only weakness is Jonah.
    What does Jonah think Kellan’s weakness is?
    Jonah thinks Kellan is damn hear perfect. If pressed, he’ll
    tell you that if Kellan has a weakness, it’s that he’s too careful, that he
    doesn’t push back as soon as he should, when someone pushes him.
    What drives Kellan to do the things he does? What
    makes him want to be the “good guy?”
    The thing to understand about Kellan is that, he is the
    “good guy”. He truly believes it’s his duty to do the right thing. It would
    never occur to him to do anything else, or anything less.
    What’s your main character’s favorite guilty pleasure?
    Sex with Jonah.

    Now, I’d like to ask Kellan some questions, directly. Let’s
    get his take on a few things.

    A biography has been written about you. What do you
    think the title would be in six words or less?
    I’ve already written it. It’s called ‘Brotherhood of
    If money were not an object, where would you most like
    to live?
    Wherever Jonah would want to live. I know he likes Southern
    California for the surfing, but Hawaii
    is even better for the kinds of outdoor sports he enjoys.
    If you were a tool, what would people use you to do?
    I’d be a measuring tape. People would use me to ensure
    everything fits the way it’s supposed to.
    As a child, what was your favorite thing about school?
    English class. English Lit. English Composition. Anything to
    do with reading and language.
    If you came with a warning label, what would it say?
    I don’t need a warning label. I’m pretty user friendly.
    I love pizza with everything but anchovies.
    I’m always ready for the unexpected.
    When I’m alone, I text Jonah.
    You’d never be able to tell, but sometimes I miss being a
    If I had a halo it would be stuffed
    in a drawer under my socks.
    If I could fly I’d take Jonah someplace he’s
    always wanted to go.

    Next, I’d like to introduce you to Gunnery Sergeant Jonah
    Carver: Recon Marine.

    What is Jonah like?
    Jonah is a prickly son-of-a-bitch. He’s extremely smart and
    extraordinarily competent. He does not suffer fools gladly. He’s got a biting
    wit. He’s so good at being a Marine, he inspires awe in many, and intimidates
    others. And he could give a damn. He’s not overly social, but when engaged, is
    quite humorous.
    What would Jonah say is his strongest point?
    Jonah believes his strongest point is that he is the best
    damn Marine he can possibly be.
    Does Jonah think he has a weakness?
    Not that he would admit to out loud. If you catch him in a
    weak moment, he might admit that Kellan is his only weakness.
    What does Kellan think Jonah’s weakness is?
    His dislike of other people. Kellan sometimes wishes Jonah
    wouldn’t be quite so stand-offish, and would cut others some slack.
    What drives Jonah to do the things he does? What makes
    him want to be the “good guy?”
    Jonah is a Marine. Semper Fidelis. As far as Jonah is
    concerned, there is no other way for him to be.
    What’s your main character’s favorite guilty pleasure?
    80’s music. Tech gadgets. Kellan.

    Now it’s time to ask Jonah a few questions, and get his
    unique take on things.

    A biography has been written about you. What do you
    think the title would be in six words or less?
    He Hated Incompetent People
    If money were not an object, where would you most like
    to live?
    New Zealand.
    Anywhere the sun and the surfing is good. Kellan can’t be out of D.C. for very
    long or he starts to get twitchy, so, I’d probably have to settle for Miami. Just so we could
    be on the east coast.
    If you were a tool, what would people use you to do?
    I am not a tool. I am a weapon. The right weapon for the
    As a child, what was your favorite thing about school?
    The first day of summer vacation.
    If you came with a warning label, what would it say?
    Stupid people will be shot on sight.

    Please Fill in the Blanks (as the character)

    I love pizza with beer.
    I’m always ready for sex.
    When I’m alone, I text Kellan.
    You’d never be able to tell, but if you can’t tell, why
    would I tell you? I lose the advantage that way.
    If I had a halo it would be something
    my niece made for me from construction paper and glitter. Doesn’t mean I’d wear
    If I could fly I’d take Kellan anywhere he wanted
    to go.

    About the Author

    Kendall McKenna’s first work of fiction was written at the
    worldly age of nine, and was a transformative work that expanded on the story
    told in a popular song of the time. She tried her hand at vampire and cowboy
    fiction, winning high school poetry and short story contests along the way. It
    wasn’t until she discovered the world of m/m erotic fiction and found her
    stride with cops, Marines and muscle cars, that she felt inspired to share her
    stories with readers who enjoy the same things. Kendall was born and raised in Southern California, where she still lives and works. A
    non-conventional relationship has kept her happy for the last decade. Her four
    dogs enjoy it when she writes, as she sits still long enough for them to curl
    up around her.

    Books Coming Soon

    Waves Break My Fall

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