• Character Interviews,  Christmas or Holiday

    Get the inside scoop on Carol Hawkins from A Reluctant Santa by Adriana Kraft @AdrianaKraft #RLFblog #Romance #MatureHeroine

    Get the inside scoop on Carol Hawkins from A Reluctant Santa by Adriana Kraft @AdrianaKraft #RLFblog #Romance #MatureHeroineAdriana Kraft’s new erotic romance release, A Reluctant Santa, features a pair of very practical fifty-year-olds who look like they might never get it together. But when they finally do, look out! You won’t want to miss their story.

    Adriana, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about A Reluctant Santa.

    A Reluctant Santa by Adriana Kraft

    Genre: Erotic Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): Three Flames/R

    Is it ever too late to find happiness?

    They’re in their fifties. Grief-stricken (her) and battle scarred (him) from their previous loves, they don’t want to risk more heartbreak, ever. They’ll have to take it slow, talk it through, test the waters carefully. Can they make it happen at this speed, get it done in a short story, and reap the benefits of sizzling sex at their age? Why not?

    Insider Information about Carol Hawkins

    Welcome! We’d like to know more about you. Please add info you’re comfortable sharing.

    Nickname: I’ve never had one

    Age: fifty

    Gender: female

    Birthplace: St. Paul, Minnesota

    Profession: retail store manager

    Please provide a physical description of yourself.

    I’m average height, about five foot four, and I work very hard to stay in shape. At fifty, I want to look forward to a future of staying active, if at all possible. I don’t especially think of myself as pretty, but I do feel good about how I look. Blue eyes. My hair used to be a soft brown, but now it’s mostly a silvery gray, not quite shoulder length. I do keep a fashionable cut – I work in the fashion industry.

    What are your pronouns?

    She/her. I know that lots of people my age are upset about all the options that seem to be available now, but I think people should feel free to be who they know themselves to be. Good for them.

    What is your middle name?

    I’ve never had one.

    How well does your name fit your personality?

    Interesting question. What’s funny is, even though I’m not very religious, I do have a big thing for Christmas – decorations, Santa, and especially caroling, so maybe the name “Carol” fits more than I knew. I’m part of a choral quintet, five women, and we carol at hospitals and nursing homes during the Christmas season. Oh, and when I was little, I always wanted to be one of Santa’s elves.

    Do you believe in love at first sight?

    No. It could happen, I suppose, but it hasn’t happened to me. I had a pretty wild time in my early college years, but ended up pregnant my second year, even though both he and I thought we’d taken all the necessary precautions. I liked him a lot, and we decided we’d rather marry and raise the baby than any other alternative. I truly did come to love him, but it wasn’t the kind of moment they write about in romance novels. Which I don’t read much of. I have to add I really miss him, a lot – he died six years ago, unexpectedly, of a heart attack. I guess I’ll add that our wild times in bed didn’t ever stop, in twenty-five years of marriage. He’ll be a hard act to follow. Oops, no pun intended!

    What is your MBTI type?

    I once had to take that test for a work group exercise – I think we were team building or something. Turns out I’m an ESTJ. I like to be with people, it feeds me. I’m very practical. I absolutely make decisions based on what I can observe and what I think/reason about it, and yes, once I decide something, I like to stick with it. Sometimes I find it hard to change gears if I get different information or somehow learn I’ve been wrong. I do try to be gracious when that happens, but it’s a challenge.

    What is your astrological sign?

    It’s funny you should ask that – I just told you how practical I am. I don’t believe in that stuff. But I do happen to know what my sign is. As a mid-January baby, I’m a Capricorn. My best friend, Sue, gave me a surprise birthday party last winter when I turned fifty, and she had something about Capricorn at the party. Apparently I’m a perfect example: think before I act, look at the practical sides of everything, very sensible. So maybe there’s something to it!


    Smell: lilac. It’s both springtime and home for me. We had a huge hedge of them where I grew up.
    Color: Gold. Not that I wear it much, I don’t think it especially flatters me, but to have gold things feels luxurious, so I use it a lot in my décor.
    Taste: I’m not sure I have a favorite. I mostly avoid desserts, so I suppose chocolate or caramel would be special treats.
    Sound: choral singing, voices singing in harmony.
    Texture: silk

    Can you:

    Swim? Yes
    Use chopsticks? Why? My knife, fork, and spoon are quite sufficient. Practical, I might add.
    Roller skate? Yes
    Ski? Yes, cross country, do so lots every winter. A nearby golf course sets up trails.
    Fly a plane? No, and no desire to.
    Ride a horse? Have done so. Not at the top of my list.

    If you could choose a theme song to play when you entered a scene, which one of the following would fit best:

    Uplifting and breezy

    That’s not always my mood, but it’s what I aim for. Maybe that’s part of why I love the Christmas season so much. That music always lifts my mood.

    Which would your author choose for you? My author knows me pretty well, I think she’d agree. Guess I have to say “they’d” agree, since my author is a husband/wife team.

    What color best describes you?

    A soft blue – not a baby blue, and not a somber blue, either. Hmm, I had to go look up names of blue shades, and it turns out it’s called Carolina Blue. My author’s college rival…

    Who is the one person who can convince you to do something you know you shouldn’t?

    Sue really is my best friend. She’s always pushing me to branch out, try new things, make sure I don’t turn into a stick in the mud. So if I ever did something I know I shouldn’t, she’d be the guilty party. But I’m so practical I suspect it’s unlikely.

    Get the inside scoop on Carol Hawkins from A Reluctant Santa by Adriana Kraft @AdrianaKraft #RLFblog #Romance #MatureHeroine

    Where to buy A Reluctant Santa

    Publisher https://www.extasybooks.com/coming-soon/A-Reluctant-Santa
    Universal Buy Link https://books2read.com/u/3RzZzD
    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BLSB5DKS/

    Adriana Kraft Social Media

    Adriana Kraft is the pen name for a married pair of retired professors writing erotic romance together. We like to think we’ve broken the mold for staid, fusty academics, and we hope lots of former profs are enjoying life as much as we are.
    Having lived in many states across the Midwest, we now make our home in southern Arizona, where we enjoy hiking, golf, and travel, especially to the many Arizona Native American historical sites.
    Together we have published more than fifty romance novels and novellas to outstanding reviews. Whether readers open our romantic suspense or our erotic romance, they can expect characters they care about, hot sex scenes, and a compelling story.
    Website https://adrianakraft.com
    Blog https://adrianakraft.com/blog
    Twitter https://twitter.com/AdrianaKraft
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    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/kraftadriana/
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/1578571.Adriana_Kraft
    BookBub https://www.bookbub.com/authors/adriana-kraft
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/author/adrianakraft
    Get to know Adriana Kraft better by signing up for an email newsletter: Readers receive a free download of Adriana Kraft’s erotic romance novella Cherry Tune-Up for signing up. https://storyoriginapp.com/giveaways/176747f2-3215-11ea-88c9-df32d0107552