• Contemporary

    Cover Love Timeless Encounters @ColeenKwan @2BShannonCurtis @JenniferBrassel #RLFblog

    Timeless Encounters 
    Cover Love at Romance Lives Forever is a short intro to a book
    and includes a cover, blurb, buy links, and social media contacts for the author.
    Today’s featured book is Timeless Encounters, an anthology by Jennifer Brassel,
    Shannon Curtis, and Coleen Kwan.
    Timeless Encounters: An Anthology of Romantic Novellas
    The Tipping Point:
    Returning to Ashwood House, the accursed money pit that destroyed her marriage,
    catapults Bella and estranged husband Reuben into a past where both have the opportunity
    to make different choices. If they dare.
    The Black Gordon:
    In pursuit of a serial killer, Brenda is held captive by The Black Gordon, a handsome
    warrior intent on stealing more than just her freedom.
    The Photograph: Whilst
    crossing the threshold into her doppelganger’s enigmatic past, archivist Erin discovers
    the key to her own future, answers to her past, and heals the heart of a man wounded
    by tragedy.

    Buy This Book

    Amazon http://amzn.to/1s2IF6R
    Amazon UK http://amzn.to/1klDEXl
    Barnes and Noble http://bit.ly/1oa7NUe
    iTunes http://bit.ly/1tdCTPp

    Author Social Media

    Coleen Kwan http://coleenkwan.com
    Jennifer Brassel http://jenniferbrassel.com
    Shannon Curtis http://shannoncurtis.com

  • Science Fiction Romance

    #Free Scifi Romance: Tales from the SFR Brigade @sfrbrigade #RLFblog #sfrb

    Tales from the
    SFR Brigade

    From Earth to the furthest reaches of the galaxy, explore the
    worlds of Science Fiction Romance with stories from Linnea Sinclair, Marcella Burnard,
    Erica Hayes, Liana
    Brooks, Pippa Jay, Berinn
    Rae, Amy Laurens, and Kyndra Hatch.


    Experience love and adventure among the stars in Tales from the
    SFR Brigade, a free digital anthology of eight Science Fiction Romance stories.
    • A space captain discovers the cyborg she loves just might be
    her greatest enemy.
    • A mind-wiped prostitute risks all when she recruits a dangerous
    stranger to help her escape a terrible fate.
    • A prisoner-of-war confronts the comrade who loved her, then
    left her for dead.
    • A space-obsessed physics teacher is kidnapped by a far-too-charming
    • An apocalypse survivor battles the biomech-enhanced hunter
    who seeks to capture her.
    • A young artist must choose between her comfortable life on
    Earth or a war-torn space colony with her beloved.
    • A daring thief is on the run from the alien law man who is
    determined to bring her to justice.
    • A widowed rebel leader tries to save the last remnants of humanity,
    one stranger at a time. 

    Download Tales from the SFR Brigade for free

    Barnes and Noble – http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/tales-from-the-sfr-brigade-jc-cassels/1115864827?ean=2940044605947
    Smashwords (in many formats) – https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/329144

    Find the SFR Brigade Here

  • Anthology,  Contemporary

    Opposities Attract? @vickibatman #RLFblog

    Opposites Attract?

    I come from a family of four girly girls, and my other half comes
    from four rough and tumble boys. We have two boys. So yes, the testosterone gets
    thick at my house!
    Running out and doing the football thing? Not so much.
    Running to the antique mall? Yipee. My men would rather stick
    needles in their eyes. LOL
    Sometimes, there are remarkable differences between the opposite
    sexes. Check these out (mostly generalities):

    Man                                                                Woman
    Action adventure movie                               Romantic comedy
    Non-fiction books                                         Romance books
    Duck Dynasty                                                HGTV
    A fast sportscar, big truck                            A practical SUV
    Thick burger and fries                                   Small one with
    ten fries
    Chocolate shake                                           Water
    Spit on small cut                                            Antiseptic with bandage
    Large dog                                                      Small
    dog, cat
    Ten oz ribeye                                                 4 oz filet
    Loaded baked potato                                   Small salad
    No bread                                                        Bread
    with butter
    No dessert                                                     Anything
    Handwash car                                               Car
    wash with vacuum
    Donuts                                                            Multi-grain
    Surfs through TV commercials                    Reads thru TV commercials
    Loves to cook                                                Hates to cook
    See? Just from this small list, we notice the big differences.
    But isn’t being different a good thing? Would we always want
    to like the same things?
    What I notice is how the columns complement each other. Kinda
    like a balance. So no, we don’t always like the same things. I don’t always watch
    romantic comedies. I adore Indiana Jones and James Bond, but will never be a huge
    fan of Duck Dynasty! On occasion, I eat a donut and deny myself dessert, like bad
    bread pudding. And my other half loves HGTV. Go figure.
    Our characters — usually — imitate real life. Can’t you see
    a hunky guy chowing down on humongous steak, and the girl daintily eating a salad
    or smaller meal? (And all the while she is secretly thinking “I wish I could
    eat like that.”)
    Or our hero lounging on the couch with remote superglued to his
    hand while the heroine is about to blow her top because he won’t land on the romantic
    comedy? She picks up her HGTV magazine.
    Not all of these generalities are hard core true. See the cooking
    thingy, for example. My men would rather throw meat on the grill while I like to
    gather a couple of things together and “assemble” something to eat.
    The truth is if we are identical, we’d bore each other. We want
    to be interesting to our other half. To balance and complement each other. And occasionally,
    bend our other half’s way because that is what we do in a relationship. We grow,
    live, do.
    Let’s add to the list. What are some guy/girl things?

    About the Author

    Vicki Batman has three men in the house and often muses why God
    did that to her.

    Find Me Here

  • Anthology,  Gay or MM

    Gay Romance: On Valentine’s Day @Raine_Delight #RLFblog

    Raine Delight, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. Let’s talk about
    your book, the On Valentine’s Day anthology story, my story is called Moonlight

    Genre: M/M
    Publisher: Sara York in conjunction with It’s Raining Men
    Cover artist: Sara York, and Jared Rackler
    Length: 353 pages/10 stories by eleven authors
    Heat rating: Sweet to scorching hot/my story is sweet and sensual
    Tagline: Fall in love with On Valentine’s Day
    For Moonlight Masquerade:
    Mysterious roses keep popping up on Skylar Everclear’s doorstep.
    No idea what is going, a little disturbed by this secret admirer, he tries to forget
    it all since he just got rid of the latest line of loser boyfriends and just wants
    to do his job at the local bakery. But when he meets his new neighbor, Marc Douglas,
    he finds himself drawn to the quiet young man even as he tries not to let his libido
    take over. But on Valentine’s Day, a mysterious rose again pops up with a note to
    meet his admirer that night. Will Skylar take a chance that this time, love is right
    there waiting for him?
    Buy links:
    Amazon: http://amzn.com/1482020041/
    What are your main characters’ names, ages, and occupations?
    Skylar Everclear is about 30 years old and a baker at a local
    Marc Douglas is around 29 and works at the local shipyard.


    If you could change something about your first book, what
    would it be?
    I would make it a bit longer and more fleshed out.
    What do you enjoy most about writing?
    Creating new characters and worlds. I love opening a new word
    document and letting my muse take over.
    How do you cope with stress as an author?
    With lots of coffee and my sounding board, my partner of seven
    Which of your books would you recommend to someone who doesn’t
    normally read your genre, and why?
    If you enjoy paranormal with romance, then please try my Devon Falls
    series. Each book is a new set of main characters but past characters pop up and
    help move the story along. I have dream walkers, shifters and soon the fae as well
    as elemental mages will be popping in.
    What kind of books do you read when taking a break from your
    own writing?
    All depends on my mood. Lately I am into fantasy such as Jim
    Butcher, Gail Z. Martin and a few others plus my m/m faves such as Sue Brown, Andrew
    grey and more.
    What do you think is the future of traditional publishing?
    I think traditional publishing is now just seeing how well e-books
    are really doing and though late to the party, they are trying to play catch up
    even after many years of scoffing at e-books and their popularity. I would love
    to see the big six redo their publishing model and make it more relevant to today’s
    changing world as well as fighting against e-book pirates.
    Imagine you get to go on a dream vacation, but you have only
    one hour to pack and leave, and it starts as soon as you finish this interview.
    What will you take with you and where will you go?
    Some place warm…maybe Hawaii
    since I have never been there. Shorts, bathing suit and maybe my trusty yoga pants
    as well as a few pairs of jeans. If money is no object then I am planning to buy
    clothes there. J
    What good book have you read recently?
    I am loving Gail Z. Martin’s Chronicles of the Necromancer/Fallen
    Kings series…wonderful fantasy and in e-books, I loved Andrew Grey’s debut young
    adult story, By The Creek under pen name Geoff Laughton. Exquisitely written and
    very heartfelt.
    If you were a color, what color would you be?
    I am an all shades of blue or purple kind of girl
    Please underline which statement is more like you:
    “I am a vacation spa because I am laid back and relaxed.”
    “I am a ten-countries in ten-days tour vacation, because
    I do things as fast as possible.”

    Please complete the sentences

    I love pizza with black olives, pepperoni, and mushrooms.
    I’m always ready for unexpected company with plenty of coffee
    and cookies around my house.
    When I’m alone, I like curling up in my honey’s big easy chair
    and reading on my nook
    You’d never be able to tell, but I had over a dozen surgeries
    in my teens for cervical spine cancer
    If I had a halo it would be hung up on my devil horns.
    If I could be anyone I’d be Johnny Depp’s assistant.
    I can never have too many books because it’s unnatural
    not to have books IMO

    Find Me Here

    Website: http://authorrainedelight.wordpress.com
    Blog: http://authorrainedelight.wordpress.com