• Character Interviews,  Historical

    Becky from A Baron for Becky @JudeKnightBooks #Historical #RLFblog

    Interview with Becky Winstanley

    Tell us about
    yourself, please.
    self? Mrs Rebecca Winstanley is a respectable widow, living with her daughter
    in a modest apartment in a select part of London. Mrs Rose Darling lives a few
    streets away, in an elegant townhouse where she entertains the Marquis of
    Aldridge at his pleasure.
    am both and neither—I act a part, always.
    Authors call what you
    want but cannot have “the conflict” — what is yours?
    dream of a respectable life, the life stolen from me when I was just 15. No. It
    is more than a dream, it is a plan. I plan to leave London, to set up somewhere
    I am not known and to raise my daughter to a better life than the one I have
    dream of love. Not the love I have for Aldridge, my protector. I am fond of
    Aldridge, but I know he will never be mine. I dream of a man who will be loyal
    and true; someone who will see the real me, and love me anyway. Ridiculous and
    impossible, but there you are.
    What inner doubt
    causes you the most difficulty?
    doubt that anyone would love me, or even like me, if they saw more than the
    parts I act. Indeed, how could they? Inside, I am still the broken child,
    mourning the loss of my innocence and hiding from the horror my life became. I
    would not want even Sarah to see that person. How could she love me when I do
    not love myself?
    In the story world
    your author created, explain what it is you fear most and why.
    fear that my past will haunt me forever, that it will surface at the worst
    possible time to destroy my daughter’s chance of escape to a respectable life.
    I must keep my secret; I must keep her safe.
    is only nine, but—despite our care—she is already suspicious of Aldridge’s
    place in my life. “Why do the other girls have a Papa,” she asked me last week,
    “when all I have is uncles?” I did not know what to say. I fear she will hate
    me if she ever knows the truth—but not as much as I fear that the truth will
    doom her to the life I have led.
    Tell us about your
    significant other, that person who makes living worthwhile.
    makes living worthwhile. I am fond of Aldridge. He is a kind and generous man,
    and he has given me a life of ease and luxury I never imagined. But he is my
    protector, not my love. I forgot that in the early days of our liaison. Almost,
    I gave him my heart. Such feelings are foolish between a courtesan and the man
    who keeps her. One day, he will marry one of the debutantes who clutter
    London’s Season, and breed fine children with pure bloodlines on both sides.
    And I will retire to the country and be a widow, and grow roses.
    What would that
    person say about you?
    expect he would say I am beautiful. It seems to be the characteristic that men
    notice first and comment on most often. He would also say, I think, that he
    enjoys my company. He returns to me between his other affairs. Indeed, he
    spends several nights a week with me. He likes to converse, even to
    debate—politics, literature, history, business. He is very well read, and he
    enjoys a good argument, and even concedes defeat if I manage to convince him of
    my facts.
    If someone from your
    past showed up, who would you NOT want it to be, and why?
    Now that is a long, long list. I would not want to meet any of my former
    clients or protectors. Fortunately, they live in the South-West, and I do not
    go there. Only the last was of any social consequence. Perringworth, his name
    was, and he is dead these two years.
    If you could plan a
    happy ending, what would it be?
    have told you my happy ending. Safety for Sarah. Not enough? Well then, a man
    who loves us both. A man who loves Sarah as a daughter and who loves me—the
    real me, the hidden me—as his respected and treasured wife. I know it cannot
    be, however, and will be content with the life I plan. I cannot see how my
    author could give me a better one.

    About the Writer

    Jude Knight writes strong determined
    heroines, heroes who can appreciate a clever capable woman, villains you’ll
    love to loathe, and all with a leavening of humour.
    Jude Knight is the pen name of Judy Knighton.
    After a career in commercial writing, editing, and publishing, Jude is
    returning to her first love, fiction. Her novella, Candle’s Christmas Chair,
    was released in December 2014, and is in the top ten on several Amazon
    bestseller lists in the US and UK. Her first novel Farewell to Kindness, was
    released on 1 April, and is first in a series: The Golden Redepennings. .
    What was your biggest
    challenge in writing this book?
    book is about three flawed characters, all of whom act in ways that are morally
    reprehensible. My challenge was to make them sympathetic—to give the reader
    cause to identify with them and want them to succeed. I wrote, tested with beta
    readers, rewrote, and retested. I agonised over showing their motivations, and
    demonstrating their strengths as well as their very obvious weaknesses.
    Why did you choose
    this character for the interview today?
    is central to the novel. In my past two books, the heroes have been very clear
    to me, and the heroines have emerged as I wrote. The same happened here; I
    began with Aldridge, but Becky took over. The action of the book comes as other
    characters react to her.
    Are any sequels
    planned for this book?
    didn’t plan to write this book at all. It was Aldridge’s idea. Aldridge is
    cousin to the hero of Farewell to
    , and half-brother to the hero of my work-in-progress, Encouraging Prudence. I planned to give
    him his own novel eventually, but I needed a novella to fill a gap between
    publications. A brief book about one of Aldridge’s dalliances seemed as if it
    would be fun. Then Becky took over. Now that the book is done, one of the
    off-stage characters is knocking at the door of my mind. So not a sequel precisely,
    but a linked stand-alone? We’ll see what the plot elves have in store.
    Why should readers
    who haven’t picked up one of your books before give this one a try?
    A Baron for Becky if you like novels whose characters meet life’s challenges by
    resolving their own inner demons. It’s very different to my novella, Candle’s
    Christmas Chair, which was a sweet traditional, and my first novel, Farewell to
    Kindness, which has a large cast and an action-driven plot full of twists and
    turns, mystery and thrills. A Baron for Becky has five central characters, and
    most of the action focuses on three: Aldridge, Becky, and Hugh. Two heroes and
    one heroine. Yes, indeed. As I say, very different.

    About the Book

    A Baron for Becky
    Historical Romance (Regency)
    Jude Knight
    heat level (based on movie ratings): PG 13
    Becky is the envy of the courtesans of the demi-monde –
    the indulged mistress of the wealthy and charismatic Marquis of Aldridge. But
    she dreams of a normal life; one in which her daughter can have a future that
    does not depend on beauty, sex, and the whims of a man.
    Finding herself with child, she hesitates to tell
    Aldridge. Will he cast her off, send her away, or keep her and condemn another
    child to this uncertain shadow world?
    The devil-may-care face Hugh shows to the world hides a
    desperate sorrow; a sorrow he tries to drown with drink and riotous living. His
    years at war haunt him, but even more, he doesn’t want to think about the
    illness that robbed him of the ability to father a son. When he dies, his
    barony will die with him. His title will fall into abeyance, and his estate
    will be scooped up by the Crown.
    When Aldridge surprises them both with a daring
    proposition, they do not expect love to be part of the bargain.

    Buy This Book

    UK http://amzn.to/1H3YmTk
    and Noble http://bit.ly/1GRTvkR

    Author Social Media

    and blog http://judeknightauthor.com/
  • Gay or MM

    Tarnished Gold by @britaaddams #historical #MM #RLFblog

    Cover Love includes a cover,
    blurb, buy links, and social media contacts for the author. Today’s featured
    book is Tarnished Gold by Brita Addams.

    About the Book

    Title – Tarnished Gold
    Genre – Historical gay romance
    Author – Brita Addams
    Book heat level – R
    In 1915, starstruck Jack Abadie
    strikes out for the gilded streets of the most sinful town in the
    country—Hollywood. With him, he takes a secret that his country hometown would
    never understand.
    After years of hard work and a chance invitation to a gay gentlemen’s club,
    Jack is discovered. Soon, his talent, matinee idol good looks, and affable
    personality propel him to the height of stardom. But fame breeds
    Meeting Wyatt Maitland turns Jack’s life upside down. He wants to be worthy of
    his good fortune, but old demons haunt him. Only through Wyatt’s strength can
    Jack face that which keeps him from being the man he wants to be. Love without
    trust is empty.
    As the 1920s roar, scandals rock the movie industry. Public tolerance of
    Hollywood’s decadence has reached its limit. Under pressure to clean up its
    act, Jack’s studio issues an ultimatum. Either forsake the man he loves and
    remain a box office darling, or follow his heart and let his shining star fade
    to tarnished gold.

    Buy This Book

    Dreamspinner – http://www.dreamspinnerpress.com/store/product_info.php?products_id=3667
    Amazon – http://www.amazon.com/Tarnished-Gold-Brita-Addams-ebook/dp/B00C0LY2JM/
    ARe – https://www.allromanceebooks.com/product-tarnishedgold-1148111-340.html

    About the Author

    Born in a small town in upstate New
    York, Brita Addams has made her home in the sultry south for many years. In the
    Frog Capital of the World, Brita shares her home with her real-life hero—her
    husband, and a fat cat named Stormee. All their children are grown.
    Given her love of history, Brita
    writes both het and gay historical romance. Many of her historicals have
    appeared on category bestseller lists at various online retailers.
    Tarnished Gold, the first in her
    gay romance Tarnished series for Dreamspinner Press, was a winner in the 2013
    Rainbow Awards, Historical Romance category. The book also received nominations
    for Best Historical and Best Book of 2013 from the readers of the Goodreads M/M
    Romance Group.
    A bit of trivia—Brita pronounces
    her name, Bree-ta, and not Brit-a, like the famous water filter. Brita Addams
    is a mash-up of her real middle name and her husband’s middle name, with an
    additional d and s.

    Author Social Media

    Monthly column at The Novel Approach http://thenovelapproachreviews.com
    Newsletter https://www.facebook.com/BritaAddamsEroticRomance/app_100265896690345
  • Historical

    Miss Radley’s Third Dare by @Heather_Boyd #RLFblog #Historical

    Cover Love includes a cover, blurb, buy links, and social
    media contacts for the author. Today’s featured book is
    Miss Radley’s Third Dare by Heather Boyd.
    About the Book
    Title Miss Radley’s Third Dare
    Genre Historical Romance
    Author Heather Boyd
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): Mature Audience
    What a woman wants…
    The only person who ever understood
    what Julia Radley wanted most in life was the man who ruined her reputation and
    secured her victory in a bold swimming race. She does not hold Valentine Merton
    accountable for the harsh criticisms made against her character until he
    suggests the only way to smooth over the scandal of his defeat is to wed as
    soon as possible.
    … the gentleman must dare.
    After picking himself up after proposing,
    Valentine Merton is even more determined to tame the wild girl next door. The
    future he wants within the clockmaker’s guild depends on their speedy marriage.
    A few sweet words or, as a last resort, another brazen dare is sure to persuade
    her to take a chance on him… and his family.
    Buy This Book
    Amazon http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00YOQAOES/
    Barnes and Noble http://bit.ly/MRTDNook
    About the Author
    Bestselling historical author Heather Boyd believes every
    character she creates deserves their own happily-ever-after, no matter how much
    trouble she puts them through. With that goal in mind, she writes sizzling
    regency romance stories that skirt the boundaries of propriety to keep readers
    enthralled until the wee hours of the morning. Heather has published over
    twenty novels and shorter works. Catch her latest news www.heather-boyd.com.
    She lives north of Sydney, Australia, and does her best to wrangle her
    testosterone-fuelled family (including cat Morpheus) into submission.
    Author Social Media
    Newsletter http://goo.gl/1VMbto
  • 5 Easy Questions,  Historical

    Faye Hall author of Mistress of Purity @FayeHall79 #RLFblog #historical

    Faye Hall author of Mistress of Purity answers five easy questions
    to help readers get to know her better.

    Author Bio

    Faye Hall’s passion driven, mystery
    filled books are set in small townships of North Queensland, Australia during
    the late 1800’s.
    Each of
    her novels bring something symbolically Australian to her readers, from
    Aboriginal herbal remedies, to certain gemstones naturally only found in this
    part of the world.
    Each of
    her books tell of a passionate connection between the hero and heroine,
    surrounded and threatened by deceit, scandal, theft and sometimes even murder.
    These romances swerve from the traditional romances
    as Faye aims to give her readers so much more intrigue, whilst also revealing
    the hidden histories of rural townships of North Queensland.
    finds her inspiration from the histories of not only the township she grew up
    in, but the many surrounding it. She also bases most of her characters on
    people she has met in her life.
    was able to live her own passion driven romance, marrying the love of her life
    after a whirlwind romance in 2013. Together they are raising their 9 children
    in a remote country town in northern Queensland, Australia.
    What’s your favorite down-home family style meal?
    Gravy smothered pork with creamy
    mash potato
    Describe the perfect vacation.
    There is a place called Whitsunday Sand’s in Bowen near
    where I live in North Queensland that is just beautiful.  It’s a resort nestled in the rocks between
    two of the most beautiful beaches in the whole of Australia.
    Tell us about your
    favorite toy as a child.
    I loved to color in, though I did tend to color in my dolls
    too bt like I was giving them tattoos.
    What kinds of things do
    you read when you’re researching a new book?
    Michael Cannon books are always helpful, as too are books
    from our own Bush Tucker Man Les Hiddens. 
    But I tend to rely a lot on word of mouth history too, especially from
    my father and stories from his family.

    About the Book

    Title Mistress of Purity
    Genre Historical erotic romance
    Author Faye Hall
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings):R

    Prue had seen something the night her father was murdered –
    something that would forever change her life…
    …She had seen something that would continue to haunt her and
    follow her wherever she went.
    When she had married the Earl of Malloy, Prue had hoped to
    be able to hide under his name and at his out of town estate.
    What she had not thought was to become his son’s MISTRESS OF
    Gareth had sworn never to return to his father’s estate, not
    to the life he had once thought to have there.
    He had hoped that the man he had grown in to was no longer
    hoping to find the love of a woman he knew could not possibly exist.
    What Gareth had not wanted was to find his comfort in the
    arms of his father’s young wife…a woman he knew was hiding far more than just
    one secret from him. 

    Buy This Book

    Publisher http://www.eredsage.com/store/FAYE_HALL.html
    Barnes and Noble http://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/fayehall

    Author Social Media

    Blog http://www.faye-hall.info
  • Medieval

    The Gentle Knight by @ashleyyork1066 #RLFblog #medieval

    Cover Love includes a cover, blurb, buy links, and social
    media contacts for the author. Today’s featured book is The Gentle Knight by Ashley

    About the Book

    Title The Gentle Knight
    Genre  historical
    Author  Ashley York
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG13
    A medieval soldier returns home to find his lover died in childbirth just as his own mother had. Believing he is cursed, Peter of Normandy turns from love. When he must give escort to an Irish princess more noble than many knights, he struggles with his decision to live a solitary life. Can he take the chance that his love won’t be a death sentence and possibly make them stronger?
    Padraig MacNaughton’s death bed decree rips his daughter, Brighit, from the shelter of her protective clan in Ireland. Forced to take vows at a Priory in England, she finds herself in the hands of lecherous mercenaries with their own agendas. Dare she trust the Norman knight to see her safely to her new life as a nun? Even when she finds in him the fulfillment of all she’s ever wanted?
    Or will honor and duty eclipse their one chance for happiness?

    Buy This Book

    Publisher Self
    Barnes and Noble http://bit.ly/1GH0pxf

    About the Author

    I write medieval romance novels full of passion and intrigue set in 11th and 12th century Ireland, Scotland, and England.
    Although all my works are fiction,
    I often like to incorporate authentic places, events, and people to increase
    the reader’s enjoyment. One of the more valuable lessons I have learned as a
    writer is the importance of using real history with the flair of artistic
    license. You’ll discover a world of fiction wrapped around historical people
    and events!
    I live in New England with my
    husband, two cats and a yellow Labrador named Caledonia.

    Author Social Media

    Blog http://ashleyyorkauthor.com/blog-2/
  • Historical

    Secret Harbor by @andreakstein #RLFblog #historical

    Cover Love includes a cover, blurb, buy links, and social media
    contacts for the author. Today’s featured book is Secret Harbor by Andrea K.
    About the Book
    Title Secret Harbor
    Genre Historical Romance
    Author Andrea K. Stein
    Book heat level
    (based on movie ratings): R
    A French Caribbean
    widow who has given up on love risks everything to save a charismatic smuggler
    and his crew. Marie Galante has to bring in her sugar cane harvest with the few
    workers left after her husband died so that she can pay off the gambling debt
    he secured with her plantation. Smuggler Jean Blanchard needs to convince
    healer Marie to come back to his island to cure his men of a strange ailment
    killing them one by one. The secret Marie uncovers on Jean’s island threatens
    to tear apart their worlds and leave both with dangerous choices. Can Marie let
    go and trust the trickster and thief? Will Jean let the healer force him to
    chose love over vengeance?
    Buy This Book
    Publisher Muirgen™ Publishing, LLC
    Amazon http://amzn.to/1Tje2HF
    About the Author
    Andrea K. Stein is a
    native Ohioan, the daughter of a trucker and an artist. She grew up a
    scribbler. The stories just spilled out–the pony escaped, the window magically
    shattered. Not her fault. Twenty-plus years as a journalist couldn’t stifle the
    yarns. Yacht delivery up and down the Caribbean only increased the flow. Now
    those tales celebrate romance and adventure on the high seas. 
    Author Social Media
    Blog http://www.andreakstein.com/blog/
    Facebook http://facebook/authorandreakstein
    Amazon Author Page http://amzn.to/1MbVGEf