• Contemporary

    Changing Priorities @LloydAMeeker @MacCrowne Marjorie Belson #RLFblog #FightCancer

    Romance Lives Forever 
    From Kayelle:
    For three days I’m sharing stories by various authors about
    how they or a family member faced cancer. Reading their posts is inspiring and
    touching. The importance of friends and family, and having a support system is
    vital. From what I’ve read, the key to success includes being able to ask for
    help — and then being willing to accept it. It’s a lesson I’ve had in my own
    life during various times. I don’t accept help well. It’s something I fight
    with all the time. I’d like to think “I’ve got this” — but sometimes
    I don’t have as good a grip as I thought I did. I have a friend who’s dealing
    with cancer right now. My business partner’s brother just died from cancer. It
    affects all of us. Reading these helps me understand better. I hope I’m even
    half as good a friend as those you’ll read about in this series.
    I’m presenting these as an opportunity for the authors to
    share their real life stories, as well as their fictional ones. Links to follow
    the authors and to purchase their books are provided.

    Today’s authors are Lloyd A Meeker, Mackenzie Crowne, and Marjorie Belson.

    Lloyd A Meeker: A Change in Priorities

    The Companion 
    In June of 2003, I went on a four-day
    bike ride to raise money for AIDS services, and apparently the tumor in my stomach
    (which I already knew about) started to bleed under the strain of covering close
    to 100 miles a day. I soldiered on because, well, because it’s manly to soldier
    on, until a month later a pulmonary embolism slowed me down and sped up the stomach
    surgery. At the age of 55 I spent my first night in a hospital. It was the beginning
    of my new life.
    That night, hopped up on morphine,
    I got a very clear message from myself. I’d always Carpe diem! said I wanted to write novels.
    I’d even started one when I’d come out eight years earlier. The message I got was
    that if I was serious about writing novels I’d better get busy, because I was now
    on bonus time and there was no telling how long I’d have.
    Since that night, writing has been
    my creative priority. That means I’ve not done a bunch of other fun things, but
    I’m set on getting down as many stories as I might have to write before I say good
    night. I had another cancer diagnosis and more surgery in 2004, but I’m now ten
    years clear and working on my fifth novel.
    I am so grateful for the cancer that
    forced me to refocus my life and own my new mission. Since my diagnosis I’ve lost
    a niece and several friends to cancer, so I know not everyone is lucky enough to
    get as far as I have. In spite of everything, the last eleven years have been the
    sweetest and finest of my life, and I’m not done yet. If I can make it through,
    I know others can, too.
    It hasn’t been a joyride, exactly.
    If you’re dealing with cancer now I hope you have someone you can lean on when you
    can’t be strong all on your own. My husband Bob held me and encouraged me and let
    me cry when I was so afraid and full of despair that I couldn’t think right. Let
    someone who loves you help hold you on course, help you focus on what matters. I
    wish you every success on your journey. Never forget, countless brave souls are
    cheering you on—you won’t be the first to win, but you’re in great company!

    About the Book

    Genre: Mystery/Suspense
    The Companion
    Shepherd Bucknam hasn’t had a lover in more than a decade and
    doesn’t need one. As a Daka, he coaches men in the sacred art and mystery of sexual
    ecstasy all the time, and he loves his work. It’s his calling. In fact, he’s perfectly
    content—except for the terrors of his recurring nightmare and the ominous blood-red
    birthmarks on his neck. He’s convinced that together they foretell his early and
    violent death.
    When Shepherd’s young protégé is murdered, LAPD Detective Marco
    Fidanza gets the case. The two men are worlds apart: Marco has fought hard for everything
    he’s accomplished, in sharp contrast to the apparent ease of Shepherd’s inherited
    wealth—but their mutual attraction is too hot for either of them to ignore.
    Shepherd swears he’ll help find his protégé’s killer, but Marco
    warns him to stay out of it. When an influential politician is implicated, the police
    investigation grinds to a halt. Shepherd hires his own investigator. Marco calls
    it dangerous meddling. As their volatile relationship deepens, Shepherd discovers
    his nightmares might not relate to the future, but to the deadly legacy of a past
    life—a life he may have to revisit before he can fully live and love in this one.

    Buy This Author’s Book

    Dreamspinner http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=5243

    Author Social Media

    Amazon Author Page: http://amzn.to/MBe1gp

    Dancing on the Other Side: Mackenzie Crowne 

    Believe it or not, I experienced many
    encouraging moments in my battle against stage III breast cancer. Yes, I’m a survivor.
    I say that now, proudly and with conviction, but that wasn’t always the case. When
    I was first diagnosed in October 2007, I looked upon the many survivors I met and
    didn’t feel I deserved the title. They danced, victorious,
    on the
    A Song for Sophie 

    other side of the abyss, while I staggered under quiet disbelief.

    It’s said a person doesn’t get cancer,
    a family does. I agree with that sentiment, but the statement is incomplete. The
    author forgot to include friends. Mine were with me every step of the way as I navigated
    the abyss to join those survivors on the other side. My friends helped in so many
    ways, but one in particular makes me smile to this day. My protocol included several
    radical treatments, including chemo. When I mentioned dealing with the certain loss
    of my hair by purchasing a few hats, my girlfriends promptly planned a Mad Hatter
    party and, in the midst of surgeries and debilitating treatments, sixteen awesome
    women lifted my tired spirits with an evening of silliness and love.
    In the end, thanks to my friends and
    family across the country, seventy-four hats were presented to cover my soon-to-be-bald
    head. They ranged from a gorgeous creation one might see along the promenade at
    the Kentucky Derby to a ridiculous monstrosity in the shape of a turkey. I still
    have the few I wore proudly during my battle and donated the rest to a local breast
    cancer center.
    Obviously, my girlfriends rock, but
    there is a deeper lesson I hope this post imparts to those of you fighting your
    own battle. That is, the importance of accepting help. With a cancer diagnosis,
    it’s only natural to internalize your focus, but cancer affects more than just the
    patient. It touches the lives of everyone who loves them. Don’t get me wrong, fighting
    this battle sucks, but friends and family have it worse in many ways. They stand
    on the sideline, watching helplessly while you do what’s necessary to beat this
    senseless disease. They need to help where they can. Let them. You’ll be glad you
    In the meantime, stay strong, breathe
    deep and take each step as it comes. I’m dancing on the other side. I’ll see you
    Mackenzie Crowne

    Buy This Author’s Book

    A Song For Sophie
    Will one night of passion convince Sophie she’s woman enough
    for Beau, or destroy their friendship and his budding belief in true love?
    Amazon http://amzn.com/B00ES5J6LW
    Barnes and Noble http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-song-for-sophie-mackenzie-crowne/1117745990?ean=2940148830238

    Author Social Media

    Website http://mackenziecrowne.com/wp/

    Nothing is Promised: Marjorie Belson

    Undefined and vulnerable, I often
    felt as if I were crashing backward through space, and found myself slipping into
    a post-operative depression after my bi-lateral mastectomy on August 2, 2001. In
    order to keep what remained of my sanity, I returned to work too soon, but misjudged
    the level of my stamina, as well as the fact that much of one’s life is uncontrollable.
    My first day back at work: September
    10, 2001.
    How could I, as well as thousands
    of others know that the next day, September 11, 2001, evil men with twisted minds
    had marked my city, New York, as a site for mass destruction, and would take perverse
    delight in their slaughter of innocents. In seconds, a still autumn sky would become
    animated with flames and smoke, choking the air with the sickening smell of lives
    My response to the news of the first
    tower being hit was one of disbelief. After the second plane crashed into the second
    tower, I knew my city was under attack. My first
    Nothing is Promised 

    thoughts were for the safety of
    my own family. Desperate to know if my son and daughter-in-law were safe, and only
    after seeing them both later that day, could I believe that they were indeed out
    of harm’s way.

    The relief in being alive was tempered
    by the overwhelming loss of so many in a matter of minutes. Like countless others,
    I watched television, transfixed by its unrelenting coverage of our nation’s greatest
    catastrophe. So many had survived personal tragedy only to be brought down, the
    victims of time and place. Humbled by a world gone mad, I offered my prayers for
    the souls and families of those who’d perished. In an instant, I’d become an insignificant
    speck and found it difficult to justify space for my personal trials.
    While struggling to make sense out
    that which made no sense at all, I made an effort to accept that each step of my
    own unpredictable journey was a sign for me to live my life responsibly. I believed
    that I’d been given a chance to redefine my soul and thereby grant myself a sanctuary
    from the world in which I had come to dwell.
    For me, as for many of us, each step
    forward was painful to take, but the need to move forward was far greater than the
    pull to go backward. Unless I accepted that my life had been deeply altered, I could
    remain trapped, frozen in a world of memories.
    In truth, I’d been granted the opportunity
    to redirect and renew my faith in myself and in my ability to move to a level of
    profound and urgent awareness of the potential richness of my life. Cancer had attacked
    my body and challenged me in my entirety to face my life as it was and to decide
    whether I would choose to self immolate or rise again like a Phoenix.

    Author Social Media

    Website: http://nothingispromised.com/

    Buy This Author’s Book

    Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/nothing-is-promised-marjorie-e-belson/1119840920?ean=9780990388807
    Amazon : http://www.amazon.com/Nothing-Promised-Marjorie-E-Belson/dp/0990388808/ref=la_B00MEX1V54_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1412304858&sr=1-1
  • Contemporary

    On the Yellow Pad: Fight Cancer @VickiBatman @ShieldsAlly #FightCancer #RLFblog

    Romance Lives Forever 
    From Kayelle:
    For three days I’m sharing stories by various authors about
    how they or a family member faced cancer. Reading their posts is inspiring and
    touching. The importance of friends and family, and having a support system is
    vital. From what I’ve read, the key to success includes being able to ask for
    help — and then being willing to accept it. It’s a lesson I’ve had in my own
    life. I don’t accept help well. It’s something I fight
    with all the time. I’d like to think “I’ve got this” but sometimes
    I don’t have as good a grip as I thought I did. I have a friend who’s dealing
    with cancer right now. My business partner’s brother just died from cancer. It
    affects all of us. Reading these helps me understand better. I hope I’m even
    half as good a friend as those you’ll read about in this series.
    I’m presenting these as an opportunity for the authors to
    share their real life stories, as well as their fictional ones. Links to follow
    the authors and to purchase their books are provided. Today’s authors are Vicki Batman and Ally Shields.

    Vicki Batman

    Most people know I refer to my husband
    as Handsome. What some don’t know is eight years ago, he was diagnosed with throat
    He had a swollen lymph node that all
    doctors thought was allergy or infection-related. The drugs and antibiotics prescribed
    didn’t knock it out. He had a needle biopsy which came back clean. His ENT doctor
    said she wanted to remove the lymph and when doing so, found the cancer in three
    My son and I had been waiting for
    the doc to tell us all was well with the surgery, but she took forever. When she
    did say, she asked if we wanted to tell Handsome. I couldn’t. I couldn’t even speak
    or hardly look at him. Waiting in the recovery room for her to discuss all

    was terribly

    Handsome was shocked too, but he was
    very determined. He said, “Something to check off my yellow pad: Fight Cancer.”
    He showed none of the classic symptoms
    that lead to throat/esophageal cancer. He smoked the rare cigar. Drank an occasional
    vodka or wine. Worked out. Not overweight. Little family history. Yet, he had it.
    And so the battle strategy was formed
    with an oncology doc, an ENT specialist, and the head of radiology. We had our dates,
    we had our plans, we were marching forward.
    At first, I stuffed him with everything
    imaginable, but mostly lots of cheese-related products, milkshakes, and pasta. He
    eventually did lose 35 pounds because the radiation scarred his throat and swallowing
    became difficult. He worked until fatigued, then worked at home. The only one who
    cried was me when he shaved his head. Eight weeks later, the treatment was over.
    And every subsequent test and examination has shown him to be clear.
    I believe a combination of many things
    helped him through: his faith, our hope, family and friends, the skill of the doctors.
    And the determination to check off
    his yellow pad: Fight Cancer.
    Temporarily Employed 

    Buy This Author’s Book

    Temporarily Employed
    Genre: romantic comedy, cozy mystery
    Release Date: October 17, 2014
    Author: Vicki Batman
    Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
    New Job. New Love. And Murder.
    Hattie Cook’s dream job is down the toilet and her new SUV violated.
    Desperate for cash to cover the basic necessities of rent and food, she takes a
    temporary job at Buy Rite Insurance Company where she uncovers an embezzling scam
    tied to the death of a former employee–the very one she replaced. The last thing
    she wants is to clash with By-the-Book Detective Wellborn, no matter how much he
    makes her heart pound.
    Detective Allan Charles Wellborn has secretly adored Hattie all
    his life. When the police determine there’s more to the death of a former Buy Rite
    employee, he steps in to lead the investigation. Overly dedicated, always perfect,
    he puts his job first, even if doing so ultimately hurts the one he loves.
    Can the killer be found before Hattie’s time is up?

    About the Author

    Like some of her characters, award-winning author Vicki Batman
    has worked a wide variety of jobs including lifeguard, ride attendant at an amusement
    park; a hardware store, department store, book store, antique store clerk; administrative
    assistant in an international real estate firm; and a general “do anything
    gal” at a financial services firm–the list is endless.
    Writing for several years, she has completed three manuscripts,
    written essays, and sold many short stories to True Love, True Romance, True Confessions,
    Noble Romance Publishing, Long and Short Reviews, Museitup Publishing, and The Wild
    Rose Press. She is a member of RWA and several writing groups and chapters. In 2004,
    she joined DARA and has served in many capacities, including 2009 President. DARA
    awarded her the Robin Teer Memorial Service Award in 2010.
    Most days begin with her hands set to the keyboard and thinking
    “What if??”

    Author Social Media

    Ally Shields

    The diagnosis of breast cancer came
    out the blue. No family history, no warning. I was

    too young. But the moment I felt
    the lump during a shower, I knew what it was. The news went downhill from there.
    Seventy-five percent of the nearest lymph nodes were involved. Prognosis guarded.
    Three months of chemo later, they found spots in my lungs. It appeared the cancer
    had already spread, and I was reeling when I heard the words…four months.

    Cross Keys 
    But I was scheduled to begin immediate
    training at the Federal Law Enforcement Academy for a course on identifying and
    rescuing abused children. My friends, my cop partner, and employer encouraged me
    to go, and I did. I was determined to live up to their faith in me that my time
    there wouldn’t be wasted, and it helped me stay positive. I met an incredible group
    of people. When they learned of my diagnosis, they went out of their way to make
    sure I stayed positive throughout training.
    Upon return to Des Moines, my cancer
    doctor recommended a lung biopsy. There was a one in a million chance it was something
    else. He thought I might be that one. The biopsy revealed the spots were scars from
    an unrelated prior illness. The cancer hadn’t spread after all, and I went into
    additional chemotherapy believing I could beat this thing.
    Twelve difficult months later-with
    friends and family beside me all the way- I was cancer free, and have remained so
    for 25 years. Of course the medical team was fantastic, but I credit my recovery
    to everyone who was around me at that critical time. The effects of friendship on
    our minds and bodies can be a powerful thing, a little touch of human magic.

    About the Author

    Ally Shields grew up in the Midwest and currently resides near
    Des Moines, Iowa. Writing has always been a part of her life, but in 2009, after
    a career in law and juvenile justice, she turned to full-time writing. Her first
    urban fantasy novel, Awakening the Fire was published in 2012 and that series continues.
    She loves to travel in the US and abroad and incorporates many of those settings
    into her books.

    Buy This Author’s Book

    Cross Keys, an Elvenrude novel
    Genre: urban fantasy/paranormal romance
    Conspiracy, murder and magic… A dark elf hunts the streets
    of New Orleans.
    Etopia Press Bookstore http://www.etopiapress.com/cross-keys/
    Barnes and Noble http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/cross-keys-ally-shields/1120425394
    Kobo http://store.kobobooks.com/en-US/ebook/cross-keys

    Author Social Media