Character Interviews

Interviews with a character from a book

  • Erotic,  Know the Heroine,  Steampunk

    Know the Heroine from The Master’s Mark by Lisabet Sarai @LisabetSarai #RLFblog #Steampunk #Romance

    Know the Heroine from The Master's Mark by Lisabet Sarai @LisabetSarai #RLFblog #Steampunk #RomanceVictorian engineer Gillian Smith and her colleagues in Toymakers Guild take on a near-impossible challenge in Lisabet Sarai’s steampunk erotic romance The Master’s Mark – building a life-sized female automaton intended to replace a client’s deceased paramour. It’s fortunate that

    Gillian is not one to give up—not even when events threaten the Guild’s very survival.

    Lisabet, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your heroine, but first, tell us about The Master’s Mark.

    The Master’s Mark by Lisabet Sarai

    Genre Steampunk erotic romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): Five flames

    How do you train a steampunk sexbot?

    Gillian Smith’s promotion to journeyman proves she’s ready to lead the Toymakers in producing astonishing new erotic artifacts. Creative, brilliant, and debauched, she’ll stretch her capabilities to the limit as she juggles a talent shortage and a pair of jealous rivals. Then there’s the challenge of their latest commission—a life-sized programmable sex doll intended to replace a client’s deceased paramour.

    Normally she would consult the enigmatic Master Toymaker, but he seems preoccupied with his own concerns. Though her lusty crew of sexual renegades can offer technical and carnal assistance, Gillian is ultimately responsible for delivering the promised, near-impossible technology.

    It’s fortunate she’s not one to give up—not even when events threaten the Guild’s very survival.

    Know the Heroine from The Master’s Mark

    Here are some fun questions to help us know your heroine.

    Describe the kind of clothes she prefers to wear.

    Gillian Smith is a no-nonsense young woman who has no interest in or patience with fashion. She wants practical clothing that isn’t likely to get damaged in the laboratory when she’s working on batteries or motors. Of course, in the Victorian period even “simple” clothes were complicated. Women wore long skirts and bodices with dozens of buttons, with several layers of undergarments. In polite society, hats were required. Going without a corset was considered scandalous.

    Gillian really doesn’t care. With her slender figure, she doesn’t need a corset, and she certainly won’t agree to be uncomfortable for the sake of propriety. In fact, when she’s working, she prefers to don a sturdy, ankle-length, button-up-the-front lab coat – sometimes with nothing underneath!

    Does she know how to fix things?

    That is an understatement. It’s difficult to imagine something Gillian couldn’t fix. She is an engineering prodigy, a whiz with both mechanical and electrical systems. Her father and mother – deceased in an experimental balloon accident – were noted inventors who thoroughly schooled her in math and science as well as the use of tools and the fabrication of machines.

    She tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.

    Even with her amazing talent, Gillian doesn’t always succeed in solving technical problems on the first try. For example, in The Master’s Mark, she tries to use an approach similar to modern machine learning to train the automaton they’re building. After multiple attempts, she concludes this isn’t possible, mostly because she can’t create sensors that are sufficiently precise.

    Initially, this sort of setback will dampen her spirits. However, before long she will have come up with an alternative approach to solving her problems.

    She’s quite involved with her work emotionally, so she takes failures to heart. On the other hand, she has an engineer’s typical optimism. Plus she’s extremely persistent.

    What is she like first thing in the morning?

    Gillian’s a morning person. She gets up early in order to get to work in the Toymakers Guild lab, and normally will be awake and alert the minute she opens her eyes.

    Maid or takes care of herself?

    Gillian’s family, like many entrepreneurs, never made much money from their inventions. So she’s quite used to taking care of herself. Given her casual approach to her appearance, this isn’t difficult.

    After her parents’ death, she lived for several years with her wealthier aunt and uncle. Gillian treated their maid Leticia as her friend and confidante – not her servant.

    Carriage or horseback?

    Having grown up near London, Gillian didn’t have much equestrian experience until she moved to the Guild headquarters at Randerley Hall in Devon. However, her fellow journeyman Rafe Wystock persuaded her to go out riding on the moors. At first she was nervous about being on horseback, but she quickly discovered she loved riding – especially in Rafe’s company!

    Thanks for helping us get to know your heroine!

    Know the Heroine from The Master's Mark by Lisabet Sarai @LisabetSarai #RLFblog #Steampunk #Romance

    Where to buy The Master’s Mark

    Kinky Literature
    Barnes and Noble
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    Lisabet Sarai Social Media

    Lisabet Sarai became addicted to words at an early age. She began reading when she was four. She wrote her first story at five years old and her first poem at seven. Since then, she has penned plays, tutorials, scholarly articles, marketing brochures, software specifications, self-help books, press releases, a five-hundred page dissertation, and lots of erotica and erotic romance – over one hundred titles, and counting, in nearly every sub-genre—paranormal, scifi, ménage, BDSM, GLBT, and more. Regardless of the genre, every one of her stories illustrates her motto: Imagination is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
    Amazon Author Page
    Get to know Lisabet Sarai better by signing up for her email list:;

  • Character Quirks,  Gay or MM

    Read a Quirky Character Interview with Rory from Rory & Ink by Alexa Piper @ProwlingPiper #RLFblog #MMRomance

    Read a Quirky Character Interview with Rory from Rory & Ink by Alexa Piper @ProwlingPiper #RLFblog #MMRomanceIn Alexa Piper’s Rory & Ink, which concludes the story of Rory and his monster mate (for now), magical twink Rory finds that he must use the magic he never wanted in order to save the family he never dared hope he’d end up with. Through bravery, magic, and love, two worlds that used to be apart are knitted together, just like the fate of our characters.

    Alexa, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about Rory & Ink.

    Rory & Ink by Alexa Piper

    Genre MM post-apocalyptic monster romance
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R

    Rory has never been the kind of person who enjoys fights or violence, but when a member of his newfound family is kidnapped, he will not just stand by and do nothing. No, Rory will use his still new and not entirely welcome magic to help. And when that is done, Rory will once more put all his efforts into becoming a trophy mate to his handsome blue husband, and he will worship said husband from the tips of his horns to his paw feet.

    Inkiri has never been happier in his life. His human mate accepts him, and not just that, Rory loves him. And while Rory seemed afraid at first, he will stop at nothing to protect the people near and dear to him. All Inkiri can hope is that he will prove himself worthy for such an extraordinary mate.

    With his future life as trophy mate almost within reach, Rory might be forgetting something that he has to do, but that’s okay. There are people in his life now who will remind him of all the things that are important and of all the things that aren’t.

    Content warning: While this series is a comedy, this book alludes to physical and sexual abuse. It is not experienced on page, but it is a reality of a side character’s life.

    Interview with Rory

    Thank you for agreeing to interview with us! Our readers would like to get to know you a bit better, and perhaps read the book your author wrote about you.

    What bad habits do you struggle to overcome?

    Getting scared when I hear loud noises. That usually means there’s a monster out to get you, but I know that Ink is there to protect me now.

    What does a perfect world look like to you?

    I… This is difficult. On the one hand, of course I wish the Apocalypse had never happened. I wish that I’d never had a part in it, that everyone was still here. But on the other hand, I don’t think I’d ever have met Ink and my guys if it hadn’t happened.

    I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m not happy about the Apocalypse, but meeting Ink and my guys, Kinnek, Charles, and Donna, that changed me. They are my people, you know. They are home.

    What color looks best on you?

    Oh, I like navy a lot, but everyone else seems to think green and terracotta are my colors.

    What’s your favorite food?

    I can tell you which food I hate: massa buns! Vinne is pretty good too, they make a great snack. As far as Earth foods are concerned, I always liked fries, which I haven’t had in ages. The Apocalypse made me less picky though, and really whatever Nokim makes I’ll eat.

    What’s your favorite drink?

    Hmm, I don’t think I have one favorite drink, but I would go get a Starbucks with my friends sometimes, you know. I always liked a drip coffee with honey and almond or hemp milk, but more than that, it’s just the people. I really miss them, and I miss going somewhere and there being people around.

    Read a Quirky Character Interview with Rory from Rory & Ink by Alexa Piper @ProwlingPiper #RLFblog #MMRomance

    Is there a secret spot you like to retreat to? Where is it?

    Okay, this isn’t really a secret spot, but my buddy Vergis and I like hanging out on the roof sometimes. I wouldn’t say that Vergis is fun, not unless your sense of humor is very dark, but to be fair, what he says tends to be insightful. And direct. Vergis can be very direct.

    Who always makes you smile?

    Ink can usually do that, but I’m happy when I’m with everyone, when nothing happens, when the greatest problem we have is that we ran out of iced tea again. Days like that have me smiling from morning to evening.

    What’s the first thing you tend to notice about a person?

    These days, if their have horns and are bagu, in which case I’ll pay attention to whether they have anything that makes them look like Koa Esher about them. If they are humans I don’t know, I’d be careful as well.

    How do you wish others saw you?

    I used to wish I would be cast in a leading role, but looking back, I didn’t want to be an actor for the fame, just for the acting. Because what I really want is for people to look at me and just see me as Ink’s trophy mate. I don’t want them to think of me as some powerful mage or whatnot, and I’m always scared they’ll hate me for attracting trouble. I just want to be unimportant enough for people to politely acknowledge and then ignore me.

    Where to buy Rory & Ink

    Universal Buy Link
    Barnes and Noble

    Alexa Piper Social Media

    Alexa Piper writes steamy romance that ranges from light to dark, from straight to queer. She’s also a coffee addict. Alexa loves writing stories that make her readers laugh and fall in love with the characters in them.
    Amazon Author Page
    Get to know Alexa Piper better by signing up for an email newsletter

  • Author Interviews,  Character Interviews,  RLF Gems

    Guest Authors on the Romance Lives Forever Book Blog #RLFblog #Books #Authors

    Find new authors on Romance Lives Forever #RLFblog #Books

    Whether it's reverse harem, sweet small town romance, vampires,  or anything in between, RLF has an author who writes it! This blog always offers great authors and great books.

    RLF shared 356 posts this year, taking time off for holidays.

    RLF Gems in 2022

    The bloggers listed here had the most views received this year.

    Alina K Field
    Alexa Piper
    Alice Renaud
    Vicki Batman
    Ana Morgan
    Reet Singh
    Dee S Knight
    Lucy Naylor Kubash
    Tena Stetler
    Lizanne Axtel

    Honorable Mention

    Vida Li Sik
    Kate Hill
    Adriana Kraft


    These authors / events brought the most comments in 2022. Congratulations on getting people talking!

    Pia Manning
    Jennifer Wilck
    C Becker
    MFRW Birthday Party

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    RLF Author Newsletter

    I'm on Romance Lives Forever #RLFblogI've created a monthly newsletter for authors on RLF, and subscribers will have access to special interviews and features.

    The first email has a tip sheet of organization ideas.

    Here's the link if you're interested.

    Every author on RLF is special to me, and over the years, many have become friends. I read a lot of books too! In 2023, I hope to have all of you back to visit, and to invite a whole host of new friends to join us.

    Happy New Year! Here's to a wonderful year in 2023.

    ~ Kayelle Allen

  • Author Interviews,  Character Interviews,  RLF Gems

    What’s ahead on Romance Lives Forever in 2023? 29 interviews for new books and your backlist #RLFblog #Books #Authors

    What's ahead on Romance Lives Forever in 2023? 29 interviews for new books and your backlist #RLFblog #Books #AuthorsIn 2023 the Romance Lives Forever blog will offer 29 different interviews. Download one that fits you or your characters. Think of ways you can leverage your book and get more than one interview out of the story. For example, sign up for a Book Release one month, then the next, interview your character about What’s For Dinner, come back the following month with Stressing the Hero/ine, and send me a Cover Love to use for fill ins when an author can’t make it. You can schedule monthly, and don’t have to use new books. It’s perfectly fine to use your backlist.

    Here’s where to download the interviews.

    I’ve updated them. Be sure to download the newest versions rather than use old ones. If you’ve been on the blog before, the info I ask for will be a snap, because I’ll have your data on file.

    Social Media on RLFblog

    The blog uses the hashtag #RLFblog, and the hashtags most often associated with it are #Romance #RomanticSuspense #suspense #historical #contemporary #PNR #paranormalromance #paranormal and #SciFi. Readers here love those genres, but there are dozens more.

    Twitter generates about 85% of the traffic to the RLF website, mostly because it is fed from Triberr — which did a great job. Because of my followers, the tribemates I associate with and their followers, RLF has a reach of over three million. The program works because it brings new readers, and reminds current ones of new material. It provides an average of 45 – 50 mentions on Twitter every day, and since each post has the guest author’s Twitter handle in the title, that means the guest gets mentioned too. If you aren’t using Twitter, you’re not getting the full power of this blog’s reach. Please consider signing up, and while you’re there, I’d love it if you’d follow me.

    Take Advantage of our Reach

    Sign up for a book cover spot on the front page of RLF and take advantage of the traffic this blog generates. Did you know there are multiple authors who plan their appearances based on the dates of book releases? Why? Because RLFblog gets the word out about new books and helps authors get their name in front of readers.

    Sign Up for the RLF Newsletter

    I’ve created a monthly newsletter for authors on RLF, and subscribers will have access to special interviews and features. The first email has a tip sheet of organization ideas. Here’s the link if you’re interested.

    Sign Up for a spot on the blog

    You can see all the signups available by visiting the signup page. The site will email you a confirmation, send a reminder, and even include links where you can download an interview for the site.


    RLF has over 20 different interviews you can download and fill out, or you can write an article. All the interviews have a space to feature your newsletter, and we use Yoast SEO to enable you to tell Google and other search engines how your want your post to be found. You’ll see the info near the top of each interview.

    Be A Keeper

    Please join me at Kayelle’s Keepers, a Facebook group for readers. I’m planning to host takeovers and I’d love to feature RLF authors as guests. Join the group here:

    Thank you…

    The blog has grown and changed in response to your requests, and I hope you’ve found it helpful. If there is something you’d like me to add or change, please let me know. Thank you for your support. It’s been a pleasure getting to know you, and I hope to see you back soon.

    — Kayelle Allen

  • Character Insider,  Gay or MM,  Urban Fantasy

    Get the inside scoop on the dark hero from A Devilish Saturnalia by Alexa Piper @ProwlingPiper #RLFblog #MMRomance

    Lionel and his lover are spending Midwinter in Scotland, and what should be a few quiet days with their found family for the Devil and his necromancer turns into a wild goose chase (literally) and a murder mystery (not literally) in A Devilish Saturnalia, a fluffy novella set right after the events in The Devil’s Saturnalia.

    Alexa, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about A Devilish Saturnalia.

    A Devilish Saturnalia by Alexa Piper

    Get the inside scoop on the dark hero from A Devilish Saturnalia by Alexa Piper @ProwlingPiper #RLFblog #MMRomanceGenre MM urban fantasy romance
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R

    Lionel and Lucifer are spending the holidays in Scotland. They are set to enjoy a quiet Midwinter, and Lionel is looking forward to spending this time with his found family, although having a family is still new for him.

    Lucifer’s goals for this holiday season are simple: convince his necromancer to willingly stay in bed with Lucifer, but of course, that is just a fantasy. Lucifer knows it’s not what his necromancer needs, and the cruel side of love is that even the Devil has to put his lover first.

    Snowed in, will these two and those who love them find something to do to pass the longest night of the year? In this sweet and cozy read, you will find out.

    This books is not a standalone. The events in A Devilish Saturnalia take place right after The Devil’s Saturnalia.

    Warning: This m/m romance contains sexual content only suitable for mature audiences.

    Insider Information about Lucifer

    Welcome! We’d like to know more about you. Please add info you’re comfortable sharing.

    Nickname: The most handsome of them all, Best Boyfriend Ever, The Devil with the best hair.

    Age: Compared to Tiamat, I’m a spring chicken.

    Gender: I like all genders equally.

    Birthplace: Puny human minds do not understand the geography of the otherrealms.

    Profession: Necromancer Minder, Ph.D.

    Please provide a physical description of yourself.

    Sexy, but monogamous. And like we all know, monogamy makes you hotter, which explains why my boyfriend is so obsessed with me.

    What are your pronouns?

    I’ll take all of them, please, extra rainbow sprinkles.

    How well does your name fit your personality?

    You see, I’ve been going by Lucy ever since I first read the literary gem that is Dracula. Lucy Westenra was so far ahead of her time! She had the opportunity to embark upon a reverse harem journey never before seen in literature, but she gave it all up in order to maintain her beauty and discerning charm for all the rest of time, along with some badass butt-kicking abilities.

    I am the Devil. I have the best hair, and my magic is perfect. Before I fully bloomed–before I became monogamous, that is–I dabbled in pleasing multiple people at the same time. I certainly have the looks. You should see how my Nelly stares at me when I bring out my wings!

    Do you believe in love at first sight?

    Oh, no. That’s a silly notion. I mean, sure, it happened to me, but that was an exception. Most people have to buy their lover flowers and take them on dates to amausement parks and all of that, but Nelly and I never needed anything as base. We were made for one another.

    But no. Love at first sight is an illusion.

    Do you enjoy dressing up or prefer to dress casually?

    I enjoy dressing for the occasion. It doesn’t really matter what I wear or if I wear any clothes at all. I’ll always look good.

    If a place where you shop installed benches in various sections, where would you sit?

    I do not really do any shopping. I have Trony for that. But for the new year, I want to convince Nelly to come shopping with me. In that event, I want a bench right in front of the changing room for the anticipation. He’ll probably be too shy to come out when he’s trying on panties for me, but what is magic for if not to make a changing room curtain see-through?

    Mhh. They already do have benches inside the changing rooms, don’t they? I’ll probably move there after I watched my necromancer squirm for a little bit. To help him out of the panties.

    Smell: Nelly
    Color: Golden
    Taste: Nelly
    Sound: Nelly makes this sound after he’s been tied up for a long while. It’s a bit hoarse, but also sweet. And then, once I allow him his release, he makes those soft little huffs–ah. No one but me will ever hear those sounds.
    Texture: If I tell you, you’ll have to censor it. Rhymes with Nelly’s sock.

    Can you:

    Swim? Of course I can swim. I can’t drown, so the skill is a bit superfluous, but it’s fun.

    Use chopsticks? Do you take me for a Philistine? Of course I know to use chopsticks.

    Roller skate? This sounds undignified, but I can probably make it look good.

    Ski? I can, but I prefer having champaign in the hot tub to going up and down some mountain.

    Fly a plane? That’s a waste of time. I have wings.

    Ride a horse? Yes. I’ve even read up on how to tame wild horses.

    What is your favorite book?

    Other than the obvious, there’s that one with the virgin who works in a diner. The virgin always takes the night shift, and then he meets this darkly handsome assassin who initiates the virgin into the art of carnal pleasure. That reminded me so much of my Nelly, who had only been deflowered in the most technical sense when I met him. Mhh. White lace means innocence, doesn’t it? I’m very much looking forward to taking him shopping.

    Who is the one person who can convince you to do something you know you shouldn’t?

    Convince me? If we are talking about convincing, Trony or the dragon mother. If this is about actually getting me to do things… that’s unfortunately Nelly. For instance, I know I shouldn’t let Marc Deacon breathe another breath, but here I am being a good Devil and not shoving Marc Deacon into a bottomless hole, because I am sure Nelly would ask me about it. Interrogate me, even. And I can only distract my necromancer so much when he gets into one of his stubborn moods, you know.

    Where to buy A Devilish Saturnalia

    Universal Buy Link
    Barnes and Noble

    Alexa Piper Social Media

    Alexa Piper writes steamy romance that ranges from light to dark, from straight to queer. She’s also a coffee addict. Alexa loves writing stories that make her readers laugh and fall in love with the characters in them.
    Amazon Author Page
    Get to know Alexa Piper better by signing up for an email newsletter


  • Christmas or Holiday,  Know the Hero

    Know the Hero from Christmas Knight by Britt Jones @BrittJonesAuthr #RLFblog #HolidayRomance


    Know the Hero from Christmas Knight by Britt Jones @BrittJonesAuthr #RLFblog #HolidayRomanceWhen he stops a mugging will a reclusive billionaire be forced back into the limelight to protect an innocent woman from his past?

    Britt, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your hero, but first, tell us about Christmas Knight.

    Christmas Knight by Britt Jones

    Genre Instalove Romance
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R


    I’m alone in a new city, left behind by a sister I barely know for the first holiday without my parents. Suffice it to say, there isn’t any jingle in my bells this Christmas.

    That is, until a knight in a shining Santa suit rescues me from a mugging. Turns out he’s my neighbor. My sexy neighbor. And despite the way we met, his kindness and rock-hard abs might just be what I need to light my Christmas tree.


    I’ve been keeping a low profile, staying out of the news, giving up the hope of more to maintain a little peace in my life.

    All that flies out the window the moment I rescue my neighbor from a mugging. The immediate need to protect her kicks in—it’s in my DNA—but something is different about Marcy.

    Know the Hero from Christmas Knight

    Here are some fun questions to help us know your hero.

    It’s late, he’s bored. What does he do?

    He will usually meditate or do Jiu Jitsu on the rooftop to relax. Trained in martial arts he finds the practice relaxing. But his secret pleasure is binge watching action movies. He can almost recite all the Die Hard movies.

    What kind of food would he impulse buy if hungry?

    He’s vegetarian and loves crispy fried vegetarian dumplings.

    Describe the kind of clothes he prefers to wear.

    Loose pants, sweats or soft cargo style and T-shirts.

    Does he know how to fix things?

    Yes. He’s pretty handy around the building he owns and worked on the crew that did the remodeling. Although he’s got money he wants to be an everyman’.

    He tried to do something and it went badly. Tell us about it.

    He tried to help someone with emotional issues and it backfired on him, drawing attention to him he and ruining his career.

    How does he act around children he doesn’t know?

    Although trained as a fighter, he is truly a gentle soul and would get down to a child’s level to be less intimidating.

    What is he like first thing in the morning?

    Calm. He likes to start his days with meditation.

    Can he use chopsticks?

    A pro.

    Does he drink coffee?

    No, he prefers tea but keeps coffee for friends.

    What apps would he have on his phone?

    He treats his phone as a tool. He would have stock market and investment sites, travel and directions. He isn’t a game player.

    Android or iPhone?


    Beard or clean-shaven?

    Short scruff beard partly to disguise his well know face.

    Earrings/piercings/tattoos or unadorned skin?


    Personal vehicle or public transport?

    Has personal vehicles, but tries to use public when he can.

    Recycle or toss?


    Thanks for helping us get to know your hero!

    Where to buy Christmas Knight


    Bernadette Jones Social Media

    Romantic Suspense Writer, Never Give Up-er, First Wives Club-er, Lifelong Dream Achiever & Mom.

    Bernadette Jones has been making up stories since she learned to read on her daddy’s lap. She has imagined casts of characters everywhere she’s called home: Texas, Oregon, Washington, South Dakota, Nebraska, Illinois, Massachusetts, and now New York.

    Books and music filled her life as she, her dad and two brothers traveled the country. She would sit in the back seat of the car—her older brother always got to ride shotgun—listening to the current music on the radio, looking out the window and spinning a story based on a phrase she’d heard in the lyrics. Traveling the country, the music changed from state to state, as did the stories. To this day, she enjoys a wide variety of music and book genres.

    After a career in corporate writing, she’s decided to settle down and put pen to paper doing what she loves. Living the dream in her NYC apartment with her canine companion, she’s bringing her stories and characters to life.

    If you’re interested in learning more and being the first to hear about new releases, visit her website at

    Amazon Author Page
    Get to know Bernadette Jones better by signing up for an email newsletter