• Paranormal

    Prison Made of Mirrors @JenniferTLoring #RLFblog #darkfantasy #PNR

    Welcome Jennifer Loring author of Prison Made of Mirrors, a
    new dark fantasy/paranormal romance.
    Why did you write
    this book?
    I started it many years ago, after being inspired by Tanith
    Lee’s wonderful White as Snow. Fairy tale retellings have always been one of my
    favorite things to write; this novella is an homage to one of my biggest
    influences, who unfortunately passed away in 2015.
    What is your favorite
    genre to read?
    It will probably always be horror, though I do read some
    romance (mostly PNR and historical). I also love non-fiction.
    Who is your favorite
    character from fiction (not including your own)?
    Two are characters I’ve loved since I was a
    teenager—Irrylath from The Darkangel Trilogy by Meredith Ann Pierce and Zach
    from Poppy Z. Brite’s Drawing Blood. I also adore Constantine from Robin
    McKinley’s Sunshine. Two out of three are vampires, so I guess that says a lot
    about me. J
    What are you working
    on at the moment?
    A Gothic/paranormal romance novella for After Glows
    Publishing, concepts for a narrative game, and a lot of short fiction. I
    probably won’t work on a novel-length project again until 2018, though I’ll
    likely write another novella this year.
    What books will we see
    from you in coming months?
    April will bring the final book of The Firebird Trilogy (The
    Pieces of Us) from Limitless Publishing; the fairy tale anthology Forest
    Seclusion, featuring my transgender romantic fantasy story “If Only You Were
    Someone Else,” from Supposed Crimes; and the first Erotikós anthology—containing
    two of my erotic horror short stories—from DarkFuse. In May, I’ll be in a
    contemporary romance anthology called Craving: Bad, and later in the year, I’ll
    appear in Crystal Lake Publishing’s Tales from the Lake vol. 4. I still have
    quite a few short stories, novellas, and novelettes submitted to various
    publishers, so hopefully this list will be updating soon!
    Please tell us about
    your latest book.
    Genre: dark fantasy/paranormal romance
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG-13
    Aithne is a warrior kidnapped from her homeland during a
    Viking invasion and forced to marry her captor. Shortly before the raid that
    claims his life, she becomes pregnant with a child whom she believes cursed. Spurred
    by the dark sorcery she learns from relics her late husband’s mother left
    behind—including a magic mirror—Aithne descends into a madness that threatens
    not only her child’s life but also the lives of everyone around her.
    Exiled by her mother, Brenna is taken in by a clan of dwarves who treat her
    like their own. They soon learn that no one is immune to Aithne’s lunacy—not
    even the prince to whom Brenna was once betrothed. Brenna must face and conquer
    death itself if she is to save the land that rightfully belongs to her, and to
    break her mother’s terrible spell on the man she loves.
    Barnes and Noble http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/prison-made-of-mirrors-jennifer-loring/1125791749

    Jennifer Loring Social Media

    Jennifer Loring has been, among other things, a DJ, an
    insurance claims assistant, and an editor. Her short fiction has been published
    widely both online and in print; she has worked with Crystal Lake Publishing,
    DarkFuse, and Crowded Quarantine, among many others. Longer work most notably
    includes the contemporary/sports romance series The Firebird Trilogy and the
    critically acclaimed psychological horror novella Conduits. She lives in
    Philadelphia, PA with her husband, their turtle, and two basset hounds.
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennifer_loring