• Mystery,  What's for Dinner

    Read the #WomensFiction Romance Down at the Shore by Karen Cino @karencino #RLFblog #ContemporaryRomance

    Read Down at the Shore the new #Women's Fiction Romance by Karen Cino @karencino #RLFblog #WomensFiction #Romance #Mystery

    Three women share their pasts and dreams in Karen Cino's new Women's Fiction Romance, Down at the Shore. Together they work together to find fulfillment in their lives.

    Karen, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I'm Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here!

    Please tell us about your series.

    Down at the Shore by Karen Cino

    Genre Women's Fiction Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG 17

    Brooke Dascoli is in a relationship that's going nowhere. She moves into the beach house her grandmother left her at the Jersey Shore and forms a friendship with her neighbors, Flo Meadows and Jane Cummings. Flo carries around a huge secret that has haunted her since her first marriage and Jane is having a hard time dealing with a cheating husband who died shortly after their divorce. Together each woman shares their past indiscretions and future dreams, while dealing with loss, renewal and starting over.

    What's in your character's pockets, backpack, or purse?

    What does your character always carry?

    Brooke always has her cellphone, cheater glasses, sun glasses and multiple tissue packets.

    What does your character dislike carrying but has to?

    Brooke hates carrying her wallet with her. That’s why she has a cell phone wallet where she can only take her debit card.

    Is there an item your character carries for good luck and if so, what is it?

    She always has her blue ink cross pen.

    Does your character carry money and if so, in what form (cash, credit, etc.)?

    Brooke never has any cash on her. She always uses her debit card for every purchase.

    What does your character carry related to a job or calling?

    Brooke always carries a notebook along with a blue and red pen.

    What else besides pockets does the character use to carry things?

    She has a waterproof tropical bag that she’ll use if she’s running to the beach or running to the store. If it were up to her, all she would carry would be her cellphone wallet.

    What is one thing your character wouldn't be caught dead carrying?

    She wouldn’t be caught dead carrying a crochet handbag.

    Has anything in your character's pockets ever gotten them in trouble?

    Yes. She always has pepper spray with her and isn’t afraid to use it.

    Has anything in your character's pockets ever saved the day?

    Absolutely. Her emergency five dollar bill. She had stopped late at night for a coffee and the store wouldn’t accept the debit card for a dollar twenty-five purchase.

    Does your character ever carry things for other people? (like a mom with toys, etc.)

    Not at all. To Brooke the smaller the bag the better it is.

    If your character could buy an item to carry things in and money was no object, what would it be?

    She would definitely be sporting around a Gucci tote bag.

    Questions for the Character to Answer About the Author

    What does your author always carry?

    She always carries a notebook and pen. Especially a red pen for when she decides things are going to smoothly for me. She loves to give me drama.

    What does your author dislike carrying but has to?

    She totally hates having to carry her car and house key.

    What does your author carry for luck?

    She carries her New York Mets keychain with the key from her previous home.

    How organized is your author's backpack / purse?

    My author’s tote bag is amazing. She has everything organized. Her pens and highlighters are all in a pencil case. And she has her notebook in a ziplock bag.

    What does your author prefer to use when it comes to items like backpacks / purses?

    When she was working on my character’s story, she always traveled with her tote bag. When she wasn’t writing she would carry a small crossover bag just big enough to fit her cell phone.

    If your author could buy an item to carry things in and money was no object, what would it be?

    I think she would go with a Brighton canvas handbag. She loves bags that say beach.

    What do you wish your author would not make you keep in your pockets?

    I wish she would take the pepper spray out of my handbag. I never had to take it out but it was still annoying having to carrying it around.

    What do you wish your author would allow you to keep in your pockets?

    I wish she would have let me keep my pack of cigarettes. I’m not a big smoker, but when she puts me through the wringer, I wish I could reach in and have a quick smoke.

    Where to buy Down at the Shore

    Publisher Mandolay Press
    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Down-Shore-Five-Beach-Road-ebook/dp/B09F6Z73FY/
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/down-at-the-shore-karen-cino/1141665090?ean=2940165872570
    Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1150650

    Karen Cino Social Media

    Karen Cino is a multi-published author who has been writing since she was fourteen years old. She started her career by writing poetry, short stories and writing articles for her high school newspaper. After reading Jackie Collin's Lovers and Gamblers and Jacqueline Susann's, Valley of the Dolls, Karen found her niche. Karen loves writing about local places that people can relate to.
    Karen loves the summer, loves the beach. Her previous books were written and took place in various locations in Staten Island. Her Cookie Cutter Cozy Mystery Series takes place at the New Jersey Shore.
    Karen is a member of Women's Fiction Writers Association and Sisters in Crime and Romance Writers of America.
    Karen has two adult children, Michael Giordano, singer, songwriter and producer, and Nicole Giordano who works in Retail Management and is also a photographer. In 2015 Karen moved to the Jersey Shore.
    Website http://karencino.com
    Blog http://karencinobooks.com
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B008LCG31Y
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4444484.Karen_Cino
    Newsletter http://us8.campaign-archive1.com/home/?u=372e9cad72e3faf1c0a8b9a4e&id=9ac84ba873
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/karencino
    Facebook Author Page https://www.facebook.com/Karen-Cino-296585170371401/
    Sign up for Karen's newsletter http://subscribepage.io/jGP7wi

  • Mystery,  What's for Dinner

    What Brooke eats for dinner, from Down at the Shore by Karen Cino @karencino #RLFblog #Women’s Fiction Romance

    Read Down at the Shore the new #Women's Fiction Romance by Karen Cino @karencino #RLFblog #WomensFiction #Romance #Mystery

    Three women share their pasts and dreams in Karen Cino's new Women's Fiction Romance, Down at the Shore. Together they work together to find fulfillment in their lives.

    Karen, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I'm Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here!

    Please tell us about your series.

    Down at the Shore by Karen Cino

    Genre Women's Fiction Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG 17

    Brooke Dascoli is in a relationship that's going nowhere. She moves into the beach house her grandmother left her at the Jersey Shore and forms a friendship with her neighbors, Flo Meadows and Jane Cummings. Flo carries around a huge secret that has haunted her since her first marriage and Jane is having a hard time dealing with a cheating husband who died shortly after their divorce. Together each woman shares their past indiscretions and future dreams, while dealing with loss, renewal and starting over.

    Let's chat about what to eat.

    First, what is your name and how old are you?

    I'm Brooke Dascoli and I'm 50 years old.

    What is the time period in which you live?

    Present time.

    What is your favorite meal?

    Oh gosh! I love Caesar Salad, especially with grilled chicken and an antipasto tray.

    If any, what food do you refuse to eat?

    Absolutely. I will never eat lamb, octopus and salad with blue cheese dressing.

    Tell us about a meal or food that says "home" to you.

    You're asking me questions about my favorite subject, food. Lasagna, eggplant parmigiana and eggplant rollitini.

    When you find yourself with some type of unknown food on your plate, what do you do?

    Simple. I don't eat it.

    What is the worst meal you've ever eaten?

    I had dinner at a client's house who added ketchup to her spaghetti sauce.

    What is the best meal you've ever eaten?

    I'm not a big steak eater, but I went to Peter Luger's Steak House in Brooklyn, New York and ate a steak that melted in my mouth. I've never had a steak like that ever again. I guess it's another trip to Peter Luger's.

    Growing up, who was the best cook in your family?

    My grandmother. She cooked old school Italian. There was always Italian bread with every meal. When she cooked, I always snuck a forkful from the pot. (The calories don't count when you're standing and picking from the pot.)

    Have you ever eaten military style rations, and if so, what was your favorite?

    Never ate like that. There was always a spread at my parent's and I always put out a spread.

    If you cook, what kind of food do you like to prepare?

    I try to keep it simple, especially in the summer. I get more creative in the winter making stews, meatloaf and chili. But in the summer it is always the quickest thing I can make on the barbecue.

    Do you skip breakfast or is eating that a must-do for you?

    I very really eat breakfast. I do have breakfast for dinner many nights and I can do French toast for lunch. But eating breakfast is a big no.

    Do you keep snacks on hand, and if so, what are they?

    I always have snacks. I keep pita chips, grapes, yogurt, almonds and yogurt covered pretzels on hand.

    How much coffee or tea do you drink?

    In the winter I have at least two cups of coffee in the morning. During the summer months, there are many times that I totally skip the coffee. If I do, it's usually a half of a cup.

    Favorite alcoholic beverage?

    Woo hoo! Prosecco.

    Favorite non-alcoholic beverage?

    Unsweetened ice tea with lemon.

    What do you grab when there's no time for a regular meal?

    A protein bar. Sometimes a piece of Italian bread with butter.

    Who are your favorite people to share meals with?

    My friends Flo and Jane who I met when I moved down here. We always find the time to eat together a few times a week to catch up.

    Tell us what your author eats or drinks while writing about you.

    My author is always with a glass of Prosecco when she writing about me. I've caught her many times had a half of sweet and low into her wine glass because it isn't sweet enough. She also likes eating cotton candy grapes.

    If your author has a pet, what does she feed the animal?

    She feeds her two cats Fancy Feast. But when she makes herself a turkey sandwich, she gives them a half of slice each sliced into pieces.

    Same question for you. What do you feed your pet/s?

    I don't have any pets.

    Where to buy Down at the Shore

    Publisher Mandolay Press
    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Down-Shore-Five-Beach-Road-ebook/dp/B09F6Z73FY/
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/down-at-the-shore-karen-cino/1141665090?ean=2940165872570
    Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1150650

    Karen Cino Social Media

    Karen Cino is a multi-published author who has been writing since she was fourteen years old. She started her career by writing poetry, short stories and writing articles for her high school newspaper. After reading Jackie Collin's Lovers and Gamblers and Jacqueline Susann's, Valley of the Dolls, Karen found her niche. Karen loves writing about local places that people can relate to.
    Karen loves the summer, loves the beach. Her previous books were written and took place in various locations in Staten Island. Her Cookie Cutter Cozy Mystery Series takes place at the New Jersey Shore.
    Karen is a member of Women's Fiction Writers Association and Sisters in Crime and Romance Writers of America.
    Karen has two adult children, Michael Giordano, singer, songwriter and producer, and Nicole Giordano who works in Retail Management and is also a photographer. In 2015 Karen moved to the Jersey Shore.
    Website http://karencino.com
    Blog http://karencinobooks.com
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B008LCG31Y
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4444484.Karen_Cino
    Newsletter http://us8.campaign-archive1.com/home/?u=372e9cad72e3faf1c0a8b9a4e&id=9ac84ba873
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/karencino
    Facebook Author Page https://www.facebook.com/Karen-Cino-296585170371401/

  • Mystery,  Series Feature

    Read the series: Down at the Shore by Karen Cino @karencino #RLFblog #WomensFiction #Romance #Friendship

    Read Down at the Shore the new #Women's Fiction Romance by Karen Cino @karencino #RLFblog #WomensFiction #Romance #Mystery

    Three women share their pasts and dreams in Karen Cino's new Women's Fiction Romance, Down at the Shore. Together they work together to find fulfillment in their lives.

    Karen, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I'm Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here!

    Please tell us about your series.

    Down at the Shore by Karen Cino

    Genre Women's Fiction Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG 17

    Brooke Dascoli is in a relationship that's going nowhere. She moves into the beach house her grandmother left her at the Jersey Shore and forms a friendship with her neighbors, Flo Meadows and Jane Cummings. Flo carries around a huge secret that has haunted her since her first marriage and Jane is having a hard time dealing with a cheating husband who died shortly after their divorce. Together each woman shares their past indiscretions and future dreams, while dealing with loss, renewal and starting over.

    Which book is this in the series?

    Down at the Shore is the first book in the series.

    How many books do you plan for the series?

    I plan on this being a three book series.

    How many books are completed?

    I'm working on book 2 in the series.

    What characters are the main stars in your series?

    Brooke Dascoli is the main character in the story and forms a friendship with the two friends who rent next door to her.

    What is the overall theme in this series?

    The theme is friendship and three women finding love again after being in tainted relationships.

    Please list the series titles below, in any order you prefer.

    Down at the Shore Book 1 in the Five Beach Road Series.

    What did you like best about writing this series?

    I enjoyed how close the characters become and how the three women all develop a different kind of friendship between the three of them.

    What other books (not in this series, have you written?)

    I just completed a 7 book series, Cookie Cutter Cozy Mystery Series.

    I previously wrote two other series: Mystical Wonders 4 book series and Seaside Boulevard a 3 book series.

    Where can we find links for all your books?


    Where to buy Down at the Shore

    Publisher Mandolay Press

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Down-Shore-Five-Beach-Road/dp/B09HFXXNJQ/

    Karen Cino Social Media

    Karen Cino is a multi-published author who has been writing since she was fourteen years old. She started her career by writing poetry, short stories and writing articles for her high school newspaper. After reading Jackie Collin's Lovers and Gamblers and Jacqueline Susann's, Valley of the Dolls, Karen found her niche. Karen loves writing about local places that people can relate to.
    Karen loves the summer, loves the beach. Her previous books were written and took place in various locations in Staten Island. Her Cookie Cutter Cozy Mystery Series takes place at the New Jersey Shore.
    Karen is a member of Women's Fiction Writers Association and Sisters in Crime and Romance Writers of America.
    Karen has two adult children, Michael Giordano, singer, songwriter and producer, and Nicole Giordano who works in Retail Management and is also a photographer. In 2015 Karen moved to the Jersey Shore.
    Website http://karencino.com
    Blog http://karencinobooks.com
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B008LCG31Y
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4444484.Karen_Cino
    Newsletter http://us8.campaign-archive1.com/home/?u=372e9cad72e3faf1c0a8b9a4e&id=9ac84ba873
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/karencino
    Facebook Author Page https://www.facebook.com/Karen-Cino-296585170371401/

  • Book Release,  Contemporary

    Read Down at the Shore the new Women’s Fiction Romance by Karen Cino @karencino #RLFblog #WomensFiction #Romance #Mystery

    Read Down at the Shore the new #Women's Fiction Romance by Karen Cino @karencino #RLFblog #WomensFiction #Romance #Mystery

    Three woman share their past indiscretions and future dreams in Karen Cino's new women's fiction romance, Down at the Shore book 1 in the Five Beach Road Series.

    Karen Cino, welcome to Romance Lives Forever.

    I'm Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about Down at the Shore.

    Down at the Shore by Karen Cino

    Genre Women's Fiction Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG 17

    Brooke Dascoli is in a relationship that's going nowhere. She moves into the beach house her grandmother left her at the Jersey Shore and forms a friendship with her neighbors, Flo Meadows and Jane Cummings. Flo carries around a huge secret that has haunted her since her first marriage and Jane is having a hard time dealing with a cheating husband who died shortly after their divorce. Together each woman shares their past indiscretions and future dreams, while dealing with loss, renewal and starting over.

    Why did you write this book?

    I love the summer and sitting on the beach down at the Jersey Shore. I also wanted to deal with the friendship between three unlikely women with different dreams and hidden secrets.

    What is your favorite genre to read?

    I enjoy reading romances, women's fiction, cozy mystery and thrillers.

    Who is your favorite character from fiction (not including your own)?

    I always go back to Lucky Santangelo. Jackie Collins created a three dimensional character that was an extremely independent woman who at times showed her vulnerability when it came to the men in her life.

    What are you working on at the moment?

    I'm working on a cozy mystery set on the Jersey Shore and writing book 2 to Down at the Shore.

    What books will we see from you in coming months?

    Coming soon will be Carousel Plaza. It's a women's fiction mystery romance. I so enjoy mixing the genres together.

    Where to buy Down at the Shore

    Publisher Mandolay Press

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Down-Shore-Five-Beach-Road/dp/B09HFXXNJQ/

    Karen Cino Social Media

    Karen Cino is a multi-published author who has been writing since she was fourteen years old. She started her career by writing poetry, short stories and writing articles for her high school newspaper. After reading Jackie Collin's Lovers and Gamblers and Jacqueline Susann's, Valley of the Dolls, Karen found her niche. Karen loves writing about local places that people can relate to.
    Karen loves the summer, loves the beach. Her previous books were written and took place in various locations in Staten Island. Her Cookie Cutter Cozy Mystery Series takes place at the New Jersey Shore.
    Karen is a member of Women's Fiction Writers Association and Sisters in Crime and Romance Writers of America.
    Karen has two adult children, Michael Giordano, singer, songwriter and producer, and Nicole Giordano who works in Retail Management and is also a photographer. In 2015 Karen moved to the Jersey Shore.
    Website http://karencino.com
    Blog http://karencinobooks.com
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B008LCG31Y
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4444484.Karen_Cino
    Newsletter http://us8.campaign-archive1.com/home/?u=372e9cad72e3faf1c0a8b9a4e&id=9ac84ba873
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/karencino
    Facebook Author Page https://www.facebook.com/Karen-Cino-296585170371401/