• Know the Heroine,  Science Fiction Romance

    Know the Heroine from Star Cruise Mystery Dancer by Veronica Scott @vscotttheauthor #RLFblog #scifi romance

    Know the Heroine from Star Cruise Mystery Dancer by Veronica Scott @vscotttheauthor #RLFblog #scifi romanceVeronica Scott, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your heroine, but first, tell us about the book.

    Star Cruise Mystery Dancer by Veronica Scott

    Genre Scifi romance
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG13
    New Sectors novel, included in Embrace the Romance: Pets in Space 3 anthology. Tassia Megg is a woman on the run after the death of her elderly guardian. Her search to get off the planet in a hurry comes when chance directs her to an open dance audition for the luxury cruise liner Nebula Zephyr’s resident troupe. If there is one thing Tassia can do, it is dance!
    Security Officer Liam Austin is suspicious of the newest performer to join the Comettes. She shows all the signs of being a woman on the run and seems to fit the Sectors-wide broadcast description of a missing thief, accused of stealing priceless artifacts. As he gets to know Tassia during the cruise, he starts to wonder if she’s something more – a long vanished princess in hiding from deadly political enemies of her family perhaps? And what’s the story with the three-eyed feline companion other crew members swear Tassia brought aboard the ship? Does the animal even exist?
    As the ship approaches its next port of call, all the issues come to a boil and Liam must decide if he’ll step in to help Tassia or betray her. Life is about to get very interesting aboard the Nebula Zephyr as Liam tries to uncover the truth. Could F’rrh, the peculiar alien cat he has been hearing about, be the key to the mystery and Tassia’s fate?

    Know the Heroine from Star Cruise: Mystery Dancer

    It’s late, she’s bored. What does she do?
    Tassia has a companion, a three eyed- alien feline named F’rrh, who is a genie of sorts and lives in a beautifully painted black lacquer box when she isn’t out in the world. So Tassia might sit for a while with F’rrh in her lap, and have a conversation in their native language about what to do next in her escape across the galaxy. Once Tassia meets Liam on board the ship of course, she likes to go out with him after shows and they often go to the ship’s gigantic beach deck for picnics. She also makes good friends among the dance troupe members and spends time with them. The cruise ship crew are allowed to make use of the amenities when off duty and the ship’s Artificial Intelligence also has an endless supply of trideos and shows.
    What kind of food would she impulse buy if hungry?
    Rich desserts! Since she works off so many calories every day at rehearsal and doing the shows, she can eat as much as she wants and not be concerned about the somewhat skimpy costumes. But in general Tassia eats a balanced diet, since she needs to be fit to perform.
    Describe the kind of clothes she prefers to wear.
    Tassia is a dancer so she likes loose fitting, flowy dresses, although when it’s time to rehearse she wears clothes like leotards or leggings and a sports bra. She enjoys going barefoot as much as she can. Her costumes for the shows on the interstellar cruise ship Nebula Zephyr as a member of the prestigious Comettes dance troupe are elaborate, glittery and glamorous.
    Does she know how to fix things?
    She tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.
    How does she act around children she doesn’t know?
    Tassia hasn’t spent much time with children, having been on the run from assassins nearly all her life after her royal family was murdered in a coup, but she’s generally a very friendly and sweet person. She does help teach a basic dance class for the passengers’ kids on the cruise ship and they like her. She’s patient and good at giving instructions and corrections.
    What is she like first thing in the morning?
    She’s had to learn to wake up instantly and be ready to move at a moment’s notice because of the danger surrounding her, so Tassia doesn’t linger in bed or dawdle over breakfast. She’s a morning person by nature but has late nights as a Comette dancer.
    How does she act around people who don’t know what she is?
    No one was ever supposed to suspect she was a princess, for her own safety, so she’s polite and reserved. She doesn’t put on any airs.
    Will she let a worker handle things or do it herself?
    Tassia will always try to handle things for herself.
    Earrings/piercings/tattoos or unadorned skin?
    She’s not much of a jewelry person but will wear the blingy, dangling earrings mandated as part of her costume. There’s a giant gem involved in the mystery surrounding her and whether she is or isn’t the real princess, so she tends to associate jewels with trouble and unhappiness.
    Personal vehicle or public transport?
    As a member of the ship’s crew, when on a planet she has to rent a groundcar or take public transport.
    Recycle or toss?
    Recycle definitely! As a fugitive she’s been poor and hungry so Tassia believe nothing should ever go to waste.
    Thanks for helping us get to know your heroine!

    Where to buy STAR CRUISE: MYSTERY DANCER In The Pets In Space 3 Anthology

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Embrace-Passion-Pets-Space-3-ebook/dp/B07FNXKQJZ/
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/embrace-the-passion-se-smith/1129099896
    iBooks https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/embrace-the-passion-pets-in-space-3/id1414010304
    Kobo https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/embrace-the-passion-pets-in-space-3
    Google https://play.google.com/store/books/details/S_E_Smith_Embrace_the_Passion_Pets_in_Space_3?id=JghkDwAAQBAJ

    Veronica Scott Social Media

    USA Today Best Selling Author
    “SciFi Encounters” columnist for the USA Today Happy Ever After blog
    Veronica Scott grew up in a house with a library as its heart. Dad loved science fiction, Mom loved ancient history and Veronica thought there needed to be more romance in everything. When she ran out of books to read, she started writing her own stories.
    Seven time winner of the SFR Galaxy Award, as well as a National Excellence in Romance Fiction Award, Veronica is also the proud recipient of a NASA Exceptional Service Medal relating to her former day job, not her romances!
    She read the part of Star Trek Crew Member in the audiobook production of Harlan Ellison’s “The City On the Edge of Forever.”
    Blog https://veronicascott.wordpress.com/
    Twitter https://twitter.com/vscotttheauthor
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/VeronicaScottAuthor/
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5428500.Veronica_Scott
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Veronica-Scott/e/B006CUCJ92/
    Newsletter https://us7.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=2a337b96e2ee1ee1250004b9d&id=7462393c9e


  • Know the Heroine,  Suspense

    Know the Heroine from Becker Circle by Addison Brae @AddisonBrae1 #RLFblog #RomanticSuspense

    Know the Heroine from Becker Circle by Addison Brae @AddisonBrae1 #RLFblog #RomanticSuspenseAddison Brae, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your heroine, but first, tell us about the book.

    Becker Circle by Addison Brae

    Genre: Contemporary Romantic Suspense
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
    My first and only boyfriend believed I was too gutless to leave. He was dead wrong. My name’s Gillian, and I graduated Harvard early and left his hot temper and everyone else behind for Dallas. Determined to make it on my own, I land a second job bartending at the neighborhood pub smack in drama central where most every jerk in the neighborhood hits on me—at a huge price.
    A week into the job, the neighborhood’s very popular drug dealer falls to his death a few feet from the table I’m serving. The cops say suicide, but the hot guitar player in the house band and I suspect foul play, and I intend to prove it. We dig deeper, grow closer, and make a shocking discovery. We know the murderer. Watch the trailer.
    A portion of the author proceeds will go to Hope’s Door New Beginning Center to help fight domestic abuse. Becker Circle is published by Tirgearr Publishing.

    Know the Heroine from Becker Circle

    It’s late, Gillian’s bored. What does she do?
    If she’s looking out for herself, she’ll stay home and study for her CPA exam or watch a movie with a glass of wine. If she’s vulnerable, she’ll agree to meet the adorable bad boy.
    What kind of food would Gillian impulse buy if hungry?
    Food? This is a girl who has half and half, leftover takeout, OJ, and a couple of partial containers of soup. She doesn’t make meals a priority. On impulse, she does have the number for her new favorite Thai place (that delivers) stored in her phone.
    Describe the kind of clothes Gillian prefers to wear.
    Some of you will understand how Gillian feels as she rebuilds her confidence whittled down by a narcissistic boyfriend. He always told her she was fat, so she tended to wear jeans a size too large and tops she could hide in. Early in the story, she asks a stylish neighbor to help her pick out new clothes the new Gillian would wear. She likes the results—at first. The way she dresses affects how her co-workers, customers, and guys respond to her. It takes time to grow into her new look that takes her down a rollercoaster path:
    “I’d rather crawl under the bar rather than believe someone really thinks I’m pretty.”
    Does Gillian know how to fix things?
    Gillian is an expert at fixing situations or helping people out of trouble. For anything else, she calls her apartment’s maintenance.
    Gillian tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.
    Since Gillian is starting fresh, she experiments a bit too often. On the romance side, she falls for the cute guy who says all the right things, goes too far with him to fast, and then realizes he doesn’t remember whether anything happened between them. In another situation, she tries to prove her toughness after a neighbor who did something nice for her once falls from his high-rise balcony. While everyone accepts it was suicide, clues saying otherwise keep finding her. He’s a drug dealer, but Gillian believes everyone deserves justice. She digs into the drug world and gets in way too deep. If I tell you what happens, I’ll give away too much.
    How does Gillian act around children she doesn’t know?
    Gillian goes from her day job to her bartending job and lives in a community of single people. The closest she gets to children are family photos on her co-workers’ desks.
    What is Gillian like first thing in the morning?
    She’s exhausted from studying for her CPA or closing the bar and dreads facing her terror of a boss who has it out for her at the accounting firm where she works.
    Can Gillian use chopsticks?
    She can, but at home, she eats her favorite Thai takeout with a fork. It’s much less complicated, and chopsticks don’t work well with soup.
    Does Gillian drink coffee? If so, how does she take it? If not, what does she drink instead?
    Yes, with lots of half and half.
    What apps would Gillian have on her phone?
    Social media, maps for her move across country, Zelle for her boyfriend to pay her for bills (which he rarely did), leftover Harvard apps from college, IRS2Go and a few accounting apps, Pandora and Spotify for music
    Android or iPhone?
    Hand-me-down iPhone from her dad before she went to college.
    Earrings or unpierced ears?
    Earrings, small and simple
    Tattoos or unadorned skin?
    Gillian has a teddy bear about the size of a postage stamp that most people will never see. It’s what her ex gave her for her twenty-first birthday last year, one of the many reminders she’d like to forget.
    Personal vehicle or public transport?
    Personal vehicle when it’s far, but Gillian lives close to her work and often walks.
    Recycle or toss?
    Toss. In the apartment living world, recycling isn’t available.
    Thanks for helping us get to know your heroine!

    Where to buy Becker Circle

    Publisher http://www.tirgearrpublishing.com/authors/Brae_Addison/becker-circle.htm
    Amazon http://amzn.to/2GQhgSj
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/becker-circle-addison-brae/1128071378
    iBooks http://itunes.apple.com/us/book/isbn9781370780426
    Kobo https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/becker-circle
    Smashwords https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/797034

    Addison Brae Social Media

    Addison Brae lives in Dallas, Texas on the edge of downtown. As a child, she was constantly in trouble for hiding under the bed to read when she was supposed to be napping. She has been writing since childhood starting with diaries, letters and short stories. She continues today with articles, video scripts and other content as an independent marketing consultant. When she’s not writing, Addison spends her time traveling the world, collecting interesting cocktail recipes and hosting parties. She’s still addicted to reading and enjoys jogging in her neighborhood park, sipping red wine, binge-watching TV series, vintage clothing and hanging out with her artistic other half and their neurotic cat Lucy.
    Website http://addisonbrae.com/
    Blog http://addisonbrae.com/blog
    Twitter https://twitter.com/AddisonBrae1
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/addison.brae
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/addisonbraeauthor/

    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17759692.Addison_Brae
    Bookbub https://www.bookbub.com/authors/addison-brae
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/default/e/B07B443K8P/


  • Know the Heroine,  Paranormal

    Know the Heroine from Claimed, by Heather Hambel Curley @Heather_Curley #RLFblog #Paranormalromance #PNR

    Know the Heroine from Claimed, by Heather Hambel Curley @Heather_Curley #RLFblog #Paranormalromance #PNRHeather Hambel Curley, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your heroine, but first, tell us about the book.

    Claimed by Heather Hambel Curley

    Genre Paranormal romance
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
    The first time the world ended, she went into hiding.
    The second time, she became a fugitive.
    When war breaks out between the Western State and Regent’s Block, two North American political coalitions, Wren Richards is forced into hiding. Her father insists that, as witches, they have more at risk; more to hide. It is a time of division, of careful planning and preparation. They conceal themselves and their power, living on only what they can grow and create with their own hard work.
    But then there is a break in the doldrums of normalcy: Wren is sent to fetch supplies in town. Her younger sister tags along—it’s a waste of time, a waste of energy.
    And then the atomic bomb hits.
    Everything changes.
    Now Wren isn’t just a witch: she’s a survivor. A slave. A water seeker. A murderer. She and her sister are kidnapped and dragged to another dimension, a mirror of Earth, dying from nuclear winter. Energy is worth more than gold and harder to find. As witches, they’ll fetch a higher dollar at auction. Because as witches, energy can be sourced from their souls.
    The only person who can save Wren is herself.
    And she’s just been sold to the highest bidder.

    Know the Heroine from Claimed

    Here are some fun questions to help us know your heroine.
    It’s late, she’s bored. What does she do?
    I try to stay out of trouble, I really do (leave the piano alone, Wren). I love art history, so I might pull out a book on art. Or history. Or, I’ll just throw caution completely to the wind and sleep.
    What kind of food would she impulse buy if hungry?
    Chips. It’s always chips. Potato chips, pickle chips, chocolate chips. Yum.
    Describe the kind of clothes she prefers to wear.

    I prefer dark colors. I work outdoors a lot now, so I usually wear leather trousers and sturdy, heavy boots for protection. A sheer tunic (to stay cool) underneath a black corset. The corset may seem like a hinderance, but trust me: I wouldn’t leave the homestead without it. I can hide a knife in the side lacing. I can conceal a pouch of gold down the front. It might not be armor, but it protects me. And improves my posture!
    Does she know how to fix things?
    I DO! Before the world ended, I wanted to go to school for art history. My father didn’t feel that held much of a future, so I dropped out and got a certificate in auto repair. I can fix engines and repair a lot of mechanical things. Oh, and my ex-boyfriend taught me to hot wire a car. It comes in surprisingly handy in this post apocalyptic world.
    She tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.
    I cannot cook to save my life. Luckily, it’s never actually come to that. The last time I tried to make a fancy dessert, I almost burned the house down. I was going to surprise my family with creme brulee and everything was going just fine…that is, until it said to burn the top. Crispy, crunchy goodness. We didn’t have a fancy “foodie” torch, so I used my blow torch….and proceeded to catch the drapes on fire. The creme brûlée, however, managed to stay runny and unscathed.
    How does she act around children she doesn’t know?
    Ehhh….I’m not good with kids. Strange kids, unfamiliar kids, family kids, sticky kids, loud kids. Kids just KNOW things. And they tend to flail around and break things. Yes, I realize this is not at all unlike how I am….but, no. I’d rather cross a desert than be stuck in a room with a random child.
    What is she like first thing in the morning?
    Grumpy. I like my sleep!
    How does she act around people who don’t know what she is?
    My father always said that being a witch made us different. We had bigger responsibilities and there was more at stake if we screwed up. When I’m around people who don’t know I’m a witch, I just do what I always do: I hide it. I blend in, I act normal…or at least, what other people perceive as normal.
    Will she let a worker handle things or do it herself?
    I feel awkward having someone do work for me. I try, I really do, and stand off to one side to make sure they’re doing it right. And trust me, I bite my tongue to keep my thoughts to myself…it’s just,…look, I do things in certain ways. Ways that work. And I’m going to let you know that, especially because I can see you struggling to do it and—okay, look, just give it me and I”ll do it. No really, it’s fine. I’d prefer to do it.
    Earrings/piercings/tattoos or unadorned skin?
    Just a hidden tattoo on my thigh of a sparrow, a spur of the moment decision when I turned 18. You know, the old rhyme about sparrows? “One is for sorrow, two is for joy….” I have two holes pierced in each ear, which seems pretty tame in retrospect.
    Personal vehicle or public transport?
    Before the world ended, it was a sporty little British import or the cute farmhand’s rusted green pickup truck. Now, it’s by foot or with a stubborn old horse who would rather be napping in the barn….so, yeah, it’s pretty much by foot.
    Recycle or toss?
    We didn’t take all that good care of the Earth to begin with so, now that we’ve destroyed it completely, I recycle what I can. Milk jugs into bird feeders, empty whipped cream containers into food storage. I’m thrifty and nifty, what can I say?
    Thanks for helping us get to know your heroine!

    Where to buy Claimed

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B06ZXSLK93/
    Heather Hambel Curley Social Media
    Heather Hambel Curley is thirty-something year old fake red head from the city of Pittsburgh. She has a growing collection of tattoos, a love for the Caribbean, and an obsession for running (like a T-Rex, she has strong legs and feeble arms). Currently, she lives in central Pennsylvania with her patient husband and two, rowdy sons.
    Website http://heatherhambelcurley.wixsite.com/home
    Blog http://heatherhambelcurley.com
    Twitter http://www.twitter.com/Heather_Curley
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/heatherhambelcurleywrites/
    Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/heatherhcurley/
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14127937.Heather_Hambel_Curley
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Heather-Hambel-Curley/e/B01BJEVL4E


  • Historical,  Know the Heroine

    Know the Heroine from The Unexpected Wife by Caroline Warfield @carowarfield #RLFblog #historicalromance

    Know the Heroine from The Unexpected Wife by Caroline Warfield @carowarfield #RLFblog #historicalromanceCaroline Warfield, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your heroine, but first, tell us about the book.

    The Unexpected Wife by Caroline Warfield

    Genre Historical Romance Victorian
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG 13
    Charles Wheatly, Duke of Murnane, accepts an unofficial fact finding mission to the East India Company’s enclave in Canton, China on behalf of the queen. He anticipates intrigue, international tensions, and an outlet for his grief over the death of his young son. He isn’t entirely surprised when he also encounters the troublesome offspring of his mentor, the Duke of Sudbury, but the profound love he discovers for the determined young woman is unforeseen and untimely. Charles certainly doesn’t expect to also face his troubled marriage in such an exotic locale. The appearance of his estranged wife in the company of their enemy throws the entire enterprise into conflict, and tensions boil over when the woman he loves is put at risk by his wife’s scheming–and the beginnings of the First Opium War.
    Zambak Hayden seethes with frustration. A woman her age has occupied the throne for over a year, yet the Duke of Sudbury’s line of succession still passes over her–his eldest–to land on a son with neither spine nor character. When she follows her brother to Macau the greed and corruption she finds horrifies her, especially when her brother succumbs to the lure of opium. She isn’t about to bend to the dictates of a family friend nor give up her quest. Her traitorous heart, however, can’t stop yearning for a man she can’t have.
    Can their love survive as an epic historical drama unfolds around them?

    Know the Heroine from The Unexpected Wife

    It’s late, she’s bored. What does she do?
    She has a bad habit of breaking into her host’s office late at night. He’s the superintendent of trade for Canton and she can’t resist spying.
    What kind of food would she impulse buy if hungry?
    Steamed dumplings
    Describe the kind of clothes she prefers to wear.
    She tried boys clothing and found it very freeing, but what she enjoys the most are her Manchu lady’s dresses. The are colorful and feminine but comfortable and don’t require a corset.
    Does she know how to fix things?
    Zambak can pick locks, a spring the hidden panel in a trunk but that’s about it.
    She tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.
    She disguised herself as a seaman to smuggle herself into Wampao where no western women go. Unfortunately Charles, the Duke of Murnane, already intended to go there and chose that ship to sail on. More unfortunately, she knows nothing about seamanship and was forced to climb the mast. Most unfortunate of all, Charles had no problem recognizing the derriere climbing the mast. He wondered if the other men were blind.
    How does she act around children she doesn’t know?
    Zambak has very little experience with children and is quite awkward. When her friend Temperance hands my heroine her tiny daughter, however, what can she do? Snuggling comes naturally.
    What is she like first thing in the morning?
    Chocolate always.
    How does she handle things when in a “proper” social situation?
    Her mother, the Duchess of Sudbury, trained her well. She knows which spoon to use, how to follow precedence, and how to subdue an encroaching worm with a single scathing glance. She can keep conversation flowing, override uncomfortable moments, and bring out the shyest companion. She can also give the cut direct with ruthless effect.
    Maid or takes care of herself?
    She accepts the services of a maid as an annoying necessity. She is adept at bribing servants of all kinds, however.
    Proper dress or casual clothes?
    Whichever suits the occasion.
    Sleeves buttoned or rolled up?
    Rolled up
    Powdered wig or natural hair?
    Oh please. Natural … but in 1838 this no longer comes up.
    Carriage or horseback?
    Carriage, although she likes to walk, and can go great distances on foot.
    Thanks for helping us get to know your heroine!

    Where to buy The Unexpected Wife

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07FGGC918/

    Caroline Warfield Social Media

    Award winning author Caroline Warfield has been many things: traveler, librarian, poet, raiser of children, bird watcher, Internet and Web services manager, conference speaker, indexer, tech writer, genealogist–even a nun. She reckons she is on at least her third act, happily working in an office surrounded by windows where she lets her characters lead her to adventures in England and the far-flung corners of the British Empire. She nudges them to explore the riskiest territory of all, the human heart.
    Website http://www.carolinewarfield.com/
    Twitter https://twitter.com/CaroWarfield
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/carolinewarfield7
    Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/warfieldcaro/
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/8523742.Caroline_Warfield
    BookBub https://www.bookbub.com/authors/caroline-warfield
    Amazon Author page http://www.amazon.com/Caroline-Warfield/e/B00N9PZZZS/
    Newsletter: http://www.carolinewarfield.com/newsletter/