• Mystery,  Quick and Easy

    Discover fast fun facts about Karen Cino author of The Boardwalk @karencino #RLFblog #Romance

    Discover fast fun facts about Karen Cino author of The Boardwalk @karencino #RLFblog #RomanceA tranquil walk on the boardwalk leads to romance and a dangerous encounter in Karen Cino’s novel The Boardwalk.

    Karen, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about The Boardwalk.

    The Boardwalk by Karen Cino

    Genre Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG17

    After an accident at work, Brooklyn DeMelli walks every day down at the boardwalk as a way to keep active and have a semi normal social life. She meets up with the regular morning walkers, while enjoying the beauty of the beach and the scent of the ocean. To keep busy she started her own company, making beaded jewelry for parties and flea markets. Mario Morales is the hippy that plays acoustic guitar every morning at different ends of the boardwalk. The music captivates Brooklyn. Following the muse, she meets Mario who turns out to be a narcotics detective working undercover on a huge investigation. When Mario finds out Brooklyn is inadvertently involved in a drug trafficking ring, it leads to a series of events, which puts Brooklyn’s life in jeopardy, while forming a romantic bond between them.


    What’s your favorite book?…

    Lovers and Gamblers by Jackie Collins and the Stephanie Plum Series by Janet Evanovich.

    What’s a genre you want to write?…

    I love writing Women’s Fiction, Cozy Mysteries and Romance, but I would like to try a historical romance.

    Best writing advice you ever heard?…

    Write everyday, be it ten words or two thousand words and write what you love.

    What’s the title and genre of your first book, and where can we find it?

    My first novel was Roses, a contemporary romance. It can be found on Amazon and all other publishing platforms.


    Coffee or tea? Coffee

    Sit down dinner or drive through? Sit down dinner

    Fold laundry immediately or let it sit? Folded immediately

    Unload dishwasher right away or use dishes from it? Unload dishwasher right away

    Driving for pleasure or avoid driving anywhere? Diving for pleasure

    Talk or text? Talk

    Emoji or smilie? Emoji

    Where to buy The Boardwalk

    Publisher Mandolay Press
    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Boardwalk-Karen-Cino-ebook/dp/B01BCNBFO8/
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-boardwalk-karen-cino/1111937264?ean=9781523432813
    Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/611680

    Karen Cino Social Media

    Karen Cino is a multi-published author who has been writing since she was fourteen years old. She started her career by writing poetry, short stories and writing articles for her high school newspaper. After reading Jackie Collin’s Lovers and Gamblers and Jacqueline Susann’s Valley of the Dolls, Karen found her niche. Karen loves writing about local places that people can relate to.
    Karen loves the summer, loves the beach. Her previous books were written and took place in various locations in Staten Island. Her Cookie Cutter Cozy Mystery Series takes place at the New Jersey Shore.
    Karen is a member of Women’s Fiction Writers Association and Sisters in Crime and Romance Writers of America.
    Karen has two adult children, Michael Giordano, singer, songwriter and producer, and Nicole Giordano who works in Retail Management and is also a photographer. In 2015 Karen moved to the Jersey Shore.
    Website http://karencino.com
    Blog http://karencinobooks.com
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B008LCG31Y
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4444484.Karen_Cino
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/karencino
    Facebook Author Page https://www.facebook.com/Karen-Cino-296585170371401/
    Newsletter http://us8.campaign-archive1.com/home/?u=372e9cad72e3faf1c0a8b9a4e&id=9ac84ba873


  • Contemporary,  Meet an Author

    Read the #SweetRomance Never Retreat by Bonnie McCune @BonnieMcCune #RLFblog #ContemporaryRomance

    Read the #SweetRomance Never Retreat by Bonnie McCune @BonnieMcCune #RLFblog #ContemporaryRomance

    Read the #SweetRomance Never Retreat by Bonnie McCune @BonnieMcCune #RLFblog #ContemporaryRomance

    Never Retreat, a sweet romance, by Bonnie McCune features a feisty single mom who clashes with an ex-military, macho corporate star at a business retreat in the wild Colorado mountains, where only one can win a huge prize. But when a massive flood imperils

    their love and survival, they learn the meaning of true partnership.

    Bonnie, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about Never Retreat.

    Never Retreat by Bonnie McCune

    Genre sweet romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG

    Years ago, Ramona (‘Raye”) Soto faced harsh reality when a roving con man knocked her up. Now at thirty-something she’s concentrating on her career in a major telecommunications firm and funding college for her teenaged son. Enter Desmond Emmett—a fast talker and smooth operator. New to the office, the ex-serviceman possesses every negative quality for a guy Raye should avoid.

    Thrown together at a corporate retreat in the wilderness, the reluctant duo struggles to complete management’s extreme mental and physical tests for a huge reward. But only one can win the prize, and Des needs the money to underwrite medical treatments for his adored younger sister.

    See-sawing between attraction and antagonism, the mismatched couple, Raye and Des, face their biggest challenge: learning the meaning of true partnership. When a massive flash flood sweeps down the rocky canyon and threatens their love and survival, they must put aside their difference to rescue their colleagues—and their future as a couple.

    Tell us about your favorite toy as a child.

    In a foretelling of my lifelong passion, when I was four, I got a child’s record player and some stories on records that were bright red! The stories were about kings, queens, and magic. I adored it and played records over and over.

    When you read for pleasure, what kind of books do you choose?

    I’m the type of reader who reads cereal boxes if nothing else is handy. I especially like novels featuring regular people, and this shows in the theme of my blog: ordinary people, extraordinary lives. I believe all lives have stories salted throughout them. I tend toward women’s fiction, science fiction (if not too science-y), accessible literary fiction that tells about people, particularly women, meeting challenges and learning from life. Some favorites: The Handmaid’s Tale; Pride & Prejudice; A Tale of Two Cities; The Joy Luck Club, Amy Tan; The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien; The Golden Notebook, Doris Lessing; Caramelo, Sandra Cisneros; The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, Sherman Alexie; anything by Carl Hiaasen; anything by Alexander McCall Smith in The Number One Ladies Detective Agency series; I Capture the Castle, Dodie Smith; Main Street, Sinclair Lewis; several by Roddy Doyle, including The Woman Who Walked into Doors; Let the Great World Spin, Colum McCann; A Gentleman from Moscow.

    What kinds of things do you read when you’re researching a new book?

    In today’s world, so much info is electronic, research is printed and online. For Never Retreat, my most recent, I spent hours in History Colorado’s library, listening to taped interviews from the survivors of one our great flash floods. I also watched YouTube videos and photos of flash floods. Since the heroine is part Latina, I found myself researching that cultural group, especially with roots in Colorado, although a roommate in college was a feisty Chicana, so that helped. The hero is ex-military, as is my husband, so I dug through many resources on service in the Middle East. Hot, hot, hot! And dangerous. My own employment history contains one and a half years in a law office, so that fit right in, as did my experience with two teens.

    How long have you been writing?

    I decided when I was ten and sent a poem to the Saturday Evening Post, where it was immediately rejected. I never looked back. Although I got discouraged over the decades and thousands of rejections.

    Are you a writing mom/dad?

    Yes, and grandma. I’m trying to write a young adult thriller with my grandson set at a boarding school with an ominous new headmaster. I learned very early to squeeze writing in whenever I could, not waiting for “inspiration” but utilizing perspiration. Writing has to be a high priority in your life. (but obviously, not as high as the kids) Everyday life provides many of my ideas, along with my not-so-secret fears, such as flash floods. For example, in Never Retreat, I used a corporate mountain lodge I’d visited, very posh yet rugged, as the setting.

    What is the single most important part of writing for you?…

    Writing lets me explore ideas, thoughts, people, relationships, politics, social situations, loves, hates, in short, all of life, in private safety.

    Where to buy Never Retreat

    Publisher https://www.totallybound.com/book/never-retreat
    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Never-Retreat-Bonnie-McCune-ebook/dp/B086WR658L
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/never-retreat-bonnie-mccune/1128507678?ean=9781913186739
    iBooks (Apple) https://books.apple.com/us/book/never-retreat/id1478403800
    Kobo https://www.kobo.com/gb/en/ebook/never-retreat
    Google Books https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=p9nhDwAAQBAJ
    First For Romance https://www.firstforromance.com/book/never-retreat

    Bonnie McCune Social Media

    Bonnie McCune has been writing since age ten, when she submitted a poem about rain rushing down the gutter to the Saturday Evening Post (it was rejected). Her interest in the written word facilitated her career in nonprofits where she concentrated on public and community relations and marketing. She’s worked for libraries, directed a small arts organization, and managed Denver’s beautification program.
    Simultaneously, she’s been a free lance writer with articles in local, regional, and specialty publications. Her civic involvement includes grass-roots organizations, political campaigns, writers’ and arts’ groups, and children’s literacy. For years, she entered recipe contests and was a finalist once in the Pillsbury Bake Off. A special love is live theater. Had she been nine inches taller and thirty pounds lighter, she might have been an actress.
    Her true passion is fiction, and her stories have won several awards. Never Retreat is her third novel and her fifth book of fiction. She and her husband have two adult children, and three grandchildren. For reasons unknown (an unacknowledged optimism?), she believes one person can make a difference in this world. Visit her at www.BonnieMcCune.com, where you also can read her blog “Ordinary People, Extraordinary Lives.”
    Website https://BonnieMcCune.com
    Blog https://BonnieMcCune.com/blog
    Twitter https://twitter.com/BonnieMcCune
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AuthorBonnieMcCune
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/authorbonniemccune/
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6436876.Bonnie_McCune
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Bonnie-F.-McCune/e/B001K8W5GI


  • Book Release,  Contemporary

    Two For Tuesday by Fiona McGier #RLFblog #NewRelease #ContemporaryRomance

    Two For Tuesday by Fiona McGier #RLFblog #NewRelease #ContemporaryRomanceWhen a world-famous cardiologist has his personal life going up in flames, he seeks out the “one who got away,” in Fiona McGier’s Contemporary Romance, Two For Tuesday. She’s tried to forget him, but he didn’t get to be rich and famous by not pursuing his dreams. And she’s never been good at saying, “No.”

    Fiona, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about Two For Tuesday.

    Two For Tuesday by Fiona McGier

    Genre Contemporary Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R.

    Dr. Marcus Jones is world-famous for inventing a procedure to make cardiac surgery quicker and safer. He has achieved much in the ten years since he graduated from medical school, including accumulating more wealth than he had ever dreamed of growing up in the projects in Chicago. But he has not been as successful in his personal life. His lawyer-wife is divorcing him–but then he was never really in love with her. He has only felt that way about one woman–the one he dated back in college–the one who “got away”. But he didn’t get to be rich and famous by not pursuing his dreams. And she’s never been good at saying, “No.” When he finds her name on the internet he contacts her, determined to see if he can rekindle what they once had together, back when he could only spare one night a week away from his studies, and his world revolved around Tuesdays.

    Why did you write this book?

    I wrote this book for a couple of reasons. One is that I dreamed the bar scene. I’ve learned that when my muse wants to direct me, I’ll get a story arc or a scene in my dreams. Those have become some of my best books. The second reason is that I’m an ardent feminist who has always enjoyed sex–a lot. So I wanted to write a heroine who approaches life and men with a real passion, and wants to experience as much as she can, while she can. I don’t believe in “slut-shaming.” I believe in “slut-celebrating!” LOL.

    What is your favorite genre to read?

    I love to read sci-fi, especially sci-fi romance. Lately I’ve read some good Steampunk.

    Who is your favorite character from fiction (not including your own)?

    Elaina Carteret from Race to Redemption by Shari Elder. She loves to drive fast in intergalactic storm racing, and she’s a strong, independent female. I identify with her, totally!

    What are you working on at the moment?

    I’ve got multiple books going in my laptop. I’m trying to force myself to start finishing one at a time, instead of hopping from one to the other.

    What books will we see from you in coming months?

    Nothing is under contract. I still need to finish writing them! (Hides head in shame, then eats some dark chocolate, with sparkling wine as a chaser.)

    Where to buy Two For Tuesday

    Publisher https://www.extasybooks.com/978-1-4874-3058-0-two-for-tuesday/

    Fiona McGier Social Media

    I sub in high schools during the school year. Otherwise I’m writing and blogging about my books–and reading and writing reviews. Not only do I write erotic romance, I love to read it too. I often read while camping with my long-time HEA. Our four adult kids sometimes join us. I also enjoy sewing–mostly masks these days– crocheting afghans to keep my loved ones warm, and baking–cookies, muffins, and especially pies. I’m known for my never-fail pie crust, so I put the recipe on my website under the pies tab, along with some of my family’s favorites, that I featured in one of my books that had a heroine who baked lots of pies.
    Website www.fionamcgier.com
    Blog www.fionamcgier.com
    Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/profile/view/fionamcgier
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/fiona.mcgier/
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/2987252.Fiona_McGier
    BookBub https://www.bookbub.com/profile/fiona-mcgier-27d35716-8cc6-4638-8470-03331056b1d7
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Fiona-McGier/e/B003J8QJGE
    All Author https://allauthor.com/profile/fionamcgier/
    Authors Den https://www.authorsden.com/visit/author.asp?authorid=122551
    Get to know Fiona McGier better by signing up for email updates on her blog.


  • Series Feature,  Suspense

    Read the series: The Love and Murder Series by Brenda Whiteside @bwhitesid2 #RLFblog #RomanticSuspense

    Read the series: The Love and Murder Series by Brenda Whiteside @bwhitesid2 #RLFblog #RomanticSuspenseLacy’s research into her birth parents uncovers dangerous secrets in the first book of Brenda Whiteside’s Love and Murder Series. In this Romantic Suspense, the sheriff is as tangled in the web as Lacy, putting them both on the edge of disaster.

    Brenda, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about your series.

    The Art of Love and Murder, #1 in the Love and Murder Series

    Kicks off the series in Flagstaff, Arizona. All but one of the suspenseful romances take place in northern Arizona. One ventures to Austria to meet a grandfather and see the castle estate in the Alps. The books are linked by characters and setting, but they can be read out of order. There is suspense, love, sexy heroes, and enough villainous characters both male and female to keep the reader turning the pages. All of the books are available on audio also.

    Genre Romantic Suspense

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): Restricted

    When Lacy Dahl’s research uncovers dangerous secrets about the mother she never knew and secrets that dispute the identity of her father, she finds herself on the edge of disaster.

    Sheriff Chance Meadowlark is still haunted by the murder of his wife and the revenge he unleashed in the name of justice. When he meets Lacy, he is determined not to become involved, but their pasts may make that impossible. As they move closer to the truth, saving Lacy may be his only salvation.

    Lacy begins to think the present is more important than her past…until Chance’s connection to her mother and a murder spin her deeper into danger and further from love. Will the truth destroy Lacy and Chance or will it be the answer that frees them?

    Which book is this in the series?

    Book One

    How many books do you plan for the series?


    How many books are completed?


    What characters are the main stars in your series?

    Each book tells the story of a different couple. They are all in some way related, either by blood or friendship. Lacy Dahl and Sheriff Chance Meadowlark begin the series in book one. Book two stars Lacy’s best friend, Phoebe, and Chance’s brother, Mason. Lacy’s daughter, August, falls in love and danger with Inspector Tobias Wolf in book three. August’s friend, Penny, skirts danger and love with Jake in book four. Book five is the story of Laura, Phoebe’s nanny for her son, and Randy, their ranch foreman.

    What is the overall theme in this series?

    Is love worth the danger?

    Please list the series titles below, in any order you prefer.

    The Art of Love and Murder

    Southwest of Love and Murder

    A Legacy of Love and Murder

    The Power of Love and Murder

    The Deep Well of Love and Murder

    What did you like best about writing this series?

    I really love my characters. I became so attached to them. There are times I wonder to myself how they are doing—as if they actually exist.

    What other books (not in this series, have you written?)

    Sleeping with the Lights On was the first book I published.

    Post-War Dreams is the book of my heart since I used stories of my mom’s life growing up in the 40s.

    Amanda in the Summer is a short.

    The Morning after is a sexy, western novelette.

    And my current series in progress is The MacKenzie Chronicles. Secrets of the Ravine, book 1 is available.

    Where can we find links for all your books?


    Where to buy The Art of Love and Murder

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Art-Love-Murder-Brenda-Whiteside-ebook/dp/B00K0N0Y6M
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-art-of-love-and-murder-brenda-whiteside/1119395121?ean=2940149319657
    iBooks https://books.apple.com/us/book/the-art-of-love-and-murder/id877435573
    Kobo https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-art-of-love-and-murder-1

    Brenda Whiteside Social Media

    Brenda Whiteside is the author of suspenseful, action-adventure stories with a touch of romance. Mostly. After living in six states and two countries—so far—she and her husband have decided they are gypsies at heart, splitting their time between Central Arizona and the RV life. They share their home with a rescue dog named Amigo. While FDW is fishing, Brenda writes.
    Website https://www.brendawhiteside.com
    Blog https://brendawhiteside.blogspot.com/
    Twitter https://twitter.com/brendawhitesid2
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/BrendaWhitesideAuthor
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/3972045.Brenda_Whiteside
    BookBub https://www.bookbub.com/authors/brenda-whiteside
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B003V15WF8
    Get to know Brenda Whiteside better by signing up for an email newsletter https://us3.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=4804e039587723cfe02e83f2c&id=5e4b22a4ac


  • 5 Easy Questions,  Contemporary

    Read a Rock Star Romance: Rocked By Love by MJ Schiller @mjschiller #RLFblog #ContemporaryRomance

    Read a Rock Star Romance: Rocked By Love by MJ Schiller @mjschiller #RLFblog #ContemporaryRomanceWhen a rock star jumps into the crowd to defend a woman from her abusive boyfriend, he finds her cousin attractive in MJ Schiller’s new contemporary romance, Rocked By Love. But when he discovers a nasty article about the band in the newspaper where she works, things turn ugly.

    MJ, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about your book, Rocked By Love.

    Rocked By Love by MJ Schiller

    Genre Contemporary Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG16

    When rock star Raphael Santiago comes to the defense of reporter Mia Love’s cousin, things heat up in this sizzling, new romance from bestselling author, MJ Schiller.

    Rock star Raphael Santiago is haunted by the night his friend Devin died. Maybe because there’s something that no one knows about the overdose. But when he jumps in the crowd to defend a woman at one of his concerts, he finds he doesn’t want to keep the secret from her.

    Mia was a tight little ball of fire, and I was made of combustible material. She misunderstood my intentions the night we met, but I was given an opportunity to explain the next day. I wish that was our only miscommunication, but when I discovered she’d written an inflammatory article about Just Short of Chaos, I thought she was using me to get a story. The hurt that caused made me say some nasty things. Now I may have lost her forever.

    Mia Love doesn’t know if Rafe is truly interested in her, or if she is merely a new plaything for him.

    Oh, there was definitely a heat between us from day one. Sometimes volatile, sometimes scorching in a good way. But I’d been burnt before and I was stronger now. No way was I going to let a rock star break my heart.

    When fate throws them together again, things really start to heat up.

    But will they figure out how to control their passions or will their love story end in ashes?

    What’s your favorite down-home family style meal?

    I don’t know if this counts for down-home, but I love Shepherd’s Pie. But if I need to go with something more traditional, I’d say pot roast with mashed potatoes. Whatever it is, it has to have mashed potatoes with it!

    What is your go-to meal when you dine out?

    This is actually kind of a funny question for me. My kids make fun of me because I always order a chicken quesadilla when we go out. It’s hard to get those wrong. And if they don’t have a quesadillas, the kids can usually guess what I’ll go for next.

    Describe the perfect vacation.

    This is kind of sad, but the perfect vacation for me could happen anywhere. I just need someplace where I can sit and write uninterrupted. I’d like to order room service and not have to stop writing even to cook my dinner. This probably appeals because it’s never happened. I do like it when we go to Vegas though, because my husband will either gamble, or hang out at the pool with the guys, and I’ll stay in the room and write. It’s almost that perfect vacation. I love Vegas, too. So much life there!

    Tell us about your favorite toy as a child.

    Again maybe a bit sad and telling. I wasn’t really into toys too much because I’d prefer to read. I did like this game we had, though, and I ended up buying it for my kids so I could have round two with it. Have you ever played Battling Tops? It’s a game where there are little tops in sort of a concave arena. You wrap string around the tops and release them from the upper part of the arena and they work their way to the bottom and bounce off each other until the one left standing wins. It’s sort of mesmerizing to watch them spin. Sometimes they will fall and seem like they’re out, but then they’ll pop back up!

    If the hero of your latest book called you on the phone, what would be a perfect ringtone for him?

    What would Raphael Santiago’s ringtone be? He’s a complicated man, so this is a complicated question. Rafe is the sophisticated band member. He grew up with wealthy and successful parents, lived in ritzy neighborhoods, and attended private schools. So what would be a good song for someone who is smooth and charming? Frank Sinatra? Barry White? But Rafe’s also a rock star, so it has to be rock, right? And he’s a recovering addict that carries around a lot of guilt. Ahh! I know the perfect song! “It’s Been Awhile” by Staind. The lead singer, Aaron Lewis, has a deep, smooth voice, like Rafe, and he captures perfectly the remorse of someone who’s made a lot of mistakes and is full of self-loathing.

    Read a Rock Star Romance: Rocked By Love by MJ Schiller @mjschiller #RLFblog #ContemporaryRomance

    Where to buy Rocked By Love

    Amazon https://mybook.to/RockedByLove
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/rocked-by-love-m-j-schiller/1138588074?ean=2940162791737
    iBooks https://books.apple.com/us/book/rocked-by-love/id1539415638
    Kobo https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/rocked-by-love-1

    MJ Schiller Social Media

    Bestselling author MJ Schiller is a retired lunch lady/romance-romantic suspense writer. She enjoys writing novels whose characters include rock stars, desert princes, teachers, futuristic Knights, construction workers, cops, and a wide variety of others. In her mind everybody has a romance. She is the mother of a twenty-six-year-old and three twenty-four-year-olds. That’s right, triplets! She likes to escape from life on occasion by pretending to be a rock star at karaoke. However…you won’t be seeing her name on any record labels soon.
    Website https://mjschillerauthor.blogspot.com
    Twitter https://twitter.com/mjschiller
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/RockingTheWorldOneReaderAtATime/
    Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/mjschiller/
    Instagram https://instagram.com/mjschiller
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6479377.M_J_Schiller
    BookBub https://www.bookbub.com/profile/m-j-schiller
    Amazon Author Page http://www.amazon.com/M.J.-Schiller/e/B009JOQFQQ/ref=ntt_athr_dp_pel_1
    Get to know MJ Schiller better by signing up for an email newsletter https://dl.bookfunnel.com/4im3lyvxep


  • Historical,  Quick and Fun

    Read Perilous Love by Jan Selbourne @JanSelbourne #RLFblog #Historical Fiction

    Read Perilous Love by Jan Selbourne@JanSelbourne #RLFblog #Historical FictionSelbourne’s Perilous Love tells of war in Europe and a shocking betrayal, forcing Adrian and Gabrielle to run for their lives. Will they reach safety, or will danger and treason follow them back to England?

    Jan Selbourne welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about Perilous Love

    Perilous Love by Jan Selbourne

    Genre Historical Fiction

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R

    As the world rushes towards a war, Adrian Bryce, wealthy businessman, is ordered by the British government to leave his mistress and accompany his estranged wife Gabrielle to Belgium. They require proof Gabrielle’s uncle is supporting the German Empire. Adrian discovers secrets which plunge him and Gabrielle into a nightmare of betrayal. Forced to run for their lives as Germany invades, they must trust each other in the midst of danger, brutality, and injury.

    Gabrielle enjoys her role of mother of their two children. Wanting only to be with her lover, and now fearful of exposure, she readies herself and her children for a difficult trip. With no way out, Gabrielle knows the two weeks with her aristocratic traditional family will be a trial, and Europe is on edge. She had no idea the danger she, Adrian and her children would be in.

    Will Adrian and Gabrielle reach safety? If they do, are they out of danger or will the intrigue and treason follow them back to England?


    How do you come up with ideas?…

    The idea for Perilous Love came from a small article on how a person’s true character emerges when faced with extreme danger, stress, or situations beyond our control. For instance, the tough guy turns to water and runs, the insignificant person steps up and takes charge. At the time I read this article I was reading my grandfather’s WW1 military record while completing my family tree. I had the setting, and I had the story.

    What is the single most important part of writing for you?…

    Research, when we write historical fiction, we must provide an authentic as possible background for our story.

    When did you write your first book?..

    I have quite a few attempts going back some years and a few rejection letters to go with them. Perilous Love was my first real serious book and was published by Black Velvet Seductions in 2015.




    Leather or lace? Lace

    Black or red? Red

    Satin sheets or smooth cotton? I couldn’t afford satin sheets so smooth will do.

    Ocean or mountains? Mountains.

    City life or country life? Country life

    Party life or evening at home? Evening at home

    Dogs or cats? Both

    Where to buy Perilous Love

    Publisher Black Velvet Seductions

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07BDN985Q

    Jan Selbourne Social Media

    Jan Selbourne grew up in Melbourne, Australia. Her love of literature and history began as soon as she could read and hold a pen. Her career started in the dusty world of ledgers and accounting then a working holiday in the UK brought the history to life. Now retired, Jan can indulge her love of writing and travel. She has two adult children and lives near Maitland, New South Wales.
    Website https://nomadauthors.com/JanSelbourne/index.html
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jan.selbourne
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