• Know the Hero,  Suspense

    Know the Hero from Becker Circle by Addison Brae @AddisonBrae1 #RLFblog #RomanticSuspense

    Know the Hero from Becker Circle by Addison Brae @AddisonBrae1 #RLFblog #RomanticSuspenseAddison Brae, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your hero, but first, tell us about the book.

    Becker Circle by Addison Brae

    Genre: Contemporary Romantic Suspense
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
    Gillian’s first and only boyfriend believed she was too gutless to leave. He was dead wrong. Gillian graduated Harvard early and left his hot temper and everyone else behind for Dallas. Determined to make it on her own, she lands a second job bartending at the neighborhood pub smack in drama central where most every jerk in the neighborhood hits on her—at a huge price.
    A week into the job, the neighborhood’s very popular drug dealer falls to his death a few feet from the table she’s serving. The cops say suicide, but Gillian and Jon, the hot guitar player in the house band, suspect foul play, and she intends to prove it. They dig deeper, grow closer, and make a shocking discovery. They know the murderer. Watch the trailer https://youtu.be/Mf-GlfxPzdY.

    Know the Hero from Becker Circle

    Here are some fun questions to help us know your hero.
    It’s late, Jon’s bored. What does he do?
    Typically Jon walks down the street to the George & Dragon where he always finds a cold beer, good food, and someone he knows. If he feels creative, he stays home, picks up his guitar, and writes a new song.
    What kind of food would he impulse buy if hungry?
    Jon’s not picky about what type of food, but he is picky about how it’s prepared. As a bit of a chef himself, burgers have to be lean with pink in the middle and Italian dishes must be at least nearly as good as his grandmother makes. He’s always prepared to cook a gourmet breakfast.
    Describe the kind of clothes he prefers to wear.
    Jon’s best feature is the way he pulls off a look like he rolled out of bed and threw on a shirt, messy hair and all. His olive complexion and straight brown hair comes from his dad’s Italian roots. He’s in tee-shirts, sweatshirts, jeans, whatever’s comfortable—whether working with clients or onstage. Jon’s not picky about what he looks like as long as his clothes are clean and fit right.
    Does he know how to fix things?
    Jon’s talent is diffusing trouble at the bar before it gets out of hand and rescuing his friends when they’re in a bind. For anything else, he calls his apartment maintenance.
    He tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.
    Jon watches his new friend, Gillian, dig a little too deep into the drug world to prove the man they saw die did not take his own life. They agree to work together but despite his warnings, she impulsively acts on clues. She doesn’t understand that her life is at stake. Sharing more will give away too much.
    How does he act around children he doesn’t know?
    He owns his own web design business, plays in a band, and lives in a community full of single people. The only kids Jon sees are those who stay with their parents on the weekends in the apartment community.
    What is he like first thing in the morning?
    Jon pulls off a very sexy just-rolled-out-of-bed look with tussled hair and a slightly wrinkled tee-shirt all the time without trying.
    Can he use chopsticks?
    Jon can use chopsticks in a crunch. He’d choose pizza, manicotti, or any Italian food over Asian most of the time.
    Does he drink coffee? If so, how does he take it? If not, what does he drink instead?
    Jon enjoys a large coffee with half-and-half in the morning, another thing he and Gillian have in common.
    What apps would he have on his phone?
    For Jon’s music life, he uses a metronome, tuner, all the music apps, and ride services to call for his friends when they’re in a bind. For work, he has website building apps as well as those for illustrating, editing photos, image sources, and file share for work and gig set lists.
    Android or iPhone?
    Beard or clean-shaven?
    Facial hair makes him itch.
    Earrings/piercings/tattoos or unadorned skin?
    His dad was a cop and encouraged him not to go the pierce or tattoo route. When his dad was killed in the line of duty, Jon promised himself he never would.
    Personal vehicle or public transport?
    Jon’s usually loaded down with guitars and amps, which doesn’t work well with trains and buses. He drives a red pickup truck with a treasured blue bandana hanging from the rearview. One of the Eagles band members threw it off the stage at a concert he went to with his dad.
    Recycle or toss?
    Toss. In the apartment living world, recycling isn’t available.
    Thanks for helping us get to know your hero!

    Where to buy Becker Circle

    Publisher http://tirpub.com/abrae
    Amazon http://amzn.to/2GQhgSj **$0.99 THROUGH MARCH 17 to celebrate the book’s first birthday**
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/becker-circle-addison-brae/1128071378
    iBooks https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/becker-circle/id1353406290?mt=11
    Kobo https://store.kobobooks.com/search?Query=9781370780426
    Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/797034

    Addison Brae Social Media

    Addison Brae lives in Dallas, Texas on the edge of downtown. As a child, she was constantly in trouble for hiding under the bed to read when she was supposed to be napping. She has been writing since childhood starting with diaries, letters and short stories. She continues today with articles, video scripts and other content as an independent marketing consultant. When she’s not writing, Addison spends her time traveling the world, collecting interesting cocktail recipes and hosting parties. She’s still addicted to reading and enjoys jogging in her neighborhood park, sipping red wine, binge-watching TV series, vintage clothing and hanging out with her artistic other half and their neurotic cat Lucy.
    Website http://addisonbrae.com
    Blog http://addisonbrae.com/blog
    Twitter https://twitter.com/AddisonBrae1
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/addison.brae
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/addisonbraeauthor/
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17759692.Addison_Brae
    BookBub https://www.bookbub.com/authors/addison-brae
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/default/e/B07B443K8P/
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCreHrv1bBNdyHm5skgqNR-Q


  • Know the Heroine,  Suspense

    Know the Heroine from Becker Circle by Addison Brae @AddisonBrae1 #RLFblog #RomanticSuspense

    Know the Heroine from Becker Circle by Addison Brae @AddisonBrae1 #RLFblog #RomanticSuspenseAddison Brae, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your heroine, but first, tell us about the book.

    Becker Circle by Addison Brae

    Genre: Contemporary Romantic Suspense
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
    My first and only boyfriend believed I was too gutless to leave. He was dead wrong. My name’s Gillian, and I graduated Harvard early and left his hot temper and everyone else behind for Dallas. Determined to make it on my own, I land a second job bartending at the neighborhood pub smack in drama central where most every jerk in the neighborhood hits on me—at a huge price.
    A week into the job, the neighborhood’s very popular drug dealer falls to his death a few feet from the table I’m serving. The cops say suicide, but the hot guitar player in the house band and I suspect foul play, and I intend to prove it. We dig deeper, grow closer, and make a shocking discovery. We know the murderer. Watch the trailer.
    A portion of the author proceeds will go to Hope’s Door New Beginning Center to help fight domestic abuse. Becker Circle is published by Tirgearr Publishing.

    Know the Heroine from Becker Circle

    It’s late, Gillian’s bored. What does she do?
    If she’s looking out for herself, she’ll stay home and study for her CPA exam or watch a movie with a glass of wine. If she’s vulnerable, she’ll agree to meet the adorable bad boy.
    What kind of food would Gillian impulse buy if hungry?
    Food? This is a girl who has half and half, leftover takeout, OJ, and a couple of partial containers of soup. She doesn’t make meals a priority. On impulse, she does have the number for her new favorite Thai place (that delivers) stored in her phone.
    Describe the kind of clothes Gillian prefers to wear.
    Some of you will understand how Gillian feels as she rebuilds her confidence whittled down by a narcissistic boyfriend. He always told her she was fat, so she tended to wear jeans a size too large and tops she could hide in. Early in the story, she asks a stylish neighbor to help her pick out new clothes the new Gillian would wear. She likes the results—at first. The way she dresses affects how her co-workers, customers, and guys respond to her. It takes time to grow into her new look that takes her down a rollercoaster path:
    “I’d rather crawl under the bar rather than believe someone really thinks I’m pretty.”
    Does Gillian know how to fix things?
    Gillian is an expert at fixing situations or helping people out of trouble. For anything else, she calls her apartment’s maintenance.
    Gillian tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.
    Since Gillian is starting fresh, she experiments a bit too often. On the romance side, she falls for the cute guy who says all the right things, goes too far with him to fast, and then realizes he doesn’t remember whether anything happened between them. In another situation, she tries to prove her toughness after a neighbor who did something nice for her once falls from his high-rise balcony. While everyone accepts it was suicide, clues saying otherwise keep finding her. He’s a drug dealer, but Gillian believes everyone deserves justice. She digs into the drug world and gets in way too deep. If I tell you what happens, I’ll give away too much.
    How does Gillian act around children she doesn’t know?
    Gillian goes from her day job to her bartending job and lives in a community of single people. The closest she gets to children are family photos on her co-workers’ desks.
    What is Gillian like first thing in the morning?
    She’s exhausted from studying for her CPA or closing the bar and dreads facing her terror of a boss who has it out for her at the accounting firm where she works.
    Can Gillian use chopsticks?
    She can, but at home, she eats her favorite Thai takeout with a fork. It’s much less complicated, and chopsticks don’t work well with soup.
    Does Gillian drink coffee? If so, how does she take it? If not, what does she drink instead?
    Yes, with lots of half and half.
    What apps would Gillian have on her phone?
    Social media, maps for her move across country, Zelle for her boyfriend to pay her for bills (which he rarely did), leftover Harvard apps from college, IRS2Go and a few accounting apps, Pandora and Spotify for music
    Android or iPhone?
    Hand-me-down iPhone from her dad before she went to college.
    Earrings or unpierced ears?
    Earrings, small and simple
    Tattoos or unadorned skin?
    Gillian has a teddy bear about the size of a postage stamp that most people will never see. It’s what her ex gave her for her twenty-first birthday last year, one of the many reminders she’d like to forget.
    Personal vehicle or public transport?
    Personal vehicle when it’s far, but Gillian lives close to her work and often walks.
    Recycle or toss?
    Toss. In the apartment living world, recycling isn’t available.
    Thanks for helping us get to know your heroine!

    Where to buy Becker Circle

    Publisher http://www.tirgearrpublishing.com/authors/Brae_Addison/becker-circle.htm
    Amazon http://amzn.to/2GQhgSj
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/becker-circle-addison-brae/1128071378
    iBooks http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/isbn9781370780426
    Kobo https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/becker-circle
    Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/797034

    Addison Brae Social Media

    Addison Brae lives in Dallas, Texas on the edge of downtown. As a child, she was constantly in trouble for hiding under the bed to read when she was supposed to be napping. She has been writing since childhood starting with diaries, letters and short stories. She continues today with articles, video scripts and other content as an independent marketing consultant. When she’s not writing, Addison spends her time traveling the world, collecting interesting cocktail recipes and hosting parties. She’s still addicted to reading and enjoys jogging in her neighborhood park, sipping red wine, binge-watching TV series, vintage clothing and hanging out with her artistic other half and their neurotic cat Lucy.
    Website http://addisonbrae.com/
    Blog http://addisonbrae.com/blog
    Twitter https://twitter.com/AddisonBrae1
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/addison.brae
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/addisonbraeauthor/

    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17759692.Addison_Brae
    Bookbub https://www.bookbub.com/authors/addison-brae
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/default/e/B07B443K8P/


  • Is It True,  Suspense

    Is It True: Becker Circle by Addison Brae @AddisonBrae1 #RLFblog #RomanticSuspense

    Is It True: Becker Circle by Addison Brae @AddisonBrae1 #RLFblog #RomanticSuspenseWelcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Let’s play Is It True with today’s guest, Addison Brae, author of Becker Circle, a contemporary romantic suspense. This is a game with yes and no questions. Writers can elaborate on answers as much as they choose.

    Becker Circle by Addison Brae

    Genre: Contemporary Romantic Suspense
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): Rated R
    My first and only boyfriend believed I was too gutless to leave. He was dead wrong. My name’s Gillian, and I graduated Harvard early and left his hot temper and everyone else behind for Dallas. Determined to make it on my own, I land a second job bartending at the neighborhood pub smack in drama central where most every jerk in the neighborhood hits on me—at a huge price.
    A week into the job, the neighborhood’s very popular drug dealer falls to his death a few feet from the table I’m serving. The cops say suicide, but the hot guitar player in the house band and I suspect foul play, and I intend to prove it. We dig deeper, grow closer, and make a shocking discovery. We know the murderer. Watch the trailer.

    Is it true:

    this is your first book?
    No. It’s my third, but my first adult novel.
    this book is part of a series?
    you lost sleep while writing this book?
    Yes. Days. Weeks. Months.
    you did research for this book?
    Yes. Much of the book takes place in bars, so I spent lots of time talking to bartenders and bar patrons.
    some characters in this book are not human? (pets for example)
    No. Some would question if some of the human characters have a soul though.
    this book has more than one genre?
    Yes. Romantic suspense.
    you speak more than one language?
    No. Not fluently, but I can barely understand and speak a tad of Spanish, French and Greek.
    you grew up where you live now?
    No. I’m in the big city of Dallas now but grew up in East Texas.
    you love to read?
    Yes. Just about anything, but especially thrillers, mysteries, young adult, and a good biography.
    you are never late?
    No. Well, rarely.
    you love pizza?
    Yes. Still angry our favorite neighborhood pizza joint was torn down to build a parking garage at a dental university.
    you love sushi?
    Yes. I didn’t have it for the first time until way into adulthood.
    you have a pet?
    Yes. She’s a neurotic cat with a huge vocabulary named Lucy that’s 10 going on 10 months.

    Where to buy Becker Circle

    Publisher http://www.tirgearrpublishing.com/authors/Brae_Addison/becker-circle.htm
    Amazon http://amzn.to/2GQhgSj
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/becker-circle-addison-brae/1128071378?ean=2940155153153
    iBooks http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/isbn9781370780426
    Kobo https://store.kobobooks.com/search?Query=9781370780426
    Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/797034

    Addison Brae Social Media

    Addison Brae lives in Dallas, Texas on the edge of downtown. As a child, she was constantly in trouble for hiding under the bed to read when she was supposed to be napping. She has been writing since childhood starting with diaries, letters and short stories. She continues today with articles, video scripts and other content as an independent marketing consultant.
    When she’s not writing, Addison spends her time traveling the world, collecting interesting cocktail recipes and hosting parties. She’s still addicted to reading and enjoys jogging in her neighborhood park, sipping red wine, binge-watching TV series, vintage clothing and hanging out with her artistic other half and their neurotic cat Lucy.
    Website http://addisonbrae.com/
    Blog http://addisonbrae.com/blog
    Twitter https://twitter.com/AddisonBrae1
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/addison.brae
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17759692.Addison_Brae
    Bookbub https://www.bookbub.com/authors/addison-brae
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/default/e/B07B443K8P/