• Know the Heroine,  Paranormal

    Know the Heroine from Claimed, by Heather Hambel Curley @Heather_Curley #RLFblog #Paranormalromance #PNR

    Know the Heroine from Claimed, by Heather Hambel Curley @Heather_Curley #RLFblog #Paranormalromance #PNRHeather Hambel Curley, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your heroine, but first, tell us about the book.

    Claimed by Heather Hambel Curley

    Genre Paranormal romance
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
    The first time the world ended, she went into hiding.
    The second time, she became a fugitive.
    When war breaks out between the Western State and Regent’s Block, two North American political coalitions, Wren Richards is forced into hiding. Her father insists that, as witches, they have more at risk; more to hide. It is a time of division, of careful planning and preparation. They conceal themselves and their power, living on only what they can grow and create with their own hard work.
    But then there is a break in the doldrums of normalcy: Wren is sent to fetch supplies in town. Her younger sister tags along—it’s a waste of time, a waste of energy.
    And then the atomic bomb hits.
    Everything changes.
    Now Wren isn’t just a witch: she’s a survivor. A slave. A water seeker. A murderer. She and her sister are kidnapped and dragged to another dimension, a mirror of Earth, dying from nuclear winter. Energy is worth more than gold and harder to find. As witches, they’ll fetch a higher dollar at auction. Because as witches, energy can be sourced from their souls.
    The only person who can save Wren is herself.
    And she’s just been sold to the highest bidder.

    Know the Heroine from Claimed

    Here are some fun questions to help us know your heroine.
    It’s late, she’s bored. What does she do?
    I try to stay out of trouble, I really do (leave the piano alone, Wren). I love art history, so I might pull out a book on art. Or history. Or, I’ll just throw caution completely to the wind and sleep.
    What kind of food would she impulse buy if hungry?
    Chips. It’s always chips. Potato chips, pickle chips, chocolate chips. Yum.
    Describe the kind of clothes she prefers to wear.

    I prefer dark colors. I work outdoors a lot now, so I usually wear leather trousers and sturdy, heavy boots for protection. A sheer tunic (to stay cool) underneath a black corset. The corset may seem like a hinderance, but trust me: I wouldn’t leave the homestead without it. I can hide a knife in the side lacing. I can conceal a pouch of gold down the front. It might not be armor, but it protects me. And improves my posture!
    Does she know how to fix things?
    I DO! Before the world ended, I wanted to go to school for art history. My father didn’t feel that held much of a future, so I dropped out and got a certificate in auto repair. I can fix engines and repair a lot of mechanical things. Oh, and my ex-boyfriend taught me to hot wire a car. It comes in surprisingly handy in this post apocalyptic world.
    She tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.
    I cannot cook to save my life. Luckily, it’s never actually come to that. The last time I tried to make a fancy dessert, I almost burned the house down. I was going to surprise my family with creme brulee and everything was going just fine…that is, until it said to burn the top. Crispy, crunchy goodness. We didn’t have a fancy “foodie” torch, so I used my blow torch….and proceeded to catch the drapes on fire. The creme brûlée, however, managed to stay runny and unscathed.
    How does she act around children she doesn’t know?
    Ehhh….I’m not good with kids. Strange kids, unfamiliar kids, family kids, sticky kids, loud kids. Kids just KNOW things. And they tend to flail around and break things. Yes, I realize this is not at all unlike how I am….but, no. I’d rather cross a desert than be stuck in a room with a random child.
    What is she like first thing in the morning?
    Grumpy. I like my sleep!
    How does she act around people who don’t know what she is?
    My father always said that being a witch made us different. We had bigger responsibilities and there was more at stake if we screwed up. When I’m around people who don’t know I’m a witch, I just do what I always do: I hide it. I blend in, I act normal…or at least, what other people perceive as normal.
    Will she let a worker handle things or do it herself?
    I feel awkward having someone do work for me. I try, I really do, and stand off to one side to make sure they’re doing it right. And trust me, I bite my tongue to keep my thoughts to myself…it’s just,…look, I do things in certain ways. Ways that work. And I’m going to let you know that, especially because I can see you struggling to do it and—okay, look, just give it me and I”ll do it. No really, it’s fine. I’d prefer to do it.
    Earrings/piercings/tattoos or unadorned skin?
    Just a hidden tattoo on my thigh of a sparrow, a spur of the moment decision when I turned 18. You know, the old rhyme about sparrows? “One is for sorrow, two is for joy….” I have two holes pierced in each ear, which seems pretty tame in retrospect.
    Personal vehicle or public transport?
    Before the world ended, it was a sporty little British import or the cute farmhand’s rusted green pickup truck. Now, it’s by foot or with a stubborn old horse who would rather be napping in the barn….so, yeah, it’s pretty much by foot.
    Recycle or toss?
    We didn’t take all that good care of the Earth to begin with so, now that we’ve destroyed it completely, I recycle what I can. Milk jugs into bird feeders, empty whipped cream containers into food storage. I’m thrifty and nifty, what can I say?
    Thanks for helping us get to know your heroine!

    Where to buy Claimed

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06ZXSLK93/
    Heather Hambel Curley Social Media
    Heather Hambel Curley is thirty-something year old fake red head from the city of Pittsburgh. She has a growing collection of tattoos, a love for the Caribbean, and an obsession for running (like a T-Rex, she has strong legs and feeble arms). Currently, she lives in central Pennsylvania with her patient husband and two, rowdy sons.
    Website http://heatherhambelcurley.wixsite.com/home
    Blog http://heatherhambelcurley.com
    Twitter http://www.twitter.com/Heather_Curley
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/heatherhambelcurleywrites/
    Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/heatherhcurley/
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14127937.Heather_Hambel_Curley
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Heather-Hambel-Curley/e/B01BJEVL4E


  • Fiction Furbaby,  Paranormal

    Fiction Furbaby: Meet Eyrael from The Summoning by Linda Nightingale @LNightngale @RobsRescues #RLFblog #Pets

    Fiction Furbaby: Meet Eyrael from The Summoning by Linda Nightingale @LNightngale @RobsRescues #RLFblog #PetsLinda Nightingale, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We support all furbabies, real life or fictional. We want to know all about your Fiction Furbaby, but first, please tell us about your book.

    The Summoning by Linda Nightingale

    Genre Fantasy Romance
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG13
    Heather Morique is a witch. The problem is she doesn’t know it. Her husband Jahill was a refugee from an obscure branch of the Arawak Indians. After his death, mysterious whispers lure her to his homeland of Jamaica. Soon, she finds herself in a web of secrets, lies and illusions.
    Jahill’s people worship Eyrael, the God of Wind and Sea, and his brother Sofiel, the God of Fire and Earth. The new Shaman has pitted brother against brother, and these two powerful spirits from an alternate universe fight to become the tribe’s ruling deity. Will light or darkness reign?
    When Heather unwittingly summons Eyrael, these two unlikely soul mates face a dangerous fate. The chemistry between them is more disturbing than the long-buried secrets.

    Meet Eyrael from The Summoning

    Full name: EyraelFiction Furbaby: Meet Eyrael from The Summoning by Linda Nightingale @LNightngale @RobsRescues #RLFblog #Pets
    Nickname: Eyrael
    Gender: Male
    Species: Horse
    Physical description: Large black horse with long mane and tail (Friesian)
    Relationship to main character: He is the hero
    Relationship to the villain/antagonist: Brother
    Where this furbaby came from: Another dimension

    What inspired you to create this character?
    A picture of a beautiful Friesian horse (black with long mane and tail) pictured like Pegasus with mammoth wings in flight.
    What does the main character think about this furbaby?
    The furbaby is the hero. He considers the flying horse a physical representation to his people of his deity. At first, the heroine is afraid of him but when he fights to protect her and her whisks her to safety on his beautiful black wings, she falls in love with this aspect of her rescuer, a dynamic shapeshifter.
    What does the villain/antagonist think about this furbaby?
    In this world, the Shaman has pitted brother against brother, and Sofiel, the villain, dislikes any battle with the winged horse. He has wings and he has the weight and speed to be a formidable opponent for Sofiel’s own equine form—a more agile but slenderer Arabian.
    How do other characters react to or interact with this furbaby?
    The main character, the heroine falls in love with him. His worshipers prefer this shape when he is not in human form.
    What is this furbaby’s natural habitat?
    The beach, places outside, since the shape is a horse. Although, he can navigate indoors as long as there is enough room.
    What does this furbaby add to the story?
    He is the hero, and the shape of the Friesian adds the charm of the horse. Most people are drawn to the horse. Even those afraid of them, see them as beautiful and powerful. Eyrael’s equine manifestation brings the heroine to trust him quicker than his natural form—a human man with long hair the color of seafoam and crystalline eyes.
    What about this furbaby will readers like, and why?
    He is a beautiful, gentle and kind in animal form as he is in human form. The Friesian which inspired the shapeshifter’s shape is a docile and stunning horse.

    For Shapeshifters

    What triggers the shift from human to animal?
    The shift is totally voluntary. In the first chapter, the choice is made because Eyrael is protecting the heroine against a dark spirit and his darker Shaman, trying to sacrifice her on a stone altar. He shifts to the shape his worshipers find most appealing in his deity.
    How does the shifting process happen?
    He pales to transparent, shimmers and reappears as the other shape/
    How does the human character think and feel about the animal side?
    Once she begins to trust Eyrael, Heather, the heroine, falls in love with his equine manifestation. She asks him again and again to shift to the horse, but in the story, he never does again because the battle and the danger have escalated to the human level requiring planning ad split-second decisions. In animal form, he thinks and feels as he would in human form.
    In what ways are the human and animal characters different in belief and needs?
    Is the shifting process part of a deeper, mystical process (i.e., moon phases, rituals, life events)?
    No, it is totally voluntary, though he and his followers worship at the full of the moon on the beach by his sea.

    Where to buy The Summoning

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B075ZJWS9J/

    Linda Nightingale Social Media

    Born in South Carolina, Linda has lived in England, Canada, Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Atlanta and Houston. She’s seen a lot of this country from the windshield of a truck pulling a horse trailer, having bred, trained and showed Andalusian horses for many years.
    Linda has won several writing awards, including the Georgia Romance Writers Magnolia Award and the SARA Merritt. She retired from a career as a legal assistant and loves events with her car club. The stars in her crown are two wonderful sons. In a former life, she must have had to walk everywhere because today she is into transportation with fine taste in expensive horses and hot cars! She likes to dress up and host formal dinner parties.
    Twitter https://twitter.com/LNightingale
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/LindaNightingaleAuthor
    Website http://www.lindanightingale.com – Visit and look around. There’s a free continuing vampire story.
    Blog https://lindanightingale.wordpress.com/ – Lots of interesting guests & prizes
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4839311.Linda_Nightingale
    Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/lbnightingale1/
    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Linda-Nightingale/e/B005OSOJ0U

    Shout out to Rob’s Rescues – founded by a 9-year-old animal activist

    Rob’s Rescues is a non-profit organization in Georgia helping people in need care for and feed their pets. It was founded in 2014 by a then nine-year-old boy. Rob’s Rescues is dedicated to collecting pet food for people in need to reduce shelter surrenders, and to advocating for the adoption of shelter pets. Rob writes monthly articles advocating for shelter animals in the Around About Local Media magazine publications. His column was first published in 2014. He also has pet food collection sites for people in need in the community and interviews amazing people. His interviews appear online once they are published in his column.
    Rob volunteers for Pet Buddies Food Pantry, the Cherokee County Animal Shelter and Cobb County Animal Control and collects pet food for these organizations and the communities they serve. He also wants to bring attention to smaller, rural shelters. Mostly he wants to get kids to be Rob’s Rangers to teach kids that they can help shelter animals. Rob has also talked to kids in a classroom setting.
    Rob’s Rescues is a Non-Profit Corporation and all donations are tax deductible.
    Website http://www.robsrescues.com/
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/robsrescues/
    Twitter https://twitter.com/RobsRescues


  • Character Sketch,  Science Fiction Romance

    Meet Tabitha from the Detours in Time series by Pamela Schloesser Canepa, @PamSCanepa1 #RLFblog #scifi

    Meet Tabitha from the Detours in Time series by Pamela Schloesser Canepa, @PamSCanepa1 #RLFblog #scifiWelcome Tabitha, from Detours in Time and Undercurrents in Time, a new Sci-fi, time travel series with a hint of sweet romance.
    Age: 30
    Gender: Female
    Birthplace: Asheville, NC
    Profession: Gallery assistant, art display coordinator
    Ethnicity: German and Swedish
    Species (for scifi/fantasy characters): Human
    Please provide a physical description of yourself.
    Tabitha, also known as Pinky, is about 5’2, 110 lbs and tans very easily, though not considered dark-skinned. Her hair is always long, a little past the shoulders and could be called brown, with honey highlights.
    Please tell us a little about your character.
    Tabitha is stubborn, independent, and knows a good thing when she sees it. She hates being told what to do, however, she and Milt, the other main character, have entirely different skillsets. She is a survivor and works very hard, with dreams of being an artist, and formerly, of being a professional dancer. She had once been a student at the Baltimore School of Dance, until an injury led her to instead pursue an Art degree. While pursuing her degree, she worked cleaning university offices at several schools, which is where she met Dr. Milton Braddock.
    Who is the significant other in your character’s life?
    Dr. Milt Braddock, who was, at one time, her employer but becomes much more.
    How does your heroine dress?
    She dresses pretty casually. Her go-to outfit is jeans, Chucks sneakers, and a band t-shirt with a casual jacket, usually denim. However, she can clean up pretty well, if invited somewhere fancy. Her hair is usually loose, though sometimes it is in a ponytail.
    What is your character’s viewpoint on wealth?
    She would say it is not necessary. She never had much of it but worked for everything she has. Her family was pretty much middle class; both parents worked. They helped her through college the first time, until she changed her major. Tabitha would say that there is nothing wrong with wealth, when one has worked for it. However, no one should look down on those who lack it, because you never know what circumstances got them there.
    What is your character’s family like?
    She loves her family. Her parents are gone, though. They both passed away at the same time, together, in an airplane crash. Then, there’s her younger brother. She loves him and would do almost anything to help him. He has, at times, been a lost soul. It’s the only reason they are not close now despite being really close as kids. He did not react well to the loss of their parents a few years before.
    What is your heroine’s biggest personal flaw?
    My heroine, Tabitha is a little hot-tempered, however, her biggest flaw is sometimes she doesn’t think before she speaks. She is a little opinionated at times. It’s something she has had to work on, considering the places she has been and the things she has seen recently….but that is a story for another time.
    How does your character handle challenges?
    Tabitha’s adulthood has brought a lot of changes to her life, some of them quite challenging. She always faces up to the challenges; having said that, she is not one to gloss over how she is feeling. She will not hide her emotions and considers it downright unhealthy to do so. She will go through what she must, feel what she is feeling, and then come out on the other side of the issue. Tabitha will always get through the hard times.
    Does your character see moral matters as black and white or shades of gray?
    Tabitha follows a golden rule: Do not hurt others if there is another way. The question was brought up to her in a college class: Would you do anything to protect a family member? In other words, do the means justify an end? Her answer was no. It surprises people because she is considered hot-tempered. She believes there is almost always a better way and tries to take the high road. Would she kill another person to protect a family member? No. She would say that with our thinking capacities as humans it is our duty to find another way. Some call her too idealistic. However, she would not hesitate to throw a punch to protect herself or someone she loves. I think it makes perfect sense.

    About Your Writer: Questions for your character to answer about you.

    To honor the person who chose to share your story, please answer at least four of these questions. Questions with more than one point should be considered one question. You may answer as many more as you like.
    Why do you think your writer chose to write about you?
    I think she created me because I am unlike her in many ways, maybe I am a part of her that she never let out. You know, the opinionated, loud-mouth girl without a filter. That’s really not like her.
    Was there anything your writer discovered about you that was a surprise to one or both of you?
    She discovered how important family is to me. I don’t think I surprised her too much, because she’s that way, too. She gave me all these contrasting traits. I suppose that’s because I am moody. Nothing wrong with that!
    Why do you think your writer loves to write?
    I think she likes to explore the many contingencies that can create an outcome. Sci-fi really allows that, especially with time travel stories. Perhaps she likes to create worlds and see things through the eyes of a character that is unlike herself.

    About Detours in Time

    Amazon: https://amazon.com/dp/B0711ZW6XF
    Available in Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, and print.

    Pamela Schloesser Canepa Social Media

    Author Pamela Schloesser Canepa started writing poems and stories as a child to provide entertainment for long trips and frequent moves. When her family settled in the southeast, writing provided an outlet for private thoughts and emotions for years, until she decided to self-publish fiction in 2016. Pamela’s genres include science fiction, paranormal fiction, and poetry of all types. The Made for Me series was Pamela’s first published fiction series with a futuristic flavor. More recently, Pamela has published Detours in Time and its sequel, Undercurrents in Time. She plans to continue writing sci-fi and perhaps branch out into other genres.
    Website http://pamelascanepa.weebly.com
    Blog http://pamelascanepa.wordpress.com
    Twitter https://twitter.com/PamSCanepa1
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/detoursintimeseries
    and https://www.facebook.com/pamelacanepablog/
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/15166012.Pamela_Schloesser_Canepa
    Amazon Author Page http://amzn.to/1t3BYGU
    Newsletter http://eepurl.com/dt8T-r

  • Mystery,  Stressing the Heroine

    Stressing Connie Acosta from New Beginnings (Cookie Cutter Cozy Mystery #1) @karencino #RLFblog #Cozy #Mystery

    Stressing Connie Acosta from New Beginnings (Cookie Cutter Cozy Mystery #1) @karencino #RLFblog #Cozy #MysteryLet’s meet Connie Acosta from New Beginnings (A Cookie Cutter Cozy Mystery), a Cozy Mystery, by Karen Cino. Welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about your latest book.

    New Beginnings (Cookie Cutter Cozy Mystery Book #1) by Karen Cino

    Genre Cozy Mystery
    Book heat level PG 17
    After a traumatic event in her life, Connie Acosta heads down to the Jersey Shore to stay with her friend, Sara Mazzo, who lives in a fifty-five and over community. For Connie, this is a temporary stop until she figures out what she wants to do.
    Connie and Sara have a brief discussion and decide to start the baking business they had spoken about decades earlier. But things take a dramatic turn when Sara gets Connie involved in a mysterious adventure at the clubhouse.

    Stressing Connie Acosta

    Every heroine has a story. She has a background, a history, and a past. This interview allows us to meet a heroine and get to know her better, by focusing on how she handles being relaxed, as well as how she handles stress.
    Please tell me about your heroine.
    Age: 56
    Gender: Female
    Birthplace: Staten Island, New York
    Profession: Baker
    Ethnicity: White – Italian American
    What does your heroine look like?
    Connie is five foot four with shoulder length light brown hair and big brown eyes. She is average built, carrying around those extra fifteen pounds since she hit menopause.
    Who is the significant other in her life?
    She is currently dating Vic, one of the residents.

    The Heroine’s Relaxed Side

    This heroine is at a party. Considering her story, describe the party.
    It’s a dance with a DJ playing 1970’s disco music with a splash of 50’s and 60’s music.
    How does the heroine feel about being this particular party, and what body language is she displaying that gives it away?
    She enjoys the dance music but feels that there’s something else going on. When not dancing she stands arms folded surveying the room.
    Is she more likely to mingle or remain aloof?
    She’ll remain aloof, not knowing her best friend’s friends, taking it all in.
    If she drinks, what is her drink of choice at this party?
    White wine!
    How much drink is her usual?
    Her limit is two glasses.
    The heroine figures out where the hiding places are and then goes there. Is it to hide, to avoid someone, or to go drag a friend back to the party?
    To avoid someone.
    Is she likely to latch onto a friend and stay with him/her and ignore others, or is she the friend that others latch onto?
    She’s the friend that other’s latch onto since she’s the new lady in the community and remains mysterious to the residents.
    If someone picked a fight at this party, how is the heroine going to handle it?
    She’ll tell them exactly where to go. LoL
    Is the heroine the one most likely to get tossed out of the party, or the one who does the tossing?
    She’ll do the tossing if she sees seething that isn’t right, especially people who become intoxicated.
    Will she know when to leave, or stay late and make a nuisance of herself?
    Connie is never the last to leave. Usually she’s the second person to go.

    The Heroine’s Stressed Out Side

    How does the heroine handle it if the cops or some other authority figure pulls her aside when she was blameless in a situation?
    She’s not going to be happy at all. She’ll voice her feelings and tell them to do their job and find the cupric.
    How does the heroine react to hearing a scream?
    The first thing she will do is turn to see where it is coming from and follow the scream.
    If she sees someone being assaulted, what is the FIRST thing that crosses her mind?
    She need to do something.
    If she sees someone being assaulted, what is the FIRST thing she does?
    She dials 011. If there’s no one around to help she’ll be right their to assist.
    This heroine attempts to rescue someone and realizes that she is in over her head. The odds are against her and there is no way out. She is going to get her butt handed to her. What does she do?
    COnnie will continue to help the person in distress.
    The heroine runs into the one person from her past she wanted to avoid. She can’t get out of the situation and must interact in some way. What does she do?
    Besides rolling her eyes in disgust, she says hello, nice seeing you again and keeps on walking.
    Someone younger than the heroine is in charge of the situation, and they are handling it badly, perhaps bungling things. How does the heroine deal with it?
    COnnie will offer to give her a hand, trying her best to turn the situation into a positive ending.
    The heroine is in physical pain but must bear up under it and keep going. What does she tell herself in order to get through the situation?
    She tells herself that she’s living in the moment. Tomorrow will be better.
    What mentor’s words come to mind in a bad situation?
    Don’t lose your cool.
    What lesson from her past gets her through a stressful situation?
    That yelling doesn’t get you anywhere.
    What one thing would you like readers to know about your heroine?
    Connie is down to earth. She was handed a couple of bad hands later in life. But she did get back on her feet and move on with her life.

    Where to buy New Beginnings (Cookie Cutter Cozy Mystery #1)

    Publisher Mandolay Press
    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B079K3FLHY

    Karen Cino Social Media

    Karen Cino is a multi-published author who has been writing since she was fourteen years old. She started her career by writing poetry, short stories and writing articles for her high school newspaper. After reading Jackie Collin’s Lovers and Gamblers and Jacqueline Susann’s, Valley of the Dolls, Karen found her niche. Karen loves writing about local places that people can relate to. Karen loves the summer, loves the beach. Her previous books were written and take place in various places across Staten Island. Karen relocated to Barnegat, New Jersey in 2015. She traded in the Staten Island Boardwalk for the shoreline in Long Beach Island. Her Camp Mirage Series takes place in Barnegat, NJ.Karen has two adult children, Michael Giordano who’s a singer, songwriter and producer and Nicole Giordano who works in Retail Management and is also a photographer. In 2014 Karen married John Gatti. Her husband is an actor, teacher and attorney.Karen is a member of Romance Writer’s of America, Liberty States Fiction’s Writers Association and Women’s Fiction Writer’s Association.Currently, Karen is working on a Cozy Mystery Series and Women’s Fiction Series.
    Website http://karencino.com
    Blog http://karencinobooks.com
    Twitter http://twitter.com/karencino
    Facebook http://facebook.com/karencino
    Pinterest http://pinterest.com/karencino
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4444484.Karen_Cino
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B008LCG31Y
    Newsletter http://mailchi.mp/e67ab333db05/summer-newsletter-new-release


  • Character Sketch,  Contemporary

    Meet Jake Pruitt from Ranger’s Courage by Vella Munn #RLFblog #contemporary #romance

    Meet Jake Pruitt from Ranger’s Courage by Vella Munn #RLFblog #contemporary #romanceWelcome Jake Pruitt from Ranger’s Courage by Vella Munn, a new contemporary romance.

    Introducing Jake Pruitt

    Age: 32
    Gender: male
    Birthplace: Washington
    Profession: forest ranger
    Ethnicity: white
    Species (for scifi/fantasy characters):
    Please provide a physical description of yourself.
    Six foot one with short hair or rather it would be if I got to the barber more often. I’m lean and muscular both because the job calls for it and because this way I feel ready for the mountains. I don’t care how I look, just that my body does what I need it to. I have a bit of a farmer’s tan.
    Please tell us a little about your character.
    Jake is confident in his physical ability and knowledge of Montana’s great mountains. He’s more at home in the wilderness than a city and sees himself as a forest ranger for his entire career. He once believed he’d found the right woman for a wife and a mother, but bit by bit his marriage fell apart. Then she was murdered and he had no choice but to try to rebuild his life. It’s a work in progress..
    Who is the significant other in your character’s life?
    Sari Dunham trains and works with search and rescue dogs. She’s as independent as Jake and just as reserved. She has come to Montana to prove herself, not fall in love. She isn’t ready for a relationship, might never be because of her family background.
    How does your hero dress?
    As a forest ranger, he wears a uniform. During his time off, it’s jeans and t-shirt or sweat shirt.
    How educated is this character? Is he book smart, self-taught, widely-experienced?
    Jake has a bachelor’s degree in forest science but credits on-the-job experience for the self confidence that gets him through physically active and sometimes dangerous activities.
    What is your character’s viewpoint on wealth? Not necessary, nice to have, important, obtain at all costs?
    He takes pride in owning his own home even though it needs a lot of work. Being wealthy means nothing to him.
    How well does he know the neighbors? Coworkers?
    Jake’s fellow forest rangers, Garret and Hunter, are everything to him. They kept him sane when he blamed himself for his wife’s death. They have each other’s backs and would risk their lives to save the others which, considering their jobs, has happened more than once.
    What inner doubt causes your character the most difficulty?
    He doubts his ability to be what a life partner needs. He faults himself for his wife’s inner torment. If he’d encouraged her to be open and honest about her emotions, she wouldn’t have shut herself off from him.
    When there is a setback, what doubt or flaw surfaces?
    His inability or unwillingness to talk about what went wrong. He knows he isn’t perfect. He just doesn’t know how to admit it without leaving him too vulnerable.
    How does your character handle challenges?
    Give him a physical challenge and he’ll throw everything he has into it, but if the challenge is emotional, his instinct is to close up.

    About Your Writer: Questions for your character to answer about you.

    Why do you think your writer chose to write about you?
    My writer took every psychology course she could and loves digging deep into people. What makes them tick. She knew I have a lot of hang-ups and insisted on learning all she could about them. She also has this thing for forest rangers, thus my career.
    What do you wish your writer had not told others about you?
    How deeply my wife’s murder messed me up and how hard it’s been to get past that. Of course if I’d put that all behind me, it would have been a different book.
    Was there anything your writer discovered about you that was a surprise to one or both of you?
    How important my fellow forest rangers are to me. We’re much more than co-workers. We’re brothers.
    When your writer is writing about you, what do you think makes your writer the most happy? What makes your writer the most sad?
    She obviously loves that I’m finally opening myself to the possibility of falling in love. Granted, she didn’t pick a simple woman to put in my life, but Sari’s complexity matches mine. I know it bothers my writer that I keep things bottled up.
    Why do you think your writer loves to write?
    I’m not sure she knows. She’s been writing since she was a child. It’s quite the addiction.
    What do you wish your writer would write next?
    She started a series about how various people deal with the aftermath of an arson fire in a small community. It’s about darned time she got back to it.
    What other character from your book do you think your writer should write a book about? Care to tell us why?
    Not really since she gave my fellow forest rangers their stories. Of course she could introduce some new ranger, maybe a woman. Hmm. Think I’ll talk to her about the possibility.
    Is there anything you’d like to say to your writer?
    That I get it. She needs to write about complex characters and to keep doing it.
    Tell us about Ranger’s Courage.
    Publisher. Tule
    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Rangers-Courage-Montana-Book-ebook/dp/B07DFF75Q1/
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/rangers-courage-vella-munn/1128931894
    iBooks https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/rangers-courage/id1392032350
    Kobo https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/ranger-s-courage

    Vella Munn Social Media

    Vella Munn writes contemporary and historical romances in a usually futile attempt to stay ahead of the insistent voices in her head.
    She’s had over 80 books published and the couple of years have been crazy busy juggling several projects.
    For one, she republished all nine of her popular Native American historical romances and is delighted that those books of her heart are finding new readers.
    Her contemporary romance series called Montana Lakeside consists of four books, each taking place during a different season with a different couple, plus a one-day novella. They all speak to her love of the wilderness serving as the perfect backdrop for new beginnings.
    Most recently she returned to the wilderness for her Montana Rangers series
    She also ventured into romantic suspense with Feral Justice, a three book series that makes it clear what she’d like to see happen to animal abusers. Each book follows a different couple as they commit to justice for helpless animals with the help of several mysterious massive gray dogs.
    Vella lives in rural Oregon. She has two sons, and four grandchildren. She’s owned by two bossy rescue dogs and is working on her master’s degree as a certified hermit.
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Vella-Munn-Author-788044174656126/


  • Character Sketch,  Western

    Meet Sutter Sky from Comes A Specter by Keta Diablo @ketadiablo #RLFblog #western #romance

    Meet Sutter Sky from Comes A Specter by Keta Diablo @ketadiablo #RLFblog #western #romanceWelcome Sutter Sky from Comes A Specter, a new Western Romance.

    Sutter Sky by Keta Diablo

    Age: 27
    Gender:: Male
    Birthplace: Montana
    Profession: Shaman/Healer
    Ethnicity: White/Native American:
    Please provide a physical description of yourself.
    I’ve always wandered between two worlds – my father’s Blackfoot tribe and my mother’s white family. I’m tall and lean like my grandfather, Old Person. My skin is more bronze than brown thanks to my mother’s donation of genes. Most women must think I’m handsome because they often comment about my long midnight hair and dusky gray eyes I pay little attention for two reasons. Number 1, I’m far more interested in helping and healing people than I am physical looks, and Number 2, my heart has always belonged to Anya.
    Please tell us a little about your character.
    I was raised with my father’s People, the Blackfoot tribe. My mother was a white captive traded to the Blackfeet and saved by my father through an offer of marriage. Most of what I learned about the People’s customs, mythology and healing, I learned from my aged grandfather, Old Person.
    Who is the significant other in your character’s life?
    I’ve loved Anya for as long as I can remember. Like my mother, she’s a white-eye. We grew up together because Anya’s parents lived near our village. Unfortunately, fate stepped in when we were seventeen. Anya married another and left me brokenhearted and bitter. I didn’t find out for many years that her parents forced her into a marriage she didn’t want. Ten years later, Anya rides in begging for help. Her son is gravely ill and she believes I’m the only one who can save him. I’d like to send her on her way after what she did years ago, but then I think of my oath to heal people…and I think of the young boy.
    How educated is this character? Is he book smart, self-taught, widely-experienced?
    He’s very educated when it comes to Native American healing. As a young child, he learned to identify herbs, roots and plants from the earth that have been used for centuries to heal his People, the Blackfeet. Old Person, his grandfather, taught him all about ancient customs, traditions and ceremonies his People employed to heal the sick and dying. The ceremonies are as important as the medicinal properties given to assist in healing.
    What is your character’s family like?
    Sutter has always had a deep affinity for his father’s People, the Blackfoot tribe. He was raised among them. But he can’t ever forget his mother’s People either, the white-eye. Although he’s grown to distrust the white man after the many atrocities they’ve committed against his kind, he remembers his mother’s soft, gentle nature and the unconditional love she gave him as a child.
    Does this character see morality as black-and-white, or with shades of gray?
    Definitely shades of gray. See above. He’s torn about the constant fighting between the US Army and the Native American tribes. He’s seen atrocities from both sides. To complicate things, his father is Blackfoot, his mother white. He loves them both dearly and as a child, worried that one side would eventually destroy the other.
    If someone from your character’s past showed up, who would he most want it to be,and why? OR who would he most NOT want it to be, and why?
    This is such a great question for Comes A Specter. While Sutter went on with his life and tried to become the best person he could, he never got over his first love, Anya. He tried to dispel her from his mind and heart, but now, ten years later, she rides onto his property asking for his help. At first, his bitterness over her marrying another overrules his oath to help the sick. Her son is at death’s door and she’ll do anything to save him, even grovel and beg if necessary. Will Sutter put aside his bitterness and remember his promise to heal the sick?
    What inner doubt causes your character the most difficulty?
    The constant war in his mind to hurt Anya the way she hurt him and his promise to his grandfather, Old Person, to use his skill and power to help those in need. How can he ignore Anya’s traitorous behavior from the past when she asks him to save her son?
    How does your character handle challenges?
    Once Sutter decides to live by the oath of a healer, he puts aside his feelings for Anya (or thinks he does) and does what he’s been taught is right and true. He becomes the strong and righteous man Old Person always thought he could be. This is especially true when he not only helps Anya’s son, but soon faces the biggest challenge of his life– eradicate a sinister ghost that haunts Anya’s ranch.

    About Your Writer: Questions for your character to answer about you.

    To honor the person who chose to share your story, please answer at least four of these questions. Questions with more than one point should be considered one question. You may answer as many more as you like.
    Why do you think your writer chose to write about you?
    Because I’m a diverse person who’s been forced to accept the white man’s way of life and Indian’s way of life. It’s a very difficult path to walk. I’m caught in the middle of two worlds with enormous love for my People and unending passion for a woman I’ve loved since childhood.   
    What do you wish your writer would write next?
    My writer should write the next book in the Ghostland Series—ghost stories set in the Old West. The first book is Comes An Outlaw and features a ghost in the plot. The second book, Comes A Specter, also highlights another evil spirit who’s intruded on the characters’ lives in a very sinister way. My writer has planned a third book in the ‘Ghostland’ Series which promises to stay true to the overall theme of the trilogy. Watch for Comes a Lawman coming to a Kindle near you soon—and yes, another ghost will make a grand appearance!
    Is there anything you’d like to say to your writer?
    Hey, thanks for including me in your Ghostland series! I think readers love reading about ghosts and other worldly spirits. Although, fighting this ghost became one of the biggest challenges of my life, I realized there was no way out. Win or lose, for Anya and her son’s sake, I had to rid the earth of the evil presence haunting them. Or die trying.

    Tell us about Under A Mulberry Moon

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DF3G465

    Keta Diablo Social Media

    Keta Diablo lives in the Midwest part of the United States on six acres of woodland. When she isn’t writing or gardening she loves to commune with nature. A lifelong animal lover, she also devotes her time and support to the local animal shelters.
    Keta’s a bestselling Amazon author who writes in several genres, including western romance, historical romance, paranormal romance and the occasional gay romance. Her books have received numerous Top Pick, Book of the Month and Recommended Read reviews.
    You can find her on the net at the following places:
    Author home http://ketaskeep.blogspot.com
    Twitter http://www.twitter.com/ketadiablo
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/KetaDiablo.Author
    Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/ketadiablo
    Amazon Author page http://www.amazon.com/Keta-Diablo/e/B002BODURI/