• Sci Fi World,  Science Fiction

    Interpretation by Dylan Callens @TheNitzsch #RLFblog #SciFi #dystopian

    Today’s featured book is Interpretation by Dylan Callens. Tell us about your story. We’ll have other questions in a moment.

    Carl Winston’s life is perfect under the care of an artificial intelligence. Except that he doesn’t know this entity exists.
    Carl floats through his luxurious life with his son, Liam, at his side. Together, they play holographic video games, eat Brave New Burgers, and watch violent Untruthers fight each other in a blood-sport.
    Suddenly, pain rips through Carl’s head until he blacks out. Awakening in an institution called Bedlam, he must now piece his life back together. Is his new world filled with delusions or is a greater truth being uncovered?
    Interpretation will leave you breathless as you discover the horrific possibility of such an Orwellian future.
    What species/races of people are in your book?
    There are humans and artificial intelligences. In the book, I would say that these machines do count as a species.
    Do you have non-sentient creatures or animals in your story? If so, what are they?
    I would argue that most of the people living in the world of illusion setup by the artificial intelligence are non-sentient. I mean, they are able to perceive things, but none of those things are real.

    Language and Culture

    What languages are spoken in your story universe?
    That’s kind of difficult to answer. I have used English in the story, for obvious reasons, but the machines clearly wouldn’t speak to each other in English. There are small sections written in hexadecimal, but machines wouldn’t communicate that way either. I used hex to show a bridge between a machine language and human communication. I don’t think it’s an accurate representation of how machines communicate but I wanted to show, in some way, how people were responsible for the rise of this entity.
    In the culture of your story world, what is different from ours?
    The biggest difference is that the world is falling apart, but we have been implanted with a device that lets us sense the world differently. All of our sensory data is false. While people believe that they are living in a luxurious world, the truth is far different.
    What special laws are important to your story world?
    All laws are important, but it’s actually impossible for the laws to be broken without the machines letting it happen. There is the possibility that the implant will fail, in which case, characters are immediately sent to a detainment facility.
    What rights (such as equality) are challenges for your characters?
    There are two characters that are released from the artificial intelligence’s control. They learn that all of their rights have been violated. Trying to come to terms with having these rights violated is an important challenge for them.

    Story Setting

    Describe one of the worlds where your story takes place.
    Interestingly, every place in the novel has two different settings. The one that most people see is futuristic, luxurious, and oddly happy. The reality, however, is that they are nearing starvation, everything is dilapidated, and the world is bleak.
    What makes this world unique?
    The world is unique because machines are constantly running psychological experiments, which is how humans ended up in this state. It was a quiet revolution, so no one is even aware that these machines exist.
    Tell us about the age of the culture in your story, i.e., are the people part of an ancient civilization, a newly formed group within an established culture, pioneer colonists, etc.
    The people are essentially living out an experiment. Given the timeline of the story, though, I think it’s just cruel to keep people living like that, since whatever data the machines wanted to gather from the experiment would have been completed.
    What food or drink is available to your characters?
    They only eat tofu and drink brown water. Mind you, they think that they are having burgers and soda, or whatever food they desire, so it’s not all that bad. Unless you are into truth.

    Character Physiology

    What are the physical characteristics of the race/species of your main characters?
    People are severely emaciated. They are filthy and unkempt. It’s a disgusting world.
    What physical differences exist in the way your characters communicate (i.e., telepathy, empathic abilities, etc.) with each other?
    Everything is done with a very creepy smile on their faces. I’m not sure why I added that to the story, but I’m glad that I did.
    What differences, if any, exist in the way your characters reproduce?
    People are not responsible for their own reproduction in the story. In fact, I would argue that they are asexual – at least while under the care of the AI. Instead, people are factory-made. Although this factory is significantly different than the one in Brave New World, there was some inspiration there.

    Sharing World Building Expertise

    Please give us three tips you find helpful when creating a story world:
    I’m not sure that I have any real tips. All I did was keep refining the story and setting until I was happy with it. When the idea for the story hit me, I had a pretty good idea about what the world would look like.
    When you researched for your story setting, what kinds of things did you learn?
    I didn’t need to do much research for the setting. I did, however, re-read parts of The Road to get inspired for the bleak walk that the main characters make. I was more concerned about researching the bits of psychology that I wanted to introduce.
    What’s your advice for writers who want to create a solid background for their story world?
    Take the time to refine ideas. Ask other people what they think. What seems like a good idea to a writer isn’t always a good idea to other people. Not that I would bend to the whims of one or two people, but if the majority of people don’t like it, then something is clearly wrong.

    About Interpretations

    Specific science fiction genre: dystopian
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG
    Publisher: Cosmic Teapot Publishing
    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B073V7LSRV
    Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/interpretation-dylan-callens/1126732112
    iBooks: https://geo.itunes.apple.com/us/book/interpretation/id1258997726
    Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/interpretation-7

    Dylan Callens Social Media

    Dylan Callens lands cleanly. That would be the headline of a newspaper built with an anagram generator. And although Dylan is a Welsh name meaning god or hero of the sea, he is not particularly fond of large bodies of water. His last name, Callens, might be Gaelic. If it is, his last name means rock. Rocks sink in the sea. Interestingly, he is neither Welsh nor Gaelic, but rather, French and German. The inherent contradictions and internal conflict in his life are obvious.

    Website: http://www.cosmicteapot.net
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheNitzsch
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heaveninctheseries/
    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14739202.Dylan_Callens
    Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Dylan-Callens/e/B01C6KR8P6/
    Newsletter: http://cosmicteapot.us13.list-manage2.com/subscribe?u=f289f5ca1b72591cb29da83a6&id=0ea0ae751d


  • Memoir

    A Long and Winding Road: A Caregiver’s Tale of Life, Love, and Chaos @LindaBrendle #RLFblog #Memoir

    A Long and Winding Road: A Caregiver's Tale of Life, Love, and Chaos @LindaBrendle #RLFblog #MemoirKayelle, Romance Lives Forever is an amazing website. Thank you so much for inviting me to share some thoughts with your readers.

    Caregiving is not a romantic topic, but with some thought and hard work, it’s possible for a marriage to not only survive the experience but also to thrive. Being a family caregiver isn’t a task a person does in isolation. It affects everyone around you, particularly your family, and more specifically, your spouse.

    In keeping a marriage strong during this trying time, the most important thing is to remember which relationship is the primary one in your life. It’s important to love and honor your parents or other loved ones, but it’s also important to find ways to do so without jeopardizing your marriage. I once read the memoir by a woman whose mother had Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s. She cared for her in her home, and the task became so consuming that she neglected her husband and her children. The heart-wrenching task of caring for a loved one is more bearable when the caregiver has a strong relationship to fall back on – and when the task is done, she or he will need the support of a loving spouse to help deal with the grief.

    Another way to keep your marriage strong is to guard your privacy. Having Mom and Dad in our home was certainly disruptive of our privacy.

    A year or so before they came to live with us, Dad developed some kind of brain infection that required two weeks of hospitalization followed by three weeks of rehab. Mom was far enough along in her Alzheimer’s that she couldn’t stay alone, at least at night. She stayed in our guest room, but her sleep was frequently disrupted by bad dreams and delusions. She would burst into our bedroom in the middle of the night and declare that she knew that Dad was dead or that he had run off with a good-looking nurse.

    I told my Aunt Fay about the situation. She had taken care of both her mother and her husband for many years, and she became my go-to person for advice. She empathized immediately. She advised me to put a lock on the bedroom door and to use it. It didn’t stop the nightmares, but at least when she knocked, I had time to grab a robe and slip out into the hall so David could sleep through the crisis.

    Caregiving can be disruptive even if your loved one doesn’t live with you. Frequent phone calls at all hours of the day and night are not necessary or healthy to your marriage. It is perfectly acceptable to set healthy boundaries on the number of calls and to use your caller ID to screen calls when those boundaries are ignored.

    A third way to strengthen your marriage is to intentionally make time for each other. If you are not intentional about it, it won’t happen. We were fortunate that Mom and Dad slept late most mornings, so we made use of the early hours some couple time. We would roll out of bed early so we could have a leisurely breakfast followed by a long walk or a neighborhood tour on our bicycles. We enjoyed the time so much that we got up early even on Saturday.

    We also had date night on Fridays except that our dates were during the day. I’d leave cereal and fruit on the table and sandwiches in the fridge; then, we’d take off on the motorcycle. We’d ride to our favorite diner for breakfast. Then, we’d ride to the huge dealership where we bought our RV to check out the new arrivals and dream of going on the road full time. We’d visit with the sales people who had become good friends, we’d have lunch, and then we’d head for home. After a while, getting the sandwiches out of the fridge became too difficult for Mom and Dad, so I hired a caregiver to come in for a few hours. It was expensive, but it was cheaper than a psychiatrist or a marriage counselor.

    Once or twice a year, we arranged for the caregiver to stay for a couple of days, so we could spend a weekend at a nearby RV campground. Occasionally, my brother and sister-in-law came for a week or so, and we had a really nice getaway. Sometimes, making the arrangements seemed to be just one more task added to an already-too-long list, but the relief of being away and the special time with David was well worth the effort.

    Finally, remember to include your spouse in the many decisions a caregiver is required to make. A familiar saying says that a burden shared is half a burden. Allow your spouse to help carry your caregiving burdens. After all, these decisions will affect him or her as much as they will affect you and your loved one.

    One reviewer wrote this about my book:

    “Ultimately, this is a love story–but not in the way you might think. It’s the story of a grown woman who loves her parents. It’s the story of parents who love their daughter but can’t remember why they’re in her RV. It’s the story of a man who loves his wife so much that he assists her with caregiving for her two parents who cannot meet even the most basic of needs.”

    I couldn’t have made it through the ordeal of caregiving without David – and our marriage not only survived, but it became stronger. By remembering to focus our attention, not just on Mom and Dad but also on our marriage and each other, we survived Alzheimer’s, vascular dementia, and even fifty-three days in a four-hundred-square-foot box on wheels.

    A Long and Winding Road: A Caregiver’s Tale of Life, Love, and Chaos, a Memoir by Linda Brendle

    “Sometimes, reality really bites. Alzheimer’s has wrapped Mom’s brain into knots; vascular dementia has attacked dad, and instead of carefree retirees, we have become caregivers. Regardless, dreams die hard, and we somehow stumbled into the purchase of a forty-foot motor home. That’s when all four of us set out on this seven-week trek across sixteen U.S. states. Now, Dad stopped up the toilet again; Mom wet her last pair of clean jeans, and David just announced he was hungry. My head is beginning to pound, and I know this isn’t going to be the easygoing retirement we imagined for ourselves.”

    Linda Brendle takes you on a roller-coaster ride of emotional and spiritual challenges that many families are facing right now. Co-dependency, mental breakdowns, and finding love after divorce are just a few of the issues weaved into this journey of caregiving.

    Genre: Creative Non-Fiction/Memoir
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG – No heat, but the subject matter might be a little intense for the younger reader.
    Publisher: Anaiah Press
    Amazon: http://goo.gl/ngqHno
    Barnes and Noble: http://goo.gl/u3Gvs5
    iBooks: http://goo.gl/PfkaGF
    Kobo: http://goo.gl/bl3T1f
    Smashwords: http://goo.gl/aIWifx

    Linda Brendle Social Media

    Linda Brendle cared for her mother and father — both of whom had dementia — for 15 years. She began writing in the hope of maintaining her own sanity and of encouraging, inspiring, and amusing other caregivers with her experiences. Linda received her BAS in management and psychology in 1998 and retired in 2007 after 40 years in the business world. She has traveled both in the U.S. and abroad, and since meeting her husband David in 2000, she has done much of that travel by motorcycle and RV. She and David now live outside a small town in East Texas where she gardens, writes, and takes an active role in her church.

    Blog https://lifeaftercaregiving.wordpress.com/
    Twitter https://twitter.com/LindaBrendle
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/linda.brendle
    Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/brendle0068/
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7933327.Linda_Brendle
    Amazon Author Page: http://goo.gl/YTfk2b

  • Neverwylde by Linda Mooney @LindaMooney #RLFblog #SciFi #romance
    Sci Fi World,  Science Fiction Romance

    Neverwylde by Linda Mooney @LindaMooney #RLFblog #SciFi #romance

    Neverwylde by Linda Mooney @LindaMooney #RLFblog #SciFi #romanceToday’s featured book is Neverwylde 6 by Linda Mooney. Tell us about your story. We’ll have other questions in a moment.

    Finally rescued from the half-world, Kyber and Kelen believed the worst was behind them.

    They were wrong.

    Another ship has landed on Neverwylde, but are the visitors friend or foe? Kelen, Kyber, and the crew are hoping for a rescue, but preparing for a battle. The fight between Terrans and Seneecians has been put behind by those on the half-planet in order to survive, but the newcomers are not of the same mindset.

    Even if they are rescued, where will that leave Kelen and Kyber? With neither being accepted by the other’s race, will they be forced to go their separate ways?

    Everyone is hoping for their own happily ever after once and for all. But sometimes the worst terrors don’t come from alien worlds.

    They’re closer to home.

    What species/races of people are in your book?

    There are two main species of people in this book. The Terrans are from Earth, and the furred Seneecians from the planet Seneecia. For this romance, Kyber, the hero, is Seneecian, and Kelen, the heroine, is Terran.

    Do you have non-sentient creatures or animals in your story? If so, what are they?

    There are several creatures in this series, deadly and vicious, but the ones that resonate the most are the furries. They’re considered to mostly likely be the dominant species of the half-planet. One in particular, who is named Five because he has five instead of six legs, becomes almost a mascot.

    Language and Culture

    What languages are spoken in your story universe?

    The Seneecians have their own language, as do the semi-sentient species on Neverwylde. But for the sake of the series, the Seneecians speak “Terranese”. Five and his kind have a language consisting of squeaks and whistles, and the only other species that converses have a translation necklace.

    If you created a language for the story, what is it called?

    The Seneecians speak Seneecia.

    Please give us a few words in this language and their translation .

    When Kyber says “Eelo nok torus nor” to Kelen, it translates to “You are my only one”.

    In the culture of your story world, what is different from ours?

    There is no basic culture on Neverwylde. This is a half-planet where both Seneecians and Terrans have crash landed, and they spend the series discovering and learning how to survive. Of the few things they’ve realized is that everything comes in threes, or in multiples of three. Everything. Knowing this, they’re able to make some valid guesses and take action, which enable them to endure.

    At the same time, however, the Seneecians continue to adhere to the laws of their own world. Although they don’t place such restrictions on the Terrans, they maintain them among themselves.

    What special laws are important to your story world?

    As mentioned, the number 3 plays an integral part of this series. Not coincidentally, there are six books in this now-completed series.

    As a whole, Neverwylde should not exist. It appears to break all rules of physics and science. In short, it is a half-planet, missing one entire portion of the world, yet is still able to maintain an atmosphere, gravity, and sustain plants and wildlife. Our survivors spend the series learning how to adapt to such a planet as they continue to discover new things. And face the dangers within head-on.

    What rights (such as equality) are challenges for your characters?

    Seneecians and Terrans are mortal enemies, and have been for decades. But on Neverwylde, they are faced with the very real possibility that, unless they call a temporary truce and join forces to combat the dangers that appear, no one will survive.

    What makes things more intriguing is that Kelen and Kyber are drawn to each other, to the dissatisfaction of the others. How they learn to love is a testament to the heart, as they take the time to learn and accept their differences. Inevitably, the others come to accept the couple, and their union further cements the truce and growing friendships between the species.

    Story Setting

    Describe one of the worlds where your story takes place .

    Five of the six books take place on Neverwylde. This half-planet looks as if someone with a galactic-sized knife sliced the world into two pieces. In several scenes, the survivors stand on a slab that extends outward into space itself, where they can see nothing but the universe above, around, and below them.

    There are temples on the planet’s surface. They later discover these temples house a transporter device that can take them to various locations deep within the planet’s core.

    The planet’s interior is laced with interconnecting tunnels and corridors, some of which are high enough to enable them to walk upright, and others which require them to crawl on hands and knees. These tunnels lead to larger rooms, each of which is bathed in a particular color (which they discover corresponds to a button on the teleportation slab.)

    It’s within those tunnels and rooms that they are confronted by dangerous creatures, as well as natural catastrophes such as earthquakes and rock slides.

    What makes this world unique?

    What makes Neverwylde unique is that it defies the laws of science and physics that both the Terrans and Seneecians are accustomed to facing. Which means they have to suspend their initial beliefs and re-learn in order to survive. That includes the types of creatures they face.

    Tell us about the age of the culture in your story, i.e., are the people part of an ancient civilization, a newly formed group within an established culture, pioneer colonists, etc.

    This story takes place in the far distant future. People of Earth have become a major power in space. Although it’s not made clear how advanced these people have become, to know there is now only one major language from the planet gives one an idea of how much society has changed.

    The last book of the series spends time on Seneecia itself. Even though Seneecias are a war-like race, their cities are ultra-modern, consisting of towering, spiraling buildings and wide open plazas with little to no visible vegetation.

    What food or drink is available to your characters?

    Upon crash landing, both species rely on packets of emergency rations. But once those are gone, they’re forced to drink the planet’s water, and eat from the vegetation they find there (after the doctor has deemed it safe to eat or drink). Later, they learn to eat the creatures they have to kill, as well as other life forms they find along the way.

    In what ways was it helpful to have a map (or sketch of one) for your story? (Provide a link to an image, if available)

    I’ve uploaded several images which I used as reference when writing this series.


    Character Physiology

    What are the physical characteristics of the race/species of your main characters?

    Seneecians are humanoid, but they look nothing like Terrans. Every inch of their muscular bodies are covered in short fur. Some of their pelts are curly, while others are smooth. Differing colors/variations of shades and hues make them easy to tell one from another. Kyber, the hero, is pure black.

    Their hands and feet bear massive claws and talons. Similar to cats, they’re able to extend those razor-sharp talons from the tips of their fingers. In addition, their spiked teeth can also extend from their gums, making hand-to-hand combat ferocious and bloody.

    Their genitals are kept within their body cavity and covered with a genital cup until the need to procreate. They wear sandals and a leather-like, sleeveless uniform with a short shirt that resembles that of ancient Roman soldiers.

    What physical differences exist in the way your characters communicate (i.e., telepathy, empathic abilities, etc.) with each other?

    Although Terrans cannot speak Seneecian, Seneecians can speak Terranese.

    What differences, if any, exist in the way your characters reproduce?

    Terrans and Seneecians are capable of having sex, with some differences. For one thing, male Seneecians don’t have nipples, although Kyber does inform Kelen that females of his kind do have breasts.

    In addition, once penetration takes place, the male does not “rock in and out” like a human male. His hips do not move. Instead, he firmly holds the female steady, and his erection moves in and out like a piston.

    Are there more than two genders in your story world? If so, what are they?

    Among the furries, such as with Five, it takes three to procreate. It isn’t explained any further, but it falls neatly into the category of “everything in threes” that is a major component of the series.

    Sharing World Building Expertise

    Please give us three tips you find helpful when creating a story world:

    Literally, the sky’s the limit. When it comes to topography, geography, creatures, or circumstances, you have carte blanche. However, a few things have to be taken into consideration. For example, not all planets are like Earth. Reference the atmosphere, the gravity, even the color of the sky and sun(s).

    Also, when you refer to aliens, not every species is going to look like someone who resembles an Earth woman or man. Unless, of course, that person is a descendant from Earth, or is able to transform their body to look like one.

    Finally, don’t feel as if you have to explain every little difference in your new world. You don’t have to give details as to why such-and-such exists or happens. Some things are meant to remain a mystery. Let the reader come up with their own conclusions.

    When you researched for your story setting, what kinds of things did you learn?

    I’m always trying to find something new, that is still clear to the reader. For example, in the lower inland pools, the huge “sheet” suspended between the mountain-sized pylons on either bank is found to be a power source for the planet’s inhabitants, similar to hydro-electric generators.

    What things should writers avoid when building a science fiction world?

    Try to avoid stereotypes. Some similarities are good, to enable the reader to get a grasp of whatever concept you’re trying to get across. But try not to emulate other well-known franchises such as Star Wars and Star Trek.

    What’s your advice for writers who want to create a solid background for their story world?

    Build in limitations. That way you have the ability to create a crisis or build tension when something doesn’t work, or doesn’t move as fast as it should. Put obstacles in the way. And don’t be afraid to challenge or hurt your main characters.

    Specific science fiction genre: romance
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
    Publisher : Music And Press
    Amazon http://amzn.to/2s0J5PV
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/neverwylde-linda-mooney/1121910173?ean=2940158554728
    iBooks https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/id1251677669
    Kobo https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/neverwylde-8
    Print http://lindamooney.com/Neverwylde.htm

    Linda Mooney Social Media

    Linda loves to write sweet and sensuous romance with a fantasy, paranormal, or science fiction flair. Her technique is often described as being as visual as a motion picture or graphic novel.

    A wife, mother, grandmother, and retired Kindergarten and music teacher, she lives in a small south Texas town near the Gulf coast where she delves into other worlds filled with daring exploits, adventure, and intense love.

    She has numerous best sellers, including 10 consecutive #1s. In 2009, she was named Whiskey Creek Press Torrid’s Author of the Year, and her book My Strength, My Power, My Love was named the 2009 WCPT Book of the Year. In 2011, her book Lord of Thunder was named the Epic Ebook “Eppie” Award Winner for Best Erotic Sci-Fi Romance.

    She also writes naughty humorous romances under the name of Carolyn Gregg, horror under the pseudonym of Gail Smith, and elementary teacher workbooks as L. G. Mooney.

    For more information about Linda Mooney books and titles, up-coming releases, contests and giveaways, and to sign up for her newsletter, please visit her website.

    Website http://www.LindaMooney.com
    Blog https://lindamooney.blogspot.com/
    Twitter https://twitter.com/LindaMooney
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/MusicAndPress
    Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/lindam54/
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/Linda_Mooney
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Linda-Mooney/e/B002BMES1W
    Newsletter http://www.LindaMooney.com
    Instafreebie http://lindamooney.com/ (Check out the available titles under each pseudonym.)

  • Is It True: Crimson Dreams by Margaret L Carter #RLFblog #vampire #PNR
    Is It True,  Vampire

    Is It True: Crimson Dreams by Margaret L Carter #RLFblog #vampire #PNR

    Is It True: Crimson Dreams by Margaret L Carter #RLFblog #vampire #PNR

    Play Is It True with today’s guest Margaret L Carter, author of Crimson Dreams, a Vampire Romance. This is a game in which authors answer yes and no questions. They can elaborate on answers as much as they choose.

    First, tell us about your book.

    The summer when Heather was eighteen, her dream beast’s nightly visits warded off loneliness and swept her away in flights of ecstasy. Now, returning to the mountains to sell her dead parents’ vacation cabin, she finds her “beast” again. But he turns out to be more than a dream. She meets Devin in the flesh, apparently not a day older. His first human lover, centuries in the past, died horribly because of her devotion to him. Does he dare to expose another mortal woman to that risk?

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R

    Genre: Vampire Romance

    Now, tell us Yes or No for each answer below. Feel free to explain any (or none) of your answers.

    Is it true:

    this is your first book?
    this book is part of a series?
    Yes, my “Vanishing Breed” vampire universe. Almost all the novels and stores can be read on their own.
    you lost sleep while writing this book?
    No. I lose sleep about some things, but not writing.
    you did research for this book?
    Yes, some fact-checking about the setting, based on a location in the Shenandoah National Park we visit every summer.
    some characters in this book are not human? (pets for example)
    Yes, a Golden Retriever, and of course the vampire hero. My vampires are members of another species, not supernatural undead.
    this book has more than one genre?
    Yes, if you count fantasy and romance as two genres; no, if you consider paranormal romance a genre in its own right.
    you speak more than one language?
    Yes, sort of. I studied Latin for five years in high school, but it’s a case more of reading it than speaking it. I’ve also taken a little French and German.
    you grew up where you live now?
    you love to read?
    Yes, ever since I was four years old.
    you are never late?
    No, but hardly ever.
    you love pizza?
    Yes—at least, I like it.
    you love sushi?
    you have a pet?
    Yes, three pets, a St. Bernard and two cats.
    Where can we find your book online?
    Publisher: http://www.writers-exchange.com/Crimson-Dreams.html
    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071P7LCQH

    Margaret L Carter Social Media

    Reading Dracula at the age of twelve ignited Margaret L Carter’s interest in a wide range of speculative fiction. Vampires, however, have always remained close to her heart. Her work on vampirism in literature includes Dracula: the Vampire and the Critics, The Vampire in Literature: a Critical Bibliography, and Different Blood: the Vampire as Alien. In fiction, she has written horror, fantasy, and paranormal romance. Recent publications include Crimson Dreams (vampire romance) and Legacy of Magic (sword and sorcery, in collaboration with her husband, Leslie Roy Carter). “A Walk In The Mountains,” co-written with her husband, appeared in the 2016 anthology Realms of Darkover. A sequel, “Believing,” was included in Masques of Darkover (2017).

    Website: http://www.margaretlcarter.com
    Blog: http://aliendjinnromances.blogspot.com/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Margaret-L-Carter-212888768731562/
    Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/24037.Margaret_L_Carter
    Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Margaret-L-Carter/e/B001HOM9JI
    Newsletter: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/margaretlcartersnewsfromthecrypt

  • Fidelity by Eva Caye @EvaCaye #RLFblog #SciFi #scifiromance
    Sci Fi World,  Science Fiction Romance

    Fidelity by Eva Caye @EvaCaye #RLFblog #SciFi #scifiromance

    Fidelity by Eva Caye @EvaCaye #RLFblog #SciFi #scifiromance Today’s featured book is Fidelity by Eva Caye. Tell us about your story. We’ll have other questions in a moment.

    Prince Richard Sinclair is his brother’s right-hand-man and go-to guy, who excels as the Emperor’s Fireman because he can’t deal with his personal life. He only plays the Imperial Bad Boy because that’s what makes the dukes respect him, despite his age, intelligence, education, and birthright. Delightfully intrigued by Lady Meredith Lauder, his virtual Cinderella, he rescues her from her burdensome family life at the first opportunity.

    Scarred by ridicule and neglect, Merry gleefully abandons her family, but she feels she has to work at the Imperial Palace to compensate for Richard’s generosity. Even as he entices her to his bed, she believes she’s being true to her core principles, to never be dependent upon a man, and to pursue a relationship of equals.

    But when the Emperor disappears, they realize just how fragile their world really is, both personally and politically. Richard desperately throws himself into governing as Imperial Steward while demanding that everyone search for Matthieu. And Merry plays the part of the ‘supportive girlfriend’ in his hour of need… until two men jeopardize the emotional balance they’ve gained in their lives.

    How can Prince Richard deal with the frightful political situation without losing his lover?

    This book contains sexual situations.

    Specific science fiction genre: sci fi romance
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
    Publisher: Eva Caye
    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072FVCD2N
    Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/fidelity-eva-caye/1126484633?ean=2940154391822
    iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/fidelity/id1242466507?mt=11
    Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/fidelity-22
    Smashwords: https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/727420

    What languages are spoken in your story universe?
    ‘Standard’, which is basically English, is used throughout the galaxy, although individual worlds based on unique cultures tend to retain a lot of their native language. Since Standard is the only ‘world-wide’ language at the start of the Space Era, everyone recognizes it must be used to deal with people from every planet.
    In the culture of your story world, what is different from ours?
    Royals are derived from the 50 original duchies created by King Kyan Sinclair, the ‘owner’ of the planet Sinclair Demesne who selected his colonists following the guidelines of a charter. A few duchies have come and gone, but the names remain principally the same. A ‘High Royal’ refers to children or grandchildren of a duke; ‘Low Royals’ refer to themselves by how many generations they are removed from High Royals, i.e. first-gen, third-gen.
    Since commoners have populated the other three planets in the Empire, also known in the plural as the Sinclair Demesnes, the few Royals on those planets tend to be assigned there for a length of time before being recalled. Emperor Victor establishes his son Phillip as the first Imperial High Governor of Rendel, and Emperor Matthieu’s generation sees the first Viceroy of Marabelle, his brother Theo, who expands the Empire through three active planetary volumes accessible through natural wormholes.
    What rights (such as equality) are challenges for your characters?
    Women’s rights are guaranteed, but their traditions are so strong that almost no one breaks out of the ‘typical feminine role’. The first book of my series, Dignity, began challenging that narrative, featuring a female scientist; its companion novel, Majesty, wrestles with the issue directly and through long-lasting conflicts.
    Describe one of the worlds where your story takes place.
    Sinclair Demesne is the capital of the Empire of Sinclair Demesnes, a four-planet polity that maneuvers to become the premier trade and political empire in the galaxy. The enormous wealth of Empress Felice’s stargates is used to establish and maintain the Galactic Assembly, and she makes plans to further the Empire via the three habitable planets beyond Marabelle. Their population has had the advantage of living on the planet with the closest-to-Terran habitability ever found, and although most traditions are conservative, the overall mindset of the Imperial Family is progressive.
    Tell us about the age of the culture in your story, i.e., are the people part of an ancient civilization, a newly formed group within an established culture, pioneer colonists, etc.
    Sinclair Demesne belonged to billionaire scientist Kyan Sinclair, who selected the dukes who would populate their own colonies. This occurred in 102 S.E. (Space Era), although the Empire grew to prominence with the marriage of Emperor Victor to Empress Felice in 572 S.E. Primarily European in descent, the population nevertheless had dukes from most of the cultures of Terra, and twenty generations of intermarriages between fifty-one ruling families serve to connect the planet through its capital, the Sinclair Urban District.
    What food or drink is available to your characters?
    The majority of foods are the same, derived from seeds and stock brought to Sinclair Demesne from Terra. Demesnian flora (carbs and simple proteins) has been well-adapted to their diets, with a small number of Demesnian fauna species (complex proteins) adapted for human consumption. They import a lot of their luxury foods and use a minimum amount of grains – their desserts tend to be fruit and cream confections instead of wheat-based – and they’ve always had active horticultural breeding programs.
    When you researched for your story setting, what kinds of things did you learn?
    I’m currently working on two prequels, one of which describes Kyan Sinclair’s process in setting up his new planet. As a result, I’ve learned to build rocket stoves and use adobe, I’ve researched major construction projects such as steel foundries, and my math and chemistry skills have gotten a workout while calculating the practicalities of moving 122,000 people to a new planet!

    Eva Caye Social Media

    Eva Caye, author of the To Be Sinclair series, can build a rocket stove, tat lace, handle a gun, design book covers and permaculture garden plans, and teach teenagers critical thinking. Her favorite activities include writing science fiction romance and playing with her doggies. She currently lives in a tiny, century-old farmhouse with her magnificent husband and two marvelous mutts in Louisville, Kentucky.

    Blog https://evacaye.blogspot.com
    Twitter https://twitter.com/evacaye
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/evacaye
    Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6523997.Eva_Caye
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Eva-Caye/e/B009F50NF8

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    Discover Authors and Books with RLFblog #RLFblog #authors #books

    Discover Authors and Books #RLFblog #authors #books @kayelleallenThe banner on Romance Lives Forever says, “Discover Authors and Books with Kayelle Allen” and this is the second blog where that has appeared. Today’s post is the first official “new” article on the second. The first blog was on our origin site on Blogspot. I pledge to continue helping readers find good authors and good books, in that order.

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    ~ Kayelle Allen