• Author Marketing

    Happy Birthday #15 Marketing for Romance Writers #MFRWauthor @MFRW_ORG #RLFblog #Authors

    Marketing for Romance Writers

    We are a peer-oriented mentoring group open to the entire literary community. Ask marketing-related questions, request help, get advice, or ask for opinions. You can learn how to create a professional image and use it effectively, as well as ask for opportunities to join other authors in promotional efforts. You can learn the business aspects of writing in a supportive environment.


    Happy Birthday #15 Marketing for Romance Writers #MFRWauthor @MFRW_ORG #RLFblog #Authors

    Marketing for Romance Writers started in 2006 and is still going strong. All services and membership are free.

    It was Halloween, and I was busy with all sorts of details of writing, and I got the same question from two different people. I remember thinking that there had to be an easier way to do this. I needed a way to let everyone know what I'd discovered at the same time, and if I had a question, get an answer from someone who knew. Yahoo Groups was established and well-used, so I decided to create one that all of my friends and I could use together. We could post a question there, and anyone who knew the answer could reply.

    I set up the group as Marketing for Romance Writers because that's what all of us were at the time. Our current members are not all romance writers, however. They come from all genres. Looking back, I've often wished I'd named it Marketing for Every Writer. Of course, then the initials would have been MEW vs MFRW and our symbol might have been a black cat!

    In 2006, we had 12 members. Fifteen years later, we're in the thousands on Facebook, we have a presence on Twitter, Pinterest, Goodreads, and we hold blog hops like Book Hooks and MFRWsteam to bring traffic to members' websites. We now meet on IO Groups and our staff of volunteers produces a monthly magazine.

    This year, for our anniversary, I asked members to share what MFRW means to them.

    Liese Sherwood-Fabre, Thriller and Fiction Author

    First, let me say I've enjoyed this supportive and knowledgeable group of writers for many years and truly appreciate all the advice and encouragement I've received through them. Specifically this year, I learned about a few special offers on photo sites that allowed me hundreds of downloads for a reasonable price. The only way I knew--through this group. Thanks!

    Anita Verebes, Romance Novelist and Daydreamer

    I've been primarily a lurker, but I love how supportive this group is. I'm only a newbie indie author, but I've learned so much about blog spots and virtual tours already - I've even signed up for a virtual tour because of all the information everyone here has shared, and I'm so excited!

    So, thank you, Kayelle, for all the work you do in creating and managing this fabulous group. I'm so glad I found it!

    JL Peridot, Love Letters to the Future

    Writing can be an isolated career, especially when events aren't easy to get to. Through MFRW, I've gotten to know some amazing indie authors whose creativity, tenacity and friendliness makes this line of work all the more enjoyable. Thank you, Kayelle and the MFRW team, for all the work they do for this community.

    Jennifer Noseworthy, Author, Poet

    I'm happy to participate too. I've had many questions answered and found the support from other authors uplifting.

    Jill Culiner, Romance Writer

    Love the connection with other MFRW writers, the opportunities to blog on romance sites, the support I receive when I ask questions. I greatly appreciate your presence, Kayelle. Just knowing you're there is a comfort.

    Martha O'Sullivan, Contemporary & Erotic Romances

    This group has been unsparingly helpful and generous to me. Whether it's passing along empirical advice, answering questions I didn't know to ask or offering guest blog opportunities, MFRW has been a crucial part of my writing and promoting journey. The magazine is wonderful as well.

    Thank you again.

    Naughty Netherworld Press, New Weird Tales of the Netherworld

    MFRW has helped with suggestions about how to grow my audience and provided a supportive community. Thank you.

    Cynthia Terelst, Contemporary Romance | Young Adult Fiction

    MFRW is a helpful resource. I learn a lot from the questions authors ask. Everyone is always willing to share advice and information.

    Maggie Blackbird, Romancing Canada's Indigenous People

    Hello Kayelle, I am so glad you have kept this group going for fifteen years. Although I only joined last year, I've found this group to be so helpful in connecting me to other authors in the romance genre. Through their generous help, I have been guesting at their blogs and hosting them at mine. I also enjoy the Book Hooks, Steam Hops, etc. It's really helped me to improve my blog. I can't say enough how glad I am that I found MFRW. I hope it keeps going and going!

    Amelia Danver, Historical Romance Author

    Yes, thank you, Kayelle, for keeping this group going! I have benefited from the forums. They have been really informative!

    Lorelei Confer, Romantic Suspense Author

    Wow, I've received so much info from being primarily a lurker. But what individuals share as a headache to them is often the starting point for many others. I learned if you could do it, so could I. And many of your suggestions and ideas have worked wonders. Thank you Kayelle, for your forward thinking back 15 years ago and thanks to everyone who've shared their solutions, suggestions, and answers. A job well done.

    Sloan McBride, Author of Paranormal and Suspense Romance

    Thanks, Kayelle, this group is wonderful. I learned about StoryOrigin and Triberr here, not to mention all the help regarding marketing. It's a great group of people.

    Evelyn Grey, Paranormal Romance Author

    I have loved being part of this group so far- and although I am new it's easy to navigate and warmly welcomes new members! I've already been offered my first guest blog opportunity and it's inspired me to start my own blog to give back here! Thank you so much for creating and maintaining it all these years for new people like me. :)

    Kris Bock, Romance & Suspense Author

    Advice, commiseration, guest blog spots, blog hops, retweet days, and the magazine are all valuable, but the best part is knowing we are not on this journey alone.

    Joan Leotta, Author, Story Performer

    Thanks for your hard work. I'm pretty much of a lurker right now, but this group has been great!

    Babs Mountjoy / Alana Lyons / Lyndi Alexander, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Paranormal Author

    Definitely the support from and for other writers. Makes me feel less lonesome!!

    Tina Donahue, Heat With Heart

    MFRW has been extremely helpful when I've had questions.

    Sadira Stone, Steamy, Contemporary Romance

    The MFRW group has helped me immeasurably with advice on various promo opportunities--what works, what doesn't, and what it takes to succeed in this competitive genre. Thanks so much!

    Alice Renaud, "Magic comes from the Heart"

    I got many guest blog posts and promotion opportunities through this group, which helped me so much as I published my first three fantasy romance novellas.

    Thank you so much!

    Katherine Eddinger Smits, Spellbinding stories of mythical, mystical, magical fantasy and romance

    Hi Kayelle, this group is tremendously helpful to me. The collective wisdom is unfathomable and the generous spirit of the members in helping one another is uplifting. You have created one of the best resources available to authors at all stages of their careers. I am so happy to be a part of it!

    Amara Dey, Magic, Myths, & Paranormal

    Happy Birthday MFRW

    Thank you Kayelle for creating MFRW. I have to say I second what Maggie Blackbird has said. I have only been a member for some months but there is so much great information here. So many authors hosting others and promo opps. It is really a life line. I was giving up marketing my novel as I was getting nowhere, but I think I am gaining confidence because of the information I find here. So much so that going forward I want to guest and start hosting others on my blog (which is completely stagnant at the moment).

    I hope MFRW will always be there for all who are inexperienced with marketing like me.

    Thank you K, from the bottom of my heart.

    Jana Richards, Laugh. Cry. Love. Feel the romance.

    MFRW has been super helpful as a source of information. I learn so much not only from getting answers to the questions I ask, but from reading the questions of others. Someone always has the experience I lack. I've also found blogging opportunities with other authors and have found people willing to guest blog on my site. I'm also grateful when other authors make me aware of products and software on sale at great prices. Always helpful!

    Marsha R West, Romance, Suspense, & 2nd Chances

    Hey, Kayelle. Frankly, I'm astounded at everything you offer to this group. It's mind-boggling. I picked up a number of tips including learning about the ItsyBitsyBookBits blog where I won a 2 week highlight and a trailer for TAINTED. I'd always had trailer envy and this really hooked me. I'm in the process of getting one for my Nov release Compromise from Jody Vitek whose name I found on emails on the MFRW site. I've connected with several authors who are helping promote my books, and I've shared that back. Again, this is a truly amazing group. Congrats to you and the other volunteers on your anniversary. Thanks for making all this happen for us. :)

    MFRW Steam Hop Monthly blog hop for authors of erotic romance

    Book Retweet Day / MFRW Retweet Day

    Weekly blog hop for romance authors

    Find and Join MFRW

    Join us for Retweet Day 2x month https://mfrw.blogspot.com/

    Marketing for Romance Writers IO Groups:
    Main https://marketingforromancewriters.groups.io/g/main
    Steam (Erotic) https://marketingforromancewriters.groups.io/g/steam

    MFRW Magazine https://newsstand.joomag.com/en?q=Marketing+for+Romance
    Marketing for Romance Writers Website http://marketingforromancewriters.org
    Marketing for Romance Writers News https://www.facebook.com/mfrworg
    Marketing for Romance Writers Promo https://www.facebook.com/groups/mfrwauthors/

    You'll find MFRW on most social media. The Twitter hashtags are #MFRWhooks #MFRWorg #MFRWauthor and #MFRWsteam, used for various weekly/monthly blog hops. See volunteers needed below for a chance to network while making a difference for fellow authors.

    MFRW Blog Hops

    MFRW Marketing http://mfrw.blogspot.com
    MFRW Author http://mfrw-authors.blogspot.com
    MFRW Book Hooks https://mfrwbookhooks.blogspot.com/
    MFRW 52 Week Challenge https://mfrw52week.blogspot.com/
    MFRW Steam http://mfrwsteam.blogspot.com

    Retweet Days

    Promo RT Day (must use hashtag #MFRWauthor or #MFRWorg) - 2nd Wednesday every month

    Book RT Day (use a genre hashtag) - 3rd Thursday every month


    MFRW Volunteer Staff

    The volunteers that keep MFRW going are the best people in the world. I don't have to worry that something won't get done, and I don't have to remind anyone of anything. With a group like this, there is nothing we can't do. I owe them all the thanks. They are the real power behind MFRW. Their efforts make this group a powerhouse.

    Rochelle Weber, Newsletter Publisher http://www.rochelleweber.com
    Barbara Donlon Bradley, Newsletter Editor, Writing Tips Blogger http://www.barbaradonlonbradley.com
    Michelle Davis, Newsletter Editor https://twitter.com/michelle40768
    Ana Morgan, Newsletter Editor https://anamorgan.net
    Tina Gayle, Twitter Promo & Blog Hop Coordinator http://www.tinagayle.net/home.html
    Kathryn R Blake, Blog Hop Coordinator http://www.kathrynrblake.com/
    Lisabet Sarai, Steam Hop Coordinator https://www.lisabetsarai.com/
    Mona Karel, Moderator http://mona-karel.com
    Alice Orr, Writing Tips Blogger https://aliceorrbooks.com
    Dee S Knight, Blog Hop Coordinator https://deesknight.com
    Fiona McGregor, Goodreads Coordinator http://www.fionamcgregor.com
    Babs Mountjoy, Jennifer Noseworthy, Nola Li Barr, Facebook Moderators
    Kayelle Allen, Founder & Blog Coordinator https://kayelleallen.com