• Know the Heroine,  Sports

    Know the Heroine from Between the Pipes by Linda O’Connor @LindaOConnor98 #RLFblog #medical #romcom

    Know the Heroine from Between the Pipes by Linda O’Connor @LindaOConnor98 #RLFblog #medical #romcom Linda O’Connor, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your heroine, but first, tell us about the book.

    Between the Pipes by Linda O’Connor

    Genre romantic comedy, sports romance, medical romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG13

    Sarah Jain is a family doctor in a hockey-crazy town. She hates hockey. She hasn’t gone anywhere near a rink in years, until her friend, the team doctor, calls in a favour. Mike Wallace is the starting goalie for the Clarington Quakes, the local professional hockey team. He’s not about to let an injury slow him down or a rookie doctor call the shots.

    Sarah and Mike don’t respect each other’s jobs. When they have to work together, sparks fly and ice melts. Can they play a game they both can win?

    Love on the ice doesn’t always go smoothly.

    Know the Heroine from Between the Pipes

    Here are some fun questions to help us know your heroine.

    It’s late, she’s bored. What does she do?

    She loves putting together fancy tablescapes – it’s relaxing and creative. She has over ten sets of coloured dishes and a variety of tablecloths, napkins, and napkin rings to play with.

    What kind of food would she impulse buy if hungry?

    She would go out of her way for a piece of turtle pie – caramel and chocolate decadence.

    Describe the kind of clothes she prefers to wear.

    She prefers a casual professional look – nothing flashy. She runs a mobile clinic for street youth and wants to be able to connect with them quickly. Definitely sweats or yoga pants to relax at home.

    Does she know how to fix things?

    Only with respect to the human body. She’s a family doctor.

    She tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.

    Sarah tried to do a favour for her best friend and professional hockey team doctor, Dr. Danni Angelo, by covering a hockey game. However, because of a childhood trauma, stepping into a rink isn’t easy for her. She was a little green around the gills and had to push through a feeling of lightheadedness when an emergency on the ice couldn’t wait. The doctor in the rink could’ve used a doctor in the rink!

    How does she act around children she doesn’t know?

    She’s kind and welcoming – always smiling and encouraging.

    What is she like first thing in the morning?

    She wakes up alert and ready to go – from years of being on call.

    Can she use chopsticks?

    For table decorating: like a pro. For eating: not so much.

    Does she drink coffee? If so, how does she take it? If not, what does she drink instead?

    No coffee – she didn’t acquire a taste for it. She’ll have a mango and avocado smoothie instead – packs a good morning punch to get her going.

    What apps would she have on her phone?

    CPS (Compendium of Pharmaceuticals and Specialties), UptoDate, Mobile Banking, Grey’s Anatomy, Napkin Folding 2.0

    Android or iPhone?


    Earrings or unpierced ears?


    Tattoos or unadorned skin?

    Unadorned skin.

    Personal vehicle or public transport?

    Personal vehicle – and if she can drive Danni’s Porsche, she’s even happier. She’ll cycle to work in the summer and fall.

    Recycle or toss?

    Recycle (no question)

    Thanks for helping us get to know your heroine!

    Where to buy Between the Pipes

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B078SHLX8T/

    Linda O’Connor Social Media

    Award-winning author Linda O’Connor started writing a few years ago when she needed a creative outlet other than subtly rearranging the displays at the local home décor store. It turns out she loves writing romantic comedies and has a few more stories to tell. When not writing, she’s a physician at an Urgent Care Clinic (well, even when she is writing she’s a physician, and it shows up in her stories :D ). She hangs out at www.lindaoconnor.net
    Laugh every day. Love every minute.
    Website http://www.lindaoconnor.net
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