• RLF Gems

    #Romance Lives Forever @VickiBatman @DenaGarson #RLFblog

    #Romance Lives Forever @VickiBatman @DenaGarson #RLFblogThe top post was the RLF Gems announcement last month. I did not count it among the top bloggers because that award would go to me. I’d like to see the credit go to guests. You are why I do this!

    The Top Blogger for this month is Vicki Batman. Top chatter was also Vicki Batman. She wins a month of free advertising on the blog. Top Blogger of 2016 was Susan V Vaughn, who won a year of free advertising for 2017.

    Top Blogger Vicki Batman

    Website: http://vickibatman.blogspot.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/VickiBatman
    Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ipdLkv
    Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/vickibatman
    Google+: http://bit.ly/1zUggDF
    Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4814608.Vicki_Batman
    Amazon Author page https://www.amazon.com/author/vickibatman
    Plotting Princesses: http://plottingprincesses.blogspot.com

    The winners are judged by page visits. Congratulations to these fine bloggers:
    Vicki Batman
    Dena Garson
    Julie D Revezzo
    Carol Van Natta
    Veronica Scott
    Honorable mention: Kayelle Allen, Alexa Aston

    Top Chatters for the Month

    #Romance Lives Forever @VickiBatman @DenaGarson #RLFblogThe person who gets the most comments in a month is not always the person who gets the most page views. For that reason, I instituted the Top Chatter Award. This award is for the bloggers who receive the most comments.
    This month’s winners are:

    Vicki Batman
    Kayelle Allen
    Susan V Vaughn

    New Server — New Power

    RLFblog has attracted so many visitors we crashed the server three times in the past month. On September 20th, we had no visitors on the blog so that we could move to a new, more powerful and roomier server. This should hold us for a bit! It also means I can add even more services. Look for new things in 2018, such as Free Book Friday and other goodies for readers (and authors)!

    Not only does RLF post automatically to Triberr with a reach of several million, each post is also featured on the Romance Lives Forever Pinterest board http://www.pinterest.com/kayelleallen/romance-lives-forever-rlfblog/ as well as on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/RomanceLivesForever/ and Twitter https://www.twitter.com/kayelleallen When you like, follow and share it increases the reach. Thank you for sharing with your readers and friends!

    Be a Guest Author

    Romance Lives Forever uses Signup Genius to schedule guests. The system also reminds authors of their visit. One post is available each day. Once you choose a date, no one else will be able to take it. You can sign up for more than one visit; however, each visit must be in a different month.

    October – December
    January – March

    April – June

    My thanks to all who took part this month. You made Romance Lives Forever a great place to discover new books and authors. Other guests during the month are (in alpha order by first name):

    Adam Mann, Alice Orr, Aurora Springer, Cailin Briste, Cynthia Roberts, Dawn Roberto, Dylan Callens, Faye Hall, Iris Blobel, Izzy Szyn, Jessica E Subject, Jessie Clever, Lauren Linwood, Lexi Lawton, Linda Mooney, Livia Quinn, MFRW Founding Day, Nicole Morgan, NJ Walters, Seelie Kay, Susan A Royal, Susan V Vaughn, Tara Randel

    Do you want to BLAST PIRATES?
    I recommend Blasty. When you use it, please mark Romance Lives Forever as a legal site. Thank you!

  • Cancer Awareness,  Suspense

    Vicki Batman #NoQuit Last Year was Tough. This Year was Tougher @vickibatman #RLFblog

    Last year, Kayelle asked me to write about Handsome’s cancer journey. (Here’s the link to the post.) I had to end with not-so great news: he would have to have a second go. This time:
    9 surgeries
    16 days in the hospital
    6 weeks living in Houston
    More months to recuperate
    1 tongue that won’t work
    1 gastro feeding tube

    Because Handsome’s first flap surgery a year ago in July (removing right fibula and creating a left jaw bone) wasn’t successful, our doctors suggested we go to M. D. Anderson in Houston, Texas. Our journey began in November when we visited the doctor who was known world-wide for his reconstructive plastic surgery.

    The doctor told us the surgery was the same, utilizing the left fibula, that he would be very careful, and the recovery would be hard, but eventually, Handsome would get through it. We had no choice. Every movement caused the temporary titanium plate to jam into his T M Joint. He could hardly eat and talk. If Handsome wanted to resume having a life like everyone else, he had to have the surgery.

    On February 25th, we left behind work, home life, and our adora-poos in the hands of family and friends. The biggest thing we carried with us was hope.

    Handsome’s surgery began at five-thirty in the morning. He was prepped, procedures signed off, and wheeled away. That was when my heart lodged in my throat as I prayed for the most superior outcome for him. A nurse escorted me to the waiting room to be updated via monitor. #2 son and my sister joined me as did friends. We talked and were kept informed. However, the day went long, and by six in the evening, I sent them on.

    Exactly until twelve-thirty A.M. long. The doctor came out and told me he was pleased and guarded (that the transplant would be successful), and rightfully so. I stayed in the waiting room until one-thirty, long past the cleaning people. The only light burning was the lamp on the side table. My eyes were dry. My head hurt. I could barely do anything. Finally, the recovery nurse escorted exhausted me to him. He’d had: the fibula flap, two donor grafts, one artery graft. Handsome was barely aware as I kissed him and said I would see him the next morning.

    The next day, I looked at his surgical sites. I saw the feeding tube, the tracheostomy, and the swelling. The raw graft on his neck. The myriad of stitches all over his body. I thought “aw shit, not again.” Definitely, a long haul.

    We communicated by paper; sometimes, a wink and a smile. When he choked, the nurses suctioned his trach. (BTW-a shout-out to those amazing people). Staph infections brought surgical washouts along with massive doses of antibiotics and anti-fungal meds.

    At day fifteen, we were discharged to the apartment we’d rented. The hospital nurse tutored us in clearing the trach, cleaning wounds, dispensing meds (including a daily heparin shot), and feeding.

    With skilled help, eventually, we began to cope. He took short walks and slept a lot. Strength returned in small increments. As he improved, the trach was removed, and the nasal tube switched to a gastro tube because his tongue was unresponsive. Finally, we were able to go home.

    We’ve been at home since the second week of April. Occasionally, we go to Houston for check-ups. The titanium plate had to be re-screwed, and the gastro tube replaced. Physically, he has responded well. He is able to swallow a tiny bit of water. His most recent test showed significant tongue strength. His legs have recovered. His posture improved. The flap is perfect.

    They say cancer can be the gift that keeps giving. God, I hope no more for my handsome man. We want to travel more. He wants to eat a great steak. He wants to give inspiring talks to college kids and travel for other speaking engagements.

    We have no idea how Handsome got throat cancer. Most people get it from smoking or chewing tobacco. If you do this, STOP NOW. Live a good lifestyle. You do not want this. You never want this. For anyone. Ever. It is brutally hard.

    The truth remains: cancer sucks. We have also adopted the phrase “it could be worse.” After seeing what other cancer patients encounter, we believe we are fortunate people.

    Know this–I am here for you. Anytime. FMI on esophageal cancer, go to: https://www.cancer.org/cancer/esophagus-cancer.html/


    Temporarily Employed by Vicki Batman

    Genre: romantic comedy, cozy mystery
    Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
    New Job. New Love. And Murder.
    Hattie Cook’s dream job is down the toilet and her new SUV violated. Desperate for cash to cover the basic necessities of rent and food, she takes a temporary job at Buy Rite Insurance Company where she uncovers an embezzling scam tied to the death of a former employee–the very one she replaced. The last thing she wants is to clash with By-the-Book Detective Wellborn, no matter how much he makes her heart pound.
    Detective Allan Charles Wellborn has secretly adored Hattie all his life. When the police determine there’s more to the death of a former Buy Rite employee, he steps in to lead the investigation. Overly dedicated, always perfect, he puts his job first, even if doing so ultimately hurts the one he loves.
    Can the killer be found before Hattie’s time is up?
    The Wild Rose Press: http://www.wildrosepublishing.com/maincatalog_v151/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=5829
    Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Temporarily-Employed-Vicki-Batman-ebook/dp/B00N4J5FDQ/

    Vicki Batman Social Media

    Like some of her characters, award-winning author, Vicki Batman has worked a wide variety of jobs including lifeguard, ride attendant at an amusement park; a hardware store, department store, book store, antique store clerk; administrative assistant in an international real estate firm; and a general “do anything gal” at a financial services firm–the list is endless.
    Writing for several years, she has completed three manuscripts, written essays, and sold many short stories to True Love, True Romance, True Confessions, Noble Romance Publishing, Long and Short Reviews, Museitup Publishing, and The Wild Rose Press. She is a member of RWA and several writing groups and chapters. In 2004, she joined DARA and has served in many capacities, including 2009 President. DARA awarded her the Robin Teer Memorial Service Award in 2010.
    Most days begin with her hands set to the keyboard and thinking “What if??”
    Website: http://vickibatman.blogspot.com
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/VickiBatman
    Facebook: http://on.fb.me/1ipdLkv
    Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/vickibatman
    Google+: http://bit.ly/1zUggDF
    Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4814608.Vicki_Batman
    Amazon Author page https://www.amazon.com/author/vickibatman
    Plotting Princesses: http://plottingprincesses.blogspot.com


  • #Romance Lives Forever @ClareDargin @VickiBatman @kayelleallen #RLFblog
    RLF Gems

    #Romance Lives Forever @ClareDargin @VickiBatman #RLFblog

    #Romance Lives Forever @ClareDargin @VickiBatman @kayelleallen #RLFblogThe top post was the RLF Gems announcement last month. I did not count it among the top bloggers because that award would go to me. I’d like to see the credit go to guests. You are why I do this!

    The Top Blogger for this month is Clare Dargin, who wins a month of free advertising on the blog. Top Blogger of 2016 was Susan V Vaughn, who won a year of free advertising for 2017.

    Top Blogger Clare Dargin

    Blog http:claresblog2thehaven.blogspot.com
    Twitter: www.twitter.com/claredargin
    Facebook: www.facebook.com/clare.dargin
    Google Plus: https://plus.google.com/113201930657713285351
    The Embraced: Scribal Love http://theembraced.blogspot.com
    Publisher Author Page: www.bookstrand.com/clare-dargin
    Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/Clare-Dargin/e/B005CREN68


    The winners are judged by cumulative page views, including return and unique visits.

    Congratulations to these fine bloggers:
    1. Clare Dargin
    2. Susan V Vaughn
    3. Marilyn Baron
    4. CB Clark
    5. Cynthia Sax, Kryssie Fortune
    Honorable mention: NJ Walters, Adele Downs, Danita Minnis

    Top Chatters for the Month

    #Romance Lives Forever @ClareDargin @VickiBatman @kayelleallen #RLFblogThe person who gets the most comments in a month is not always the person who gets the most page views. For that reason, I instituted the Top Chatter Award. This award is for the bloggers who receive the most comments.
    This month’s winners are:

    Vicki Batman
    Marilyn Baron
    CB Clark
    Alina K Field

    Not only does RLF post automatically to Triberr with a reach of several million, each post is also featured on the Romance Lives Forever Pinterest board http://www.pinterest.com/kayelleallen/romance-lives-forever-rlfblog/ as well as on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/RomanceLivesForever/
    When you like and share the posts it increases the reach. Thank you for sharing with your readers and friends!

    Be a Guest Author

    Romance Lives Forever uses Signup Genius to schedule guests. The system also reminds authors of their visit. One post is available each day. Once you choose a date, no one else will be able to take it. You can sign up for more than one visit; however, each visit must be in a different month.

    July – September
    October – December

    My thanks to all who took part this month. You made Romance Lives Forever a great place to discover new books and authors.

    Other participants this month in alphabetical order by first name are:
    Adriana Kraft, Alexa Aston, Bonnie Phelps, Cailin Briste, Candi Fox, DP Denman, Faye Hall, Iris Blobel, Jennifer Allis Provost, JJ Montgomery, Juli D Revezzo, Kayelle Allen, Laurel Richards, Livia Quinn, Liza O’Connor, Mary Anne Yarde, Patricia Preston, Sharon Buchbinder

    Personal request: If you are a guest and you use Blasty to take down pirates, please whitelist this site. Thank you!


  • Raving Beauty: Just You and Me boxed set by @VickiBatman #RLFblog #romance #comedy
    Is It True,  Romantic Comedy,  Small Town Romance

    Raving Beauty: Just You and Me boxed set by @VickiBatman #RLFblog #romance #comedy

    Raving Beauty: Just You and Me boxed set by @VickiBatman #RLFblog #romance #comedyPlay Is It True with today’s guest Vicki Batman, author of “Raving Beauty”, a romantic comedy short story in the Just You and Me boxed set. This is a game in which authors answer yes and no questions. They can elaborate on answers as much as they choose.

    First, tell us about your book.

    What if the love of your life was in front of you all along?

    It began innocently with a few margaritas… Kelly Stinson is persuaded to represent Yahoo! Ranch Steakhouse in the Chamber of Commerce’s beauty contest. After an unexpected swan dive off stage, her heart goes pitter patter over the orthopedic surgeon who repaired her ripped up ankle.

    Daniel Ackerman has always had the hots for his twin sister’s best friend. Much to his dismay, her doctor has taken notice of the dark-haired beauty and invaded his territory. That’s about to change when he moves in to help Kelly recover physically and open her eyes to what’s been in front of her all along.

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG 13

    Genre: romantic comedy

    Now, tell us Yes or No for each answer below. Feel free to explain any (or none) of your answers.

    Is it true:

    this is your first book?
    No. I’ve had 35 shorts and essays and 2 books pubbed.
    this book is part of a series?
    you lost sleep while writing this book?
    No. lol. I lost sleep when I was the beauty pageant contestant.
    you did research for this book?
    Yes. I asked a friend about her ankle surgery. I asked myself about being a former beauty pageant contestant.
    some characters in this book are not human? (pets for example)
    No pets or supernatural people. However, the hero is mega annoying according to the heroine.
    this book has more than one genre?
    No. Mine is romantic comedy, but others in the boxed set are of other genres.
    you speak more than one language?
    Yes. Does shorthand count?
    you grew up where you live now?
    you love to read?
    Yes!!! OMG, reading is my bestest friend.
    you are never late?
    No. I am hardly ever late.
    you love pizza?
    Yes. Unfortunately, my fav Italian restaurant closed and no more fav pizza. Sigh. Have to look elsewhere.
    you love sushi?
    No. I want my fish cooked.
    you have a pet?
    Yes. Two adora-poos, Champ and Jones.
    Where can we find your book online?
    Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B06XCZWL6N

    Vicki Batman Social Media

    Award-winning and Amazon best-selling author, Vicki Batman, has sold many romantic comedy works to the True magazines, several publishers, and most recently, two romantic comedy mysteries to The Wild Rose Press. She is a member of Romance Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, and several writing groups. An avid Jazzerciser. Handbag lover. Mahjong player. Yoga practitioner. Movie fan. Book devourer. Chocoholic. Best Mom ever. And adores Handsome Hubby. Most days begin with her hands set to the keyboard and thinking “What if?”

    Website: http://vickibatman.blogspot.com/p/more-about-me.html
    Blog: http://www.vickibatman.blogspot.com/
    Twitter : https://twitter.com/VickiBatman/
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Vicki-Batman-sassy-writer-of-sexy-and-funny-fiction-133506590074451/
    Pinterest: http://pinterest.com/vickibatman/
    Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4814608.Vicki_Batman/
    Amazon Author Page: https://www.amazon.com/author/vickibatman
    Newsletter: http://vickibatman.blogspot.com/p/more-about-me.html

  • RLF Gems

    #Romance Lives Forever @VickiBatman @susanvaughn #RLFblog

    The Top Blogger for this month is Vicki Batman, who wins a month of free advertising on the blog. Top
    Blogger of 2016 was Susan V Vaughn, who won a year of free advertising for 2017.

    About Vicki Batman

    Top Five Bloggers for the Month

    Each month, the RLF Gems post ranks in the top ten but is not
    counted, in order to focus on guests. The winners are judged by cumulative page
    views, including return and unique visits.
    Congratulations to each one!
    1. Vicki Batman
    2. Veronica Scott
    3. Susan Vaughn
    4. Caroline Warfield
    5. JP Adkins
    Honorable mention: Jennifer E Subject,
    Jennifer Loring

    Top Chatters for the Month

    Because the person who gets the most comments in a month is not always the
    person who gets the most page views per month, I instituted the Top Chatter Award.
    This award is for the person who receives the most comments. To win, a guest
    must have five or more comments (not counting the guest author’s). There can be
    up to three winners.
    This month’s winners are:
    Susan V Vaughn
    Marianne Rice
    Romance Lives Forever features authors and new books. May 17th the blog moves to its new WordPress home. All links on the current blog will remain active. https://rlfblog.com 
    Each post is featured on the Romance Lives Forever Pinterest
    board within a few days after it goes live. http://www.pinterest.com/kayelleallen/romance-lives-forever-rlfblog/

    Be a Guest Author

    Romance Lives Forever
    uses Signup Genius to schedule guests.
    The system also reminds authors of
    their visit. One post is available each day. Once you choose a date, no one
    else will be able to take it. You can sign up for more than one visit; however,
    each visit must be in a different month.
    May – June
    July – September
    October – December
    My thanks to all who took part this month. You made Romance Lives
    Forever a great place to discover new books and authors.

    Other participants this month
    in alphabetical order by first name are:
    Alexa Aston, April Wood, Barbara White
    Daille, Ciara Gold, Collette Cameron, Cynthia Sax, DP Denman, Grace Risata, Houston
    Havens, Izzy Szyn, Jennifer Allis Provost, Kate Hill, Kristina Knight, Lauren
    Linwood, Livia Quinn, LM Brown, Marianne Rice, NJ Walters, Saraya St Clair, Marilyn
    Romance Lives Forever
    Discover Books and Authors with Kayelle Allen
  • RLF Gems

    Marilyn Baron: A Gem of a Blogger @MarilynBaron #RLFblog

    In preparation for the move from Blogspot to WordPress, I’m sharing the RLF Gem Bloggers of this site. Each Saturday for the next few weeks, I’ll showcase a different author.

    2014 Star Blogger: Marilyn Baron

    Marilyn has appeared on the Romance Lives Forever blog seven times. She has been an RLF Gem multiple times and was on the list of Bloggers of the Year in 2014. The position is chosen by the amount of visits the author’s post receives.
    I’m proud to present Marilyn with the 2014 RLF Gem Award.
    Others who won monthly top blogger awards in 2014 were Daisy Banks, Vicki Batman, E Ayers, and JD Faver.

    About Marilyn Baron

    Marilyn Baron is a public relations consultant in Atlanta. She’s a member of Marketing for Romance Writers, Romance Writers of America and
    Georgia Romance Writers (GRW) and the recipient of the GRW 2009 Chapter Service Award. She writes humorous women’s fiction, romantic thrillers/suspense, historicals and paranormal. She has won writing awards in Single Title, Suspense Romance and Paranormal/Fantasy Romance.
    Website www.marilynbaron.com
    Blog www.petitfoursandhottamales.com
    Twitter https://twitter.com/MarilynBaron
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/pages/Marilyn-Baron/286807714666748?fref=ts
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4722647.Marilyn_Baron
    Amazon Author Page http://www.amazon.com/Marilyn-Baron/e/B008PJFQPC/

    Marilyn Baron’s Latest Book

    Marilyn’s 20th work of fiction, The Vampire Next Door, a paranormal romance, is now available for pre-order. The worldwide release date for the novel is June 9, 2017. Aurora Dawn Hale, the ravishing daughter and granddaughter of psychics, wants to take a bite out of the boy next door, reformed vampire Lancelot “Lance” Lakeland, who repents his past and desperately desires to be good. Lance has given up immortality to be with the woman he craves. He must convince Aurora Dawn he is worthy of her trust. Will she love him for who he is and leave her fiancé at the altar? Or wake up from her spell in time to recognize the evil presence of the fiend who has terrorized her family for centuries?

    Preorder The Vampire Next Door https://www.amazon.com/dp/B071CSXPXM/

    Coming next Saturday…Top Blogger for 2015. Come back and see who it is! Visit the new blog – still under construction: RLFblog. Since the hashtag is #RLFblog, that’s the url for the new site. It will keep the name Romance Lives Forever.

    Kayelle Allen