Author Interviews

Interviews with authors

  • Book Release,  Sports

    The Pieces of Us Jennifer Loring @JenniferTLoring #RLFblog #contemporary #sportsromance

    Welcome Jennifer Loring author of The Pieces of Us (The Firebird
    Trilogy Book 3), a new contemporary sports romance.
    Why did you write
    this book?
    From the time I finished Firebird, I knew Alex’s story was
    going to be a trilogy; I just wasn’t sure exactly how I wanted to end the
    journey of a character that has become so dear to me. I tossed around a couple
    of ideas but decided to go with the one I hoped readers were least likely to
    expect. Alex gets his HEA, but not in the way you might think. And while some
    readers might not like it, it’s where the story needed to go.
    What is your favorite
    genre to read?
    It will probably always be horror, though I do read some
    romance (mostly PNR and some historical). I also love non-fiction.
    Who is your favorite
    character from fiction (not including your own)?
    Two are characters I’ve loved since I was a
    teenager—Irrylath from The Darkangel Trilogy by Meredith Ann Pierce and Zach
    from Poppy Z. Brite’s Drawing Blood. I also adore Constantine from Robin
    McKinley’s Sunshine. Two out of three are vampires, so I guess that says a lot
    about me. J
    What are you working
    on at the moment?
    A paranormal romance novella for After Glows Publishing and an
    outline for a narrative game/interactive novel. I wasn’t going to work on a
    novel-length project again until 2018, but I couldn’t resist the urge to
    re-start the PNR novel I initially researched and outlined over a year ago. The
    plot finally came together after a few false starts, and I’m excited about
    writing it again.
    What books will we see
    from you in coming months?
    April brings the fairy tale anthology Forest Seclusion,
    featuring my transgender romantic fantasy story “If Only You Were Someone
    Else,” from Supposed Crimes, and the first Erotikós anthology—containing
    two of my erotic horror short stories—from DarkFuse. In May, I’ll be in a
    contemporary romance anthology called Craving: Bad with a new Firebird short
    story, and in August, I’ll appear in Crystal Lake Publishing’s Tales from the
    Lake vol. 4. In October, I’ll have a novella in After Glows Publishing’s Hidden
    Demons paranormal romance anthology. I still have quite a few short stories,
    novellas, and novelettes submitted to various publishers, so hopefully this
    list will be updating soon!
    Please tell us about
    your latest book.
    Genre: contemporary/sports romance
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
    Aleksandr Volynsky thinks he’s experienced the worst life
    can throw at him, until the most devastating loss leaves him questioning
    One year later, Alex and his daughter, Anya, are still
    picking up the pieces. In the process, he realizes how far apart their mutual
    grief has driven them and how lonely he has become—especially when the Buffalo
    Gladiators’ beautiful anthemist, Hannah Kent, finally introduces herself.
    Anya Volynsky is a high-school senior with plans—her father’s
    plans—to become the first woman on a professional hockey team’s starting
    But Anya is toying with the idea of staying in Buffalo and
    caring for her father rather than accept a scholarship to play hockey at Boston
    College. Her decision becomes even more difficult when she meets her school’s
    new athletic trainer, Lucas Donovan. Their experience with similar losses draws
    them together, and soon their friendship blossoms into a forbidden love that
    neither of them expected.
    With lives torn apart by sorrow, Alex and Anya try to
    restore their bond, but it’s not that easy…
    Alex’s attraction to Hannah keeps
    growing stronger, and he needs to decide if he’s ready to overcome his pain—but
    also if he’s willing to do it without Anya’s approval. Anya, on the other hand,
    is headed for trouble, and while Alex tries to do the right thing in order to
    protect her, all he manages to do is push her further away.
    Can Alex and Anya find the courage to pick up the broken
    pieces of their lives, or will the heartache of the past ruin their chances at
    finding happiness again?

    Buy The Pieces of Us (The Firebird Trilogy Book 3)

    Jennifer Loring Social Media

    Jennifer Loring has been, among other things, a DJ, an
    insurance claims assistant, and an editor. Her short fiction has been published
    widely both online and in print; she has worked with Crystal Lake Publishing,
    DarkFuse, and Crowded Quarantine, among many others. Longer work most notably
    includes the contemporary/sports romance series The Firebird Trilogy and the
    critically acclaimed psychological horror novella Conduits. She lives in
    Philadelphia, PA with her husband, their turtle, and two basset hounds.

    Romance Lives Forever
    Discover Books and Authors with Kayelle Allen
  • Book Release,  Paranormal

    When Ash Remains @DenaGarson #RLFblog #PNR #historical

    When Ash Remains @DenaGarson #RLFblog #PNR #historicalWelcome Dena Garson author of When Ash Remains, a new Native American historical paranormal romance.

    Why did you write this book?
    In truth, because a friend of mine nagged me for years to write it. The secondary reason was because the myths and legends of the Skinwalker fascinated me. I live in Oklahoma so some of those Native American stories seem a little more, well… real.
    What is your favorite genre to read?
    It depends on my mood – it’s a mix of historical, paranormal, contemporary, fantasy, urban fantasy, and sci-fi romance. That’s probably why I write in so many of those categories!
    Who is your favorite character from fiction (not including your own)?
    Doctor Who. Not only does he get to travel across the universe(s) but through time. He has seen (experienced) all kinds of people, places, and cultures. And yet he is a protector and has a strong sense of equality and respect for life. I hope that series runs for another 50 years!
    What are you working on at the moment?
    I’m working on a Steampunk romance as well as a follow up to Mystic’s Touch.
    What books will we see from you in coming months?
    The Steampunk romance will be part of a box set that comes out later this year. And I’d like to get into a sci-fi romance set that a group has been putting together for later this year. *fingers crossed*
    Please tell us about your latest book.
    Genre: Native American historical-paranormal
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
    A warrior with a mission
    There isn’t a buffalo or deer that Kajika cannot take down. So when his cousin is slaughtered he relishes the chance to track down the killer. The trail leads him to a woman with gifts he has trouble believing in. Despite their differences he cannot fight his instinct to protect her from all threats – even those he cannot see. That drive even rivals his desire to explore every inch of her body.
    A woman with a destiny
    Knowing the spirits will protect her, Ahyoka allows the handsome warrior to take her to be questioned by his chief about the unexplained deaths in their village. He may not believe in her abilities but he is one of the few who doesn’t treat her like something to be feared or shunned. He awakens feelings that make her yearn for things she thought she’d never have. Her biggest fear is that once he learns the full extent of her gifts he will reject her like most of her tribe did.
    A killer twisted by hurt and anger
    Kajika and Ahyoka must work together to find the one responsible for the string of deaths in and around their villages. Faith, trust, and even a little bit of love will be needed to defeat the killer and right the wrongs committed in the pursuit of power and revenge.

    Where to buy When Ash Remains

    Publisher Dena Garson/Indie
    Barnes and Noble

    Dena Garson Social Media

    Dena Garson is an award winning author of contemporary, paranormal, fantasy, and sci-fi romance. Her sixth book, Mystic’s Touch, won the 2015 Passionate Plume for Futuristic/Fantasy/Sci-Fi as well as the 2015 Reader’s Choice Award for Science Fiction/Fantasy/Time Travel. Ghostly Persuasion finaled in the 2014 Passionate Ink contest and the 2014 Reader’s Choice Award. Your Wild Heart finaled in the 2016 Passionate Ink contest.

    When she isn’t writing you can find her at her jewelry workbench playing with beads. She is also a devoted Whovian and Dallas Cowboys fan.

    Amazon Author Page


  • Author Interviews

    What’s Ahead in 2017 #RLFblog #Romance #Authors

    The Romance Lives Forever blog moves from Blogspot to
    Wordpress May 17, 2017. If you hate moving as much as I do, you’ll be happy to
    know all the heavy lifting will be done by professionals. Your part will be to
    grab a favorite drink, sit back, take it easy, and come read the posts in beautiful
    new surroundings.
    Once the move completes, all posts currently on the Blogspot
    version of Romance Lives Forever will appear on the new site also. On the Blogspot
    site, a note at the top will redirect readers to the new WordPress location. Links
    on original posts will remain active, and all posts will remain on the Blogspot
    old blog while also appearing on the WordPress blog.
    We’ll still use the hashtag #RLFblog.
    Want a sneak peek of the new blog?
    The headline will say, “Discover authors and books with
    Kayelle Allen. Visit Romance Lives Forever for a great read in multiple genres
    every day.”
    I’ll keep you posted about any changes coming in addition. I look forward to sharing with you in the New Year.
    Kayelle Allen
    Owner, Romance Lives Forever
  • Author Marketing

    Please Join in Saluting a Pillar of the #Romance Community #RLFBlog

    Today’s blog is a special one. Well at least to me anyway. Partially because I’m breaking the rules and typing this very late at night – being super stealthy – in an attempt to surprise Romance Live’s Forever’s blog owner, Kayelle Allen. But, mostly because after about two years of being Kayelle’s blog administrator, I wanted to say thank you to her in a way that she’ll be forced to hear. Because Kayelle is a quiet lady who doesn’t bask in the limelight of all her fantastic efforts. You see, she does a LOT for the Romance community. In fact, she probably does more than most may even realize. Aside from being an awesomely talented author, an amazingly kind woman, and a Veteran of the United States Military, she is also the founder of the widely known Marketing for Romance Writers aka MFRW.

    If you do not know Kayelle, please crawl out from under that rock you must have been lying under (kidding) and consider checking out her books, befriending her on her social networks or joining in the MFRW groups. I promise you’ll make some great connections and meet some awesome people!

    I hope after reading this post Kayelle doesn’t throw too many things at me. But, the surprise – and hopefully smile – on her face, will make it all worth it!


    About Kayelle

    Kayelle Allen is a best selling American author. Her unstoppable heroes and heroines include contemporary every day folk, role-playing immortal gamers, futuristic covert agents, and warriors who purr.

    Kayelle’s Social Media links

    Romance Lives Forever Reader Group
    Amazon Author Page

    The Author’s Secret

    How MFRW began…

    Kayelle Allen here. Back in 2006, I was a busy author with four books. I was promoting,

    learning more about promoting, and asking friends about promoting. All the ins and outs of book marketing were starting to gel and I felt like I was beginning to understand the overall concept. That said, I had a constant list of questions. Facebook was two years old. Twitter had been founded that year. Pinterest and Instagram were four years away. I had friends who had similar questions, and we would email each other and ask. Often, I’d get the same question several times in a row. I found myself going back to my “sent” file to copy an answer and resend it. Not that I wasn’t asking questions myself, but I think because I’d take the time to go find an answer if someone asked something I didn’t know – I started getting more and more questions.

    It was Halloween, and I was busy with all sorts of details of writing, and I got the same question from two different people. I remember thinking that there had to be an easier way to handle this. I needed a way to let everyone know what I’d discovered at the same time, and if I had a question, get an answer from someone who knew. Yahoo Groups was established and well-used, so I decided to create one that all of my friends and I could use together. We could post a question there, and anyone who knew the answer could reply.
    I set it up as Marketing for Romance Writers because that’s what all of us were at the time. Looking back, I’ve often wished I’d named it Marketing for Every Writer. Of course, then the initials would have been MEW vs MFRW and our symbol might have been a black cat!
    Then, we had 12 members. Ten years later, there are 2420 there now, plus 6230 on Facebook, 3411  on Twitter, and 1400+ on Pinterest with 71 boards and over 1000 pins.

    About MFRW

    Marketing for Romance Writers is a peer-oriented mentoring group open to the entire literary community. Ask your marketing-related questions, or request help, advice, or opinions. You can learn how to create a professional image and use it effectively, as well as ask for opportunities to join other authors in promotional efforts. You can learn the business aspects of writing.
    News about pitch sessions and calls for submission are posted on the Yahoo group. As a member, you can attend exclusive, member-only pitch events with publishers. Members can attend free, online workshops and seminars.
    Marketing for Romance Writers promotes for its members on most social media. Get your book cover pinned on one of the MFRW Pinterest boards, and show off your cover models. Share your tweets with the MFRW street team and get them shared on Twitter. The hashtags #MFRWorg #MFRWauthor and #MFRWhop promote for you. You can get interviewed on BlogTalkRadio. Link your blog to a community hop via a unique software “ribbon” with exciting themes, and draw readers to your site.

    Find and Join MFRW

    Marketing for Romance Writers Yahoo Group
    Marketing for Romance Writers Website
    Marketing for Romance Writers News page
    Marketing for Romance Writers Promo page

    Free Promotion for MFRW Members

    Follow us – we follow back.
    Twitter our hashtags are #MFRWauthor #MFRWorg #MFRWhooks

    MFRW Volunteer Staff

    Button is sized for blogs

    Kayelle Allen, Founder

    Emerald, Facebook Coordinator and Editor
    Mona Karel, Moderator, Blog Hop Coordinator
    Paloma Beck, Blog Director
    Rochelle Weber, Newsletter Publisher
    Barbara Donlon Bradley, Newsletter Editor
    Michelle Davis, Newsletter Editor
    Libby McKinmer, Newsletter Editor
    Mari Anne Christie, Newsletter Editor
    Reet Singh, Goodreads Coordinator
    Zeenat Mahal, Goodreads Coordinator
    Tina Gayle, Twitter Promo Coordinator
    Carmen Stefanescu, Blog Coordinator
    If you have questions about marketing your books, or you want to share an opportunity such as being a guest on your blog, join us. It’s okay to ask for guest spots too. The MFRW motto is “seek, teach, share, learn, succeed.” Services and membership are free. Are you part of the Marketing for Romance Writers success story? Please share in the comments.
  • Author Interviews

    When a Romance Lives Forever #anniversary

    I believe Romance Lives Forever. December 23, 1973 was the day my husband and I tied the knot. We were both 22 years old, had been born 3 days apart, joined the Navy the same day, and were both stationed in Tennessee. Today marks 43 years together. One of my big sisters gave us 6 weeks. We’d met in June and were married in December, and she worried we were making a quick decision. Well, we were, but it was because we didn’t want to be apart. We still feel that way. The reason I have Romance Lives Forever on all my branding is because I not only believe it’s true, I’ve lived it.

    Kayelle and Edward J Allen

    Now, apparently it’s also true that people start looking alike when they’ve been together a long time, so in case you’re wondering, I’m the one in the white shirt without the hat.

    On a more serious note…

    For those who have lost loved ones this year (myself included), hold on. They say time heals but to be honest, time can be brutal. What works for me is investing in those I still have around me. Being vulnerable and honest and allowing myself to feel what I feel. It’s the hardest thing I’ve ever done. My “coping” mechanism is by nature, avoidance. Learning to both enjoy the present and cherish the past is far from easy. If I do it every day I hope it will get easier. I know I’m not alone, even though sometimes I feel that way. I hope if you are having a hard time during the holidays that you’ll reach out to someone else who needs a moment of hope. Be assured — everyone needs hope.

    Romance Lives Forever will not have guests on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day. Look for more starting the 27th. On Dec 31st I’ll be sharing a note about what’s ahead on RLF. There are some wonderful plans underway.

    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

    ~ Kayelle Allen
    Owner of the Romance Lives Forever blog

  • Author Veterans

    Salute to Author Veterans #VeteransDay #RLFblog #authors

    This Salute to Author Veterans shows authors (published or not) who are veterans. It consists of the author’s name, branch of service, writing brand, and one link. Click to learn more about the author, his or her books, and to find or follow them on social media.

    Authors are listed in alphabetical order by last name.
    Joyce Adams
    US Army
    Love … Laughter … Forever
    Kayelle Allen
    US Navy
    Unstoppable heroes, Uncompromising love, Unforgettable passion
    Rue Allyn
    US Navy
    Romance – Historical, Contemporary, Erotic
    Heather Ashby
    US Navy
    Military Romance
    Elizabeth Ashtree
    US Army
    Stories to turn in your imagination.
    Lori Avocato
    US Air Force
    Mystery/Romance author
    SE Babin
    US Air Force, Texas Air National Guard
    Romcom, Mysteries, Urban Fantasy
    Rogenna Brewer
    US Navy
    Where Romance is Always an Adventure
    Jo Ann Brown
    US Army
    Inspirational Romance
    Lisa Carlisle
    US Marine Corps
    Paranormal, contemporary, and military romance
    Lisa Cordeiro
    US Marine Corps
    Military Memoirs – Parris Island & Journey of a Woman Marine
    Diana Cosby
    US Navy
    Scottish Medieval Romantic Suspense
    CK Crouch
    US Army
    Romance Tangles with Suspense
    Teresa D’Amario
    US Air Force
    Author of True Mate Series

    Tarina Deaton
    Military Romance
    Delilah Devlin
    US Army
    Hot Romance

    ML Doyle
    U.S. Army
    Writing about women in combat boots in mystery, urban fantasy and erotic romance
    Lacey Falcone
    US Air Force
    Tapping into your Flights of Fancy
    Jennifer France
    US Navy
    Erotica Romance where the destiny is love ~ Let me take you on the journey
    Eliza Gayle
    US Marine Corps
    Paranormal and Contemporary Romance
    Allegra Gray
    US Air Force
    History. Adventure. Passion.
    Wayne Greenough
    US Navy
    Romantic Suspense, YA, Juvenile, SciFi, and Hard Boiled Detective
    Gail Hart
    US Air Force (JAG)
    Grown Up Romances for Grown Up Girls

    Ilena Holder
    US Navy
    Contemporary romance
    Kathleen Toomey Jabs
    US Navy
    Myla Jackson
    US Army and US Air Force
    Sinfully Sexy Romance
    Elle James
    US Army and US Air Force
    Escape with…
    LT Kelly
    Royal Air Force (UK)
    Contemporary romance
    Tracey Cramer-Kelly
    Army National Guard
    Military Romance and Medical Drama
    Geri Krotow
    US Navy
    Military Romance
    Ashley Ladd
    US Air Force
    Contemporary Erotic Romance

    Name: Elizabeth Langston
    US Air ForceF, NCANG
    Real people, magical lives
    Mahalia Levey
    US Navy
    The Decadent Side of Sin

    Siera London
    US Navy
    Sweet and Sensual Romance
    Loni Lynne
    US Navy
    Let Fate guide you… One story at a time
    Misty MacRae
    US Navy
    A Dash of Romance with a Dusting of Mystery
    William Maltese
    US Army
    Providing Readers with International Best-Sellers for over Four Decades
    Bob Mayer
    US Army
    Founder of Who Dares Wins Publishing

    Judy McDonough
    US Navy
    Southern Paranormal Romance
    Lindsay McKenna
    US Navy
    Wind River Rancher
    Stacy McKitrick
    US Army
    Even vampires can be bitten by love

    Rae Monet
    Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI)
    All sorts of hot romance
    Shannon Nemechek
    US Army
    Warranted Pleasures A Warranted Series
    GD Ogan
    US Air Force
    Paranormal Action
    Beverly Ovalle
    US Navy
    Happily ever after one book at a time
    Nancy J. Parra
    US Air Force
    Romantic Suspense
    Denise Patrick
    US Army
    Inspirational and Historical Romance
    Sapphire Phelan
    US Army
    Dark heroes and heroines with bite…sink your teeth into romance
    Ella Quinn
    US Army
    Suzie Quint
    US Army
    Falling In Love with Romance
    Isis Rushdan
    US Air Force
    Urban Fantasy Romance
    Jessica Scott
    US Army (active duty)
    Contemporary Military Romance and Non-fiction
    Ann Victor
    US Army
    Short erotic fiction for women on the go…
    Susan Ann Wall
    US Army
    Journey into romance…love always follows.
    Rochelle Weber
    US Navy
    Science Fiction Romance
    Jeane Westin
    US Army
    Historical Romance
    Sandy Wickersham-McWhorter
    US Air Force
    Unexpected Romantic Fiction

    Special Mention

    Military News Blog – former military and police authors
    RomVets – Women Writers of Romance Who Served
    Anne Ashby – Writing Warm Fuzzy and Fun (New Zealand Armed Forces Navy)

    Gone But Not Forgotten

    Terry Irene Blain – US Navy
    Escape to the past with a romantic adventure