Author Interviews

Interviews with authors

  • Sci Fi World,  Space Opera

    Sci Fi Secrets: How Lyndi Alexander wrote Triad #RLFblog #SciFi #SpaceOpera

    Sci Fi Secrets: How Lyndi Alexander wrote Triad #RLFblog #SciFi #SpaceOperaLyndi Alexander, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about your book.

    Triad by Lyndi Alexander

    Genre science fiction, space opera

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): G

    Being at war doesn’t stop the pain of old secrets, the joy of love, or the black hearts of space pirates, as three women commanders discover in Triad, from Dragonfly Publishing.

    On the planet Induna, Trezanna Len leads the Solarii, a small colony of beings, human and otherwise, who believe in the right to pursue a peaceful life free from interference from others. She’d never intended to be the one people counted on, but after she’d been dismissed from her unit at Space Force, she’d drifted along till she found this place mostly populated with travelers from the Terran Diaspora. She’d been welcomed and made comfortable; now she believes the Solarii should do the same for others seeking shelter.

    Of course, no situation is free from trouble. The thorn in Trezanna’s side is another group on a neighboring planet, Miramar: Dragonfleet. Always contentious, this group has become even more aggressive after the ambitious climb to power of Estrella Drake. The unbalanced and self-centered Estrella has lost many of the former Dragonfleet members disillusioned with her petulant rule, including an organized splinter faction called the Khimeyr, who left five years ago.

    Trezanna has been able to handle Estrella’s little incursions into her space, marking them up to the price to co-exist. The exercise keeps her pilots and fighters in good practice. This turns out to be a blessing when the well-armed Arkosian space pirates decide they’d like to take the sector that includes both Miramar and Induna. But Trezanna’s Solarii cannot handle this attack on their own.

    The last time the pirates entered this area of space, Dragonfleet and the Solarii stood together to repel them, but that’s when cooler heads ruled at Miramar.

    Help comes from a most unexpected source, but one that has its own hidden agendas. Three women, Trezanna, Estrella and Catava Rolon, must work out their differences if they are to defeat the pirates and survive.

    What species/races of people are in your book? Descendants of Terran humans; Eponans, who are humanoid, but squat, hairless and witty; the Viorn, a lavender-skinned humanoid with feline characteristics and markings, eyes solid black with no iris

    Language and Culture

    This section describes languages and culture in your story world.

    What languages are spoken in your story universe?

    Most of the groups speak Terran English, whether Australian, American or British descent. Rumadan, the Viorn rolls her r’s like a cat purring.

    In the culture of your story world, what is different from ours?

    I’d like to say the fact they live in a constant state of war, but I guess that’s not so different from our world at the moment.

    What rights (such as equality) are challenges for your characters?

    The Solarii, the Khymehr, Dragonfleet, and the Arkosian space pirates are all fighting over the same bit of space, claiming they have the right to control it.

    Story Setting

    Writers usually know more about their story world than they can say in a book. This is your chance to show off things you couldn’t say or had to imply rather than state.

    Describe one of the worlds where your story takes place.

    Miramar is the home of Dragonfleet, and its climate borders on desert. Parts of the planet are more livable, and Estrella Drake’s headquarters are there. On the whole,

    Dragonfleet tends to be a raucous, lawless group, subject to frequent power grabs and overthrows by combat. Many are more interested in internal politics, and less at being farmers, so the land is barely cultivated. This makes for a society conducive to scavenging and taking what others have, rather than make a heartfelt effort to improve conditions for themselves.

    Tell us about the age of the culture in your story, i.e., are the people part of an ancient civilization, a newly formed group within an established culture, pioneer colonists, etc.

    Trezanna Len and the others are the remains of a colony dropped on the planet Induna in the past few decades. War with the space pirates has cost them dearly in attrition over the years, and ensuing squabbles with other small colonies has only exacerbated this.

    What food or drink is available to your characters?

    The Solarii are able to grow some imported Terran fruits and vegetables that they brought with them, but mostly they deal with canned and potted goods traded with other small colonies around the area.

    Character Physiology

    Whether your characters are humans on a new world, aliens on our world, or something in between, this section discusses their physical nature.

    What are the physical characteristics of the race/species of your main characters?

    Most are humans, descended from Terran stock. The Space Force regulated the Diaspora, opening doors for those moving to the outer worlds with the aliens who inhabited these places. Most tend to cling to their own kind, though.

    What physical differences exist in the way your characters communicate (i.e., telepathy, empathic abilities, etc.) with each other?

    Because there are different species as described above, they’ve settled on Terran English as a standard language. Other than that, they use the standard tech for communication, that has translation software built in.

    Sharing World Building Expertise

    This section lets you share things you learned while writing.

    Please give us three tips you find helpful when creating a story world:

    Building a large enough cast to tell several stories simultaneously–this gives an author the opportunity to show many different facets of the world/society

    The devil is truly in the details–let your reader hear, smell and taste what your characters do.

    In speculative fiction, the sky (and beyond!) is the limit–step out of the box!

    What things should writers avoid when building a science fiction world?

    Making it too cookie cutter. Find something unique and interesting about each one of your cultures and characters.

    Share a resource you found helpful when researching for your story.

    Some of the Star Trek resource books–I’m no rocket scientist, but it’s helpful to have a general blueprint of what systems are inherently constructed in spaceships and what you can do with them.

    What’s your advice for writers who want to create a solid background for their story world?

    Think beyond the surface story line. For example, listen to the news for a day–they talk about economics, politics, food, culture, opinions and who makes them, all of which might not matter at this moment to your pilot flying his shuttle into a spaceport, but which probably impact his life in big-picture ways over the course of your entire tale.

    Where to buy Triad

    Amazon Paperback
    Barnes and Noble

    Lyndi Alexander Social Media

    Lyndi Alexander always dreamed of faraway worlds and interesting alien contacts. She lives as a post-modern hippie in Asheville, North Carolina, a single mother of her last child of seven, a daughter on the autism spectrum, finding that every day feels a lot like first contact with a new species.
    Amazon Author Page


  • Book Release,  Western

    An Agent for Lydia by Caroline Clemmons @CarolinClemmons #RLFblog #NewRelease #historical western romance

    An Agent for Lydia by Caroline Clemmons @CarolinClemmons #RLFblog #NewRelease #historical western romanceCaroline Clemmons, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about your book.

    An Agent for Lydia by Caroline Clemmons

    Genre historical western romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG

    When Lydia Wood is left at the altar, she believes something beyond her groom’s control has happened. Two years with no word have hardened her heart. She has to get away from her parents’ constant urging her to choose an acceptable husband and wed. Becoming a Pinkerton agent suits her plans.

    Pinkerton Agent Jake Hunter has recovered from injuries that put him in a coma and a long convalescence. He realizes Lydia would have been injured had she been with him. He vows to distance himself from the one person who means the world to him to protect her.

    When they are paired for an investigation of bank robbers they must follow the trail to a dangerous hangout of men on the run. Can the two successfully pull off their charade and capture the robbers or will this trip confirm Jake’s worst fears?

    Why did you write this book?

    I was invited by Christine Sterling Bortner, creator of the series. This is my second book in this popular series and I find them fun to write because they’re a bit different. Virginia McKevitt created the covers for the series.

    What is your favorite genre to read?

    Historical western romance set in the mid to late 1800s

    Who is your favorite character from fiction (not including your own)?

    Taylor Stapleton from Prince Charming by Julie Garwood.

    What are you working on at the moment?

    I’m so glad you asked, Kayelle. I’m writing A Bride for Luke, Proxy Bride Series. This is also one of Christine’s multi-author projects. This is my second book in this series.

    What books will we see from you in coming months?

    Stuart, a Bachelors and Babies book releases in March. I look forward to creating awkward situations for bounty hunter Stuart McGee after he rescues a baby. Mail-Order Victoria is in April. Somewhere in here Christine Bortner has a new series set in the Civil War, a book for each state involved. My state is Louisiana. I like writing in her multi-author projects because she is well organized and it’s easy to work with her. In July, Desperate In Delaware for a new series called Yours Truly: Lovelorn.

    Where to buy An Agent for Lydia


    Caroline Clemmons Social Media

    Through a crazy twist of fate, Caroline Clemmons was not born on a Texas ranch. To compensate for this illogical error, she writes about handsome cowboys, feisty ranch women, and scheming villains in a tiny office her family calls her pink cave. She and her Hero live in North Central Texas cowboy country where they ride herd on their dog and three rescued indoor cats as well as providing nourishment outdoors for squirrels, birds, and other critters.
    The over fifty titles she has created in her pink cave have made her an Amazon bestselling author and won several awards. She writes sweet to sensual romances about the West, both historical and contemporary as well as time travel and mystery. Her series include the Kincaids, McClintocks, Stone Mountain Texas, Bride Brigade, Texas Time Travel, Texas Caprock Tales, Loving A Rancher, and Pearson Grove as well as numerous single titles and contributions to multi-author projects. When she’s not writing, she loves spending time with her family, reading her friends’ books, lunching with friends, browsing antique malls, checking Facebook, and taking the occasional nap.
    Twitter (no E in Caroline)
    Amazon Author Page
    Get to know Caroline Clemmons better by signing up for her email newsletter and receive a free e-book for subscribing.


  • 5 Easy Questions,  Contemporary

    Read the new Dancing in the Dark by Cheryl St John @_cherylstjohn_ #RLFblog #romance

    Read the new Dancing in the Dark by Cheryl St John @_cherylstjohn_ #RLFblog #romanceCheryl, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about your book.

    Dancing in the Dark by Cheryl St John

    Genre: Contemporary Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG

    He’d had his own baby. Without her.

    Dusty Cavanaugh has loved Kendra Price since she walked into the school cafeteria and captured a dozen boyish hearts with the sweep of her stormy gray-green gaze and the lift of her chin. College, marriage, and children had been the plan. But then Dusty made a mistake.

    Kendra Price had never wanted to be rich, but she’d wanted to be comfortable, which she was. She’d never wanted to be famous, but to live her passion to the fullest and dance, which she did. She’d wanted to marry Dusty, have babies and live happily ever after. It would never happen.

    She’d wanted to dance, get married and have babies…all she had left was dance.
    He had everything a man could want–except her forgiveness…

    There had been no road map for life apart. Will love be enough to guide them back?

    Describe the perfect vacation.

    My favorite vacation isn’t likely to be everyone’s cup of tea. I don’t want to go to Disneyworld or on a cruise or relax on a beach. I simply love to head out with a very loose itinerary and a final destination, such as a tulip festival or a flea market. Thankfully my husband and I agree, so we don’t stress over a schedule. He loves museums and old architecture and I like to visit historic homes. When we spot a sign indicating an antique store, we veer that direction and browse for hours. Ideally, I’d have a large enough vehicle to shop and haul the purchases home. I’m a collector, so finding something I’ve been searching for is a thrill. Recently I found an original set of Trixie Belden paper dolls.

    Tell us about your favorite toy as a child.

    As a child, I loved paper dolls. I had several purchased sets, plus I drew and cut additional clothes for their wardrobes. I cut all the babies and children from Sears catalogs, so my paper doll couples had children. When my cousin and I got together and combined dolls, we created houses that took over entire rooms, and we dreamed up scenarios for our paper characters. It was a fantasyland I fully embraced. No wonder I became a writer—I still make up stories and fictional scenarios.

    What are your hobbies?

    My husband and I used to upcycle furniture and items for ourselves, and now we upcycle to sell. It’s part business and part enjoyment for me to find items and choose colors and hardware. He does the labor, and then I sell the finished products. We keep a photo album of all our before and after projects.

    I read a lot. I love to bake. I dabble at crafts. It’s taken me years to accept that gathering items for crafts and actually doing the crafts are two different hobbies.

    What kinds of things do you read when you’re researching a new book?

    I start a three-ring binder for each book, and part of its content is research material. I’m still a paper person. I like to read and highlight and flag and have information at hand, so I print what I’m going to need later. I read about occupations and everything involved in a character’s job. Then I find articles or books about people with the same job and, if possible, find someone to interview.

    I study up on the things my character likes to do and their interests. I read about the location and its history. Quite often I research situations, and I find information about factual people and circumstances. Most recently I’ve done a lot of research on child kidnapping survivors and the psychological effects of having been a kidnapping victim.

    I also try to read a new author or recent popular fiction, but nothing with the same subject matter, because I want to be inspired, not influenced. However, I never let researching take the place of productivity. If I’m not producing pages, I’m only stalling, so I write—and research as I go.

    If the hero of your latest book called you on the phone, what would be a perfect ringtone for him?

    Perfect by Ed Sheeran. The line “Baby, I’m dancing in the dark, with you between my arms” was the inspiration for my title. I create a playlist for each new book. I don’t listen while I’m writing—I need quiet to write—but I listen often and add or remove songs as I’m moved to do so. The song plays a part in the book, so it will always remind me of Dusty and Kendra.

    Where to buy Dancing in the Dark

    Publisher: Aspen Gold Books
    Universal link:
    Barnes and Noble:

    Cheryl St John on Social Media

    Cheryl is the author of more than fifty historical and contemporary romances. Her stories have earned numerous awards and are published in over a dozen languages. In describing her stories of second chances and redemption, readers and reviewers use words like, “emotional punch, hometown feel, core values, believable characters and real-life situations.” Her bestselling non-fiction books, Writing With Emotion, Tension & Conflict and Write Smart, Write Happy by Writers Digest Books are available in print and digital.
    Amazon Author Page
    Get to know Cheryl St John better by signing up for her email newsletter.
    Aspen Gold Series Newsletter:


  • Quick and Fun,  Suspense

    Read the new book The Turkish Affair by J Arlene Culiner @JArleneCuliner #RLFblog #RomanticSuspense

    Read the new book The Turkish Affair by J Arlene Culiner@JArleneCuliner #RLFblog #RomanticSuspenseJ Arlene Culiner, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about your book.

    Hello, Kayelle. Thanks for inviting me to be here, on your blog. The Turkish Affair takes place on an archaeological site in a dangerous part of Turkey.

    When archaeologist Renaud Townsend discovers translator Anne Pierson wandering around the ancient Hittite site of Karakuyu outside of official hours, his interest is aroused. He likes the way she moves, the swing of her hair, and the tilt of her eyes. But priceless artifacts have been disappearing, and he knows he shouldn’t be attracted to a woman he knows nothing about.

    Anne Pierson has been hiding her past for years, moving from one country to the next. Now settled in Turkey and working as a translator, she has given up dreams of romance — what man would be interested in a woman once notorious for her extra-marital affair with an embezzler? But after meeting Renaud Townsend, all thoughts of self-preservation vanish. Her fingers long to reach out, caress the hardness of his chest, and the lazy tones of his voice turn her butter soft.

    But no matter how strong the attraction between Renaud and Anne, a short fling is out of the question. Here, in eastern Turkey, the police are corrupt, religion rules daily life, and Anne’s bad reputation can put them both in danger.

    The Turkish Affair by J Arlene Culiner

    Genre : Romantic Suspense

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): Sensual

    Love and Danger at the ancient Hittite site of Karakuyu

    Priceless artifacts are disappearing from the ancient Hittite site of Karakuyu in Turkey, and the site director has vanished. Called in to solve the mystery, archaeologist Renaud Townsend is hindered by both his inability to speak the language and the knowledge that the local police are corrupt. His attraction to translator Anne Pierson is immediate, although he is troubled by her refusal to talk about the past and her fear of public scandal. But when murder enters the picture, both Anne and Renaud realize that the risk of falling in love is not the only danger


    Do you write more than one genre? If so, what are they?…

    I mainly write Small Town Romance and Romantic Suspense, but I also write unromantic mysteries, and non-fiction history and biography.

    How do you come up with ideas?…

    I’m often inspired by a view, but usually a story slowly takes shape in my mind, Most of the time, I have no idea where it comes from or when it will grow into a complete tale.

    What is the single most important part of writing for you?…

    The excitement of working on the second and third drafts, because I now refine the language, develop the characters, and enlarge the scenes. It’s the most interesting part of writing.

    When did you write your first book?…

    Like many writers, I wrote my first book when I was very young — perhaps fourteen or fifteen. I have no idea if it was any good, because my mother threw the manuscript in the garbage when I was away at summer camp.


    Leather or lace? Definitely lace.

    Black or red? Both are wonderful

    Satin sheets or smooth cotton? If I have a choice, I’d prefer those heavy old linen sheets from a hundred years ago. They are collector’s items, and I have a whole stack of them. They are just wonderful to sleep in.

    Ocean or mountains? Neither. Give me a flat plain or a desert, and I’m in seventh heaven.

    City life or country life? Country life. I hate cities.

    Party life or evening at home? An evening at home. At parties, I keep looking at my watch, wondering when I can leave.

    Dogs or cats? Both, please.

    Where to buy The Turkish Affair

    Publisher The Wild Rose Press
    Barnes and Noble

    J Arlene Culiner Social Media

    Writer, photographer, social critical artist, musician, and occasional actress, J. Arlene Culiner, was born in New York and raised in Toronto. She has crossed much of Europe on foot, has lived in a Hungarian mud house, a Bavarian castle, a Turkish cave-dwelling, on a Dutch canal, and in a haunted house on the English moors. She now resides in a 400-year-old former inn in a French village of no interest and, much to local dismay, protects all creatures, especially spiders and snakes. She particularly enjoys incorporating into short stories, mysteries, narrative non-fiction, and romances, her experiences in out-of-the-way communities, and her conversations with strange characters.
    Amazon Author Page
    Sound Cloud Storytelling Podcast:


  • Contemporary,  Fiction Furbaby

    Fiction Furbaby: Meet Mike from The Mighty Finn by Holly Bargo @HollyBargoBooks @RobsRescues #RLFblog #Pets

    Fiction Furbaby: Meet Mike from The Mighty Finn by Holly Bargo @HollyBargoBooks @RobsRescues #RLFblog #PetsHolly Bargo, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We support all furbabies, real life or fictional. We want to know all about your Fiction Furbaby, but first, please tell us about your book.

    The Mighty Finn by Holly Bargo

    Genre Contemporary

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R

    Meet Mike from The Mighty Finn

    Full name: Mickey Finn

    Nickname: Finn

    Gender: Male

    Species: Canine

    Physical description: Black and white harlequin Great Dane

    Relationship to main character: Pet/savior/confident/protector

    Relationship to the villain/antagonist: There really is no one villain in this story

    Where this furbaby came from: A breeder

    How do other characters react to or interact with this furbaby?

    All characters in the book interact with Finn. One of the running themes within the story is that wherever Charlotte goes, Finn goes, too. Anyplace Finn isn’t welcome Charlotte doesn’t go.

    What does this furbaby add to the story?

    One reviewer called The Mighty Finn a combination of two love stories: 1) the relationship between a woman and her dog and 2) the relationship between a woman and a man. That pretty much describes it.

    In the story, Charlotte is physically and emotionally scarred from a horrific experience. Finn was crucial in saving her and he continues to protect her from all threats, while serving as her constant companion, emotional support, confidante, and friend. There was a time in my life when the only friends I had were my dog and my horse. Charlotte doesn’t have a horse, but this dog for her is what my dog was for me at that time, only more so.

    What about this furbaby will readers like, and why?

    I think Finn is the dog we all wish we had, regardless of breed. He’s not perfect—food left on kitchen countertops overcomes his ability to resist it—but he’s totally wonderful as well as housebroken. I have a Great Dane and she’s … well … timid. Finn, however, is utterly devoted to Charlotte, protective of her, and still gentle enough to play with children.

    Deceased author Robert B. Parker once described his famous character Spenser as an enhanced version of himself. Spenser ages through the series even as Parker aged in the writing of the books. He said that if he could do A, then Spenser could do A plus 5. In the same manner, Finn is my dog’s A plus 5, very real yet enhanced.

    Please share an interesting fact or tidbit about this furbaby.

    A bitch can incubate offspring from two different males at the same time. That’s where Finn’s name comes in, an old fashioned reference of having been slipped a Mickey Finn. Finn’s dam had an oddball puppy in a litter, one obviously sired by a different dog.

    Describe a humorous incident involving the animal character.

    Early in the book when Charlotte and Finn are playing with a Frisbee on the beach, the dog crashes into the romantic hero, Eric. I have long loved Great Danes and currently own one. For supposedly graceful, dignified dogs, they’re often quite goofy and clumsy. In this scene, it wasn’t difficult for me to imagine the big dog at his goofiest paying more attention to the toy than to his environment, making the tangle of man and dog realistic and worth a laugh that could have been viewed on America’s Funniest Home Videos. Of course, Eric at the time reacts badly and doesn’t accept Charlotte’s mortified apology.

    About Selina Kyle

    This post is called Fiction Furbaby, but perhaps your own pet does not have fur. If you have a pet that has fins, wings, scales, or other features, please tell us about them here.

    Which, if any of the pets in your writing are modeled after your own pets? In what way?

    Finn wasn’t really modeled upon a specific pet I had—and the Great Dane I have now hadn’t been born when I wrote this story—but he is based on what I’d imagine the most wonderful Great Dane to be like.

    What do your pets do when you are writing?

    Depends. I have six cats and one dog. The cats primarily sleep, eat, and antagonize each other. Occasionally, they visit me. The dog sleeps, eats, and constantly wants in or out. Several times a day she begs for attention.

    What’s the most unusual pet you ever had?

    The most unusual pet I ever had wasn’t really mine. It was more like a family pet: a wild mud puppy. When I was a kid, we had newts. After a few years, they all died. My oldest brother found a salamander-like animal and brought it into the house. We were fascinated and immediately adopted it as a pet. We cuddled with it, fed it insects, and generally treated it like a family member for the next couple of months until a neighbor saw it and informed my mother that it was a mud puppy and poisonous. So, we had to let it go.

    Where did you find your pet?

    My current dog came to us from a family who decided they no longer wanted a big dog.

    My husband, older son, and I had gone out to dinner the night after Thanksgiving when my husband received a text from one of his staff. He could have simply not responded, replied with a “no,” or have declined to mention it to me. But he held up his cell phone and showed me a photo of a black Great Dane whose family wanted to rehome. We were without a dog at that time—and I had no intention of getting another dog. However, he knew I had a soft spot for Great Danes.

    To make a long story short, I said we’d take her. That was two years ago. We learned that her first family had adopted her as a tiny puppy. Their son was five years old at the time and a comic book fan. He named her after Catwoman.

    What do you feed your pet?

    Selina gets better quality kibble. I make an effort to avoid feeding her anything with wheat, corn, or soy, because dogs don’t digest those ingredients well.

    Describe a toy or favorite item your pet loves.

    Selina has one toy, a rope tug toy. We’ve tried enticing her with other toys, like rawhide bones, but she has no interest in them. She won’t play tug-of-war with her tug toy, but she does flip it up and toss it around and she’ll chew on it. She knows that toy is hers and where it belongs (i.e., not on the coffee table or my desk).

    Where to buy The Mighty Finn

    Publisher Hen House Publishing

    Holly Bargo Social Media

    Holly Bargo never outgrew a love of fairy tales, legends, and myths. Or horses. However, one foot must remain firmly planted in the real world which is where Holly makes her living as a freelance writer and editor. She and her husband have two grown children and live on a southwest Ohio hobby farm with a menagerie indoor and outdoor animals.
    When she’s not working on other people’s documents or reading, Holly finds time to transfer the voices in her head to paper … er … computer. If she doesn’t, there’s a definite possibility her mind will explode.
    And for those who might wonder from where the pseudonym of Holly Bargo came, it’s quite simple really. Horses. Namely an elegant and temperamental Appaloosa mare who has long since crossed the Rainbow Bridge and is fondly remembered for guarding toddler children and crushing a brand new pager.
    But that’s another story.
    Amazon Author Page

    Shout out to Rob’s Rescues – founded by a 9-year-old animal activist

    Rob’s Rescues is a non-profit organization in Georgia helping people in need care for and feed their pets. It was founded in 2014 by a then nine-year-old boy. Rob’s Rescues is dedicated to collecting pet food for people in need to reduce shelter surrenders, and to advocating for the adoption of shelter pets. Rob writes monthly articles advocating for shelter animals in the Around About Local Media magazine publications. His column was first published in 2014. He also has pet food collection sites for people in need in the community and interviews amazing people. His interviews appear online once they are published in his column.
    Rob volunteers for Pet Buddies Food Pantry, the Cherokee County Animal Shelter and Cobb County Animal Control and collects pet food for these organizations and the communities they serve. He also wants to bring attention to smaller, rural shelters. Mostly he wants to get kids to be Rob’s Rangers to teach kids that they can help shelter animals. Rob has also talked to kids in a classroom setting.
    Rob’s Rescues is a Non-Profit Corporation and all donations are tax deductible.


  • Contemporary,  Fiction Furbaby

    Fiction Furbaby: Meet Mike from The Cat’s Out of the Bag by Cynthia Terelst @CynthiaTerelst @RobsRescues #RLFblog #Pets

    Fiction Furbaby: Meet Mike from The Cat's out of the Bag by Cynthia Terelst @CynthiaTerelst @RobsRescues #RLFblog #PetsCynthia Terelst, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We support all furbabies, real life or fictional. We want to know all about your Fiction Furbaby, but first, please tell us about your book.

    The Cat’s Out of the Bag by Cynthia Terelst

    Genre Contemporary Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R

    One van. Two hearts. Thousands of kilometres.

    Jesse’s a self-made billionaire who yearns to get away from his empty life and the money-hungry parasites who inhabit it. The plan? Go to Australia, tell no one about his money and find himself. Instead of finding just himself, he finds Evie, who is everything anyone should aspire to be. Now, what he aspires to be, is hers. But to be hers, he needs to tell her everything.

    Evie has left her past behind. She has rebuilt herself, and her life, into one of happiness. After she meets Jesse, while volunteering at a cat shelter, memories of her past filter back in. She is stronger now and wants to trust him. But after all she has been through, is trust even possible?

    The quest to find a cat a forever home leads them to travel across the country together. Can the close quarters drive them to open up to each other? Or will it drive them apart?

    Meet Mike from The Cat’s Out of the Bag

    Full name: Mike

    Nickname: Mike

    Gender: M

    Species: Feline

    Physical description: Domestic Shorthair, ginger, light green eyes

    Relationship to main character: Lives at the cat shelter where the Evie volunteers

    Where this furbaby came from: he was lost, a family found him in their backyard and surrendered him to the cat shelter. His was not microchipped, which meant his owners could not be contacted. His owners never came to find him.

    Do you have any working or service animals in your stories? Tell us about them.


    What inspired you to create this character?

    I volunteer as a foster carer for a local cat rescue. There are a few cats which are difficult to adopt – black cats and older cats. I wanted to write about an older cat to show people how sweet and intuitive they are.

    What does the main character think about this furbaby?

    Evie and Jesse both adore Mike. Jesse is drawn to Mike as soon as he meets him, showing how kind Jesse is.

    What does the villain/antagonist think about this furbaby?


    How do other characters react to or interact with this furbaby?

    Both Evie and Jesse enjoy spending time with Mike. When Evie introduces Jesse to Mike, she does it with affection. Mike is old, partly deaf and very wise. Evie and Jesse go to him at separate times to talk over their feelings. He might be partly deaf but he is a good listener and knows what’s going on.

    What does this furbaby eat?

    The cats at the shelter eat good quality dry food and fresh meat. The chewing action required for the cats to eat fresh meat helps keep their teeth clean and healthy.

    What is this furbaby’s natural habitat?

    Mike has lived at the cat shelter for a year, waiting patiently for his forever home. He lives in a large enclosure with several other cats. They have cat scratch posts, toys to play with and hammocks to sleep in.

    What does this furbaby add to the story?

    Even though Mike can’t talk he offers the best advice. He helps bring Evie and Jesse together. Not to mention, he has an awesome personality.

    What about this furbaby will readers like, and why?

    He is gentle and intuitive.

    Please share an interesting fact or tidbit about this furbaby.

    If Mike had the ability to roll his eyes he definitely would.

    About Kimmy and Possum

    Fiction Furbaby: Meet Mike from The Cat's out of the Bag by Cynthia Terelst @CynthiaTerelst @RobsRescues #RLFblog #PetsThis post is called Fiction Furbaby, but perhaps your own pet does not have fur. If you have a pet that has fins, wings, scales, or other features, please tell us about them here.

    I have two cats, Kimmy and Possum. I have had up to five foster kittens in my home at one time. That was a lot of hard work, I prefer two to three.

    Which, if any of the pets in your writing are modeled after your own pets? In what way?

    Mike reminds me of Kimmy who is also old. She waits patiently for her food. She sits and waits until it is served. Possum, on the other hand, demands her food and is in your face until she gets it.

    What do your pets do when you are writing?

    Sleep, usually. When I have foster kittens, they like to be close, sometimes walking over the keyboard or using it as a pillow.

    What’s the most unusual pet you ever had?

    Probably hermit crabs. Once we left our dog inside with them while we said goodbye to guests. When we came back in, she had one of them in her mouth. She let it go, but it died a few days after.

    Where did you find your pet?

    Kimmy came from a local refuge and Possum was a foster fail through a local rescue.

    What do you feed your pet?

    Good quality dry food and fresh meat. It can get quite expensive when foster kittens are in the house. They eat like teenage boys.

    Describe a toy or favorite item your pet loves.

    Kimmy loves soft toys; she carries them around the house. Possum is not into toys; she is more food and pat orientated.

    Where to buy The Cat’s out of the Bag


    Cynthia Terelst Social Media

    Cynthia Terelst is a project officer by day and a writer by night. She is a contemporary romance writer who likes to share a little bit of history, some Australian scenery and a whole lotta love. Cynthia does not shy away from difficult topics, as she feels that they should not be ignored.

    She lives in Queensland, Australia, where the sun shines at least 283 days a year.







    Amazon Author Page

    Get to know Cynthia Terelst better by signing up for their email newsletter.

    Shout out to Rob’s Rescues – founded by a 9-year-old animal activist

    Rob’s Rescues is a non-profit organization in Georgia helping people in need care for and feed their pets. It was founded in 2014 by a then nine-year-old boy. Rob’s Rescues is dedicated to collecting pet food for people in need to reduce shelter surrenders, and to advocating for the adoption of shelter pets. Rob writes monthly articles advocating for shelter animals in the Around About Local Media magazine publications. His column was first published in 2014. He also has pet food collection sites for people in need in the community and interviews amazing people. His interviews appear online once they are published in his column.
    Rob volunteers for Pet Buddies Food Pantry, the Cherokee County Animal Shelter and Cobb County Animal Control and collects pet food for these organizations and the communities they serve. He also wants to bring attention to smaller, rural shelters. Mostly he wants to get kids to be Rob’s Rangers to teach kids that they can help shelter animals. Rob has also talked to kids in a classroom setting.
    Rob’s Rescues is a Non-Profit Corporation and all donations are tax deductible.

    Fraser Coast Cat Rescue


    To set up a successful fostering unit in Hervey Bay and Maryborough eventually extending to cover the Fraser Coast Region. Our dream is to also set up a regular desexing system to make it an affordable option for all Cat owners. Ultimately we would also like to set up a feral cat catch, desex, release and monitor programme to reduce the feral colonies around our towns.
