Science Fiction

Sci-fi, Scifi, SFF, however you write it, this is speculative and futuristic writing.

  • Character Interviews,  Science Fiction Romance

    Character Interview: Evan Sinclair #SFrom @EvaCaye #RLFblog

    Evan’s Ladies
    Eva Caye, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. We’re excited to
    interview your character, Prince Evan Sinclair, from the book Evan’s Ladies.
    Genre: science fiction romance
    Publisher: self
    Cover artist: self
    Length: 81,072 words
    Heat rating: warm with one controversial topic
    Tagline: What is Fate?
    Blurb:  Science, sex, sorrow,
    solidarity, scandal, sympathy, and sense deprivation are hallmarks of this add-on
    novel to the To Be Sinclair series!
    Prince Evan Sinclair may be a brilliant stargate scientist, but
    his love life has soared to incredible heights and plunged to unbelievable depths.
    Who will stay by his side forever?
    Is true love more than attraction? More than compatibility? More
    than fascination? More than friendship?
    These four novellas chronologically take place between Loyalty and Nobility, books six and seven of the To Be Sinclair series.
    Part I: The Cremian Dance
    Part II: Good Enough
    Part III: Breathe
    Part IV: Treasure Your Words
    Buy links:
    What are your main characters’ names, ages, and occupations?
    Prince Evan Sinclair, 22, stargate scientist; Lady Nicole Knightley,
    23, environmental scientist; Lady Sara Bonnaire, 22, assistant to the Lord Protector
    of the Ducal Assembly; Lady Vivian Oberman, 21, artist; Lady Leah Redgrave, 26,

    Interview with Evan Sinclair

    Tell us about yourself.
    I am the youngest son of Emperor Victor and Empress Felice Sinclair.
    My fellow triplets Josef and Sophia and I were body-births, whereas our parents
    used gestation chambers for our first nine siblings. The benevolence and brilliance
    with which our progressive parents raised their Imperial Brood means my magnificent
    sibs are renowned for their wit, intelligence, and social skills. My identical twin
    Josef and our age-mate Stefan are so ingenious, however, that I always felt like
    a dunderhead next to them, so when Mother began training us up in her secret stargate
    science, I struggled to keep up.
    When my first long-time girlfriend dropped me because she had
    fallen in love with Stefan, who would have nothing to do with her for breaking my
    heart, I felt even more terribly outclassed by my sibs, all of whom had found incredibly
    smart, loyal, and remarkable mates. All I want is to find an honest, brilliant lady
    who loves me for myself, stays true to me, and can stand to live with the dangers
    of being an Imperial spouse.
    What do you think is your strongest point?
    I will do anything to make my lady happy. Our parents based our
    sexual education on a Manuvian sexology textbook, The Pleasure Centers of the Body, so I know I can always make a lady
    happy in bed. But when she longs for her former lifestyle, or feels as if I cannot
    give her the attention she needs, I will pull strings and bend over backwards to
    be what she needs. And sometimes it is still not enough!
    What was it like where you grew up?
    Built almost 400 years ago, some 100 years after Landfall, the
    Palace and its walled and force-shielded grounds were considered a miracle of engineering
    in the galaxy back then. The kings and emperors over the centuries ensured it became
    a virtually impregnable fortress, and the queens and empresses a comfortable and
    beautiful one, but growing up in luxury does not mean your life is complete, nor
    completely safe. The Rendelian Wars and Dalanov’s Coup meant Father grew up as the
    sole Sinclair scion on the planet, with rabidly paranoid Sentinels and watchmen
    from the time he was six years old. We children were constantly prepared for potential
    disasters, including memorizing 37 scenarios to maintain Imperial leadership depending
    on which combinations of us survived the next devastating attack.
    Being surrounded by Sentinels meant it was nearly impossible
    for us to form outside friendships, for how many people really want professional,
    paranoid scrutiny of every facet of their lives by grim security men, just to be
    in our presence? Very few of my sibs developed strong friendships outside of their
    eventual spouses, so for the most part we grew up isolated in the Palace with each
    other as best friends.
    Sunday Family Night gatherings exemplified our parents’ determination
    to foster bonding between us, for we all knew we would be important in our oldest
    brother Zhaiden’s government someday. Although we were allowed our choice of careers,
    we used Family Nights to coordinate who would take over which social duties during
    the week, as well as to ask for or offer help on our personal projects. We could
    invite friends or lovers to Family Night, though we usually only did so if we felt
    they could handle it, for to be Sinclair means responsibility in our every word
    and action. Since most people do not live like that, witnessing our dedication to
    each other and the Empire could be rather intimidating to them.
    Until we were 20, the only way we traditionally found lovers
    was to meet them at balls, and Mother required the boys to introduce ladies to her
    before we could bed them in the Palace. We all complied, not simply because Mother
    was Empress and her word was law, but because she would also ask the ladies important
    questions such as whether they had a contraceptive implant. Even now I go through
    the process because the consequences of going against my parents’ rules would be
    severe. Even then, it’s sometimes not enough…
    What do you wish was different about your life?
    I wish I could walk around in public without the constant attention.
    Father upped our visible Sentinel details to six men when Anne, Stefan, Josef, and
    I mastered Mother’s ultra-secret stargate science, and that does not include our
    invisible outer perimeter details. We must give 26 hours notice to Sentinel Command
    for any excursions, which means we often go in groups. And it’s difficult to get
    to know people in such situations, especially because Sentinels only tell us about
    the more blatant assassination attempts on each other, so we naturally try to minimize
    our exposure for our subjects’ sake as well as our own.
    If you were given your fondest wish, what would it be?
    To have married my first fiancée.
    Describe a place of perfect refuge.
    I’m not certain I can. Even the Palace
    got bombed in such a way that the overhead force-shields were utterly destroyed.
    Sentinel Command is the most secure building on the planet, so I’ll go with that.
    What is your most important goal in life?
    To support the Empire of Sinclair Demesne in every way. Providing
    stargates to facilitate the spread of humanity throughout the galaxy garners the
    Empire vast sums of money, but helping my brothers with Sinclair Enterprises will
    lead to a revolution in starship technology, which will help us maintain our status
    as the preeminent Empire in the galaxy. And, all told, to support my extended family,
    since we are the interface between the Empire and the galaxy, protecting the Realm’s
    interests from both civil and interstellar wars.

    About the Author

    A health crisis inspired Eva Caye to become an obsessive writer,
    completing eight books in her To Be Sinclair series before she could afford an editor.
    She published Dignity in August 2012, with the projected release of her 8th book
    Nobility in late June 2013. She laughingly refers to Evan’s Ladies as Book 6.5,
    an ‘add-on’ book to the series since it consists of four novellas. The other seven
    books are full novels, though most have ‘Easter egg’ short stories as bonuses for
    the reader.
    The To Be Sinclair series is set some 600 years in the future
    and covers the lives and loves of the greatest ruling family in the galaxy. Her
    current works-in-progress are a finale to the series, and two prequels set in the
    TBS universe about 100 years in the future.
    Eva lives with her incredibly supportive husband and two lovely
    mutts in a tiny, century-old farmhouse in Louisville,

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  • Science Fiction Romance

    Scifi Romance: Loyalty @EvaCaye #RLFblog #SciFi


    Eva Caye, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. Let’s talk about
    your book, Loyalty.
    Genre: Science fiction romance
    Publisher: self
    Cover artist: self
    Length: 169,200 words / estimated 478 pages
    Heat rating: book – warm; Easter egg – fairly explicit
    Tagline: The cost of being Imperial
    Blurb: The dangers of being Imperial mean Princess Anne, Prince
    Brian, and Prince Christian must set aside their petty differences to support each
    other through thick and thin. As they struggle to find compatible mates, security
    issues come to the fore!
    Lord Andrés Encino, for example. As honorable as a man can get,
    he nevertheless represents true danger to Anne simply because he has a photographic
    memory, and she is the principal heiress to Empress Felice Sinclair’s ultra-secret
    stargate science. Anne sets aside her fears to pursue an intimate relationship with
    the immensely talented designer, which means her Sentinel Lieutenant brother Brian
    must also investigate all the Encino family secrets that could lead to security
    As Service Lieutenant Prince Christian Sinclair battles his own
    insecurities, hoping to find a lady who could withstand the Imperial social scene,
    his ship is called upon to investigate the sudden disappearance of the Stargate
    Fleet, including Mother, Anne, and brother Josef. Their travails expand dramatically
    as the Imperial Family copes with the consequences of the Crandon Stargate Fleet
    Battle and the persistent attempts of the Atticans to either capture or destroy
    all stargate scientists!
    What is the cost of being Imperial, in isolation and friendship
    and love? And how can they find partners willing to live with the security requirements
    needed to maintain not only their own safety, but that of the Empire?
    Buy links:
    Amazon and 
    What are your main characters’ names, ages, and occupations?
    Sentinel Lieutenant Prince Brian Sinclair, 24; Service Lieutenant Prince Christian
    Sinclair, 23 ; Princess Anne Sinclair, 22
    To Be Sinclair series


    What is the most important thing you do for your career now,
    as compared to when you first started writing?
    I constantly research and edit. At first I just wanted to get
    the major actions and dialogue down, but now I continuously edit for consistency,
    grammar, and fleshing out the scenes with pertinent information, such as burn therapies.
    What do you enjoy most about writing?
    I never know where it will take me. Sometimes I feel like I am
    accessing a portal to a parallel future dimension in which my characters live. I
    spy upon them and let the visions gather until I have to write the scene. Then I
    ‘watch’ the scenes in my head and whisper to the characters, questions like, “What
    are you feeling? Why did you do that?” In some respects, it’s a god-like power
    of omniscience, but in other respects I cannot change things; they will act out
    the scenes until I write what THEY do and think. I know the overall plot before
    I start, but otherwise I am simply their scribe
    What is your work ethic when it comes to writing?
    Get it down, rewrite, explore every angle, put yourself in your
    character’s position to understand him or her thoroughly, then research the hell
    out of everything. And then send it to the beta readers, rewrite if they make significant
    suggestions, send it to the editor, rewrite according to her suggestions, back to
    the editor for a final check, and one final edit.
    How do you cope with stress as an author?
    Although I write all the time, it’s my passion so I suffer very
    little stress, no matter how focused I get. Most of my stress comes from beating
    myself up when I find another inconsistency I missed the first hundred times I edited!
    I have wrist phones and shuttle ports, so when I find a wristphone or a shuttleport,
    I go nuts until it is uploaded to Amazon or Smashwords one more time.
    Do things your family or friends do ever end up in a book?
    Absolutely! I include a ton of personal experiences, mostly my
    own, but I do not hesitate to include others.
    Which of your books would you recommend to someone who doesn’t
    normally read your genre, and why?
    I wrote Dignity for
    many reasons, but overall I wanted it to be a book that would entice romance readers
    into reading science fiction. I wanted to see more great female scientists in literature,
    so naturally she had to fall in love and learn how to deal with emotions she’s never
    experienced before!
    What kind of books do you read when taking a break from your
    own writing?
    I usually read non-fiction, but I have so many interests it would
    be hard to narrow them down. I would say my personal library has about 20% spiritual
    or religious books, for I was a ‘seeker’ for many years.
    What do you think is the future of traditional publishing?
    Traditional publishing will always exist until every e-reader
    can be charged with solar power and have books downloaded directly via satellite.
    Many of my family members live where internet access is impossible without satellite
    Do you plan to branch out into other genres?
    Absolutely. The To Be Sinclair series does not have ‘aliens’,
    though there are life-forms on many planets, so I have some ‘alien contact’ synopses
    in my Books to Write folder. I have about 25 items in my Working Files folder, at
    least a third of which are non-fiction, though some will end up as articles, blog
    posts, and short stories instead of books.
    What was the proudest moment of your life so far?
    My first five-star review, which I wrote about here:
    Turning away from the lowest point in my life to become an obsessive author, and
    then sending my first book to my first reviewer and getting a five-star review was
    like winning an Oscar for a debut performance.
    What do you like to do when you’re bored?
    I’m never bored. There’s too much to do and learn! I suffer major
    depressive disorder, which is characterized by real physical symptoms, like lack
    of energy, inability to perceive your surroundings, I could go on and on. When I
    have energy, I garden or clean or do something fun; when I have no energy, which
    is the usual state of affairs, I write or do research online or crochet, just to
    feel like I’m being productive.
    If you were a color, what color would you be?
    Please underline which statement is more like you:
    “I am a vacation spa because I am laid back and relaxed.”
    “I am a ten-countries in ten-days tour vacation, because
    I do things as fast as possible.”
    Eva Caye

    Please complete the sentences

    I love pizza with fresh veggies.
    I’m always ready for a chat on Facebook.
    When I’m alone, I am either reading, writing, or sleeping.
    You’d never be able to tell, but I’m a pretty good tarot reader.
    If I had a halo it would be shaped
    like the headdress of Nefertiti
    If I could travel in time, I’d save the Library of
    Alexandria and see
    what the future will be like in 1000 years
    I can never stop reading spiritual books because I
    believe miracles are simply a science we don’t understand yet, though a few people
    have passed along some good ‘clues’ along the way

    Previous Books

    The To Be Sinclair
    series: Dignity; Majesty; Fealty; Royalty;

    Books Coming Soon

    Evan’s Ladies (an add-on
    novel to the series, consisting of four novellas, expected May 20, 2013); Nobility (summer 2013); a finale the title
    of which I will not divulge until its publication, and two series prequels tentatively
    titled Enter the Goddess and Undying Dawn.

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  • Science Fiction Romance

    SF Romance: Destiny @BookstoGoNow #RLFblog


    KC Maguire, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. Let’s talk about
    your book, Destiny.
    Genre: Science Fiction Romance
    Publisher: Books to Go Now
    Length: 10,000 words approx.
    Heat rating: 7 out of 10
    Tagline: What if you could live forever with the one you love?
    All you have to lose is your humanity.
    In earth’s future, humans are becoming more like robots and robots
    are becoming more human. As Joe Baker’s friends and family undergo the Transition
    – a procedure enabling humans to upload their personalities into robotic replicas
    – Joe discovers that his android companion, Destiny, is developing sentience. And
    falling in love with him. Joe’s conflicted feelings about becoming a machine and
    his growing fondness for Destiny confuse him about his own future. His best friend,
    Cutler, is pressuring him to
    Transition before it’s too late. Does Cutler know more than he’s
    saying? If Joe Transitions, he can be with Destiny forever, but at what cost? As
    he pursues his options, Joe learns some startling truths about the Transition and
    nature of humanity … and love.
    Buy links:
    What are your main characters’ names, ages, and occupations?
    Joe Baker, retired, middle aged
    Destiny, android, ageless
    Cutler, middle aged, Joe’s best friend and BPB agent (ie Biosphere
    Preservation Bureau)


    Tell us about your story’s
    world. What is it like in this period or place?
    This book is set in earth’s future when humans are uploading
    their consciousness into androids so they can live forever. Most think it’s a wonderful
    advancement, but Joe is afraid of losing his soul, the thing that makes him essentially
    different and that differentiates him from the technology that surrounds him.
    What inspired you to write
    this book?
    Reading “Alone Together” by Sherry Turkle who is a psychologist
    working with robotics at M.I.T. She talks about how technology that is supposed
    to bring humans together often ends up making us less human.
    Which character in your
    current book do you think readers will like the most? Why?
    Destiny. She’s a naïve, innocent robot who accidentally becomes
    sentient and falls in love with her roommate, Joe.
    Why do you write?
    It makes me happy to communicate ideas to others and to create
    new worlds for us all to play in.
    When you write, what things
    do you want close at hand? (Coffee, water, chocolate… pictures of gorgeous hunks
    for inspiration…?)
    LOTS of coffee! Can never have enough!
    When you’re not writing,
    what would we find you doing?
    Playing with my kids. They’re 2, 5 and 7 – really fun ages.
    Are you a plotter, or
    do you prefer to make it up on the spur of the moment?
    Yep, I’m definitely a “fly by the seat of my pants” kinda girl.
    A writing instructor once told me to let the characters go where they want to go
    and do what they have to do. This has always worked for me.
    Looking back at your first
    book, what do you wish you had done differently?
    I think I should have given my heroine more guts and spunk, but
    you live and learn.
    What’s your writing schedule
    Very random, frantic and completely disorganized.
    Any advice for new authors?
    Believe in yourself. Find others who share your passion and don’t
    be afraid to share ideas with them.
    When an idea hits you,
    what do you do to capture it?
    Lots of sticky notes on the bedside table.
    Which of your books was
    the hardest to write and why?
    I think this one was. With science fiction, it’s very hard to
    create an effective balance between action and world-building. The reader has to
    have enough information not to get lost in the strange new world the writer has
    created, but not too much that it gets in the way of the action.
    What are you currently
    reading for fun? Anything for research?
    I love the new YA science fiction books. I just started reading
    “Cinder” which I’m very much enjoying so far.
    What’s the best gift you
    ever received?
    An Amazon gift card with a sufficient amount to buy my first
    If you could time travel
    what era would be your first stop?
    Ooh – would have to go to earth’s future and hope we haven’t
    made too much of a mess of things.
    Do you believe in luck?
    I’d like to say I believe in “Destiny” – no pun intended (well,
    maybe …)
    What kind of music do
    you listen to while driving? Same question when writing?
    When driving, I listen pretty exclusively to audiobooks. I can’t
    listen to music when writing. I need quiet to focus.
    Do you play any musical
    Piano (badly).
    What’s your favorite movie?
    I’m a sucker for a good old fashioned rom-com. Don’t know how
    many times I’ve watched “When Harry Met Sally”.
    Are you the eldest, middle,
    baby, or only child?

    Please complete the sentence

    I love pizza with my kids.
    I’m always ready for a trip to the movies.
    When I’m alone, I read, read, read.
    You’d never be able to tell, but I was born in Australia.
    If I had a halo it would be silver/blue.
    If I could fly I’d circle the world.
    I can never sleep because I have too many ideas going
    around in my head.

    Previous Books

    Dear John (as KC Maguire)

    Books Coming Soon

    Ivory Tower (coming out at

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  • Science Fiction Romance

    Scifi: Matter of the Mind @Bellakentuky

    Bellakentuky, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. Let’s talk about
    your book, A Matter of the Mind.

    A Matter of the Mind.

    Genre: Science Fiction Romance

    Publisher: The Boroughs Publishing Group
    Cover artist: The Boroughs Publishing Group
    Length: 26 Pages
    Heat rating: 4
    Tagline: Sometimes
    it takes a second glance to appreciate what’s in front of us, then a long revealing
    stare to find true love.
    Blurb: Kathryn Oaks is a beautiful thirty-four years old career
    woman, a world-class athlete, MENSA member, and a PhD in Physics and the Medical
    Sciences. Her analytical mind is taking her to the pinnacle of her career, she has
    been chosen as the Chief Medical Officer aboard Project Pandora, a space ship preparing
    to embark on an extended mission to a distant planet. But, Kate isn’t without personal
    problems and maintaining intimate relationships is one of them. So her heart sinks,
    as the rest of the crew is announced and she learns that the Chief Flight Engineer
    is a man she loathes, a man who is her complete opposite, a man who is every bit
    as smart as she is, but also is something she isn’t, a person who lives life to
    its fullest. But, strange things can happen when hurtling through uncharted space.
    And Kate is forced to face her inner demons. Perhaps, she isn’t everything she thought
    she was, and he isn’t everything she thought he wasn’t. A Matter of the Mind is
    part of The Lunchbox Series, a line of short romance stories published by The Boroughs
    Publishing Group. These stories are meant for quick entertainment. They can be purchased
    individually as E-books at all major online retailers. They can also be purchased
    in groups for a discount at the Boroughs Publishing Group website.
    What are your main characters’ names, ages, and occupations?
    Kathryn Oaks, 34 years
    old, Chief Medical Officer
    Jeffrey Palladino, 33
    years old, Chief Flight Engineer


    How did you get your start
    in the industry?

    I’ve written fiction since high school. Then, about three years
    ago I began to market my short stories in earnest.

    If you could change something
    about your first book, what would it be?
    I would have made it a little longer. Still, it was a personal
    triumph to have it published.
    What do you enjoy most
    about life?
    love my wife. She is the thing I enjoy most about life.
    If you could choose anyone
    to be your mentor who would it be?
    That’s a tough one. If I really had to narrow it down to one
    it would be Janet Evanovich. I love Stephanie Plum and Janet’s writing style.
    If you could give the
    younger version of yourself advice what would it be?
    Be true to yourself and don’t worry about everybody else so much.
    Do you have a muse? Describe
    this person, please.
    It is definitely my wife, Clarisa. She is the smartest, funniest,
    most creative person I know. She makes me laugh all the time and is a constant source
    of inspiration. One of her favorite things to do is to pretend she is dead somewhere
    in the house until I find her. And then I say, “You’re not dead.” And
    she smiles. She’s done this for years and it still makes me laugh.
    What does “balance”
    mean to you as a writer?
    It means to write in a style that puts the reader into the story.
    They don’t feel as if they’re reading a story, they’re living it.
    Do things your family
    or friends do ever end up in a book?
    Yes, my most recent story (which is not a romance. I tend to
    genre jump from time to time) is loosely based on an event that happened to my son.
    If anyone is interested (horror/thriller genre) it is currently a finalist in the
    America’s Next Author 2012.
    What are some jobs you’ve
    done before (or while) you were a writer?
    I have been a professional photographer most of my life.
    What kind of books do
    you read when taking a break from your own writing?
    What do you think is the
    future of epublishing?
    I’m too new to say. But I do think the industry is going to continue
    to evolve rapidly for the next decade.
    What was the proudest
    moment of your life so far?
    In 2003, I wrote, produced, and directed a satirical short movie.
    It was done in a small town in Florida
    using local people for actors. It took four months to complete the project. We did
    the premiere showing at a large meeting room in a historic building. So many people
    showed up that the fire marshall
    wouldn’t let anyone else in. At the end of the movie, the cast got me up on stage,
    and the applause was thunderous. It lasted so long I was beet red with embarrassment.
    There is no other creative experience like making a movie.
    Imagine you get to go
    on a dream vacation, but you have only one hour to pack and leave, and it starts
    as soon as you finish this interview. What will you take with you and where will
    you go?
    My wife, my camera, my laptop, a toothbrush and toothpaste, and
    I would go to South Africa.
    What is your favorite
    holiday and why?
    I love Christmas because it brings up all kinds of warm fuzzy
    Where were you at midnight,
    on December 31st when the new century started?
    Believe it or not, I was DEATHLY sick in bed with the flu. It
    was horrible!
    What do you like to do
    when you’re bored?
    If your life became a
    movie, who would you want to play you?
    Ben Stiller
    If you were a color, what
    color would you be?
    My favorite color is red.
    Which statement is more
    like you?
    “I am a vacation spa because I am laid back and relaxed.”
    “I am a ten-countries in ten-days tour vacation, because
    I do things as fast as possible.”

    Please Fill in the Blanks

    I love pizza with LOTS of cheese.
    I’m always ready for a movie.
    When I’m alone, I surf the net.
    You’d never be able to tell, but according to the medical
    profession I’m overweight
    If I had a halo it would be dripping
    with cheese
    If I could do anything for my wife, I’d take her on
    a trip around the world
    I can never run because I have bad knees.

    Previous Books

    Bella – Affection or Affliction
    The author with his cats
    Shattered Dreams
    Twisted Love

    Books Coming Soon

    Spring Fever

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  • Science Fiction Romance

    All Female Planet? AR Norris Says Yes #scifichat

    Welcome AR Norris to Romance Lives Forever. Let’s talk about
    your book, End of Eternity (The Telomere Trilogy, #3). Your heroine is from an all female planet. Tell us abou that!
    Genre: Science Fiction Romance
    Buy links:
    Books on Board:
    Barnes and Noble
    Publisher: Desert Breeze Publishing
    Cover artist: Jenifer Ranieri
    Length: Novel-length
    Heat rating: Sensual
    Can a woman raised on an all female planet learn to trust and
    open her heart to a man? Can a man living alone with only his duty step into the
    galaxy and acknowledge his feelings for an untrusting woman?


    Luna thought her journey away from her people’s world was over.
    Now, she’s forced to join the lost daughter in her journey with Captain Noah Bonney’s
    crew to learn why these women coexist with men. Something unbelievable to the all
    woman race. Adding to the confusing change in Dokkaebi directive and teachings,
    is the presence of the gold-eyed man that stirred something in her heart. A forbidden
    attraction that goes against all her teachings and her people’s ways.
    Damani Wassack isn’t happy with the situation either. Telomere
    Watchers lead secluded and separate lives. Yet now, he and the other watchers must
    come to the surface, show all their secrets and work with outsiders. If that weren’t
    enough, he can’t get that sneer from the man-hating warrior woman out of his mind.
    Or her fierce dedication, strong spirit, and sense of duty and honor. The package
    is appealing, and completely impossible.
    What are your main characters’ names, ages, and occupations?
    The Dokkaebi, Luna, is in her early 20s and a fierce warrior
    trained from childhood to defend her planet, her people and the all-encompassing
    Damani Wassack is in his mid-thirties and a Watcher, a secret
    society who silently watch the remaining Telomere’s. The moment the Telomere loses
    their soul it is the duty of the watcher to kill the Telomere and see them off to
    the new plan of existence.
    How did you get your start
    in the industry?
    I got my start with short and flash stories contributions in
    ezines and anthologies back in 2009. It wasn’t until 2010 that my first novel was
    accepted by a small independent press of ebooks.
    What is the most important
    thing you do for your career now, as compared to when you first started writing?
    I outline against a plot arch. When I first started, I just blurted
    out the story in a big blob and it took twice as long to organize and revise the
    story into some semblance of logic. It also left me cutting out huge sections of
    content that by that time I’d become attached to, even though it made no sense for
    the story. By learning how to follow a sound plot arch and outline I can get the
    story in my head out on paper with little pain and more success.
    What do you enjoy most
    about life?
    Oh, lots of things. I had a brain tumor in 2011 and it put everything
    in perspective. Mostly I enjoy being able to wake up in the morning and have another
    day of the chaos that is life. My crazy teenagers and their constant woes and victories
    towards becoming adults. My even crazier little boys who are learning the ways of
    kid-dome. Then, of course, there’s the two stupid canine babies and the sadistically
    evil cat. Through all of it is Hubby at my side, my constant partner.
    Do you have a muse? Describe
    this person, please.
    Yes, her name is Anthor and she’s the scary demon that is my
    subconscious. On good days, she’s flirting with me and connecting the research dots
    of documentaries and reports my ideas sparked from.
    On bad days – which are more often than I’d like – she’s glaring
    at me with her purple glowing eyes and fury-wielding whip. She’s beating the crap
    out of me, pushing me along with no reason or end result in sight. If I get off
    track, she gives me this icy silent treatment that often brings me to tears and
    leaves me begging her to speak to me.
    What kind of books do
    you read when taking a break from your own writing?
    I read SF mostly, but love murder mysteries, horror, and contemporary
    paranormal/speculative romance. I have a passion for older works, like stories from
    late 1800s all the way through 1950s. I just love watching the evolution of words
    and story structures.
    What do you think is the
    future of epublishing?
    Will print go extinct? No, but I’m practical about the trend.
    Literature needs to follow the reader’s preferred medium to stay alive. Most people
    use the electronic medium now more than print. Letters have evolved to email. Phone
    chatter has evolved to text/instant messaging. Newspaper distribution is evolving
    to internet. Magazines are evolving to ezines. In line with this trend, print runs
    are evolving to epublishing.
    None of those original things – letters, phones, magazines and
    newspapers – are going away any time soon but they are becoming less important in
    today’s society.
    Imagine you get to go
    on a dream vacation, but you have only one hour to pack and leave, and it starts
    as soon as you finish this interview. What will you take with you and where will
    you go?
    Definitely head to a beach along the Mexico coast. I’d
    hollar at hubby and the kids to pack and then grab my Kindle, swimsuits, shorts,
    t-shirts, and my hygiene stuff. The rest of the time would be spent ensuring the
    family has everything they need and making a list of things to buy on the way or
    when we get there.
    What is your favorite
    holiday and why?
    Thanksgiving, without a doubt. It’s always been my favorite because
    it’s the holiday where the only expectation is to gather your family and friends
    to eat and hang out. There’s no stress of gift giving, dressing up to the nines,
    or fulfilling childhood dreams.
    What do you like to do
    when you’re bored?
    I have time to get bored? LOL, in the rare moments I have nothing
    to do and nowhere to go, I usually pick up a book and dive in.

    Please Fill in the Blanks

    I love pizza with pepperoni.
    I’m always ready for a Bruce Lee movie or a trip to the beach.
    When I’m alone, I know the kids are up to something.
    You’d never be able to tell, but love scenes embarrass me.
    If I had a halo it would be very,
    very crooked and slightly smudged
    If I could do anything I’d take a long nap.
    I can never go on an international trip because I’m
    too picky of an eater

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    Twitter: not if my life depended on it
  • Character Interviews,  Time Travel

    Character Interview: Gwynn Powell @Wildwords2

    Whisper of Time.

    Today’s guest interview is with Gwynn Powell, from the book The Whisper of Time, by Ute Carbone. We’ll start with a bit about the book, look at an excerpt, and jump straight into the interview from there.

    Book title: The Whisper of Time
    Author: Ute Carbone
    Genre: Time Travel Romance
    Publisher: Whispers Publishing
    Cover artist: Elaina
    Length: 67 pages
    Heat rating: Sweet/Sensual
    Tagline: Love Beyond the Bonds of Time
    Blurb: When fate offers Gwynn Powell a chance to start over,
    she jumps at the chance. Laid off and living with a husband whose gambling problem
    has eaten through a good part of their savings, Gwynn buys a farmhouse sight unseen,
    leaving both her marriage and her old home behind.
    But fate has more in mind for Gwynn than just a new home. The
    farmhouse, tucked away in the Green Mountains of Vermont where even GPS can’t find
    it, is also a step back in time. And Slate Peck, the farm’s caretaker and part owner,
    is tied to Gwynn’s destiny in ways she never expected.
    What are your main characters’
    names, ages, and occupations?
    Gwynn Powell, 28, veterinarian, Slate Peck, 28, farmer

    Interview with Gwynn

    Tell us about yourself. What are you like?
    I love animals, which is why I became a vet. I have two pets
    of my own, a dog and a cat. I like to seize the moment and I believe in living for
    What do you think is your strongest point? I’m pretty good at
    “rolling with the punches” and turning to do whatever it is life hands me.
    Do you have a weakness?
    (If so, what do you think it is? What does your lover think it is? What does your
    enemy think it is?)
    I sometimes jump into things without thinking things through.
    I’m pretty sure others would agree.
    What drives you to do
    the things you do? What makes you want to be the “good guy?”
    I trust my gut. A lot. So I tend to go with it. I want to be
    content in my life, I want that for the people I love also.
    What’s your favorite guilty
    Hmm, I really like baking. It’s something I’m new to and still
    learning. I baked muffins the other day. Next up, I might try some bread. Sky’s
    the limit!
    If you didn’t know how
    old you were how old would you be?
    A lot older I guess. Sometimes I feel like I’ve been around for
    the better part of forever.
    A biography has been written
    about you. What do you think the title would be in six words or less?
    The woman who found timeless love.
    If money were not an object,
    where would you most like to live?
    Oh, I love where I’ve moved to. The farm in Vermont is a dream come true.
    I wouldn’t want to be anywhere but right here.
    What song would best describe
    your life?
    Hmm, probably “You and I will meet again” by Tom Petty.
    If you were a tool, what
    would people use you to do?
    Let’s see… I would be mixer. A hand mixer used to blend things
    together and make something delicious.
    Picture yourself as a
    store. Considering your personality and lifestyle, what type of products would be
    sold there?
    Oh, that one’s easy. I’d be an Agway, with lots of food and supplies
    for pets and farm animals.
    As a child, what was your
    favorite thing about school?
    I loved reading—my favorite books were about animals.
    Tell us an embarrassing
    story that has to do with a pet. If you have no pets, a story about a significant
    other will do. ^_^
    My cat, Miss Kitty, once jumped onto my head while I was driving
    and nearly caused an accident.
    If you came with a warning
    label, what would it say?
    Do not shake.
    Please Fill in the Blanks
    I love pizza with mushrooms and peppers.
    I’m always ready for anything!
    When I’m alone, I tend to daydream a lot. I also talk to my
    pets and the animals on the farm
    You’d never be able to tell, but I’m pretty tough when I need to be.
    If I had a halo it would be silver and very sparkly.
    If I could fly I’d do it.
    I can never leave the farm because my heart (and love) is here.

    About the Author

    I’m a novelist and sometimes poet who lives in Southern New Hampshire. I’ve been married to the same great
    guy for a lot of years. We have two grown sons. I love hiking, skiing, and generally
    communing with nature. I’m a big fan of chocolate, theater, and really good stories.

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