Do It Write

An inside look at author writing spaces

  • African American,  Do It Write

    Do It Write: Where Lyndell Williams writes @laylawriteslove #RLFblog #contemporaryromance

    Do It Write: Where Lyndell Williams writes @laylawriteslove #RLFblog #contemporaryromanceLyndell Williams, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Before we talk about your office, please tell us about your latest book.

    My Way to You by Lyndell Williams

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
    Lawyer Simon Young is smart, confident, and adept at keeping things with women casual–until he meets his best friend Marcus’s sister, Regina. Immediately intrigued by Regina’s beauty, Simon becomes increasingly enthralled and ultimately risks his friendship to have her for himself.
    Social justice writer and activist Regina Kent is usually cautious and savvy. Yet, unable to resist her attraction to the handsome Simon, she plunges into a torrid affair, knowing that she chances angering big brother and her less tolerant followers, many of whom will not accept that one of their most popular pro-Black bloggers is dating an Asian man.
    As their clandestine romance evolves, Simon and Regina fall deeper in love. Making sure that things stay between them becomes progressively impossible, and neither knows how much longer they can keep Marcus in the dark and the world at bay.
    How long have you been writing?
    I’ve been writing in varying capacities since I started writing for my college newsletter. Once I got bit with the writing bug, I expanded into writing for online publications as well as writing essays for a literary journal, books, and peer-reviewed articles.
    This year, I had several short stories published in collections and published my first novel.
    What was your first published book?
    My Way to You is my first novel. It is an interracial romance about an Asian American lawyer who falls in love with an African American pro-Black blogger. They have to learn to comfort each other as each encounters levels of racial microaggressions from society. They also have to worry about her big brother finding out, who would not appreciate his best friend and little sister dating.
    Tell us about your writing space or home office.
    My writing space is in a corner of my bedroom in our family’s cozy cape. I bought one of those affordable big box store tables and a swivel chair to stake my claim. The table hosts my laptop (pc of course) with an attached keyboard and second monitor. My writing demand requires an ability to work from multiple screens.
    I also have a wonderful lamp I got from my daughter as a gift. It has multiple settings, which is great when I’m trying to work at 4 a.m. while my husband sleeps.
    Anything special about your space?
    My space is also “mommy central.” Because I try to get writing done during a day packed with mothering 6 kids and homeschooling as well as communicating with colleagues and students, I have a bunch of non-writing supplies, such as combs and brushes to do my little one’s hair and moisturizing butter to keep everyone’s skin smooth.
    What do you love most about that area?
    It’s where the magic happens. There is something about being there that helps trigger my creativity. I can get work done in other places. I’ve written chapters and articles on my cell phone, but nothing gets as ready to write as sitting at my desk with a cup of coffee.
    What would like to change about your home office?
    Do It Write: Where Lyndell Williams writes @laylawriteslove #RLFblog #contemporaryromanceI would like for it to be an actual office with a lock and guard dog sitting outside. One of the biggest challenges in having a corner and not an office is blocking out the world, especially a tenacious pack of kids determined to make your writing time theirs.
    I think one of the things I most need is a full space with my books and research. I’m eyeing my oldest son’s bedroom. When he’s finished with college, he’s gonna have to spread his wings so I can get my office.
    If money was no object, what would your home office look like?
    It wouldn’t be a matter of what but who. I so need an assistant. My scheduling skills are so out of whack, and I need someone to help me keep an organized content calendar for the multiple blogs I manage and manage my time to get semester grading done, progress in writing my next book and contribute to the list of projects I’m committed to completing.
    My home office would like a regular one because I would have an assistant with a desk.
    How do you juggle writing and family?
    I don’t know how to juggle. I drop a bunch of balls all of the time. Fortunately, I have a great husband who makes sure I get out of my chair and spend some time with the family. He’s also awesome at picking up the slack at home despite working 90 hours a week himself.
    If I find myself with an immediate deadline, I can count on him to help out around the house so I can keep those keys clicking. It’s extremely important. I couldn’t do any of my work if he didn’t.
    What’s the last book about writing that you read?
    That would be the Associated Press Stylebook. I kid you not. I write a lot of online articles, so I need that by my side.
    I also get into friendly skirmishes with fellow writers about things like the Oxford comma, so I use it for ammunition.
    What book or books about writing do you recommend for new authors?
    The Best Punctuation Book, Period is pretty great. The author, June Casagrande has a lot of great books on writing.
    What do you like to read for relaxation?
    I enjoy reading other romance authors. I’ve become hooked on Black women romance authors like Twyla Turner, Love Journey, Reana Malori and Aubree Pynn. They introduce readers to some culturally-specific romance and explore some topics and corners from which other romance authors might not.
    Do you have an author newsletter?

    Where to buy My Way to You


    Lyndell Williams Social Media

    Amazon Author Page


  • Do It Write,  Shapeshifter

    Do It Write: Where Aidee Ladnier writes @aideeladnier #RLFblog #Paranormal #Shifters

    Do It Write: Where Aidee Ladnier writes @aideeladnier #RLFblog #Paranormal #ShiftersAidee Ladnier, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Before we talk about your office, please tell us about your latest book.

    Wolf Around The Corner by Aidee Ladnier

    Genre: Paranormal, Shifter
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
    Frank’s family taught him that his wolf was dangerous, unwanted. Now his best friend’s brother wants him in bed and on stage. But giving into his wolf’s need for love could risk the quiet life Frank has created for himself—and his heart.
    Settled in the small town of Waycroft Falls, Frank is content to be a lone wolf among the white picket fences and dollar book bins until he finds himself sniffing his best friend’s brother. Tom smells like hot apple pie and his Broadway smile has Frank lolling his tongue. But when the visiting actor learns Frank’s secret and plies him with hot kisses to get him to star in his play, Frank can’t help but wonder if Tom is only acting.
    Tom ran away from family obligations to be a Broadway star. If he could make it there, he could make it anywhere…but he didn’t. Trudging home to Waycroft Falls to open his sister’s new performance space brings him face to face with a werewolf—a werewolf that would be perfect for Tom’s shoestring production of Beauty and the Beast. Staying in Tiny Town USA would be worth it if he can somehow convince the sexy wolf to expose his furry condition on stage and howl privately in Tom’s bed.
    Wolf Around The Corner, a paranormal semi-finalist in Passionate Ink’s 2017 Sexy Scribbles Contest, is a full-length fairytale romance with a side of wolf shifter. If you like your romance with gorgeous men, humor, and small town magic, you’ll love Wolf Around the Corner! Buy your copy now and settle in to watch the drama unfold!
    How long have you been writing?
    I’ve been writing since I was a preteen, but not always publishing. I began publishing romance in 2012 with a short story. I still love to write short stories and even flash fiction. If you’re interested in short stories, I have a number of them for free on my website at
    What was your first published book?
    My first published short story was The Applicant which has since been expanded into a novella and published by Dreamspinner Press. In it a lonely roboticist has a particularly stressful day dealing with a rampaging teddy bear robot, a time traveler from the future, and several applicants who want to become his new research assistant.
    Tell us about your writing space or home office.
    I love my little writing desk. It’s my haven and my most productive space. Here’s a picture!
    Anything special about your space?
    I absolutely love my poster of the Hero’s Journey. I studied Joseph Campbell’s monomyth in college and this poster is a whimsical look at how a character crosses out of the ordinary world and into the hero realm. The poster was created by Ryan Dunlavey in conjuction with his graphic novel Action Philosophers written by Fred Van Lente. The poster is sadly no longer for sale, but here’s a closer look at it:
    What do you love most about that area?
    It’s located in my guest bedroom so it gets lots of natural sunlight but there’s a lamp for nighttime writing as well. My cats will come in to enjoy the sunshine and stay for a cuddle as I write.
    What would like to change about your home office?
    I’m thinking of moving my desk into my library. I have a big wide windowseat that’s just the perfect height for my desk (and if I get tired I can sack out among my books!). The library is actually a repurposed dining room. Since I already have a perfectly good breakfast nook for my four person table, I thought I’d just build some bookshelves and make a library. As you can see in the picture, the window seat is actually a cedar chest I got as a wedding present from my cousin.
    What’s the last book about writing that you read?
    Verbalize: bring stories to life and life to stories by Damon Suede. I love Damon’s writing style and this was a fun read. His book emphasizes the use of action in verbs, plot and character tactics. His point of view from theater and screenwriting was refreshing and shined a light on fiction writing that I was unfamiliar with.
    What book or books about writing do you recommend for new authors?
    I really like Romancing the Beat: Story Structure for Romance Novels (How to Write Kissing Books Book by Gwen Hayes. It gives a really basic, easy to understand breakdown of the romance novel. I’m also totally in love with all the thesauruses (beginning with the Emotion Thesaurus) by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi. Their website One Stop for Writers ( is also excellent.
    What do you like to read for relaxation?
    Everything! Depending on what day it is or what room of my house I’m inhabiting, I’ll be reading historical romance, hard science fiction, biographies, cozy mysteries, or even an epic fantasy. I can’t be tied to one genre in my reading, which probably explains why I skip around genres when I’m writing as well.
    Do you have an author newsletter?
    I do! I publish Aidee’s Awesome News every few months or so usually when I have a new book coming out or an appearance somewhere. And occasionally I have a mailing list only giveaway! You can sign up here:

    Where to buy Wolf Around The Corner

    Barnes and Noble
    Angus and Robertson

    Aidee Ladnier Social Media

    Aidee Ladnier, an award-winning author of speculative fiction, believes that adventure is around every corner. In pursuit of new experiences, she’s worked as a magician’s assistant, been a beauty pageant contestant, ridden in hot air balloons, produced independent movies, hiked up a volcano, and is a proud citizen scientist. A lover of genre fiction, Aidee’s perfect romance has a little science fiction, fantasy, mystery, or the paranormal thrown in to add a zing.
    Amazon Author Page


  • Do It Write,  Mystery

    Do It Write: Where Karen Cino writes @karencino #RLFblog #Cozy #Mystery

    Karen Cino, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Before we talk about your office, please tell us about your latest book.

    New Beginnings and Chaos at the Compound (Cookie Cutter Cozy Mystery Series Book 1 and 2)

    Genre: Cozy Mystery
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG
    After a traumatic event in her life, Connie Acosta moves into a fifty-five and over community. She decides to start a baking business with her friend Sara. Things take a dramatic turn when Sara gets Connie involved in mysterious adventures at the clubhouse.
    In Book 2, Connie Acosta is officially a resident in the fifty-five and older community her best friend Sara Mazza lives in. Her baker’s kitchen is almost complete and she has met Vic, another resident who is crazy about her. Meanwhile, Sara finds herself in the mist of a love triangle with Vic’s friend Jack and Warren, a police officer at the local station.
    When Sara received a call from her friend at the clubhouse saying there is a dead body floating in the outdoor pool, the women rush there to check things out, getting themselves involved in another investigation, especially when Sara finds a few blue pills scattered in the grass that she didn’t turn into the police.
    Who said seniors can’t get into trouble and fall in love again.
    How long have you been writing?
    I’ve been writing since I’m fourteen years old. I wrote my first novel while I was in college, which still sits on my bookshelf.
    What was your first published book?
    My first book was Roses published in April 2012
    Tell us about your writing space or home office.
    I generally write my outline at my desk. I usually start at the desk and can wind up either in the living room or sitting on my bed.
    Anything special about your space?
    I love the openness and how the sunlight beats down on me. During the summer, I watch the deer run by and the chipmunks walk on the drainpipe.
    What would like to change about your home office?
    I’d like to expand the space so I can add all my bookcases that are spread throughout my house.
    If money wasn’t an object, what would your home office look like?
    I’d have a big writer’s desk and bookcases. I’d build an extension on my home just for my office.
    What office equipment do you use most, other than your computer?
    It would have to be my printer. I print out the pages I write at the end of the day. And of course, a three hole punch.
    What do you think is a must have for an efficient office?
    I feel a room full of colorful pictures, writing quotes on the wall, an echo dot playing my favorite music and most importantly a positive attitude.
    Are you a writing mom/dad?
    Mom. I was a single mom from when my kids were 8 and 5. Boy were those years hard.
    How do you juggle writing and family?
    Now that my kids are grown, I don’t have a problem. But back in the day, I always made sure I took a half hour to myself twice a day.
    What’s the last book about writing that you read?
    How I Write by Janet Evanovich.
    What book or books about writing do you recommend for new authors?
    I’d recommend Save the Cat by Blake Snyder, Writing the Breakout Novel by Donald Mass and How I Write by Janet Evanovich.
    What do you like to read for relaxation?
    I love reading series. My favorite genres are Women’s Fiction and Cozy Mysteries. But I do love reading Steven King.

    Where to buy New Beginnings/Chaos at the Compound

    Publisher Mandolay Press

    Karen Cino Social Media

    Karen Cino has been writing since she was fourteen years old. She started her career by writing poetry, short stories and writing articles for her high school newspaper. After reading Jackie Collin’s Lovers and Gamblers and Jacqueline Susann’s, Valley of the Dolls, Karen found her niche. Karen loves writing about local places that people can relate to.
    Karen loves the summer, loves the beach. Her previous books were written and take place in various places across Staten Island. Karen relocated to Barnegat, New Jersey in 2015. She traded in the Staten Island Boardwalk for the shoreline in Long Beach Island. Her Camp Mirage Series takes place in Barnegat, NJ.
    Karen has two adult children, Michael Giordano who’s a singer, songwriter and producer and Nicole Giordano who works in Retail Management and is also a photographer. In 2014 Karen married John Gatti. Her husband is an actor, teacher and attorney.
    Karen is a member of Romance Writer’s of America, Liberty States Fiction’s Writers Association and Women’s Fiction Writer’s Association.
    Currently, Karen is working on a Cozy Mystery Series and Women’s Fiction Series.
    Amazon Author Page


  • Do It Write,  Mystery

    Do It Write: Where Miguelina Perez writes @mperezauthor #RLFblog #Romance #Mystery

    Miguelina Perez, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Before we talk about your office, please tell us about your latest book.

    Angel’s Lust by Miguelina Perez

    Genre: Romance Mystery
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG
    Lady Jane Bartholomew and Miss Margaret Renard are back and this time they are out to catch a murderer targeting young maidens for sacrifices.
    Believing that having come close to getting themselves killed in their last investigation, Sir Hugh, now engaged to Lady Jane Bartholomew and Mr Latham, solicitor to Miss Margaret Renard, are distressed to learn the young ladies are once again up to their old tricks.
    Believing they can solve the murders the young ladies may well fall prey and become sacrificial lambs, unless Sir Hugh and Mr Latham protect them while trying not to fall victims
    How long have you been writing?
    I’ve been writing for over 15 years.
    What was your first published book?
    An anthology of poems, essays, short stories called Pieces of Me.
    Tell us about your writing space or home office.
    Unfortunately, as of today I am writing in my bedroom. My sister moved in with me so space is tight. We hope to buy a house in September and I am so looking forward to having a room for craft and writing.
    Anything special about your space?
    When I get the space, I want lots and lots of bookcases. I have two right now and they are packed. So, I want more, because I love books especially those focused on the writing craft.
    What do you love most about that area?
    The peace to write and being surrounded by the creation of other authors.
    What would like to change about your home office?
    Nothing right now. But when I am ready I want to design it to look like an old English library.
    If money was no object, what would your home office look like?
    Definitely like an old English library. Wooden bookcases all around with an elegant desk and chair. Oh my, I can go on and on.
    What office equipment do you use most, other than your computer?
    Printer…Would love to get a real nice one that can print my book in its entirety.
    What do you think is a must have for an efficient office?
    Sound proof and cozy. Romantically decorated.
    Are you a writing mom/dad?
    I am the mother of a bratty fur-baby.
    How do you juggle writing and family?
    I will tell you it is not easy juggling work, dog, sister and nephew and writing. Often, I find myself without writing for days, but I then remind myself the book has got to get written. I am hoping that when we get the house I can have the special place for my writing.
    What’s the last book about writing that you read?
    Regency Slang Revealed.
    What book or books about writing do you recommend for new authors?
    The Artist’s Way
    What do you like to read for relaxation?
    Romance mysteries
    Do you have an author newsletter?
    Unfortunately, I don’t. But it is one of the things I would like to do.

    Miguelina Perez Social Media

    Ms. Miguelina Perez is a writer, and jewelry artist. She earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the University of the District of Columbia. As a jewelry artist one of her lariats was showcased in the San Antonio Express-News. She has won several awards including a critical Writing award for an essay on the gender roles of Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn and Louisa May Alcott’s Little Women.
    It was during her high school years at the school’s library that she first encountered her first romance mystery writer – Ms. Victoria Holt and then Ms. Phyllis J. Whitney. Her love of romance novels stems from those discoveries, especially the Romance mystery genre.
    Several of her poems have been published in anthologies, and she was named “Poet of Year in 1995”. She finished her first book, The Vicar’s Deadly Sin – a Regency romance mystery, the first of a seven-part serial based on the Seven Deadly Sins.
    Currently, she is editing the sequel to the Vicar’s Deadly Sin, Angel’s Lust. She has begun work on a new contemporary romance thriller called A Hero of Her Own.
    Ms. Perez is a member of the Romance Writers of America and the Washington Romance Writers.
    Amazon Author Page


  • Contemporary,  Do It Write

    Do It Write: Where Anne Kane writes @annekane #RLFblog #contemporary #romance

    Anne Kane, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about your latest book.

    Get Off My Cloud

    Genre contemporary romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R

    Six months ago, Lucas met the woman of his dreams, but after a night of amazing sex he woke up to find himself alone. Sent to rescue the daughter of a billionaire from her own folly, he discovers her to be the same woman, and this time he intends to make sure she stays put.
    When Olivia discovers a herd of live dinosaurs existing on a small island in the South Pacific, she’s ecstatic. This discovery could crown her career as a paleontologist and put to rest the rumors that her daddy bought her position for her! Of course, when her father sends someone to drag her home, she’s not willing to comply and the couple must find a way to deal with the sizzling attraction between them while running from a herd of angry prehistoric beasts.
    How long have you been writing?
    I started writing seriously in 2008. Before that I’d make a few attempts but at the first site of a rejection letter I’d convince myself that I was crazy and I’d stop. What I didn’t realize back then was that crazy is a good thing if you want to be an author!
    What was your first published book?
    My first published book was Stranded on Earth. It was published by Changeling Press, and I have since re-released it on my own. It took me almost as long to submit it as it did to write it because I was terrified of being rejected. Did I mention I’m a wimp? Actually I’m not, except when it comes to my writing. Every single time I hit “submit” I cringe. The difference between now and a couple decades ago, is that I don’t let the rejections stop me anymore.
    Tell us about your writing space or home office.
    My office is in a building behind my house. Having it separate means that I know I’m at work and I need to get things done. Not that that always helps. After all, I’m the boss! Seriously though, it’s a very nice office. The walls are pale blue and due to the fact that it used to house an engine hoist, it has a very high ceiling. I put in a big window so I can see the hills across the valley, and the back door leads to my back yard to in the summer my little dog can run in and out whenever he wants. It’s the perfect combination of work space and somewhere I can just sit and daydream. After all, it’s when I’m daydreaming that my characters come to life.
    What equipment do you use most, other than your computer?
    Other than my laptop, I use a whiteboard a lot. It’s a handy place to visually plan out my plots, and to keep track of mundane facts about my characters. It might not sound like a big deal but I need to remember what color my character’s eyes are, if their hair is short, long or absent, and any other facts that are pertinent to the plot. Before I got the whiteboard I spent too much time looking back through my work in progress to see if the heroine was blond, redheaded or maybe had a green stripe down the crown of their head.
    How do you juggle writing and family?
    My family is mostly fourlegged these days and they are quite happy to snuggle up at my feet or on my lap while I write. Or, in the case of Merlin the Mutt, to go stretch out in the sunshine out back. He is such a little prince. He can actually look outraged when I expect him to go out in the rain to do his business.
    Do you have an author newsletter?
    Yes I do! The signup is on my website and I’d be thrilled to add you to my newsletter list. I promise I won’t spam you with daily emails. I tend to send out about four to six emails a year, generally when I have a new release or some other exciting news.

    Where to buy Get Off My Cloud

    Barnes and Noble

    Anne Kane Social Media

    Anne Kane lives in the beautiful Okanagan Valley with a bouncy little rescue dog who’s breed defies description, a cantankerous Himalayan cat, and too many fish to count. She spent many years trying to fit in and act normal, but finally gave up the effort. She started writing romance in 2008, and her fate was sealed when she won a publishing contract with Red Sage Publishing and just a month later Changeling Press accepted her first submission. Since then she had published more than thirty stories in a variety of sub-genres, all with a happily ever after.

    Her hobbies, when she’s not playing with the characters in her head, include kayaking, hiking, swimming, playing guitar, singing and of course, reading.
    Twitter http://twittercom/annekane
    Facebook http://facebookcom/
    Amazon Author Page