• Character Interviews,  Science Fiction

    Character Interview: Jee Tonopah from Trailing Kaiwulf #RLFblog #scifi

    Trailing Kaiwulf
    Genre Science Fiction
    Author Kayelle Allen
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG13
    Travel to a godforsaken planet on the outskirts of space. Check. Hold intrusive military types at bay. Check. Find an invisible man in a different dimension. Check. Finish out the vacation TRAIL yanked you back from to do it? Easier
    said than done.
    Yanked back from their first vacation in ages, Jee and Dane get handed a top priority mission. The pay is better than any they’ve earned before as agents for the Trace, Rescue, and Identification League. With this much money, they might not need jobs. They’re the best there is, and the item, person, or secret hasn’t been invented that these two can’t recover.
    But locating this quarry might be a bit past even their considerable skills. After all, how do you find an invisible man in another dimension? And who, exactly, is footing a bill this steep? Certainly not the archaeologist in charge. The military wants to get involved, but they have no monetary stake either. So who — or what — is behind the request to trail Kaiwulf?

    Buy This Book

    Amazon http://is.gd/kaiwulf_amz
    Author site: http://is.gd/kaiwulf_excerpt

    Interview with Jee Tonopah

    Please tell us about yourself.
    Not much to tell. I’m an agent for TRAIL. Don’t believe what some people tell you. It doesn’t stand for Thieves, Ruffians, Assholes, Idiots, and Liars. It stands for Trace, Rescue and Identification League. I’ve never been married. Never wanted to be. I can’t picture me being a mom. I like my life like it is, never in the same place more than a few days. I like being the hardass who gets to tell people what to do. My partner, Dane Raphyel, is the brains. I’m the brawn. Yeah, okay, I get that I come up to his waist or something. The dude is off the charts TALL. He’s got more muscle in one arm than I have in my whole body, but yeah, he’s the brains. If somebody’s gonna get clobbered on the job, or there’s somebody who needs to take a dirt nap, it’ll be me making sure they get it. Just the way it is.
    What is it that you want, but cannot have? Authors call this the conflict of the story.
    Could I please just get a vacation? I saved for months to get this glorious vacation. A real first-class kind of sleepliner between planets, and
    I was on my way to Earth, when TRAIL decided to yank us back for a mission. It was all I could do to keep from blasting holes in the wall when they told me.
    What inner doubt causes you the most difficulty?
    See, I don’t have any of that touchy-feely inner doubt kind of crap. I know what I’m doing and there’s none of this inner turmoil you hear about.
    I believe in telling it the way it is. Dane says I don’t get headaches. I give ’em. You want that soft girly talk, go see Dane’s wife or something. I don’t do
    that sh–  er, uh… stuff.
    What’s your external complication? In the story world your author created, explain what it is you fear most.
    Not getting that vacation I was promised. Yeah I know my boss signed for it and all that, but saying I get this first class trip and then actually
    letting me get on the ship and then get all the way to Earth and get really into the vacation thing…? I’ll believe it when it happens. I’ve been promised time off for so long… I just want some time, you know?
    Tell us about your significant other, that person who makes living worthwhile.
    *scratches her head* You’re not talking about a boyfriend, are you? I don’t have one. Not one I’d tell you about anyway. No offense. My partner’s
    as close to me as they come, but he’s like my brother. Plus he’s married with five kids and he’s crazy in love with his wife. But if I ever found a guy like that… Nah, who am I kidding? I’d run the other direction. I’m more of a party kind of woman. Give me a hot cutie who’s not busy for the night and I’m good.
    What would that person say about you?
    The cutie? He’d say “Baby, where you been all my life?” Or some other intelligent pick up line. *winks* It’s all good.
    What special skills do you rely on?
    I’m the shortest agent working for TRAIL, but I have the highest rating for marksmanship in the company. I’ve been an agent since I can remember.
    Always wanted to work for the company. If I hadn’t, I’d probably have ended up being some kind of assassin. Of course, my partner had a lot to do with the assassin thing not happening, but that’s another story. Maybe Kayelle will put that in another book.

    About the Writer

    Why did you choose to write about this character?
    I wanted a kick-ass heroine who isn’t afraid to be herself. Jee Tonopah is mini but mighty. She’s a little bit like I wish I could be — not afraid
    of a single thing.
    Why do you write?
    I can’t help myself. I tried to stop. It’s no use. I’m a writer. I have to write.
    What do you want to write next?
    I’m working on an illustrated book about one of my immortals from another series (title: Bringer of Chaos), and a sequel for The Last Vhalgenn,
    a fantasy I released previously. Plus a few more.
    Are any sequels planned for this book?
    Yes. It’s one of the things I’m working on. This will be a new adventure for Jee and Dane.
    Is there anything you’d like to say to your readers?
    Thank you for hanging with me to read this! I’d love to get to know you better. Come meet me on social media or email me. I will answer back. I
    follow the #Loki hashtag on Twitter, so if you’re a Tom Hiddleston fan, we have something in common!

    Author Bio

    Kayelle Allen is a multi-published, award-winning Science Fiction Romance author. Her unstoppable heroes and heroines include contemporary characters, role-playing immortal gamers, warriors who purr, and agents who find the unfindable.

    Author Social Media

    Unstoppable Heroes Blog http://kayelleallen.com/blog
  • Science Fiction Romance

    Cover Love: Zoastra Affair @VictoriaPinder #RLFblog #SciFi

    The Zoastra Affair 
    Cover Love at Romance Lives Forever is a short intro to a
    book and includes a cover, blurb, buy links, and social media contacts for the
    author. Today’s featured book is The Zoastra Affair by Victoria Pinder.
    A hundred years from now, Earth has trading partners with alien
    beings, mostly humanoid. However, going into space brought forth an unknown enemy
    who attacks Earth at will.
    The Zoastra is part of the Earthseekers, an organization originally
    designed to go into space. Its new mission is to find Earth’s enemies.
    Ariel is stuck on a Victorian planet and steals Grace’s body
    and life to get off the planet. Grace must get her body back before Ariel bonds
    with Grace’s husband, Peter. Then there is Cross, the man on a mission to find those
    who killed his family. Ariel is attracted to Cross, but she’s stolen someone’s life.

    Buy Links:

    Soul Mate Publishing: http://soulmatepublishing.com/the-zoastra-affair/
    Amazon: http://amzn.com/B00HGYVLTW/
    Genre: Science Fiction Romance
    Length: 85000 words

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  • Author Interviews,  Science Fiction Romance

    Paranormal Scifi: A Lost Kitten | Interview @AreoMc #RLFblog

    A Lost Kitten
    Jessica Kong, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. Let’s talk about
    your book, A Lost Kitten.
    Genre: Paranormal Romance with Science Fiction Elements
    Publisher: Self
    Cover artist: CreateSpace
    Length: 283
    Heat rating: 4
    Blurb: Seacat John McCall labels the
    attack on the Sea-anan Empire as a nightmare. He escapes the enemy’s invasion, only
    to find himself stranded on a distant planet called Surreal. Tormented by thoughts
    of his family being massacred or captured by the enemy, he focuses on returning
    to aid them until he experiences a mind-boggling kiss that can only come from the
    one he is meant to share his life with. To ease the terror he feels for his family,
    John seeks the identity of his secret admirer. He quickly learns the true meaning
    of nightmare when he discovers his soul mate is of “the mist.”
    Jasira Eversole is drawn to the powerfully
    built outlander sitting at the king’s table. Unable to resist the need to see him
    again, she enters the warrior’s room while he sleeps. John’s rugged good looks and
    chiseled body compel Jasira to reach out and touch him. Being of the mist, Jasira
    knows she will not be able to feel John, but she cannot resist his pull. The richness
    of John’s hair, the firmness of his muscles, and the clean scent of his skin all
    take Jasira off guard. She swiftly realizes John is her intended mate. Now, Jasira
    must somehow convince the young warrior that they are two halves of one soul without
    chasing him off Surreal, leaving her to a lonely existence as mist.
    Buy links:
    Amazon US:
    Amazon UK:
    Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/a-lost-kitten-jessica-a-kong/1112436828?ean=9781475143409
    CreateSpace: A Lost Kitten – https://www.createspace.com/3841206
    Books A Million: http://www.booksamillion.com/p/Lost-Kitten/Jessica-A-Kong/9781475143409?id=5787726506385
    What are your main characters’ names, ages, and occupations?
    John McCall is a Seacat, an elite warrior of the Sea-anan Empire.
    He is 27 years old and a member of the royal clan.
    Jasira Eversole is a 23-year-old spirit bound to planet Surreal.
    Even though she is a ghost, she has a dual career as a school’s headmistress and
    a midwife.


    What inspired you to write this book?
    I read a ghost story written by Anne Rice. In one scene, a male
    spirit intimately explored the main female character. I was intrigued. When it came
    time to write John’s story, I was trying to figure out who was going to be his wife.
    That’s when I thought about Anne Rice’s spirit. I had a lot of fun writing this
    Which character in your current book do you think readers
    will like the most? Why?
    I believe readers will
    like John McCall. He is a mixture of Indiana Jones and Hans Solo. He is tall, intelligent,
    strong, handsome, and has a caring heart. He is also loyal. What more can a woman
    Why do you write?
    I write because I love
    to write. It’s my drug, my addiction. If I don’t write, I’m not happy.
    Who has helped you the most in your career as an author?
    My husband Alan. He has
    been my backbone since the beginning. Without him, I would not be able to pursue
    my dreams full-time. Without him, “A Lost Kitten” and its sequel,
    “A Forgotten Kitten” would still be on my desk instead of in readers’
    When you write, what things do you want close at hand?
    When I write a new story,
    or I have to edit an existing one, I need my mug of coffee next to me, and my inspiration
    image on my computer screen.
    When you’re not writing, what would we find you doing?
    The only time I’m not
    writing, editing, or promoting, is when I’m brain dead. If that’s the case, you
    will find me either reading, watching TV, or playing video games.
    Are you a plotter, or do you prefer to make it up on the spur
    of the moment?
    Plotter? I’m not even sure how to do that. Once I have a scene
    in my head, I write it down. The story grows from there. I just jot down scene after
    scene as it flows in my head. Once it’s all on paper, I go back and flesh it out,
    adding more where is necessary to help the story move along and come alive.
    What’s your writing schedule like?
    Being a mother of 14-year-old triplets, I write whenever I get
    the chance, which is why I work from a laptop. I have spent countless hours working
    in my car waiting for my kids to finish their afterschool programs.
    What aspect of your life do you write into your books?
    Hahaha Everything. Love.
    Family. Friendship. Loyalty. Betrayal. Prejudice. Death. And multiple infants.
    When an idea hits you, what do you do to capture it?
    I quickly jot it down on paper, so I can explore it on a later
    Which of your books was the hardest to write and why?
    Book one of the Oceanan
    Saga, “A Seacat’s Love”, is the next book I am going to introduce to my
    readers. I felt this one was the hardest to write because it took place on Earth
    where there are no magical creatures or magic in general. I had to introduce my
    aliens carefully and have everything make plausible sense without the story being
    boring. I hope I got it right.
    What’s the best gift you ever received?
    A Kindle from my husband
    and kids. Now I will never be without a book to read.
    If you could time travel, what era would be your first stop?
    I would travel back to the 1800’s. I just love the clothes the
    women wore back then.
    Do you believe in luck?
    What kind of music do you listen to while driving? Same question
    when writing?
    When driving, I listen to pop music. I don’t listen to music
    when I’m writing. In fact, I can’t hear noise when I write. Noise pulls me out of
    the world I’m in, in my head and keeps me from seeing my characters and their lives.
    I have earplugs for those extra noisy days.
    What’s your favorite movie?
    Harry Potter. Independence
    Day. Jurassic Park. I have so many.
    Are you the eldest, middle, baby, or only child?
    I am the middle child
    and the eldest daughter.

    Please complete the sentence

    I love pizza with Pepperoni.
    I’m always ready for a cup of coffee.
    When I’m alone, I am on my computer working.
    You’d never be able to tell, but I had triplets.
    If I had a halo, it would be
    sparkling like diamonds.
    If I could sell more books and have a steady income, I
    would hire a cook.
    I can never teach my teenagers how to drive, because I’m
    too much of a coward

    “A Forgotten Kitten is the second installment to the
    Sea-anan Saga, and a science fiction romance that is now available on:Amazon US:

    Find Me Here

    Website: http://www.seaanan.com
    Blog: My blog is Newbies Unite and can be found on my Website.
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/AreoMc
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Jessica-Kong/155150417957328
    Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/
    Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6533956.Jessica_Kong
    Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/home?trk=hb_tab_home_top
    Tumblr: http://jessicaakong.tumblr.com/
    Google +: https://plus.google.com/113667786275043784213/posts?hl=en


  • Science Fiction Romance

    #Free Scifi Romance: Tales from the SFR Brigade @sfrbrigade #RLFblog #sfrb

    Tales from the
    SFR Brigade

    From Earth to the furthest reaches of the galaxy, explore the
    worlds of Science Fiction Romance with stories from Linnea Sinclair, Marcella Burnard,
    Erica Hayes, Liana
    Brooks, Pippa Jay, Berinn
    Rae, Amy Laurens, and Kyndra Hatch.


    Experience love and adventure among the stars in Tales from the
    SFR Brigade, a free digital anthology of eight Science Fiction Romance stories.
    • A space captain discovers the cyborg she loves just might be
    her greatest enemy.
    • A mind-wiped prostitute risks all when she recruits a dangerous
    stranger to help her escape a terrible fate.
    • A prisoner-of-war confronts the comrade who loved her, then
    left her for dead.
    • A space-obsessed physics teacher is kidnapped by a far-too-charming
    • An apocalypse survivor battles the biomech-enhanced hunter
    who seeks to capture her.
    • A young artist must choose between her comfortable life on
    Earth or a war-torn space colony with her beloved.
    • A daring thief is on the run from the alien law man who is
    determined to bring her to justice.
    • A widowed rebel leader tries to save the last remnants of humanity,
    one stranger at a time. 

    Download Tales from the SFR Brigade for free

    Barnes and Noble – http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/tales-from-the-sfr-brigade-jc-cassels/1115864827?ean=2940044605947
    Smashwords (in many formats) – https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/329144

    Find the SFR Brigade Here

  • Science Fiction Romance

    Look to the Sky, it’s a Bird, a Plane, No, it’s a Spaceship! @cynnara #RLFblog

    Call of the Wylde 
    By Cynnara Tregarth
    I know right now, many of you are
    thinking that Cynnara Tregarth is a superhero junkie. You are not wrong in this.
    I love my superheroes- but that’s another post for another time. You might think
    that I’m a huge fan of Underdog! I loved the show growing up, and I probably always
    well. Yet, this weekend, there were two specials on the Science Channel which made
    me think about the genres I love and how they really truly affect me personally
    and professionally. Thus—we’re talking outer space.
    The final frontier—to go where no
    man has gone before. My father is a first generation Trekker. I grew up watching
    the first sets of reruns on television. I watched the original cartoons of Star
    Trek. The vision of Gene Roddenberry created for that universe within his
    “Horatio Hornblower to the stars” is something that’s permeated the way
    I view things. I am a Trekker. I’ve been to Trek only conventions, I’ve met the
    actors, and I’ve read the books. I’ve even met some of the authors who write Star
    Trek novels. (I am beyond jealous- it’s on my list of things I want to do!) The
    messages that Gene, the actors, the scriptwriters are part of who I am—I treat everyone
    as being worthy of my attention and as being equally fascinating.
    One of the things I learned from Star
    Trek was how people view themselves and their culture versus others. “Let That
    Be Your Last Battlefield,” an episode in the third season of the original series,
    the story of Cheron hit me hard as a child. To me, it was a lesson in how humanity
    was humanity, regardless of looks and there are so many other reasons for war, this
    should not be one of them. It’s funny to think that now as a writer this episode
    still comes into play. My book, Treaty
    of Desire, deals with a treaty that people on both sides need but others are
    trying to break. One of the underlying themes of the story deals with purity of
    both the shifters and the Fey. I didn’t realize until reviews came in, just how
    much this episode and Star Trek impacted not just my life, but my writing. My themes
    often reflect different things I’ve learned from Star Trek and from Star Wars. In
    fact, I laugh over the Tribbles in Star Trek. Loved Harcourt Fenton Mudd- the con
    man of the universe and the trouble he caused. Then there’s Q. *sighs* Oh, there
    is so much a writer could do with Q that sometimes I wonder if I had been given
    the chance to play with that entire concept, just how I’d have played it out. In
    the books, there’s a book entitled, Q-in-Law. If you’ve never read any of the Star
    Trek: The Next Generation books—I highly recommend it if you are a Q lover. It gave
    me happiness and laughing like nothing else. It also provided me with inspiration
    found in Games
    Empaths Play.
    So, I tend as a writer to look toward
    the stars in my life. I grew up during the time of Star Wars and let me tell you
    right now- I was determined to marry Luke Skywalker when I was old enough. In fact,
    we won’t talk about the fanfic I wrote through the years. But that writing stood
    me in good stead once I started creating my own universes. I admit that I had a
    crush on Luke Skywalker for the longest time, okay, if you push, I’d still say I
    have that crush—but don’t tell my fiancé. He thinks he’s a Han Solo sort and yeah.
    We won’t go there. What has always intrigued me about Star Wars is how the world
    seemed to embrace Star Wars and its mythos as its own reality and at the same time,
    being part of our own mythos as well. I love myths and legends, so finding out more
    on where George Lucas got the ideas on the Force, Jedi Knights, and other concepts
    fascinated me then and as a writer, it’s still fascinating. In fact, I often look
    to ancient religions and beliefs of others for various ideas to bring to the table
    when it comes to my stories.
    There’s nothing like the story arcs
    in Star Wars to make the geek in me to go “Oooohhh!” The writer in me
    is in awe while the editor in me is whimpering. Trust me, the editor in me whimpers
    because of the continuity issues that would have to be kept straight. Can we say
    notebooks, index cards and more? Yes, yes we can. But at the same time, it’s what
    I do now for my series books. It helps me to keep track of everything I need to
    do and track for my characters as they learn, grow, and hopefully resolve everything.
    My friends over the years have asked
    if I love sci-fi more than any other genre. The answer is no. But I find that sci-fi
    allows me to create technology that isn’t available yet. Fantasy allows me to use
    magick and play with Elves. (There is a story there, one we won’t talk about. LOL)
    Mysteries allow me to murder and get away with it. Romance is in everything I do—because
    love is part of life. But sci-fi has been a huge influence on my life and in my
    writing. I look to those who wrote Star Trek, Star Wars, Battlestar Galactica, Logan’s Run and others. I’m
    grateful to them. Without their stories, without them stepping forward, I would
    have no place to start. I am lucky I came to Doctor Who when I was young. I saw
    Tom Baker’s run and fell in love with quirky special effects and a love for all
    things British. It still plays in my writing today. (I would not turn down an offer
    to write for Doctor Who or a revival of Torchwood with Captain Jack Harkness. *sighs
    Ride Me Baby
    My writing has grown because of these
    masterpieces. I’ve learned pacing, how to write cliffhangers, and how to tease relentlessly
    those who read my work. It’s all fair since I wait and whinge when I have to wait
    for new movies, new seasons, and new books! But I’ve also learned something else—when
    you develop a series that comes alive to so many people, you have an obligation
    to see it through to the end. You must give it your best at all times and plan for
    it completely. As long as you do that, you can play in that world and give joy to
    so many people.
    Which is why I’m so happy with my
    upcoming story, tentatively called Pirate Queen’s Rebellion. It’s a world that I
    developed when I was dealing with the aftermath of my mom’s death and my own health
    issues. I spent time indulging in my sci-fi fun and figured out that I wanted to
    write something sci-fi but with a romantic twist. What I hadn’t counted on is that
    the characters would demand more from me than I originally planned. Yet, in the
    end, I’m beyond thrilled with the world created and the universe that’s now there
    to play in. It might be some time before I come back, but at the same time, it’s
    fully developed that I can drop in at any time. That to me, is a gift that a writer
    prays for all the time.
    So, take the time to look to the sky.
    Find your path to your writing. Find the path to your joy. Sometimes you might find
    that a bit of science fiction might just lead you to a path you never considered.
    It might be just the thing you need to ease the pains of the day or to launch you
    in a new direction for your writing. Either way, you might just say, “It’s
    a bird, it’s a plane, no—it’s a spaceship!”

    Find Me Here

  • Author Interviews,  Science Fiction

    Paul Harry: The 5 Moons of Tiiana

    Paul, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. Let’s discuss your book first, and then dive into the interview.

    Book title: The 5 Moons of Tiiana

    Genre: Science Fiction

    Buy links: Amazon, my website (www.5moons.com)

    Publisher: Sphere Publishing, LLC

    Cover artist: .R. Bale

    Length: 159,007

    Heat rating: PG13


    The 5 Moons of Tiiana is a science fiction narration on a soldier caught in the middle of an interstellar war, faced with rescuing the princess he loves, and solving a 2000 year-old mystery that just might yield the secret to bringing peace to both sides of the galaxy.

    What are your main characters’ names? Occupations? Ages?

    Rez Cantor / Captain of the Shadow Guard / 36 yrs

    Leanna / Princess of Melela / 16 yrs

    Philip Golan / scientist / 38 yrs

    Oolat / Solula / age unknown

    Ahska / Motula / age unknown

    Interview with Paul T Harry

    How did you get your start in the industry?

    I first got into writing about forty years ago. I had read a story in the historical book that so intrigued me I felt the story need to be fictionalized and expounded upon. That was my first foray into writing a novel. Needless to say, that was way before the web and way before self-publishing and when I finished the book I couldn’t get anybody to read it. That was extremely disheartening and did little to soothe my ego.

    Sometime later I was reading the Sunday paper and the little news blurbs they use for filler. One of the blurbs was a short article on the EPA investigating something or other and shortly below that was an article about Arnold Schwarzenegger starting to film Terminator two. It was then that an idea struck, and I began to wonder what would happen if the world’s ecological systems collapsed and someone, say from the future had to return to the past to save the world. I was really taken by that concept but I knew a story wouldn’t do it justice.

    Now my background in high school and college was theater. In fact, I had written a rock opera in college with two other friends, and we obtained some moderate success with it, but I had never written a screenplay before. So I got a book by an author by the name of Sid Fields on screenwriting, and I went to the University library, and I began looking at screenplays and how they were formatted. Taking that knowledge I wrote my first screenplay and I entered it into the Nevada screenwriting competition. To my surprise I took third place and suddenly doors began open. It was so much easier to have Hollywood open to looking at my material than a book publisher. So for the next 30 years I spend most my time writing screenplays.

    Now fast-forward to the present. Everybody and their brother wants to write the next hit movie; the field is cramped with screenwriters and the competition is stiff. And, to make matters worse, Hollywood now is less willing to take a chance on an unknown—so what’s a writer to do? Well for me, the answer was simple. Get back what you do best—write a killer story and use today’s technology to put it out to the public. So that’s what I did.

    What is the most important thing you do for your career now, as compared to when you first started writing?

    As I stated earlier, when I started writing, computers were comprised of a small six-inch screens with green lettering. There was no Word or WordPerfect, and the Internet was a fledgling baby. Now today, we have a world filled with Internet connections, social media, and the means to advertise to millions. So for me, it’s learning how to master all these new social happenings like Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, and Pinterest.

    What websites do you visit daily?

    Goodreads, Facebook, Twitter, Amazon, KDP, CNN are just a few.

    If you could change something about your first book, what would it be?

    The opening. I was never satisfied with the way my first book opened. But ironically, thirty years later I ran across something that gave me a technological inspiration, and I’m thinking of revisiting that story and making a few changes. We’ll see if it works.

    What do you enjoy most about life?

    Figuring out why we do it. Why do we come here? And what are we supposed to learn? I believe that there’s a reason for everything. For me, just getting up each morning and counting my blessings is enough. I have a terrific family and a decent life. Sometimes that’s all you need.

    If you could give the younger version of yourself advice what would it be?

    Don’t smoke the pot, stupid. It’s a waste of time.

    Do you have a muse? Describe this person, please.

    I can’t say that I have a muse per se, but I did have a very good friend who passed away from cancer several years past. He was my sounding board. I could runs ideas passed him, get his feedback, and he wasn’t afraid to give me the truth whether I liked it or not. I miss him.

    What does “balance” mean to you as a writer?

    When I find it I’ll let you know.

    Do things your family or friends do ever end up in a book?

    Not really.

    What are some jobs you’ve done before (or while) you were a writer?

    I grew up in Las Vegas. I spent many years there as a craps and blackjack dealer in a number of major casinos. The stories I could tell would probably curl your hair, but that’s another tale.

    Which of your books would you recommend to someone who doesn’t normally read your genre, and why?

    I would recommend this one: The 5 moons of Tiiana.

    For this story, I did something that I’ve never done before. I wrote it in first person. I did this for several reasons. First, I wanted to emulate one of my favorite authors, Edgar Rice Burroughs. He was the author of Tarzan, and more importantly, John Carter of Mars. His John Carter series was written in first person, and surprisingly, I found it easier to voice my main character in the same way.

    I think writing in first person allows the story to flow. It enables the reader to have a personal attachment to the main character as he forgoes the trials and tribulations of his journey. It also allows the reader to learn or discover the story at the time as the main character. I just find it more personal, and I’ve already had a number of readers who normally don’t read science fiction take a chance—to their surprise they’ve enjoyed the story.

    Additionally, I’m not an overly abstruse writer. I like to follow everything I learned as a screenwriter. Grab your audience as quickly as possible and hold on to them. I believe this book is a good example of that. I think it grabs you in the first few pages and doesn’t let go—at least I hope so.

    What kind of books do you read when taking a break from your own writing?

    The books I read are little out there—not exactly your standard fare. I am intensely curious about what our fate is, where we go after here, and the expansion of our lives within the universe. One of my most recent reads was: journey of Souls: Case Studies of Life between Lives by Dr. Michael Newton. You know the old adage, “truth is stranger than fiction.” Read this and you will know why.

    What do you think is the future of e-publishing?

    I think e-publishing is awesome. I think it opens up a world of incredible possibilities for many many people. Never before have we been given the opportunity to put our thoughts, dreams, and desires out to the general public with such ease. I would equate it with the advent of the printing press, and a revolution in the making.

    What was the proudest moment of your life so far?

    I could say it was the birth of my children or getting married, (they were great), but honestly, it was the standing ovations I got for the rock opera I co-wrote and produced while in college.

    Imagine you get to go on a dream vacation, but you have only one hour to pack and leave, and it starts as soon as you finish this interview. What will you take with you and where will you go?

    I would take my wife and daughter to Hawaii with only the clothes on our backs. Anything you need to be bought there and it’s only the memories that mean anything anyway.

    What is your favorite holiday and why?

    Christmas, seeing my daughter go nuts says it all.

    What good book have you read recently?

    Destiny of Souls: New Case Studies of Life between Lives by Dr. Michael Newton.

    Where were you at midnight, on December 31st when the new century started?

    I quit my job at the MGM Grand in Las Vegas and went to the Eagles concert at the Mandalay Bay.

    What do you like to do when you’re bored?

    I’m not sure with the PG rating is on the site, so let’s just say I sleep.

    If you were a color, what color would you be?

    Red, maybe blue.

    Please Fill in the Blanks

    I love pizza with spicy stuff.

    I’m always ready for (see the bored question).

    When I’m alone, I try to get things done.

    You’d never be able to tell, but I goof off a lot.

    If I had a halo it would be tarnished.

    If I could sell a million books I’d quit my stupid job.

    I can never stop because it feels too good.

    Find Me Here

    Website: http://www.5moons.com

    Twitter: http://twitter.com/RezCantor