• Pockets and Purses,  Suspense

    Read the #RomanticThriller Saving Euphoria (Book 2 in the Euphoria trilogy) by C Becker @cbeckerauthor #RLFblog #RomanticSuspense

    Read the #RomanticThriller Saving Euphoria (Book 2 in the Euphoria trilogy) by C Becker @cbeckerauthor #RLFblog #RomanticSuspenseThe aftermath of a deadly fire leaves many questions in C. Becker’s new romantic thriller, Saving Euphoria. The surviving spouse must decide who to trust so she can discover the truth behind her husband’s death.

    C Becker, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about Saving Euphoria.

    Saving Euphoria by C Becker

    Genre Romantic Thriller
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R

    Hailey Langley and her children struggle to cope with the shocking and mysterious death of her husband Mark. Her teenaged son is rebelling, and Hailey is dealing with physical and mental challenges as well.

    Tom Parker, Hailey’s former partner from the Special Crimes Agency, comes back into her life. He warns her to trust no one even as he tries to rekindle the flame that connects them.

    Everyone has secrets, even Parker, and some of those from the past threaten to destroy the present. Hailey fights to move forward after losing Mark, but she needs to figure out if she can trust Parker and risk taking another chance on love.

    What’s in your character’s pockets, backpack, or purse?

    What does your character always carry?

    Hailey always carries a bottle of anti-anxiety pills in her purse. Since her husband passed away in a fire, she is trying to keep herself together as best as she can for her children. With different men showing up at her door, she never knows when she’s going to need one.

    Is there an item your character carries for good luck and if so, what is it?

    Hailey carries a rose petal in her purse next to a mysterious picture she found in her husband’s car. The petal brings her security and hope. Her husband Mark used to bring her roses after an argument. Their last argument was a doozy. He never returned, but she kept one of the rose petals from the bouquet that arrived the day of the fire.

    Does your character carry money and if so, in what form (cash, credit, etc.)?

    Money’s tight for Hailey. As an adjunct professor, her income is limited. The little amount of cash she carries is spent on counseling fees for her kids’ sessions and daughter’s dance classes. Hailey uses a credit card for groceries and gas and pays the bills with a bottle of wine at the end of the month.

    What does your character carry related to a job or calling?

    Hailey carries an attaché case to transfer her lecture notes and students’ paperwork to and from the university. With all of her distractions and memory issues having the attaché case is helpful to keep something in order. The bag is large enough to stuff her lunch bag inside, too—as long as she doesn’t forget to pack her lunch!

    What is one thing your character wouldn’t be caught dead carrying?

    Hailey won’t be caught dead carrying a street drug. Her first son died from drugs and now her other son is hanging around with the wrong crowd. She has reason to freak out when she finds a mysterious pill in the hallway.

    Does your character ever carry things for other people? (like a mom with toys, etc.) Hailey has the biggest beach bag for her kids’ swimwear, sunscreen, beach towels and flipflops when they go on outings.

    Questions for the Character to Answer About the Author

    What does your author always carry?

    1. Becker won’t leave home without her purse and cell phone!

    What does your author dislike carrying but has to?

    Extra plastic bags to pick up after her dog when she drives to the park.

    How organized is your author’s backpack / purse?

    Her purse is a total study in clutter. I don’t know how she crams so much into such a small bag.

    What does your author prefer to use when it comes to items like backpacks / purses?

    Purses. Bigger is better, up to a limit. She doesn’t want to look like she’s carrying a suitcase onto an airplane.

    Where to buy Saving Euphoria

    Publisher https://www.thewildrosepress.com/bookauthor/c-becker
    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Saving-Euphoria-C-Becker-ebook/dp/B09SVMXYZT/ref=monarch_sidesheet
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/saving-euphoria-c-becker/1141022852

    C Becker’s Social Media

    A native of western Pennsylvania, C Becker earned a B.S. degree in Medical Technology and MT (ASCP) certification. She has worked in clinical settings analyzing body fluids and testing drugs of abuse. As an author, C Becker has published multiple stories in various genres.
    Website https://cbeckerauthor.wixsite.com/cbeckerauthor
    Twitter https://twitter.com/cbeckerauthor
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    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/86861384-c-becker
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B07NRWPWX3
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