• Science Fiction

    Read the 2022 SciFi Anthology: The Science Fiction Novelists by Kayelle Allen et al. #SciFi #Anthology

    Read the 2022 SciFi Anthology: The Science Fiction Novelists by Kayelle Allen et al. #SciFi #AnthologyFor lovers of Speculative Fiction – here’s a new collection of 13 new science fiction stories written by ten authors in four countries. All are members of the Science Fiction Novelists Facebook group, as are the two professional editors.
    Space Opera and science fiction stories including:
    Paranoid Droid by Kayelle Allen
    Dragon Hunt by Claudia Blood
    Vinyl by Claudia Blood
    Searchers by Marc Neuffer
    Trespass by Marc Neuffer
    Last Mission by SA Gibson and JI Rogers
    Punching the Clock by Howard Loring
    Clash of the Red Heads by Howard Loring
    Space Paint by David Viner
    The Alpha Pavonis Meltdown by Philip Cahill
    Unspeakable by Philip Cahill
    The Case of Prickly Melon Poisoning by Jon Anthony Perrotti
    Gratitude by John Bowers

    Where to buy theĀ 2022 SciFi Anthology: The Science Fiction Novelists

    Universal Buy Link https://books2read.com/u/4NyOB9

    Kayelle Allen Social Media

    Kayelle Allen, writer of immortal gamers and warriors who purr. She is the author of multiple books, novellas, and short stories. She’s also a US Navy veteran and has been married so long she’s tenured.
    Sign up for her newsletter and get free Sci-Fi stories, book recommendations, and become a Tarthian Empire citizen (and an immortal), among other reader exclusives. https://kayelleallen.com/immortality
    Twitter http://twitter.com/kayelleallen
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    Kayelle’s Keepers http://facebook.com/groups/KayellesKeepers
    Bookbub https://www.bookbub.com/authors/kayelle-allen
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/710889.Kayelle_Allen
    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Kayelle-Allen/e/B003ZRXVN8


  • Contemporary,  Meet an Author

    Meet Chrissy Hartmann @USAWriter355 Author of Rescuing Whiskey’s Salvation #RLFblog #Romance #Contemporary

    Meet Chrissy Hartmann @USAWriter355 Author of Rescuing Whiskey's Salvation #RLFblog #Romance #ContemporaryOpening a closed down shelter takes a sobering turn in Chrissy Hartmann’s debut contemporary sweetheart romance, Rescuing Whiskey’s Salvation. The town’s favorite cowboy comes to the rescue, but will he be able to keep their budding romance from fading off into the sunset?

    Chrissy, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about your book.

    Rescuing Whiskey’s Salvation by Chrissy Hartmann

    Genre Contemporary Sweetheart Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG

    Rescuing Whiskey’s Salvation

    No longer happy dealing with the glitz and glamour, cosmetic heiress Evie Mae Stockton plans to reopen her “dead” uncle’s homeless shelter in Whiskey, Texas. But Griff Bryant, a land developer and the town’s favorite cowboy, has other ideas for it.

    Battling with the finances, the repairs to the shelter, and a homeless Troupe of Clowns who unknowingly terrorize her, Evie doubts her decision to come to Whiskey… Until Griff wants to help.

    Evie’s brain stubbornly insists she can do this on her own, but her heart whispers to let him in.

    While her heart warms to his, the mayor’s revitalization committee – a committee Griff sits on – threatens to lasso the shelter via eminent domain. Crushed with this news, Evie must decide between the cowboy and the shelter. Will her stubbornness stop her from Rescuing Whiskey’s Salvation or will it prevent her from finding true love?

    Tell us about yourself as a person.

    What makes you different from other people?

    Probably my biggest difference is that I am blind. I’ve been blind for the past 26 years. I honestly don’t see myself as blind until I need to go somewhere. Then grabbing my cane or dog guide shocks me back to reality

    But I think because of the blindness, I can actually see things better than others. A few of my writer friends tell me I should take up editing because I pick up on things most don’t.

    And with the obvious being out of the way, I’d have to say I am a go getter. I’ve always loved to write, never thought about really doing it until the blindness, then I found myself with lots of time to learn how. And I’ve loved it ever since.

    What is your personality type?

    I’m one of those types of people who are comfortable in their own shoes. I like diversity. I say be who you want to be, just don’t tell me to be different. I am who I am.

    I appreciate the good things in life, but appreciate them more when I can achieve them through hard work. I’m no slacker and can’t stand to be idle. But I am easy going to a point. I won’t let people walk all over me, in fact I’m ore the defender/protector type.

    What was your favorite childhood game?

    I love trivia, so when the original game of Trivial Pursuit came out, I wanted to play it all the time. In fact, I strongly requested that each parent plus my grandparents had the game at their houses so we could play. Unfortunately, they didn’t agree so I toted the huge box with me whenever we went to visit. The love for the game, still exists today and I can even rouse my hubby and son to play some sort of trivia game now and then.

    What is your favorite subject to talk about?

    History and politics are my favorites to talk about in general, but get me with a group of authors then it’s books and the craft of writing.

    What is your favorite book?

    I had a mild case of dyslexia growing up. My dad worked on it with me so I got to a point I didn’t struggle with reading, but I read very slowly. So when my 11th grade Humanities teacher, Mrs. Winkler, assigned us the book “The Agony and The Ecstasy” by Irving Stone I almost cried. I told her my problem with reading slow and that I’d never keep up with the class. She gave me the book to read way before she let anyone else read it, which in turn allowed me to finish it before my classmates did. I was then able to go back and follow with them as we discussed the book not being lost. It’s a wonderful book about Michelangelo and therefore I’d have to say it’s my favorite.

    What is your favorite meal?

    Baked salmon with plumb glaze and green beans and seasoned red potatoes. But in all reality, any type of salmon works for me… Salmon salad, salmon patties, salmon filets, salmon burgers, salmon grilled, etc.

    Tell us about yourself as a writer.

    What made you want to be a writer?

    I love books and the stories they tell. I’ve always done some kind of writing since I was little. Diaries, journals, school paper, family newsletters, research papers, etc. When I lost my eyesight and learned how to use the computer blind, I started writing and listening to books on tape. I put the two together then and I’ve been writing novels ever since.

    What are your favorite books for writing advice?

    Your Personal Fiction Writing Coach: 365 Days of Motivation Tips to Write a Great Novel by Stephanie Bond

    What are your favorite reference books?

    The Emotion Thesaurus: A Writers Guide to Character Expression by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi

    Save the cat Writes a Novel: The last book on novel writing you’ll ever need by Jessica Brody

    Writing Vivid Settings: For Professional Techniques For Fiction Authors Writers Craft Book 10 by Rayne Hall

    When you go to a convention, what kinds of things do you take along?

    Besides my iPad and battery charger and an extra extension cord I take business cards for networking and a One Sheet in case I only have a minute to pitch my novel.

    What’s your best advice for a new writer?

    Don’t give up! Writing is subjective. What might not be popular now, will probably be soon. And write what matters to you.

    What are your writing goals for the next year or so?

    I have book 1 out for my Whiskey Salvation series and would like to get my novella for the series out this summer, then finish book 2 of the series. I currently have a book of short stories waiting to be published and I’d like to have that out in 2023. Then I’ll finish another series I started out with two years ago. Book 1 needs a huge rewrite, book 2 is perfect, and book 3 is outlined and hopefully the chapters that are running around in my head won’t cause me problems getting them on paper. After that, I’ll pick one of the 15+ books to write I have outlined.

    Where to buy Rescuing Whiskey’s Salvation

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/1737928817
    Universal Buy Link https://www.books2read.com/Rescuing-Whiskeys-Salvation
    Google Play https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=8nlOEAAAQBAJ

    Chrissy Hartmann Social Media

    Hoping to be the next New York Times Best Seller with her contemporary sweetheart romance.
    Chrissy lives with the two loves of her life, her hubby and son in a sleepy college town in Northeast Ohio.
    Growing up in farm country tipping cows, riding horses, and surviving the depths of Lake Erie on a 36-foot sailboat have given her plenty of experiences to fill her books with a whole slew of unique characters. Anyone thinking they recognize them self as a character, you don’t. Their all from her imagination, an imagination some say like Dr. Frankenstein where she throws together bits and pieces of the people she’s met into one creation. Unless of course you end up on her blocked list, then watch out. You need no piecing together for one of her villains. So if you want a definite part in her stories, kick her guide dog or steal her iPhone and you’ll have won the top spot as her next antagonists.
    She loves to write and can usually be found doing just that about any time of the day, except between 11 and 3 when she’s typing and editing medical reports. Her hubby does manage to pull her away at times to go for a ride in their SRX with the top open for ice cream or spin vinyl in the basement. Even though she’s always writing or studying history, she makes plenty of time for Star Wars with her son. Heck, she’s even been caught discussing her favorite Corellia smuggler all while they wrestle down their disgruntled long-haired kitten, Punkin to get out the knots she manages to snare. But hey, anything to take your mind off all the cat scratches.
    Chrissy loves to venture out with her dog guide, Winnie especially to her writers group and writing conferences. Her favorite local spots are to the library and a coffee shop to get her daily dose of caffeine, especially when it’s pumpkin season, then its pumpkin everything. So if you can’t help yourself and think it wise to interrupt her writing time I suggest if her cup’s empty, you buy her a refill and have a chat. Who knows, parts of your life might end up in one of her contemporary romances or even as a quirky character in a cozy. But please don’t expect any piece of the pie. This writer doesn’t share. Sit and talk without offering a refill might just land you in one of her short stories. Not a place I’d want to be. Rumors say they’re murderous!
    Website https://www.chrissyhartmann.com
    Blog https://www.prickleforrestchronicles.wordpress.com
    Twitter https://www.twitter.com/USAWriter355
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/usawriter355
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/USAWriter355/
    BookBub https://www.bookbub.com/authors/chrissy-hartmann
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/author/chrissyhartmann
    Get to know Chrissy Hartmann better by signing up for an email newsletter

  • African American,  Book Release,  Contemporary

    Read The Ex-Wife the new #Contemporary #MuslimRomance by Lyndell Williams @laylawriteslove #RLFblog

    Read The Ex-Wife the new #Contemporary #MuslimRomance by Lyndell Williams @laylawriteslove #RLFblogShe takes her love life into her own hands in Lyndell Williams’ new Muslim romance, The Ex-Wife. A sexy firefighter grabs her attention, and she will have to battle family, community, and his old fiancĆ© to have him.

    Lyndell, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about The Ex-Wife.

    The Ex-Wife by Lyndell Williams

    Genre Muslim Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R

    Zaynab flees a dysfunctional marriage, saving herself from an emotional breakdown. After two years of therapy overseas, she returns to reconnect with the son she left behind. She is not interested in remarrying, but then a sexy firefighter pulls her from a car wreck and catches her interest.

    Xander moved to town for his new job at the fire department. He thrives at his new job but struggles for acceptance in the local Muslim community. When he pulls Zaynab from a wreck, he’s just doing his job. Soon, sparks fly between them.

    As Zaynab and Xander start digging each other, family and community threaten to snuff out their kindling desire for each other.

    Why did you write this book?

    It was readers who fell in love with Zaynab in the book The Groom and asked that she have a happily-ever-after as well. I wanted her to have the chance to reunite with her son and find the love of her choosing after making a huge sacrifice by leaving him to protect him from her rampant depression and anxiety.

    What is your favorite genre to read?

    I love romance novels. I enjoy a lot of subgenres and tropes, but I think my favorite is friends-to-lovers. There’s something appealing about two people fighting off the urge to dig each other and jeopardize their friendship.

    Who is your favorite character from fiction (not including your own)?

    Honestly, I don’t have a favorite character, but there is a character type that I just can’t get enough of. The alpha male with a reserved nature. Despite not thumping his chest, he is nonetheless confident and dangerous. In a male character, I like a composed individual who is confident that he is exactly what his beloved wants. He must be assertive, but not overbearing. His role is to support and encourage.

    What are you working on at the moment?

    As usual, I have several projects to finish and get to readers. I plan to finish writing the second book in the Sinner Series and release a Muslim vampire romance. Say what? That’s right, a Muslim vampire romance.

    What books will we see from you in coming months?

    I am about to release the fourth book in the Brothers in Law series. Readers have already had the chance to meet the main character Brandon Hulse in previous books. He is the rock of the group of friends he met while studying at law school. He focused on his legal career, and became a successful lawyer, but neglected his love life. In Drowning in Shallow Waters, Brandon will finally look for love, and he thinks he finds it in Hawwah, a chef with a dark past. The book is almost ready to get into readers’ hands, and I can’t wait for them to fall in love with this couple!

    Where to buy The Ex-Wife

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09S2VJ1CR/

    Lyndell Williams Social Media

    A bestselling author and award-winning writer, Lyndell Williams (Layla Abdullah-Poulos) holds a B.A. in Historical Studies and Literature, M.A. in Liberal Studies, and an AC in Women and Gender Studies. She is an adjunct instructor as well as an anti-racism and gender equity advocate. She is the senior New York trainer for the Muslim Anti-Racism collaborative.
    Williams is a cultural critic with a background in literary criticism specializing in romance. She has been published in peer-review journals and presented at national conferences about Muslim and interracial romance fiction as well as racism, sexism and the Black Muslim experience.
    Website https://laylawriteslove.com/
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/laylawriteslove/
    Twitter https://twitter.com/laylawriteslove
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/laylawriteslove/
    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCWpN2YTkr9cGO9Z7-AB8xNw
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/laylawriteslove
    Amazon http://amazon.com/author/laylawriteslove
    Podcast https://soundcloud.com/laylawriteslove
    Get to know Lyndell Williams better by signing up for their email newsletter.



  • Series Feature,  Urban Fantasy

    Read the series: Grave Cargo by Jami Gray @JamiGrayAuthor #RLFblog #UrbanFantasy

    Read the series: Grave Cargo by Jami Gray @JamiGrayAuthor #RLFblog #UrbanFantasyA dead mage, a missing friend, and an unpredictable alliance merge into a volatile package sending Rory careening through the Arcane elite’s deadly secrets in Jami Gray’s clever and fast-paced urban fantasy series filled with unexpected twists and turns.

    Jami, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about your series.

    Grave Cargo in the Arcane Transporter Series

    Genre Urban Fantasy

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R (mainly for language)

    A dead mage, a missing friend, and an unpredictable alliance merge into a volatile package sending Rory careening through the Arcane elite’s deadly secrets.

    Rory Costas, Arcane Transporter, is finally out from under the Guild’s thumb and ready to jumpstart her career as an independent contractor. Even better than the potential income, her promising future offers the additional perk of keeping her coveted magic out of the hands of the all-powerful Arcane Families. But when a dead mage drops at her doorstep on the same morning her best friend and roommate, Lena, goes missing, Rory is drawn out of her comfort zone and into an ominous race against time.

    Retracing Lena’s convoluted path through the Arcane elite’s moneyed secrets, bitter vendettas, and lethal curses, Rory crashes into Zev Aslanov’s investigation of the murdered mage. When the Cordova Family’s enigmatic hunter reveals the dead man was Lena’s last client, Rory must convince Zev her missing friend is a victim, not a suspect. To uncover the truth and save her friend, Rory agrees to work with Zev, even though their uneasy partnership may mean revealing her hidden magic.

    As the clock ticks down, can they dodge Zev’s suspicions and Rory’s secrets to expose the real evil mastermind or will they crash and burn?

    Which book is this in the series?

    This is the first book.

    How many books do you plan for the series?

    This series is currently complete with a total of three titles, but you never know, Rory and Zev’s adventures may circle back around.

    How many books are completed?

    All three.

    What characters are the main stars in your series?

    Our heroine, Rory Costas, is a highly skilled transporter who built her reputation through her career with the Arcane Guild. Now, she’s finally achieved her goal and hung up her independent contractor shingle and she’s determine to make her name, the name when it comes to the secured transport of your magical goods. There’s just a teeny-tiny speed bumpā€¦ the lethally attractive Cordova Family Arbiter, Zev Aslanov. If she can’t dodge his interest, she may find herself on a dangerous road that will put her straight in the middle of the treacherous world of the Arcane Families.

    What is the overall theme in this series?

    It’s a magic filled adventure that includes dead bodies, fast cars, kidnappings, intrigue, and just enough romance to keep you flipping the pages.

    Please list the series titles below, in any order you prefer.

    Grave Cargo
    Risky Goods
    Lethal Contents
    (Psstā€¦if you sign up for my newsletter, you could snag your free copy of Ignition Point, a prequel novel where you get a front row seat for Rory and Zev’s first meeting.)

    What did you like best about writing this series?

    I love fast cars, intrepid women, sexy men, and heart-pounding thrill rides, and I indulged in every single one of these while writing.

    What other books (not in this series, have you written?)

    For now, the series is complete, but I’ll be honest, Rory and Zev aren’t done yet, so there’s a good chance they’ll be back soon.

    Where can we find links for all your books?

    You can find all retailers for this series (also available in audio), along with all my books and their links here: https://books2read.com/JamiGray or at my website at https://www.jamigray.com

    Read the series: Grave Cargo by Jami Gray @JamiGrayAuthor #RLFblog #UrbanFantasy

    Where to buy Grave Cargo

    Universal Book Link https://books2read.com/gravecargo-jamigray
    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0871PSQ11/
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/grave-cargo-jami-gray/1137536075?ean=2940161116340
    iBooks https://books.apple.com/us/book/id1608720599
    Kobo https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/grave-cargo
    GooglePlay https://play.google.com/store/books/details?id=LuhcEAAAQBAJ

    Jami Gray Social Media

    Jami Gray is the coffee addicted, music junkie, Queen Nerd of her personal Geek Squad, Alpha Mom of the Fur Minxes, who writes to soothe the voices crammed in her head. You don’t want to miss out on her multiple series that combine magical intrigue and fearless romance into one wild ride ā€“ with the worlds of the Arcane Transporter, The Kyn, PSY-IV Teams, or The Collapse.
    Website https://JamiGray.com
    Twitter https://twitter.com/JamiGrayAuthor
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/JamiGrayWriter
    Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/jamigrayauthor/
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jamigrayauthor/
    Goodreads http://www.goodreads.com/JamiGray
    BookBub https://www.bookbub.com/authors/jami-gray
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Jami-Gray/e/B006HU3HJI
    Get to know Jami Gray better by signing up for an email newsletter: https://www.subscribepage.com/Jami-Subscription-promo

  • Anthology,  Fantasy

    Read The Double Keltic Triad by *lizzie starr @lizziestarr #RLFblog #FantasyRomance

    It ain’t easy being fey in *lizzie starr’s Double Keltic Triad Box Set. Seven books, seven worlds, seven tales of love.

    *lizzie, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about the Double Keltic Triad

    The Double Keltic Triad by *lizzie starr

    Read The Double Keltic Triad by *lizzie starr @lizziestarr #RLFblog #FantasyRomanceGenre Fantasy Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): M

    The Double Keltic Triad is a series of interconnected, stand-alone fantasy romance novels. All 6 books, and a bonus 7th story are included in this set.

    It ain’t easy being fey…

    By Keltic Design Allyn Keely, Celtic artist and friend of Faerie, finally finds a man she can love. But she’s older than he is and faces the insurmountable task of helping him realize his destiny in the Faerie Otherworld.

    Fires of a Keltic Moon Lara Zeroun needs something in her life, so she opens a portal in time and travels to the ancient Highlands. But, how can she become involved with a dark, mysterious man who belongs to another time?

    Keltic Flight To the Faerie Gentry of the Otherworld, the fairy wee folk are but a myth and legend. Until the fairy Korin falls in love with a half-Gentry maid. Forced to bargain with an evil king to woo her, he risks discovery, and his life, to fulfill the conditions.

    Wild Keltic Carouselle Falling in love was easy. But demons of the past and evil-doers intent on destroying the present tear Carrie and Bryce from their newfound love, throwing them into a world of deception, lies and revenge.

    Keltic Dreams A spiritual quest throws Bard, naked and alone, from his world to the desert Sahara. Each grueling step through the shifting sands only adds to his questions and confusion. What did the seven Guardians mean for him to learn in this strange place? Will Kaelea help him discover a way home?

    A Faire Keltic Renaissance It ain’t easy being fey… and the subject of prophecy. Three worlds are in peril. A pieced together ancient prophecy might defeat the separate evils, but will it also bring Jayse and Lucidea love?

    Bonus story: Prince of Dark Ness An ill-prepared fey prince struggles to protect two worlds and a newfound love from the evil of an ancient fire elemental.

    Where to buy The Double Keltic Triad Collection

    Universal Buy Link https://books2read.com/doublekeltictriad
    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09XN44SQM
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/double-keltic-triad-collection-lizzie-starr/1141345072
    Kobo https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/double-keltic-triad-collection-1

    *lizzie starr Social Media

    *lizzie always made up games and stories to keep her company. So, a cunning witch lived in Grampa’s weather research station and was only held at bay by waving a certain weed. An ancient road grader morphed into a boat carrying wild adventurers to islands filled with fierce lions and dangerous cannibals, which really looked a lot like sheep.

    Now filled with fantasy, love, and romance with a sparkling twist, the stories of her imagination swirl their way into the mundane world.

    *lizzie recently retired from her more routine life of being *the Lunch Lady* at a private school. According to the kids, she was ‘the best cooker!’ Yes, she misses the students and teachers, but is delighted now to start her days by telling stories rather than opening cases of chicken nuggets and counting milk cartons.

    Her tagline of Author and lunch lady~~what a combination! no longer holds true (which makes her sad because she really liked that one).

    Now you’ll know *lizzie by her tales of~~Romance with a sparkling twist~~
    Website www.lizziestarr.com
    Twitter https://twitter.com/lizziestarr
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/authorlizziestarr/
    Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/lizziestarr/
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lizistarr/
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/139855.Lizzie_Starr
    BookBub https://www.bookbub.com/profile/lizziestarr
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B003F33Y0W
    Get to know *lizzie starr better by signing up for their email newsletter.


  • Bare It All,  Erotic

    Charlotte Gambrell bares all: The Cinderella Curse by Dee S Knight @DeeSKnight #RLFblog #Romance #AdultFairyTale

    Charlotte Gambrell bares all: The Cinderella Curse by Dee S Knight @DeeSKnight #RLFblog #Romance #AdultFairyTale

    In Dee S Knight’s erotic Cinderella, a worldly Prince, a naĆÆve Cindy, and an unassuming fairy godfather come together in a magical HEA ending.

    Dee, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about your book.

    The Cinderella Curse by Dee S Knight

    Genre Contemporary erotic romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): X

    One evening, in a land far away, a wife spins a fairy tale for the amusement of her husband. It’s not your typical child’s tale, of course, but an adult, erotic version of the classic, Cinderella.

    All of the principals are present. Charlotte Gambrell immediately recognizes Prince Charming when she meets her boss, James Clarkson. Unfortunately, the worldly Clarkson barely knows she’s alive. Charlotte’s two hateful supervisors make her professional life miserable by piling on the work and never letting her forget that she has employment only at their pleasure.

    Everything changes when Charlotte becomes part of a magazine shoot. The photographer, Cooper Hunt, agrees to perform duties as her fairy godfather. By day, he transforms her life by revealing to the world what he already knows, that Charlotte is an exquisite beauty. By night, he transforms her universe by teaching her about passion so she can attract her dream man, James. The “real” Cinderella never had it so good!

    By the time Charlotte arrives at the ball, she has James on her mind and Cooper in her heart. Which man will prove to be her real Prince Charming?

    Let’s bare it all and chat about what to wear

    First, what is your name and how old are you?

    Charlotte Gambrell. You know what? Dee never gave me an age. Can you believe it? But I’m 29, nearly 30 and the happiest, luckiest woman in the world.

    What is the time period in which you live?

    I live in present day Richmond, Virginia.

    What is considered “appropriate” for someone of your gender to wear?

    What’s appropriate has changed so much over the years. When I was growing up in Kansas, I wore jeans and tee shirts (or sweatshirts, depending on the weather) every minute I wasn’t in school or church. And some days I even wore jeans to school. When I moved east and started working, I noticed a decided uptick in expected clothing. I started wearing skirts or dresses to the office but I never felt as fashionable as most of the other ladies. Guess I should have paid more attention to Seventeen or Vogue when growing up rather than the English romantic poets or American classics like The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.

    How do you feel about wearing that type of clothing?

    When Dee wrote my story, I never felt as though I fit in. My tastes were always to the simple and serviceable. If I found a skirt that fit right and felt okay, I was as likely to buy one in each colorā€”regardless if the style or color suited me. I didn’t know exactly what suited me, to tell the truth. But that was before I met my fairy godfather, Cooper. He’s helped me learn my style.

    Considering the role you play in society, what is expected for you to wear?

    My role these days is wife and mother, so serviceable clothing is preferable. You might say I’ve come full circleā€”I spend most days in jeans. I wear skirts or dresses to church and on weekly dates with Cooper. He sees me enough in my weekday clothes. I like to do something special for him when we go outā€”even to McDonald’s.

    Ever required to wear something you don’t like? Tell us about it.

    Nope. I’m lucky that way. I also write freelance articles for magazines, but I do that sitting in my home office or on the back patio while the children play. No dressing up for that.

    Charlotte Gambrell bares all: The Cinderella Curse by Dee S Knight @DeeSKnight #RLFblog #Romance #AdultFairyTale

    Do you make your own clothing?

    I wish! I never got the hang of sewing, though I do knit and crochet a little. I keep the children in scarves and hats though I’m not talented enough to make sweaters and such.

    Mending and laundry are chores for anyone. Do you do it or someone else?

    I do them and I actually enjoy it. Good thing, too. With three munchkins who never saw a climbing tree or mud puddle they didn’t like, I have plenty of both. To me it’s relaxing.

    What determines the type of clothing you buy? (example, money, fashion, job)

    Of course I want to please Cooper and make him proud. But because he continually tells me he thinks I’m beautiful in anything I wear, I simply try to look good not because I have to but because I want to.

    When you wear something different, who’s the first person who notices?

    Cooper always notices a new outfit. If I wear something too different, my daughter Amanda notices right away.

    Tell us your favorite thing to wear.

    LOL, jeans. Can’t you tell? I also like turtleneck sweaters because I feel cocooned and snuggly. Winters aren’t as cold in Richmond as in Kansas, but there are many days I can get by with a nice warm sweater.

    What kind of shoes or boots do you wear?

    Sneakers most days. Gotta be quick with three kids running around. I have good snow boots, too. When I dress up, I wear pumps (for casual) or 3-inch heels (for dressy). Cooper of course loves me in heels. What is it with men and heels, the higher the better?

    What do you wear to sleep?

    Sleep shorts and a tee shirt. Or nothing. (Am I allowed to say that?) I’ll let you guess which Cooper likes best.

    Have you ever worn:
    a uniform Yes, when I waitressed in high school and college
    a costume No. Well, except at Halloween
    a disguise When Cooper did my make-over, I felt as though I was in disguise
    an outfit for the opposite gender Not really. I just try to look my best for Cooper
    Tell us what your author wears when writing about you.

    Shorts and a short-sleeved tee. I must say, Dee has no sense of style at all. She needs a Cooper to make her over.

    If your author has a pet, is the pet ever dressed in clothing?

    (shudder) No pet and if she had, I’d like to think that like me, she’d hate to put clothes on the poor thing.

    Same question for you. Pets in clothing, yay or nay?

    See aboveā€”nay.

    Where to buy The Cinderella Curse

    Amazon Kindle Unlimited https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08R1YSQ8S

    Dee S Knight Social Media

    A few years ago, Dee S Knight began writing, making getting up in the morning fun. During the day, her characters killed people, fell in love, became drunk with power, or sober with responsibility. And they had sex, lots of sex.
    After a while, Dee split her personality into thirds. She writes as Anne Krist for sweeter romances, and Jenna Stewart for mĆ©nage and shifter stories. All three of her personas are found on the Nomad Authors website. And all three offer some of the best romance you can find! Also, once a month, look for Dee’s Charity Sunday blog posts, where your comment can support a selected charity.
    Website: https://nomadauthors.com
    Blog: http://nomadauthors.com/blog
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