Science Fiction

Sci-fi, Scifi, SFF, however you write it, this is speculative and futuristic writing.

  • Science Fiction,  Science Fiction Romance

    Trailing Kaiwulf by Kayelle Allen #RLFblog #scifi

    Trailing Kaiwulf 
    Cover Love at Romance Lives Forever is a short intro to a
    book and includes a cover, blurb, buy links, and social media contacts for the
    author. Today’s featured book is Trailing Kaiwulf by Kayelle Allen.
    Genre: Science Fiction
    Heat level (based on movie ratings): PG13
    Travel to a godforsaken planet on the outskirts of space. Check.
    Hold intrusive military types at bay. Check. Find an invisible man in a different
    dimension. Check. Finish out the vacation TRAIL yanked you back from to do it? Easier
    said than done.
    Yanked back from their first vacation in ages, Jee and Dane get
    handed a top priority mission. The pay is better than any they’ve earned before
    as agents for the Trace, Rescue, and Identification League. With this much money,
    they might not need jobs. They’re the best there is, and the item, person, or secret
    hasn’t been invented that these two can’t recover. Until now.
    Locating this quarry might be a bit past even their considerable
    skills. After all, how do you find an invisible man in another dimension? And who,
    exactly, is footing a bill this steep? Certainly not the archaeologist in charge.
    The military wants to get involved, but they have no monetary stake either. So who
    — or what — is behind the request to trail Kaiwulf?

    Buy This Book

    Read the first chapter, plus download the official TRAIL Facebook cover here:

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  • Character Interviews,  Science Fiction

    Character Interview: Jee Tonopah from Trailing Kaiwulf #RLFblog #scifi

    Trailing Kaiwulf
    Genre Science Fiction
    Author Kayelle Allen
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG13
    Travel to a godforsaken planet on the outskirts of space. Check. Hold intrusive military types at bay. Check. Find an invisible man in a different dimension. Check. Finish out the vacation TRAIL yanked you back from to do it? Easier
    said than done.
    Yanked back from their first vacation in ages, Jee and Dane get handed a top priority mission. The pay is better than any they’ve earned before as agents for the Trace, Rescue, and Identification League. With this much money, they might not need jobs. They’re the best there is, and the item, person, or secret hasn’t been invented that these two can’t recover.
    But locating this quarry might be a bit past even their considerable skills. After all, how do you find an invisible man in another dimension? And who, exactly, is footing a bill this steep? Certainly not the archaeologist in charge. The military wants to get involved, but they have no monetary stake either. So who — or what — is behind the request to trail Kaiwulf?

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    Interview with Jee Tonopah

    Please tell us about yourself.
    Not much to tell. I’m an agent for TRAIL. Don’t believe what some people tell you. It doesn’t stand for Thieves, Ruffians, Assholes, Idiots, and Liars. It stands for Trace, Rescue and Identification League. I’ve never been married. Never wanted to be. I can’t picture me being a mom. I like my life like it is, never in the same place more than a few days. I like being the hardass who gets to tell people what to do. My partner, Dane Raphyel, is the brains. I’m the brawn. Yeah, okay, I get that I come up to his waist or something. The dude is off the charts TALL. He’s got more muscle in one arm than I have in my whole body, but yeah, he’s the brains. If somebody’s gonna get clobbered on the job, or there’s somebody who needs to take a dirt nap, it’ll be me making sure they get it. Just the way it is.
    What is it that you want, but cannot have? Authors call this the conflict of the story.
    Could I please just get a vacation? I saved for months to get this glorious vacation. A real first-class kind of sleepliner between planets, and
    I was on my way to Earth, when TRAIL decided to yank us back for a mission. It was all I could do to keep from blasting holes in the wall when they told me.
    What inner doubt causes you the most difficulty?
    See, I don’t have any of that touchy-feely inner doubt kind of crap. I know what I’m doing and there’s none of this inner turmoil you hear about.
    I believe in telling it the way it is. Dane says I don’t get headaches. I give ’em. You want that soft girly talk, go see Dane’s wife or something. I don’t do
    that sh–  er, uh… stuff.
    What’s your external complication? In the story world your author created, explain what it is you fear most.
    Not getting that vacation I was promised. Yeah I know my boss signed for it and all that, but saying I get this first class trip and then actually
    letting me get on the ship and then get all the way to Earth and get really into the vacation thing…? I’ll believe it when it happens. I’ve been promised time off for so long… I just want some time, you know?
    Tell us about your significant other, that person who makes living worthwhile.
    *scratches her head* You’re not talking about a boyfriend, are you? I don’t have one. Not one I’d tell you about anyway. No offense. My partner’s
    as close to me as they come, but he’s like my brother. Plus he’s married with five kids and he’s crazy in love with his wife. But if I ever found a guy like that… Nah, who am I kidding? I’d run the other direction. I’m more of a party kind of woman. Give me a hot cutie who’s not busy for the night and I’m good.
    What would that person say about you?
    The cutie? He’d say “Baby, where you been all my life?” Or some other intelligent pick up line. *winks* It’s all good.
    What special skills do you rely on?
    I’m the shortest agent working for TRAIL, but I have the highest rating for marksmanship in the company. I’ve been an agent since I can remember.
    Always wanted to work for the company. If I hadn’t, I’d probably have ended up being some kind of assassin. Of course, my partner had a lot to do with the assassin thing not happening, but that’s another story. Maybe Kayelle will put that in another book.

    About the Writer

    Why did you choose to write about this character?
    I wanted a kick-ass heroine who isn’t afraid to be herself. Jee Tonopah is mini but mighty. She’s a little bit like I wish I could be — not afraid
    of a single thing.
    Why do you write?
    I can’t help myself. I tried to stop. It’s no use. I’m a writer. I have to write.
    What do you want to write next?
    I’m working on an illustrated book about one of my immortals from another series (title: Bringer of Chaos), and a sequel for The Last Vhalgenn,
    a fantasy I released previously. Plus a few more.
    Are any sequels planned for this book?
    Yes. It’s one of the things I’m working on. This will be a new adventure for Jee and Dane.
    Is there anything you’d like to say to your readers?
    Thank you for hanging with me to read this! I’d love to get to know you better. Come meet me on social media or email me. I will answer back. I
    follow the #Loki hashtag on Twitter, so if you’re a Tom Hiddleston fan, we have something in common!

    Author Bio

    Kayelle Allen is a multi-published, award-winning Science Fiction Romance author. Her unstoppable heroes and heroines include contemporary characters, role-playing immortal gamers, warriors who purr, and agents who find the unfindable.

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  • Science Fiction Romance

    Author Interview: Diana Green On the Outside #RLFblog #SciFiRomance

    On The Outside 
    On The Outside by Diana Green
    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG 13
    In a not-so-distant future, the privileged live within protective
    walls, and the rest fend for themselves…on the outside.
    From a life of relative comfort and safety, Orla is plunged into
    a struggle for survival. Her newly emerged phasing powers force her to become a
    fugitive, hunted by government agents, and driven to the edges of society.
    In desperation Orla joins a band of smugglers. Their caravan
    could offer the perfect hiding place, or it could be her undoing. Much of that depends
    on Charlie, top gunslinger and ‘teeth’ of the operation. Will he prove to be a valuable
    ally or just another kind of trouble?

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    Interview with Diana Green

    Why did you write this
    I was driving along in my car, when a song came on. It was The Ghost of Tom Joad by a Celtic group,
    Solas. Something about the lyrics, really gripped me. They painted a picture of
    a life living under railroad bridges and struggling to find enough food.
    I started writing what I thought would be a short story about
    a young homeless woman, but the character and setting just kept evolving, until
    it grew to over a hundred pages. In the process the heroine, Orla, ended up with
    teleporting powers, and the setting became a dystopian future.
    When I wrote about the smugglers’ caravan, the story really took
    off. This setting provided such interesting characters. I had loads of fun with
    What is your favorite
    genre to read?
    I enjoy science fiction, fantasy, historical, romance, and combinations
    of those genres.
    What is your favorite
    character from fiction (not including your own characters)?
    Oh dear. That is impossible to answer with only one. I’ll have
    to list a few of my favorites.
    Tyrion Lannister from The Game of Thrones, Tehanu from the Earthsea
    Series, Temmeraire and Captain Laurence from His Majesty’s Dragon, Bilbo Baggins
    from the Hobbit, and Katniss from The Hunger Games.
    Do you enjoy films and/or
    TV shows? Which are your favorites?
    I don’t watch much television, but I love movies. The Lord of
    the Rings trilogy was excellent. I also appreciate intelligent sci-fiction films
    like Moon. Good historic films like The King’s Speech are another favorite of mine.
    I have a special place in my heart for uncommon westerns, such as The Gray Fox,
    A Thousand Pieces of Gold, Appaloosa, The Ballad of Little Jo, and Two Mules for
    Sister Sara.
    What are you working on
    at the moment, and what are we likely to see from you in the coming months?
    I am currently writing the second book in my Dragon Clan trilogy,
    for The Wild Rose Press. The first book, Dragon Wife, should be released sometime
    in the first half of 2014. The series is fantasy romance and follows a clan of dragon
    Tell us about your latest
    On the Outside is set in a dystopian future where the privileged
    live within walled cities, and the rest of the population struggles to survive with
    limited resources and technology. Some people have inherited special abilities like
    teleporting or telepathy. These individuals are hunted by the government, in order
    to be used for research.
    The main character, Orla, is on the run because of her teleporting
    ability. She ends up finding shelter with a traveling caravan, but things are far
    from simple. Adjusting to life with the caravan and learning how to control her
    powers provide ample challenge.
    To complicate matters, the caravan’s top gunslinger, Charlie,
    takes an interest in her. He seems like a dangerous individual, and Orla is not
    at all certain how to handle his attention. To find out what happens, you’ll need
    to read the book.

    Author Bio

    Diana Green

    Since her childhood, growing up in New Zealand, Diana
    has been a storyteller, both with words and paintings. For years she enjoyed teaching
    art and special education, while continuing to write as a hobby. After she developed
    chronic fatigue syndrome, a career change was necessary, but happily this led to
    her becoming a professional author.
    Diana’s favorite genres are fantasy, science fiction, historical,
    and romance. She lives in beautiful Washington
    State, where she writes for
    Champagne Books and The Wild Rose Press.

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  • Science Fiction Romance

    Cover Love: Zoastra Affair @VictoriaPinder #RLFblog #SciFi

    The Zoastra Affair 
    Cover Love at Romance Lives Forever is a short intro to a
    book and includes a cover, blurb, buy links, and social media contacts for the
    author. Today’s featured book is The Zoastra Affair by Victoria Pinder.
    A hundred years from now, Earth has trading partners with alien
    beings, mostly humanoid. However, going into space brought forth an unknown enemy
    who attacks Earth at will.
    The Zoastra is part of the Earthseekers, an organization originally
    designed to go into space. Its new mission is to find Earth’s enemies.
    Ariel is stuck on a Victorian planet and steals Grace’s body
    and life to get off the planet. Grace must get her body back before Ariel bonds
    with Grace’s husband, Peter. Then there is Cross, the man on a mission to find those
    who killed his family. Ariel is attracted to Cross, but she’s stolen someone’s life.

    Buy Links:

    Soul Mate Publishing:
    Genre: Science Fiction Romance
    Length: 85000 words

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  • Science Fiction Romance

    Character Interview: Zak from My Boyfriend’s an Alien @LMBrownAuthor #RLFblog #lgbt

    LM Brown, welcome back to Romance Lives Forever. We’re excited to
    interview your character, Zak from the book, My Boyfriend’s an Alien.
    Genre: SciFi
    Publisher: Totally Bound
    Cover artist: Emmy and Angelique of Totally Bound
    Length: 227 pages
    Heat rating: Sizzling
    Tagline: Can an alien find love with a human being?
    Blurb: Zak, an alien from the planet Trimmeron, is a member of
    a race of beings who transform into other species during their years of puberty.
    It’s customary for the youngsters to be fostered to the worlds native to their new
    forms, to study and learn about the races who will play an important part in their
    When Zak turns into a human it comes as a surprise to everyone,
    for only one other before him has ever done so. Nevertheless he is sent to Earth,
    a world he views as primitive and barbaric. He arrives with a chip on his shoulder
    and attitude to spare. He does not believe anyone on Earth can have anything to
    teach him.
    When Zak meets college student Sam he soon discovers he has a
    lot to learn, not only about humans, but also about himself.
    Trapped on an unfamiliar world and in a strange body that seems
    to have a mind of its own, Zak has no idea what is happening to him, only that Sam
    seems to be the key to the strange afflictions he is suffering from.
    But can an alien find love with a human being?
    What are your main characters’ names, ages, and occupations?
    Sam, age 19, college student
    Zak, age 19 (in Earth years), college student

    Interview with Zak

    Tell us about yourself.
    My name is Zakrynious, though here on Earth I go by the name
    Zak Johnson. I’m what you humans would call an alien, although I don’t look it.
    Actually, in my regular form I look like nothing you’ve ever seen before. I have
    blue fur all over me and a tail like a monkey for balance. My people are like chameleons
    and all through puberty we change into other creatures. Right now I’m a human, which
    came as a shock to pretty much everyone, me included. It’s customary for us to be
    fostered to the worlds where our new forms are native and so here I am on Earth.
    I got sent here to stay with Darren, the only other person from Trimmeron to turn
    human. Lucky for me he decided to stay here on Earth so I could be fostered into
    his care while I’m learning all about what it means to be human.
    Tell us about Sam.
    Unlike me, Sam is a regular human being. He’s smart and has such
    great inner strength it amazes me. He goes to the local college where Darren has
    enrolled me too. He talks about how he’d like to have gone to university like his
    friends, but he doesn’t let it get him down too much. I get the feeling there’s
    something else going on that he hasn’t told me. Sometimes I think Sam’s best friend,
    Lucy, is about to let something slip to me about what he’s hiding, but each time
    she starts to say something Sam gives her a look, or a swift kick, to stop her from
    saying too much. I hope one day Sam will tell me what it is he’s hiding. In the
    meantime, it just makes him more mysterious.
    What do you think is your strongest point?
    My ability to adapt. I’ve taken a number of different forms over
    the years of my puberty and mostly I find it easy to adapt to the new climate, body
    and customs of different worlds. At least I did until I came to Earth. This place
    is nothing like anywhere I’ve ever been before and certain parts of my human body
    seems to have a mind of their own. I hope I can manage to figure this out before
    my time here on Earth is up.
    What was it like where you grew up?
    Trimmeron is another world, literally. There’s no pollution on
    my world and no disease either. No one goes hungry and the last war took place so
    long ago even the oldest of my people can’t remember it, and since we can live to
    be 10,000 years old, that’s a very long time we’ve been at peace. Trimmeron is very
    advanced compared to Earth, but things aren’t necessarily better. My people aren’t
    big on showing emotions. Our genetic makeup doesn’t really allow for strong feelings.
    We’re born in laboratories to parents who are paired up because their genes are
    likely to produce healthy and smart children. I grew up in my father’s household
    at the base of a mountain range with lots of siblings and half siblings. It was
    always busy with lots happening. I guess compared to how Sam grew up, with two parents
    who raised him together and doted on him, it seems pretty lonely, although it didn’t
    seem like it at the time.
    What do you wish was different about your life?
    The only thing I wish were different about my life is having
    my biological parents take a more active part in it. I didn’t realise until I came
    to live with Darren and Eleanor how much I had missed out on having real parents
    looking out for me. It’s not like my natural parents didn’t love me, or I them,
    but I’m finally starting to realise that there’s more to being a parent than simply
    donating your DNA.
    If you were given your fondest wish, what would it be?
    I would like to show Sam the universe, all the worlds I have
    been to and all those I have yet to visit. There’s so much out there to see, so
    much to learn, and Sam has such a thirst for knowledge I’m sure he would love it.
    As soon as my period of fostering is over I intend to take Sam to Trimmeron with
    me. Of course, I’ll have to tell him I’m an alien first and even though he’s a total
    astronomy geek, he’s not likely to believe me just like that. Like I said, Sam is
    really smart and it’ll take something huge to convince him I’m telling the truth.
    Lucky for me our spaceships are enormous.
    Describe a place of perfect refuge.
    My mother’s home in the mountains.
    She’s a healer who lives near the Sacred Pool, which is where my people go to join
    their life forces together. It’s a dangerous thing to do so she lives nearby just
    in case she is needed in a hurry. Her home is high up in the trees and even though
    her house is just as crowded as my father’s it’s out of the way of the rest of the
    community. There are lots of mountain streams, hidden glens and quiet spots around
    the area and I loved exploring them when I was growing up. The only thing even more
    perfect than the mountains would be being there with Sam. The mountains were my
    refuge as a child, but I think maybe Sam will be my refuge as an adult.

    About the Author

    LM Brown lives in England, in a quaint little village
    that time doesn’t seem to have touched. No, wait a minute—that’s the retirement
    biography. Right now she is in England
    in a medium sized town that no one has ever heard of, so she won’t bore you with
    the details. Keeping her company are numerous sexy men. She just wishes that they
    weren’t all inside her head.
    L.M. Brown loves hearing from readers so don’t be shy.

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  • Science Fiction Romance

    Forgotten Desire @barbbradley #RLFblog #TimeTravel

    Forgotten Desire 
    Storm is in the 20th century with no memory. Heather must make
    him remember and avoid her mimesis before bringing him home.
    Heather and Storm’s story continues…
    When Storm leans against one of Bert’s machines and is sent back
    in time without his memories, Heather has to go after him.
    A simple retrieval won’t work. She has to make him remember before
    they can return to their own timeline.
    Finding him is easy, getting him to regain his memories isn’t.
    Then she finds out Ialog is there, giving Storm something to keep his memories at
    Now she has to find a way to stop her old nemesis and bring her
    mate home.

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    Barbara Donlon Bradley
    Fill your future with Desire