• Historical

    Read the new #HistoricalRomance Prophecies and Promises by Alana Lorens @AlexanderLyndi #RLFblog #Pirates

    Know the Hero from Prophecies and Promises the new #HistoricalRomance by Alana Lorens @AlexanderLyndi #RLFblog #PiratesWhen the ‘good’ man is bad, and the ‘bad’ man is good, how’s a young woman to choose? In Prophecies And Promises, Alana Lorens whips up a tale of pirates, stormy seas, wartime heroics, and a love triangle set in Key West, Florida during the Spanish-American War.

    Alana, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about Prophecies and Promises.

    Prophecies and Promises by Alana Lorens

    Genre historical romance
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): G

    Tamsyn McKiernan thinks her dreams have come true. She’s engaged to a dashing Key West bachelor and finally in her widowed father’s good graces. But in her heart, she knows something’s wrong. She loves the ocean and the quiet pleasures of nature—so what does the aristocratic life she’ll lead truly hold for her?

    Mercenary captain Drake Ashton is neck deep in preparations for the Spanish-American War, running guns and other supplies to Cuban natives who want out from under their Spanish masters. He and his brother Freddie risk their lives daily, focused on saving his friends on the island. Nothing else matters but his mission.

    A chance encounter with a spiny sea urchin brings the two together, and neither of their lives will ever be the same again.

    Where to buy Prophecies and Promises

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Prophecies-Promises-Alana-Lorens-ebook/dp/B09THTHV6H
    Amazon Paperback https://www.amazon.com/Prophecies-Promises-Alana-Lorens/dp/1509241442
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/prophecies-and-promises-alana-lorens/1141068092?ean=9781509241446
    Publisher https://shop.aer.io/TheWildRosePress/p/Prophecies_and_Promises/9781509241446-11180?ni=true
    Book Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFWs54EUJeU

    Alana Lorens Social Media

    Alana Lorens has been a published writer for more than forty years. Currently a resident of Asheville, North Carolina, she loves her time in the smoky blue mountains. One of her novellas, That Girl’s The One I Love, is set in the city of Asheville during the old Bele Chere festival. She lives with her daughter, who is the youngest of her seven children, and five crotchety cats.
    Website https://wordpress.com/page/alana-lorens.com/21
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AlanaLorens/
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4829967.Alana_Lorens
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Alana-Lorens/e/B005GE0WBC/


  • Historical,  Know the Hero

    Know the Hero from Prophecies and Promises the new #HistoricalRomance by Alana Lorens @AlexanderLyndi #RLFblog #Pirates

    Know the Hero from Prophecies and Promises the new #HistoricalRomance by Alana Lorens @AlexanderLyndi #RLFblog #PiratesWhen the ‘good’ man is bad, and the ‘bad’ man is good, how’s a young woman to choose? In Prophecies And Promises, Alana Lorens whips up a tale of pirates, stormy seas, wartime heroics, and a love triangle set in Key West, Florida during the Spanish-American War.

    Alana, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about Prophecies and Promises.

    Prophecies and Promises by Alana Lorens

    Genre historical romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): G

    Tamsyn McKiernan thinks her dreams have come true. She’s engaged to a dashing Key West bachelor and finally in her widowed father’s good graces. But in her heart, she knows something’s wrong. She loves the ocean and the quiet pleasures of nature—so what does the aristocratic life she’ll lead truly hold for her?

    Mercenary captain Drake Ashton is neck deep in preparations for the Spanish-American War, running guns and other supplies to Cuban natives who want out from under their Spanish masters. He and his brother Freddie risk their lives daily, focused on saving his friends on the island. Nothing else matters but his mission.

    A chance encounter with a spiny sea urchin brings the two together, and neither of their lives will ever be the same again.

    Know the Hero from Prophecies and Promises

    Here are some fun questions to help us know your hero.

    It’s late, he’s bored. What does he do?

    Picks up a pencil and begins sketching. He likes to draw natural scenes, things he remembers from his travels around the Caribbean, but he chooses a different subject after he meets a mysterious woman on a beach.

    What kind of food would he impulse buy if hungry?

    Whatever’s available, especially local ethnic dishes

    Describe the kind of clothes he prefers to wear.

    Practical, working shirts and pants, nothing frilly or involved. Good solid boots, with roughed-up soles so he doesn’t slip on the deck of the Raven.

    Does he know how to fix things?

    He’d better! When you have an old Spanish galleon at your command, you’d best believe something’s always breaking! Seriously, though, Drake Ashton has been sailing since he was a boy growing up in the Florida Keys, and he knows every nail and pulley on his boat.

    He tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.

    He pulls quite the stunt when he abducts Tamsyn from her engagement ball. It all works out perfectly, but when she insists on returning home to save him from the consequences of his rash act, he had no idea that her fiancé Thatcher Winslow would threaten to put her in a mental hospital as a result.

    How does he act around children he doesn’t know?

    He loves children—in the rebel camp at Matanzas, Cuba, he teaches them to play baseball and basically “Big Brothers” all of them.

    What is he like first thing in the morning?

    He’s an early riser, for the most part. Ship life begins at sunrise, so he’s learned to adapt.  He’s also ready to go as soon as he gets out of bed—no sleepy dragging about. But a cup of coffee or mug of rum certainly helps start the day.

    How does he handle things when in a “proper” social situation?

    He’s equally comfortable in a society ballroom, having been taught good manners by his late mother. Part of his pirating profession involves being able to move along the edge of society, so he can pick up useful information and blend in when he needs to. That’s how he can be at the New Year’s ball and rescue Tamsyn from being a wallflower when Thatcher leaves her on her own, vulnerable to the society gossips.

    Valet or takes care of himself?

    He has a cabin boy who tidies, etc., but he’s a man who looks after his own needs.

    Necktie/cravat or open shirt?

    Open shirt, definitely. One needs a little freedom of movement to work on a ship or pull off capers. 😊

    Sleeves buttoned or rolled up?

    Likely rolled up. Same reason as above.

    Powdered wig or natural hair?

    Drake is a big fan of natural all around, so no wigs here. UNLESS it’s necessary as a disguise for a caper.

    Carriage or horseback?

    There isn’t much opportunity for a sailor to ride horseback, and he wouldn’t usually take a carriage for himself alone. But he does have opportunities to squire a pretty lady around town, and for her, he’ll snag a carriage.

    Thanks for helping us get to know your hero!

    Where to buy Prophecies and Promises

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Prophecies-Promises-Alana-Lorens-ebook/dp/B09THTHV6H
    Amazon Paperback https://www.amazon.com/Prophecies-Promises-Alana-Lorens/dp/1509241442
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/prophecies-and-promises-alana-lorens/1141068092?ean=9781509241446
    Publisher https://shop.aer.io/TheWildRosePress/p/Prophecies_and_Promises/9781509241446-11180?ni=true
    Book Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFWs54EUJeU

    Alana Lorens Social Media

    Alana Lorens has been a published writer for more than forty years. Currently a resident of Asheville, North Carolina, she loves her time in the smoky blue mountains. One of her novellas, That Girl’s The One I Love, is set in the city of Asheville during the old Bele Chere festival. She lives with her daughter, who is the youngest of her seven children, and five crotchety cats.
    Website https://wordpress.com/page/alana-lorens.com/21
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AlanaLorens/
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4829967.Alana_Lorens
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Alana-Lorens/e/B005GE0WBC/


  • Book Release,  Historical

    Read Prophecies and Promises the new #HistoricalRomance by Alana Lorens @AlexanderLyndi #RLFblog #pirates

    Read Prophecies and Promises the new #HistoricalRomance by Alana Lorens @AlexanderLyndi #RLFblog #piratesWhen the ‘good’ man is bad, and the ‘bad’ man is good, how’s a young woman to choose? In Prophecies And Promises, Alana Lorens whips up a tale of pirates, stormy seas, wartime heroics, and a love triangle set in Key West, Florida during the Spanish-American War.

    Alana, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about Prophecies and Promises.

    Prophecies and Promises by Alana Lorens

    Genre historical romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): G

    Tamsyn McKiernan thinks her dreams have come true. She’s engaged to a dashing Key West bachelor and finally in her widowed father’s good graces. But in her heart, she knows something’s wrong. She loves the ocean and the quiet pleasures of nature—so what does the aristocratic life she’ll lead truly hold for her?

    Mercenary captain Drake Ashton is neck deep in preparations for the Spanish-American War, running guns and other supplies to Cuban natives who want out from under their Spanish masters. He and his brother Freddie risk their lives daily, focused on saving his friends on the island. Nothing else matters but his mission.

    A chance encounter with a spiny sea urchin brings the two together, and neither of their lives will ever be the same again.

    Why did you write this book?

    I’ve always loved Key West and the Florida Keys, so I found a point in time when Key West was the center of a turning point in history and set the story then. Because of the strictures of the time period, the twists and turns of the love story naturally followed.

    What is your favorite genre to read?

    Science fiction, usually. But I grew up reading gothic romance.

    Who is your favorite character from fiction (not including your own)?

    Probably Lessa from the Pern books by Anne McCaffrey

    What are you working on at the moment?

    The fourth book in the Pittsburgh Lady Lawyers series, about a young woman beginning her career at a Pittsburgh Legal Aid clinic.

    What books will we see from you in coming months?

    Nothing is scheduled at this time, but I hope to have something early next year,

    Where to buy Prophecies and Promises

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Prophecies-Promises-Alana-Lorens-ebook/dp/B09THTHV6H
    Amazon Paperback https://www.amazon.com/Prophecies-Promises-Alana-Lorens/dp/1509241442
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/prophecies-and-promises-alana-lorens/1141068092?ean=9781509241446
    Publisher https://shop.aer.io/TheWildRosePress/p/Prophecies_and_Promises/9781509241446-11180?ni=true
    Book Trailer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iFWs54EUJeU

    Alana Lorens Social Media

    Alana Lorens has been a published writer for more than forty years. Currently a resident of Asheville, North Carolina, she loves her time in the smoky blue mountains. One of her novellas, That Girl’s The One I Love, is set in the city of Asheville during the old Bele Chere festival. She lives with her daughter, who is the youngest of her seven children, and five crotchety cats.
    Website https://wordpress.com/page/alana-lorens.com/21
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/AlanaLorens/
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4829967.Alana_Lorens
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Alana-Lorens/e/B005GE0WBC/