• Fantasy,  Meet an Author

    Meet Eileen Troemel @EileenTroemel Author of Marelo #RLFblog #FantasyRomance

    Meet Eileen Troemel @EileenTroemel Author of Marelo #RLFblog #Fantasy RomanceHidden dragons offer advice in Eileen Troemel’s sweet fantasy romance Marelo. A promise to her father drives Marelo to succeed putting aside all other desires. Bandor studies the determined female who he knows to be his mate. What will convince her they are meant to be together?

    Eileen, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about Marelo.

    Marelo by Eileen Troemel

    Thank you for allowing me to join you. Marelo is a short story about a female studying water dragons and what made them disappear. She comes to Bandor’s beach, the last known place to have one spotted. Bandor knows she’s his mate but he’s willing to wait. His best advisor tells him it’s not as complicated as he’s making it.


    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG – if this were a movie your toddlers could be in the room.

    Marelo studies water dragons. Bandor studies her heart.

    Driven to succeed, Marelo focuses on her studies. She doesn’t have time for males claiming her as a mate. She came here to study the dragon’s ancestral home. She will find the evidence she needs while avoiding all males especially Bandor who makes her heart rush.

    Bandor takes one look at Marelo and knows she’s his mate. Her haughty demeaner doesn’t put him off. She’s his mate, he’ll do anything to win her. But he has secrets only his mate can know. Can he convince her to be his mate or will it take something more?

    Tell us about yourself as a person.

    What makes you different from other people?

    Not a lot really. I think people at their core want the same things. You probably didn’t want a philosophical answer. Well two things come to mind off the top of my head – I have red hair which is not common and I was born on Leap Year so technically I’ve only had 14 birthdays

    What is your personality type?

    I’m an introvert. I like to watch people but I don’t necessarily want to be in the thick of things. I’m more likely to write about what I’ve seen than I am to hold a conversation with others. However, as my family knows I love to talk to the right people.

    What was your favorite childhood game?

    Hmm well I grew up on a farm and board games were rare. We played a card game named Racko which was fun. With six kids we played baseball and we had a sort of tag game we played. We had a silver fuel tank in our yard and that was goal. One person would hide around the house and people would run around the house. If you were caught by the person, you had to help catch people. Last one standing one.

    What is your favorite subject to talk about?

    I like to have meaningful conversations, topic doesn’t matter and it doesn’t matter if we agree (in most cases) so long as we both walk away from the conversation having heard the other person’s opinion.

    What is your favorite book?

    Theirs is no way I could narrow the many books I’ve read down to just one favorite one. Even if you gave me a genre I couldn’t narrow the category to one. Some of my favorite authors – Piers Anthony, JD Robb/Nora Roberts, Suzanne Brockmann, Anne McCaffery, Mercedes Lackey, Patricia Wrede, JK Rowling, Louis Lamour, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Shakespeare, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ee cummings, Ray Bradbury…. See what I mean?

    What is your favorite meal?

    Depends on who’s cooking… my husband – his lasagna… my oldest daughter – beef stroganoff… my middle daughter – chicken carbonara… my youngest daughter – tacos… I miss my mother’s ham and scalloped potatoes and her halo cookies…

    Meet Eileen Troemel @EileenTroemel Author of Marelo #RLFblog #Fantasy Romance

    Tell us about yourself as a writer.

    What made you want to be a writer?

    I cannot remember a time when I didn’t tell stories. My parents always called me imaginative. At eight a teacher asked us to write stories and from there, I knew I needed to write.

    What are your favorite books for writing advice?

    I’m not big on books about writing – probably because I don’t like people telling me how to write. I am very good at taking criticism and self-critiquing my own work. But for books here’s two which I found helpful for when I write sexy books:

    Naughty Words for Nice Writers by Cara Bristol & The Sexaurus Sexy Words for Writers by Stefanie Olson et al

    What are your favorite reference books?

    A good modern big dictionary and a really good thesaurus – both will get you through a rough draft.

    When you go to a convention, what kinds of things do you take along?

    In addition to writing, I’m crafty too as are my daughters. So my daughters made me bags with a crossword puzzle style graphic of my book titles, water bottles with my logo, bookmarks, resin dragons and other critters, pouches with graphics designed by my daughters. I like to offer a variety so it will appeal to a variety of people.

    What’s your best advice for a new writer?

    Write your story. Don’t worry about anything other than getting the story down on paper. Read through it when you’re done and take off your writer’s cap and put on your reader’s cap. Would you want to read this? Where do you stumble? What do you want more of? Ask others – nicely – to read your stuff and LISTEN to them. If they actually tell you something other than how great it is, pay attention. Ultimately you’re the author but listen to what you’re told and consider adjusting. Everything – no matter how bad – can be fixed in editing.

    What are your writing goals for the next year or so?

    In 2022, I plan to publish Marelo in February, Celtan Dilemma in June, Star Stranded (working title) in the fall and at some point between Halloween and Christmas – Bah Humbug will get published. I have two crochet patterns I hope to publish soon.

    Looking forward from there, I have completed two novels. I hope complete some projects I’m working on including re-editing a few of my first books and sequels to a few books.

    Where to buy Marelo

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09NGWLZC4

    Eileen Troemel Social Media

    USA Today Bestseller Author Eileen Troemel writes action packed and emotionally powerful fantasy, scifi, romance. She’s versatile and writes in many genres. She’ll try almost any genre if it means she can tell a good story. In addition to her writing, she loves to read, crochet, and research genealogy. Her best days are spent with her family of three adult daughters and her husband or writing.
    Website https://eileentroemel.com/
    Twitter https://twitter.com/EileenTroemel
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    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/eileen-troemel-6667825b/
    MeWe https://mewe.com/i/eileentroemel
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7868345.Eileen_Troemel