• Book Release,  Suspense

    Check out Stay A Little Longer, coming soon from Bernadette Jones @RomanceBJones #RLFblog #NewRelease #RomanticSuspense

    Check out Stay A Little Longer, coming soon from Bernadette Jones @RomanceBJones #RLFblog #NewRelease #RomanticSuspenseBernadette Jones, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about your book.

    Stay A Little Longer by Bernadette Jones

    Coming Soon! Stay A Little Longer, a new romantic suspense by Bernadette Jones available at the end of May 2020

    Genre Romantic Suspense

    Death didn’t frighten Gage Ewing. Living scared the hell out of him.

    The innocent one died. I lived. Where is the justice in that? I’ve spent every day since trying to save others. No matter how many I heal in the hospital or on the streets, I can never be forgiven for that one death. I don’t deserve a family, a home or one moment of happiness.

    Then she walks into the Wild Card and I’m filled with need, hunger. Hope. But my past is coming. Can I walk away before I’m the death of another innocent?

    Ivy (IrishMist) Vaughn studied the glass of liqueur that she’d been named after and contemplated her lack of a future. She’d been fighting to stay alive since the age of twelve. Trained with warrior skills to be whatever they asked of her. Trained to kill.

    No permanent home. Living out of a duffel bag. Changing personas at the ring of a phone. I’m lost. I’m struggling to make sense of my life. I’m tired of fighting everyone else’s battles. All my friends have died. I want to quit. I want a little normal. A little happiness. A littleā€¦.love.

    Will they let me walk away?

    Why did you write this book?

    Gage Ewing had some scenes in Sleepin’ Alone and I fell in love with his tortured soul. He tried to run, he tried to hide. Trouble was, he was running from himself. When I caught him staring at the Blonde. I knew he had a story coming.

    What is your favorite genre to read?

    Romantic Suspense

    Who is your favorite character from fiction (not including your own)?

    Only one? Gabriel Sinclair, from Double Dealing by Jayne Castle (aka Jayne Ann Krentz) Sneaking in a second. Paris Sweeney from, Now You See Her by Linda Howard

    What are you working on at the moment?

    I’m writing Owen Strong’s story with a goal of having it out in the fall of 2020.

    What books will we see from you in coming months?

    Owens story is next in fall and Deke’s story is tentatively scheduled for the end of this year. I also hope to publish the first book in my Bound by Honor series. Titles are very important to me, but they also have to resonate with the characters and the readers so they take me a while. As soon as I have titles I will update my website so stop by often.

    Where to buy Stay A Little Longer

    Visit the author’s website https://www.bernadettejones.com/books

    Bernadette Jones Social Media

    Bernadette Jones has been making up stories since she learned to read on her daddy’s lap. She has imagined casts of characters everywhere she’s called home: Texas, Oregon, South Dakota, Nebraska, Illinois, Massachusetts, and now New York.
    Books and music filled her life as she, her dad and two brothers traveled the country. She would sit in the back seat of the car (her older brother always got to ride shotgun), listening to the current music on the radio, looking out the window and spinning a story based on a phrase or word she’d heard in the lyrics. As you can imagine, traveling the country the music changed from state to state, as did the stories. To this day she loves all genres of music, and books.
    After a career in corporate writing, she’s finally decided to settled down and put pen to paper doing what she loves. Living the dream in her NYC apartment with her canine companion, she’s is bringing her stories and characters to life.
    Website https://www.bernadettejones.com/
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    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Bernadette-Jones/e/B07ZY84C6K
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