Christmas or Holiday

A romance set during Christmas or with holiday themes during the latter part of the year.

  • Christmas or Holiday

    Contemporary Holiday: Christmas Goes Analog @Kate_Lowell #RLFblog #LGBT

    Christmas Goes Analog 

    Kate Lowell, welcome
    to Romance Lives Forever. Let’s talk about your book, Christmas Goes Analog.

    Genre: Contemporary
    Publisher: Loose Id
    Cover artist: Valerie
    Length: 30,000 words
    Heat rating: Explicit
    Tagline: When plans
    to celebrate a traditional Christmas together with Rob’s family fall apart, Shawn
    decides to create their own Christmas tradition.
    When Rob’s dad was injured
    by an uninsured driver, it spelled the end of Rob’s carefree childhood and, more
    important to Rob, the idyllic Christmases they used to have. Hard work and sacrifice
    nets him a degree in computer programming and then a contract at a rapidly-growing
    video game company. Things are looking up, especially when he meets his new System
    Administrator. But the closer it gets to Christmas, the more bugs there are in the
    Shawn’s found him. The
    Guy. But Rob’s had it rough and it’s been years since he’s been anything but responsible.
    It all comes boiling to the surface when a family financial crisis is followed by
    a work emergency that ruins Rob’s plans to bring Shawn home to meet the family over
    Christmas holidays.
    With Rob’s mood growing
    darker the closer it gets to Christmas, Shawn needs to find some way to give Rob
    the Christmas he’s so desperate for. And he just might have the plan…
    Buy links:
    Loose Id
    What are your main characters’ names, ages, and
    Robert Forbes, 24, works
    as a video game programmer
    Shawn Thomson, 26, works
    as a system administrator/hardware guy at the same video game company as Rob.


    How did you get your start in the industry?
    I was laid off one summer,
    from a job I hated, and decided that I would give the writing a serious go, as a
    way to take back the parts of me that the hostile work environment had crushed.
    I started several different projects, in differing genres, and kept noodling away
    at them until I had one finished. At some point, I stumbled across my online critique
    group, which has been the best thing that ever happened to me, because it was their
    support and approval that convinced me to submit something. I was lucky enough to
    catch the eye of Raven McKnight at Loose Id and it’s been a fantastic experience.
    It’s nice to work with someone who gets your goofy jokes and actively encourages
    your weirdness and ‘not in the box’-ness.
    What is the most important thing you do for your
    career now, as compared to when you first started writing?
    I give it time and treat
    it seriously. I think I’m more forward about promotion, because a professional treats
    promotion like a part of the job. And I’m more likely to give myself the ‘down’
    time between drafts, because I understand how I write much better now. I tend to
    write a clean first draft, but–like many pantsers–it’s more of a detailed outline,
    not a full first draft. Rewrites
    Underground Erotica

    are necessary to add in the layers of information
    and make sure plot elements are properly supported. So I keep a number of different
    projects going at once (I have about a dozen right now, at various stages, from
    single scenes to more than half finished.)

    What websites do you visit daily?
    Daily? My email. Twitter.
    Absolute Write. My critique group. News sites and any interesting links that show
    up in my Twitter feed or elsewhere. I try to stay off the internet, if I can, since
    it can be a huge time waster and I’d rather make words.
    If you could change something about your first
    book, what would it be?
    Lol. I’d write the prequel
    first. The biggest complaint about the first book was that people wanted to know
    the story of how Levi and Glynn got together. Bite Me Tender took place about four
    years into their relationship. But I love those two so much, they’ll definitely
    be coming back.
    What do you enjoy most about writing?
    I like that I’m independent,
    that it’s a structured activity that taps my creativity in a way that everyday life
    doesn’t even come close to. If you want to get all psychological about it, I’m an
    INTJ, which makes me analytical, creative and someone who can’t help fusing things
    that, on the surface, don’t belong together. Writing feeds a part of me that the
    day job can’t even touch.
    If you could give the younger version of yourself
    advice what would it be?
    Write anyway. Find some
    time. Find some people to help you learn to do it better. Don’t be ashamed of your
    ideas, don’t let anyone tell you that girls can’t write scifi or fantasy. Own your
    weirdness and seek out people who are also weird. Experiment. Don’t think of a failed
    project as a waste–it’s practice.
    And don’t let anyone
    tell you that you’re too aggressive and it’s not appropriate. Screw that. Push.
    What is your work ethic when it comes to writing?
    When not tied down by
    other responsibilities, I like to hit a minimum of 1500 words a day, though not
    necessarily all on the same project. It’s nice if I get it all on one, but it rarely
    works that way. A lot of days I’ll go beyond that, but not always. I keep a number
    of projects going at the same time, because some days my subconscious isn’t ready
    with the next step of a story, so I move to something else. As long as words are
    coming out, I’m happy, but there have to be words each day.
    How do you cope with stress as an author?
    Work avoidance, until
    I can’t take it anymore. :P Then I very deliberately open up a file that doesn’t
    have a due date and put about 250 words on it. After that, things tend to flow smoothly.
    But I do have a tendency, once I get a book open, to obsess over it and work on
    it all the time, which is part of my stress-coping mechanism.
    Do things your family or friends do ever end
    up in a book?
    Can I plead the Fifth,
    even if I’m Canadian?
    I’ll confess, names
    of people around me often end up in books. Very rarely do personalities get transplanted,
    though, since characters tend to arrive in my head with very definite ideas of who
    they are and what they want. Random stories often appear, with names changed to
    protect the guilty. You’re all fodder to the word machine!
    What kind of books do you read when taking a
    break from your own writing?
    I read MM and other
    LGBT fiction, plus a variety of fantasy and science fiction. I’m a spec fic writer
    by nature, but I love the challenges of writing in the MM genre and the freedom
    it gives me to write about themes and ideas that are skated over or often downright
    ignored in mainstream publishing. So I go back and forth between my two loves. Last
    MM book read was the Power Play duology by Rachel Haimowitz and Cat Grant. Last
    sff book (series, really) read was John Scalzi’s Old Man’s War, which was an interesting
    setting, though I found I was getting a little tired of the ‘Oh, what a cool universe
    I’ve created’ by the fourth book, and began hoping for a bit more story.
    Bite Me Tender 
    What good book have you read recently?
    I listen to a lot of
    audiobooks, because I do a lot of driving. So, I’m ‘reading’ Joe Abercrombie’s The
    Blade Itself trilogy, which is a pretty interesting take on the fantasy genre. It
    looks on the surface like a fairly generic epic fantasy, but he takes a number of
    classic fantasy archetypes and–shifts them, ever so slightly. Odd little combinations.
    His characters are likeable, the story keeps me coming back, though it’s so subtle
    I really can’t explain the draw. Next book slated for listening is a non-fiction
    about sociopaths.
    What do you like to do when you’re bored?
    Lol, I do research.
    Or household repairs. There’s always a list for both. Right now, I’m researching
    San Francisco history,
    reading up on police procedures and making lists of angelic hierarchies. I’m also
    fixing two broken chairs, building support frames for the firewood in the basement
    and contemplating building a swinging gate in the pony barn.
    If you were a color, what color would you be?
    Red. Definitely red.
    Or midnight blue.

    Please complete the sentences

    I love pizza with ham
    and pineapple
    I’m always ready for
    a nice bottle of red wine. Australian, preferably.
    When I’m alone, I giggle
    and immediately throw my to-do list out the window, in favour of reading about boys
    in love and drinking wine.
    You’d never be able
    to tell from looking at my house, but at work I’m really incredibly organized.
    Anally so, so to speak.
    If I had a halo it would
    be dented and crooked, or lost under a pile of papers somewhere.
    If I could change
    one thing about myself
    , I’d like to be able to sing, instead of just scaring
    small children.
    I can never watch
    horror movies
    because then I’m trapped in my house with the axe in my hand,
    until the authorities take me away.

    Previous Books

    Bite Me Tender
    Blurb: Levi is a werewolf.
    His boyfriend, and the love of his life, is a witch. After living together for three
    years, they decided to commit to each other and change Glyn into a werewolf. Levi
    hoped the pack would accept Glyn more readily as a wolf. Glyn hoped it would eliminate
    his erratic magic and erase the OCD it caused. One year later, they’re still trying…
    Levi can’t understand
    why his bite won’t change Glyn and he’s running out of time to figure it out. His
    pack is being threatened by a larger one, he’s facing dissension in the ranks of
    his own ruling council and Glyn’s grandmother is poking her witchy nose into their
    Under threat of a violent
    takeover, the council pushes another potential wolf at Levi, infuriating Glyn and
    adding weight to Levi’s own doubts. Council machinations divide the two lovers,
    leaving both men questioning their lives, their love, and what they’re willing to
    endure for each other.
    Full moon is a time
    of power and change. It could be a disaster, or it could be the key to happily ever
    after. If they’re strong enough to wrestle their happiness from its bloody claws.
    Nuts About You (in the Forgotten Menagerie anthology)
    Blurb: Nathan’s been
    crushing on one of his regular Bulk Mart customers for a while now. In squirrel
    form, he sits on Vince’s bird feeders, munching on seeds and enjoying the eye candy.
    Until the day Vince notices him raiding the feeder…
    Storm Moon Press
    Love Underground
    Contemporary Romantic
    Comedy, found in the Underground Erotica anthology. It was produced by a group of
    erotica writers at Absolute Write as a fundraiser to help support the massive forums
    there. My story is about the lengths we go to, in order to make our loved ones proud
    of us. Even if it means trying to ignore your claustrophobia to go spelunking with
    your outdoorsy boyfriend.

    Find Me Here

    Website: The Blunt Instrument

  • Christmas or Holiday

    Christmas Recipe: Tomato Cake w/Cream Cheese Frosting @VickiBatman #RLFblog

     Great Fruitcake Bake Off
    Welcome Vicki Batman to the blog with a wonderful cake recipe that has a secret ingredient (tomato soup).
    When I grew up, my mom and her family baked and crafted special
    things at Christmas time. Mom and our neighbor spent a whole day making divinity,
    and yes, it was divine. My sisters and I did Wrap-a-thon. My grandmother was known
    for her special dessert: Tomato Cake.
    Before you get all weirdly freaked out, know this: I am/was a
    picky eater and I loved this cake. It does have tomato soup in it, but you know
    what? If you didn’t know that was an ingredient, you’d love it too. There are spices,
    nuts, raisins, and a decadent cream cheese frosting.
    This year, I wrote a hilarious holiday story entitled “The
    Great Fruitcake Bake-off.” I do like fruitcake. There are lots of varieties,
    some of which don’t have the candied fruit we’ve come to associate with the treat.
    Care to be daring and try a variation on Grandmother’s holiday

    Tomato Cake

    From Campbells
    2 cups all-purpose flour
    1 1/3 cups sugar
    4 teaspoons baking powder
    1 1/2 teaspoons ground allspice
    1 teaspoon baking soda
    1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
    1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
    1 can (10 3/4 ounces) Campbell’s®
    Condensed Tomato Soup
    1/2 cup vegetable shortening
    2 eggs
    1/4 cup water
    Heat the oven to 350°F. Grease a 13×9-inch baking pan. Stir the
    flour, sugar, baking powder, allspice, baking soda, cinnamon and cloves in a large
    bowl. Add the soup, shortening, eggs and water. Beat with an electric mixer on low
    speed just until blended. Increase the speed to high and beat for 4 minutes. Pour
    the batter into the pan. Bake for 40 minutes or until a toothpick inserted in the
    center comes out clean. Let the cake cool in the pan on a wire rack for 20 minutes.
    Frost with:

    Pineapple Cream Cheese Frosting:

    ½ C crushed pineapple with juice
    2 packages (8 ounces each) cream cheese, softened
    1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened
    2 1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract
    2 3/4 cups confectioners’ sugar
    Beat the cream cheese, butter, and vanilla extract in a medium
    bowl with an electric mixer on medium-high speed for 2 minutes or until the mixture
    is smooth and creamy. Beat in the confectioners’ sugar. Add the pineapple and juice,
    1 tablespoon at a time, until the frosting is the desired consistency. Fill and
    frost the cake.
    This version is a tad different from Grandmother’s as it uses
    eggs and my sissie likes the Pineapple Cream Cheese Frosting. Grandmother added
    raisins and chopped dates too.
    And just to keep you hungry, here’s a fun excerpt from
    “The Great Fruitcake Bake-off.” Happy Holidays to you and yours!

    Buy Links

    And other e-retailers on December 6.

    About the Author

    Like some of her characters, award-winning author, Vicki Batman has worked a wide variety of jobs including lifeguard, ride attendant at an amusement park; a hardware store, department store, book store, antique store clerk; administrative assistant in an international real estate firm; and a general “do anything gal” at a financial services firm–the list is endless.

    Writing for several years, she has completed three manuscripts, written essays, and sold many short stories to True Love, True Romance, True Confessions, Noble Romance Publishing, Long And Short Reviews, and Museitup Publishing. She is a member of RWA and several writing groups and chapters. In 2004, she joined DARA and has served in many capacities, including 2009 President. DARA awarded her the Robin Teer Memorial Service Award in 2010.

    Most days begin with her hands set to the keyboard and thinking “What if??”

    Find Me Here

  • Christmas or Holiday

    Cover Love: Misrule’s Mistress @nhurleymoore #RLFblog

    Misrule’s Mistress


    Cover Love at Romance Lives Forever is a short intro to a
    book and includes a cover, blurb, buy links, and social media contacts for the
    author. Today’s featured book is Misrule’s Mistress by Nicole Hurley-Moore.
    Lord Barric Cranley wants Lady Ellette for his wife but she has
    already refused once. He knows that Ellette loves him…it’s just she hasn’t realized
    it yet. With a little help, cunning and the Feast of Misrule, Barric plans to capture
    his bride and make it a Christmas she’ll never forget.
    Buy links

    Find Me Here

  • Christmas or Holiday

    Where Inspiration Comes From @vickibatman #rlfblog

    LittleBirdie Who…

    The subtitle of this blog article is “It Just Came to Me!”
    I’m turning over the blog to Vicki Batman today for her article on inspiration
    for books.

    “It Just Came to Me!”

    I’m always asked where do you get your ideas for stories?
    Ideas can be found everywhere–a phrase, a word, a journal post,
    a look, something overheard in a restaurant, something spoken on television…lots
    of places. Something in my head goes boing! and I scribble it down.
    I began writing shorts after critiquing for a friend. I guess
    osmosis set in because the next thing I knew, I’d written a whole bunch.
    Over the years, I’ve had many stories published in magazines
    and thru e-publishers. However one magazine, Woman’s World, has eluded me. It isn’t
    because my stuff is awful. Woman’s World receives over two hundred submissions per
    week. Some of mine have been commented on; some kept for several months (the longer
    the better). And others…they were returned quickly. LOL
    So what does an author do with those stories? I’ve published
    them for free reads. Expanded into longer stories and then, sold them.
    However, when the indie wave intensified, I got a badabing!
    idea–why not put several stories together into a small book?
    So I did. My baby is born–“Little Birdie Who…and Other
    Here’s a tiny blurb from each story in “Little Birdie Who”
    and what inspired that story:
    “Little Birdie Who”–a new resident helps
    her next door neighbor rescue a little bird, but who is the birdie worth keeping?
    Handsome and I actually rescued a little bird stuck on a pest
    strip in our garage.
    “Check Her Out”–Gum: it’s a sticky situation,
    especially between a store manager and Auntie Caren when her nephew has to pay for
    the package he stole.
    I know someone whose son stole gum several times when he was
    five. Her rendition (and exasperation) stayed in my head and I just had to tell
    the tale.
    “This is NOT Working”–Who knew Day One at
    a new job would begin so badly and end with possibilities?
    Who hasn’t had a horrible day at a new job, but to make it a
    first day ramped up the heroine’s awful situation. And someone near and dear said
    he forgot to turn on his computer one day, and it nearly drove him crazy.
    So if you are sitting in a café, airport lounge, or do something
    crazy, you might be overheard by a writer and become an inspiration for the next
    Little Birdie Who is COMING SOON!
    Twinkle Lights

    Available Now:

    Twinkle Lights
    When the owner of a Christmas tree stand has a heart attack, a do-gooder and a reformed delinquent turned lawyer fall under the holiday spirit and staff the business. The two-some meet the everyday challenges of running the establishment and through their close association, began to care for each other. When the revenue goes missing, fingers are pointed.
    Buy link:

    About the Author

    Vicki Batman kicks back with a diet Coke and–hopefully–is weaving
    writing magic.

    Find Me Here

  • Christmas or Holiday

    Character Interview: Blake @jamidavenport #christmas #romance

    Love at First Snow.

    Jami Davenport, welcome to Romance Lives Forever.
    Let’s talk about your book, Love at First Snow.
    Genre: Contemporary Romance (Holiday Romance, Christmas Romance, Lunchbox Romance)
    Buy links:
    Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group
    Cover artist: Chris Keeslar
    Length: 13,050 words
    Heat rating: 3 out of 5
    Tagline: A Christmas Miracle
    Four years ago, NHL defenseman
    Blake Daniels lost his entire family in a floatplane crash. This Christmas a snowstorm
    and a small gray kitten will lead him to life, love, and a whole new shot at happiness.
    What are your main characters’ names, ages, and
    Dr. Sarah Whitney (32) Veterinarian
    Blake Daniels (34) Former NHL Hockey Player

    Interview With Blake Daniels

    Tell us about yourself. What
    are you like?
    For a long time, I was
    driven and focused on my hockey career. After the tragedy four years ago in which
    I lost my entire family, I spent the next four years floundering like a ship lost
    at sea. My career went down the tank, and my personal life was even worse. Meeting
    Sarah this Christmas changed all of that. Now I have a direction and a future that’s
    bright. I’ll be opening a little bistro on one of the islands (San Juan Islands) because I love to cook.
    What do you think is your strongest
    I think my kindness
    to animals and others.
    Do you have a weakness? (If
    so, what do you think it is? What does your lover think it is? What does your enemy
    think it is?)
    I think my weakness
    is my tendency to close up when things get tough and keep everything inside. I’m
    pretty sure she’d agree with that, though she’s better at getting me to open up
    than anyone else I’ve ever met except my mother. The only enemies I’ve ever made
    were on the ice. They’d say I was a ruthless hockey player in my earlier days.
    What drives you to do the things
    you do? What makes you want to be the “good guy?”
    I was raised by a loving,
    caring family and parents who set a good example for me every day of their lives.
    I constantly strive to be the son who would make them proud.
    Forward Passes
    What’s your favorite guilty
    A naked Sarah and warm
    chocolate fudge at the same time.
    If you didn’t know how old you
    were how old would you be?
    About sixteen when I’m
    with Sarah.
    A biography has been written
    about you. What do you think the title would be in six words or less?
    He overcame Tragedy
    to Love Again
    If money were not an object,
    where would you most like to live?
    Right where I am (Washington State’s
    San Juan Islands)
    What song would best describe
    your life?
    Garth Brooks’ “The Dance”
    If you were a tool, what would
    people use you to do?
    I’d be a hammer because
    I hope I’d be used to build things and make life better.
    Picture yourself as a store.
    Considering your personality and lifestyle, what type of products would be sold
    Definitely a grocery
    store, but one that sold hard-to-find items and fresh produce.
    As a child, what was your favorite
    thing about school?
    After the final bell
    rang and going to hockey practice.
    Tell us an embarrassing story
    that has to do with a pet. If you have no pets, a story about a significant other
    will do
    My sister had a schnauzer
    that had it in for me. One time at family reunion, he peed on my jeans’ leg. I never
    noticed it but everyone else did. My brother managed to get it all on video.
    If you came with a warning label,
    what would it say?
    Beware, this man will
    seduce you with whispered promises and great food.

    Please Fill in the Blanks as Blake

    I love pizza with all meat.
    I’m always ready for dinner and sex.
    When I’m alone, I like to read or watch sports.
    You’d never be able to tell, but I’m actually
    pretty romantic.
    If I had a halo it
    would be surprising.
    If I could go back and win the Stanley Cup I’d be
    one happy man.
    I can never forget because they meant
    too much.

    About the Author

    An advocate of happy
    endings, Jami Davenport writes sexy romantic comedy, sports hero romances, and equestrian
    fiction. Jami lives on a small farm near Puget Sound with her Green Beret-turned-plumber
    husband, a Newfoundland
    cross with a tennis ball fetish, a prince disguised as an orange tabby cat, and
    an opinionated Hanoverian mare.
    Jami works in IT for
    her day job and is a former high school business teacher and dressage rider. In
    her spare time, she maintains her small farm and socializes whenever the opportunity
    presents itself. An avid boater, Jami has spent countless hours in the San Juan Islands, a common setting in her books. In her opinion,
    it is the most beautiful place on earth.
    Jami Davenport

    Previous Books

    Fourth and Goal (Book
    1 in the Seattle
    Lumberjacks Series)
    Forward Passes (Book
    2 in the Seattle
    Lumberjacks Series)

    Books Coming Soon

    Down by Contact (Book
    3 in the Seattle
    Lumberjacks Series)

    Find Me Here