• Bucket List,  Fantasy

    Bucket List of Brenna from Valkyrie Love by Viviana MacKade @ViviMackade #RLFblog #Fantasy

    Bucket list of Brenna from Valkyrie Love @ViviMackade #RLFblog #FantasyA Valkyrie, alone but free and a lost soldier craving redemption team up to save the last hope of the Elvin race, baby queen Fljóða. Feelings don’t belong on such an endeavor. Or to Valkyries. But like a stubborn flower, love grows in dirt.

    Only one problem: now love is deadly.

    Let’s meet Brenna from Valkyrie Love. Welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about Valkyrie Love.

    Valkyrie Love by Viviana MacKade

    Genre Fantasy

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG 13

    Valkyrie love never comes easy.

    Brenna left Asgard with a curse on her name and a broken heart.

    A Valkyrie now free and independent, for millennia her life had been great. Just great.

    Then a bleeding Elf knocks at her door holding a baby.

    Alexander Reed left the Marines and lost the wheel of his life.

    A soldier without a worthy fight, he became everything he despised.

    Until he ends up in the wrong backyard at the wrong time.

    Fljóða, Queen of the Light Elves and last of her lineage, is an infant with a death sentence on her head.

    Hunted by the Night Elves, her survival brings Brenna and Reed together for the ultimate mission: take the little Queen to safety in the Vanaheim Realm, deep in the Roots of Yggdrasil.

    Not simple, but straightforward.

    Or so it seemed.

    Between flaming giants, demons, and an army of Half Breed determined to kill the Queen and conquer all the Elvin Realms, Brenna and Reed will have to face their inner monsters.

    Monsters appearing in the form of feelings neither want but cannot control.

    Brenna’s Bucket List

    Bucket list of Brenna from Valkyrie Love @ViviMackade #RLFblog #FantasyWhen someone dies, we say they “kicked the bucket.” Therefore, a list of things that a person wants to accomplish, places to go, situations to experience, and so on have become known as a “Bucket List.”

    Age: (Chuckles) Let’s just say I haven’t been green for a very long time.

    Gender: Female.

    Birthplace: Asgard.

    Profession: Reed and I run a centre that helps veterans to be reintroduced in civilian life.

    Ethnicity: Not sure if Scandinavian is an ethnicity.

    Please provide a physical description of yourself.

    I’m tall, and stronger than your average female. Black hair, long and ofter kept in a braid, and light blue eyes.

    Please tell us a little about yourself.

    I’m a Valkyrie. Or maybe I should say I used to be one. I had a long time to amass money, so when Reed met me I was taking some security job here and there, to stove off boredom. Then the war in the Roots started, and here we are. It gave me a completely different life.

    Who is the significant other in your life?

    Reed. Alexander Reed.

    If you haven’t made a bucket list before, perhaps now would be a good time. Who knows? It might inspire another book. While you’re at it, how about telling us about some of your other favorite things? Here are the questions.

    What is your birth order?

    We, me and my Valkyrie sisters, were all created at the same time.

    Tell us about your favorite toy as a child.

    I’ve never had a childhood. I was. Created an adult.

    Describe your favorite food and how it’s prepared.

    I love Mexican food, the hotter the better.

    Tell us about your best friend.

    Reed is. I used to believe my sisters were my best friends, but I was betrayed by one and the others did nothing to help me so…. When I moved to Midgard, I had to keep moving – people tend to notice if you don’t age. Why bother making friends not only I knew I had to live, but I knew I would see die?

    What are two places you would like to visit before you die, and why?

    I visited every stupid corner of this pretty planet. I know the Root of Yggdrasil enough to travel it. I lived in Asgard. There’s literally nowhere I didn’t see. SO now I just want to stay in the home I built with Reed, see it growing, getting old in it. I want to see time pass and knowing I won’t have to go.

    Where is a place you would never like to return, and why?

    Muspelheim. Technically, Nifelheim is worse, but I still have nightmares about Muspelheim. And

    Who is someone you would like to meet, and why?

    I stumbled upon a piece of poetry by Shonto Begay, a piece about an old woman who has seen many winter. It spoke to me. I have seen so, so many. I’d like to talk to hi, see what inspired him to write it.

    If you could time travel to any date, what would it be, and what would you do there?

    I’d go back and meet Reed’s parents, who passed away a few years back.

    Meet Viviana MacKade

    What was your biggest challenge in writing this book?

    Keeping within the rules I created for each realm. Each was different, and my characters had to deal with each based on its rules. Keeping all the details straight was complicated, sometimes.

    Why did you choose this character for the interview today?

    Because neither she nor Reed wanted to do it, but she lost at Rock, Paper, Scissors.

    When writing the book, what did you discover about this character that surprised you?

    How lonely Brenna had been.

    Are any sequels planned for this book?

    Maybe. Ulf, the Captain of the Vanir’s army is an interesting guy, And so is Mae.

    What genre(s) would you like to write that you haven’t tried yet?

    I’m good, honestly. I write in contemporary, and this was my first Fantasy.

    What would your readers be surprised to learn about you?

    Why should readers who haven’t picked up one of your books before give this one a try?

    Because they are all adventures where characters don’t spend 53 pages going over the same thought, are not too stupid lo live, and things make sense. They are also all fast faced, no lagging in boredom. I’m always in a hurry as a person, and I think it’s reflected in my style as well.

    Where to buy Valkyrie Love

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Viviana-MacKade/e/B01KKY6WLQ/

    Viviana MacKade Social Media

    Beach bum and country music addicted, Viviana lives in a small Floridian town with her husband and her son, her die-hard fans and personal cheer squad. She spends her days between typing on her beloved keyboard, playing in the pool with her boy, and eating whatever her husband puts on her plate (the guy is that good, and she really loves eating). Besides beaching, she enjoys long walks, horse-riding, hiking, and pretty much whatever she can do outside with her family.
    Blog https://viviana-mackade.blog
    Twitter https://twitter.com/ViviMackade
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    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vivianamackade/
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Viviana-MacKade/e/B01KKY6WLQ