• Christmas or Holiday,  Two Tips

    Pick up cool tips from Linda O’Connor author of Don’t Mess with Christmas by @LindaOConnor98 #RLFblog #HolidayRomance

    Pick up cool tips from Linda O'Connor author of Don't Mess with Christmas by @LindaOConnor98 #RLFblog #HolidayRomanceWhen he refuses to see her as a patient, she’s righteously indignant. Not a great intro! It’ll take a little Christmas magic and not-so-subtle powers of persuasion for her to add falling in love to her Christmas to-do list. It’s matchmaking at its funniest in Don’t Mess with Christmas by Linda O’Connor.

    Linda, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Thanks for sharing two tips with us today, but first, please tell us about Don’t Mess with Christmas.

    Don’t Mess with Christmas by Linda O’Connor

    Genre Holiday Romantic Comedy

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG

    Dr. Brogan Corkie is happily semi-retired from medicine and now has time for other hobbies. Her passion for food is second only to her skill at matchmaking!

    Parker Roy grew up in the middle of four brothers and has lived with enough testosterone to last her a lifetime. She’s finally moved out and made a life of her own. Between putting the finishing touches on the set for Mapleton’s Christmas play, plowing snow, and transforming her hydroponic greenhouse into a Christmas wonderland, it’s ramping up to be a hectic season.

    Dr. Julian Murphy, the only allergist in town, has his eye on the woman behind the set design of the holiday play. He’s volunteering backstage in the hope of getting to know her. There’s a bit of a snag when she’s referred to his clinic for a rash – doctors aren’t allowed to date their patients – but Dr. Brogan Corkie doesn’t see it as an insurmountable problem and steps in to give their romance a nudge. She’d better be right because, if not, it could seriously mess with Christmas.

    The allergist or the rash– which itch will Parker scratch?

    Pick up cool tips from Linda O'Connor author of Don't Mess with Christmas by @LindaOConnor98 #RLFblog #HolidayRomance

    Two Tips for Household Chores

    I thought I’d share 4 tips for being the best dinner party guest ever!

    When you’re invited to a dinner party, it’s always a lovely gesture to bring a gift for the hosts. Cut flowers are a traditional favorite, but do the host a favor and shop for an inexpensive vase at the Dollar Store and arrange the bouquet before you go. Nothing is more awkward than searching for a vase and scrambling to welcome guests while trying to save the flowers. They’ll thank you.

    Practical edible gifts are a delicious alternative. Try flavored olive oils, infused balsamic vinegars, or a unique honey. Napkins and candles are always useful. One of the best gifts I’ve received was homemade jam.

    And there’s this – if you bring a bottle of wine that doesn’t get opened, leave it for the hosts. Don’t take it back – that’s just, no. Even if they’re relative teetotalers, they can always use it for cooking or serve it to other guests in the future. Same goes if you bring a dish to share. Offer the leftovers to the hosts. They’ll thank you the next day when they can relax without cooking!

    As a guest it’s always easier to lean on the hosts for introductions to people you don’t know, but you can help make the party a success by breaking the ice yourself. Here are a few suggestions to start a conversation (beyond talking about the weather!):

    Does your family have any secret or famous recipes?

    What’s your favorite restaurant that other people don’t tend to know about?

    If you weren’t working at your current job, what would you probably be doing right now?

    What was your first job? Did you like it?

    What surprised you most about your current job?

    If you could fly anywhere for free, where would you go?

    Do you prefer action-packed vacations or relaxing on the beach?

    Do you have any hidden talents or surprising hobbies?

    There you have it – as you get back to socializing with friends, be the best dinner party guest!

    Where to buy Don’t Mess with Christmas

    Linda O’Connor Social Media

    Award-winning author Linda O’Connor started writing romantic comedies when she needed a creative outlet other than subtly rearranging the displays at a local home décor store. Her books have enjoyed bestseller status. When not writing, she’s a physician at an Urgent Care Clinic. She shares her medical knowledge in fast-paced, well-written, sexy romances – with an unexpected twist. Her favourite prescription to write? Laugh every day. Love every minute.
    Website https://www.lindaoconnor.net
    Blog https://www.lindaoconnor.net/news-muse-and-interviews/
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