• Historical,  Know the Heroine

    Know the Heroine from The Highlander’s Welsh Bride by Cathy and DD MacRae @CMacRaeAuthor #RLFblog #historical #romance

    Know the Heroine from The Highlander's Welsh Bride by Cathy and DD MacRae @CMacRaeAuthor #RLFblog #scottishhistoricalromanceCathy and DD MacRae, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your heroine, but first, tell us about the book.

    The Highlander’s Welsh Bride by Cathy and DD MacRae

    Genre Scottish Historical Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG-13

    Prince Llywelyn was dead, his soldiers fleeing before King Edward’s army. Carys, a cousin to the prince, herself a princess of Wales, had picked up arms alongside her husband more than a year ago in the fight for Wales’s independence. Now homeless, her husband buried beneath the good Welsh soil, she seeks shelter in the north, far from the reach of Longshanks’s men.

    Birk MacLean has been ordered to take a bride and produce an heir. He grows weary of the lasses paraded before him, women of delicate nature and selfish motives. He desires a wife strong enough to help lead one of the most powerful clans in Western Scotland.

    One like the Welsh woman sitting in his dungeon, arrested for poaching MacLean deer.

    Can Birk convince Carys marriage to him is preferable to a hangman’s noose? And will the heard-headed Scot be worthy of a Princess of Wales?

    Know the Heroine from The Highlander’s Welsh Bride

    Here are some fun questions to help us know your heroine.

    It’s late, she’s bored. What does she do?

    Carys would likely practice throwing daggers

    What kind of food would she impulse buy if hungry?

    A sweet fruit pastry

    Describe the kind of clothes she prefers to wear.

    She prefers trews and tunics colored to fade into the trees

    Does she know how to fix things?

    She’s quite skilled with bow and lance, and she can rig anything from rope and a few sticks

    She tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.

    She was in a storm aboard a ship, and the ship went down despite her efforts

    How does she act around children she doesn’t know?

    She has a soft spot for children, especially those who are uncertain or afraid

    What is she like first thing in the morning?

    Carys is a morning person. Bright, cheerful, ready to get something accomplished.

    How does she handle things when in a “proper” social situation?

    Silk over steel.

    Maid or takes care of herself?

    She hasn’t had a maid in years.

    Proper dress or casual clothes?

    She’ll wear a gown, but prefers trews and a tunic

    Sleeves buttoned or rolled up?

    Rolled up

    Powdered wig or natural hair?

    Natural hair

    Carriage or horseback?


    Thanks for helping us get to know your heroine!

    Where to buy The Highlander’s Welsh Bride

    Publisher Short Dog Press

    Amazon https://www.amzn.com/dp/B07KNYTMPK

    Cathy and DD MacRae Social Media

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