• Bucket List,  Fantasy

    Bucket List of Brenna from Valkyrie Love by Viviana MacKade @ViviMackade #RLFblog #Fantasy

    Bucket list of Brenna from Valkyrie Love @ViviMackade #RLFblog #FantasyA Valkyrie, alone but free and a lost soldier craving redemption team up to save the last hope of the Elvin race, baby queen Fljóða. Feelings don’t belong on such an endeavor. Or to Valkyries. But like a stubborn flower, love grows in dirt.

    Only one problem: now love is deadly.

    Let’s meet Brenna from Valkyrie Love. Welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about Valkyrie Love.

    Valkyrie Love by Viviana MacKade

    Genre Fantasy

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG 13

    Valkyrie love never comes easy.

    Brenna left Asgard with a curse on her name and a broken heart.

    A Valkyrie now free and independent, for millennia her life had been great. Just great.

    Then a bleeding Elf knocks at her door holding a baby.

    Alexander Reed left the Marines and lost the wheel of his life.

    A soldier without a worthy fight, he became everything he despised.

    Until he ends up in the wrong backyard at the wrong time.

    Fljóða, Queen of the Light Elves and last of her lineage, is an infant with a death sentence on her head.

    Hunted by the Night Elves, her survival brings Brenna and Reed together for the ultimate mission: take the little Queen to safety in the Vanaheim Realm, deep in the Roots of Yggdrasil.

    Not simple, but straightforward.

    Or so it seemed.

    Between flaming giants, demons, and an army of Half Breed determined to kill the Queen and conquer all the Elvin Realms, Brenna and Reed will have to face their inner monsters.

    Monsters appearing in the form of feelings neither want but cannot control.

    Brenna’s Bucket List

    Bucket list of Brenna from Valkyrie Love @ViviMackade #RLFblog #FantasyWhen someone dies, we say they “kicked the bucket.” Therefore, a list of things that a person wants to accomplish, places to go, situations to experience, and so on have become known as a “Bucket List.”

    Age: (Chuckles) Let’s just say I haven’t been green for a very long time.

    Gender: Female.

    Birthplace: Asgard.

    Profession: Reed and I run a centre that helps veterans to be reintroduced in civilian life.

    Ethnicity: Not sure if Scandinavian is an ethnicity.

    Please provide a physical description of yourself.

    I’m tall, and stronger than your average female. Black hair, long and ofter kept in a braid, and light blue eyes.

    Please tell us a little about yourself.

    I’m a Valkyrie. Or maybe I should say I used to be one. I had a long time to amass money, so when Reed met me I was taking some security job here and there, to stove off boredom. Then the war in the Roots started, and here we are. It gave me a completely different life.

    Who is the significant other in your life?

    Reed. Alexander Reed.

    If you haven’t made a bucket list before, perhaps now would be a good time. Who knows? It might inspire another book. While you’re at it, how about telling us about some of your other favorite things? Here are the questions.

    What is your birth order?

    We, me and my Valkyrie sisters, were all created at the same time.

    Tell us about your favorite toy as a child.

    I’ve never had a childhood. I was. Created an adult.

    Describe your favorite food and how it’s prepared.

    I love Mexican food, the hotter the better.

    Tell us about your best friend.

    Reed is. I used to believe my sisters were my best friends, but I was betrayed by one and the others did nothing to help me so…. When I moved to Midgard, I had to keep moving – people tend to notice if you don’t age. Why bother making friends not only I knew I had to live, but I knew I would see die?

    What are two places you would like to visit before you die, and why?

    I visited every stupid corner of this pretty planet. I know the Root of Yggdrasil enough to travel it. I lived in Asgard. There’s literally nowhere I didn’t see. SO now I just want to stay in the home I built with Reed, see it growing, getting old in it. I want to see time pass and knowing I won’t have to go.

    Where is a place you would never like to return, and why?

    Muspelheim. Technically, Nifelheim is worse, but I still have nightmares about Muspelheim. And

    Who is someone you would like to meet, and why?

    I stumbled upon a piece of poetry by Shonto Begay, a piece about an old woman who has seen many winter. It spoke to me. I have seen so, so many. I’d like to talk to hi, see what inspired him to write it.

    If you could time travel to any date, what would it be, and what would you do there?

    I’d go back and meet Reed’s parents, who passed away a few years back.

    Meet Viviana MacKade

    What was your biggest challenge in writing this book?

    Keeping within the rules I created for each realm. Each was different, and my characters had to deal with each based on its rules. Keeping all the details straight was complicated, sometimes.

    Why did you choose this character for the interview today?

    Because neither she nor Reed wanted to do it, but she lost at Rock, Paper, Scissors.

    When writing the book, what did you discover about this character that surprised you?

    How lonely Brenna had been.

    Are any sequels planned for this book?

    Maybe. Ulf, the Captain of the Vanir’s army is an interesting guy, And so is Mae.

    What genre(s) would you like to write that you haven’t tried yet?

    I’m good, honestly. I write in contemporary, and this was my first Fantasy.

    What would your readers be surprised to learn about you?

    Why should readers who haven’t picked up one of your books before give this one a try?

    Because they are all adventures where characters don’t spend 53 pages going over the same thought, are not too stupid lo live, and things make sense. They are also all fast faced, no lagging in boredom. I’m always in a hurry as a person, and I think it’s reflected in my style as well.

    Where to buy Valkyrie Love

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Viviana-MacKade/e/B01KKY6WLQ/

    Viviana MacKade Social Media

    Beach bum and country music addicted, Viviana lives in a small Floridian town with her husband and her son, her die-hard fans and personal cheer squad. She spends her days between typing on her beloved keyboard, playing in the pool with her boy, and eating whatever her husband puts on her plate (the guy is that good, and she really loves eating). Besides beaching, she enjoys long walks, horse-riding, hiking, and pretty much whatever she can do outside with her family.
    Blog https://viviana-mackade.blog
    Twitter https://twitter.com/ViviMackade
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100011982152461
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/vivianamackade/
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Viviana-MacKade/e/B01KKY6WLQ


  • Fantasy,  Meet an Author

    Meet Eileen Troemel @EileenTroemel Author of Marelo #RLFblog #FantasyRomance

    Meet Eileen Troemel @EileenTroemel Author of Marelo #RLFblog #Fantasy RomanceHidden dragons offer advice in Eileen Troemel’s sweet fantasy romance Marelo. A promise to her father drives Marelo to succeed putting aside all other desires. Bandor studies the determined female who he knows to be his mate. What will convince her they are meant to be together?

    Eileen, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about Marelo.

    Marelo by Eileen Troemel

    Thank you for allowing me to join you. Marelo is a short story about a female studying water dragons and what made them disappear. She comes to Bandor’s beach, the last known place to have one spotted. Bandor knows she’s his mate but he’s willing to wait. His best advisor tells him it’s not as complicated as he’s making it.


    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG – if this were a movie your toddlers could be in the room.

    Marelo studies water dragons. Bandor studies her heart.

    Driven to succeed, Marelo focuses on her studies. She doesn’t have time for males claiming her as a mate. She came here to study the dragon’s ancestral home. She will find the evidence she needs while avoiding all males especially Bandor who makes her heart rush.

    Bandor takes one look at Marelo and knows she’s his mate. Her haughty demeaner doesn’t put him off. She’s his mate, he’ll do anything to win her. But he has secrets only his mate can know. Can he convince her to be his mate or will it take something more?

    Tell us about yourself as a person.

    What makes you different from other people?

    Not a lot really. I think people at their core want the same things. You probably didn’t want a philosophical answer. Well two things come to mind off the top of my head – I have red hair which is not common and I was born on Leap Year so technically I’ve only had 14 birthdays

    What is your personality type?

    I’m an introvert. I like to watch people but I don’t necessarily want to be in the thick of things. I’m more likely to write about what I’ve seen than I am to hold a conversation with others. However, as my family knows I love to talk to the right people.

    What was your favorite childhood game?

    Hmm well I grew up on a farm and board games were rare. We played a card game named Racko which was fun. With six kids we played baseball and we had a sort of tag game we played. We had a silver fuel tank in our yard and that was goal. One person would hide around the house and people would run around the house. If you were caught by the person, you had to help catch people. Last one standing one.

    What is your favorite subject to talk about?

    I like to have meaningful conversations, topic doesn’t matter and it doesn’t matter if we agree (in most cases) so long as we both walk away from the conversation having heard the other person’s opinion.

    What is your favorite book?

    Theirs is no way I could narrow the many books I’ve read down to just one favorite one. Even if you gave me a genre I couldn’t narrow the category to one. Some of my favorite authors – Piers Anthony, JD Robb/Nora Roberts, Suzanne Brockmann, Anne McCaffery, Mercedes Lackey, Patricia Wrede, JK Rowling, Louis Lamour, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Shakespeare, Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, ee cummings, Ray Bradbury…. See what I mean?

    What is your favorite meal?

    Depends on who’s cooking… my husband – his lasagna… my oldest daughter – beef stroganoff… my middle daughter – chicken carbonara… my youngest daughter – tacos… I miss my mother’s ham and scalloped potatoes and her halo cookies…

    Meet Eileen Troemel @EileenTroemel Author of Marelo #RLFblog #Fantasy Romance

    Tell us about yourself as a writer.

    What made you want to be a writer?

    I cannot remember a time when I didn’t tell stories. My parents always called me imaginative. At eight a teacher asked us to write stories and from there, I knew I needed to write.

    What are your favorite books for writing advice?

    I’m not big on books about writing – probably because I don’t like people telling me how to write. I am very good at taking criticism and self-critiquing my own work. But for books here’s two which I found helpful for when I write sexy books:

    Naughty Words for Nice Writers by Cara Bristol & The Sexaurus Sexy Words for Writers by Stefanie Olson et al

    What are your favorite reference books?

    A good modern big dictionary and a really good thesaurus – both will get you through a rough draft.

    When you go to a convention, what kinds of things do you take along?

    In addition to writing, I’m crafty too as are my daughters. So my daughters made me bags with a crossword puzzle style graphic of my book titles, water bottles with my logo, bookmarks, resin dragons and other critters, pouches with graphics designed by my daughters. I like to offer a variety so it will appeal to a variety of people.

    What’s your best advice for a new writer?

    Write your story. Don’t worry about anything other than getting the story down on paper. Read through it when you’re done and take off your writer’s cap and put on your reader’s cap. Would you want to read this? Where do you stumble? What do you want more of? Ask others – nicely – to read your stuff and LISTEN to them. If they actually tell you something other than how great it is, pay attention. Ultimately you’re the author but listen to what you’re told and consider adjusting. Everything – no matter how bad – can be fixed in editing.

    What are your writing goals for the next year or so?

    In 2022, I plan to publish Marelo in February, Celtan Dilemma in June, Star Stranded (working title) in the fall and at some point between Halloween and Christmas – Bah Humbug will get published. I have two crochet patterns I hope to publish soon.

    Looking forward from there, I have completed two novels. I hope complete some projects I’m working on including re-editing a few of my first books and sequels to a few books.

    Where to buy Marelo

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09NGWLZC4

    Eileen Troemel Social Media

    USA Today Bestseller Author Eileen Troemel writes action packed and emotionally powerful fantasy, scifi, romance. She’s versatile and writes in many genres. She’ll try almost any genre if it means she can tell a good story. In addition to her writing, she loves to read, crochet, and research genealogy. Her best days are spent with her family of three adult daughters and her husband or writing.
    Website https://eileentroemel.com/
    Twitter https://twitter.com/EileenTroemel
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    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/eileentroemel/
    LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/eileen-troemel-6667825b/
    MeWe https://mewe.com/i/eileentroemel
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7868345.Eileen_Troemel

  • Book Release,  Fantasy

    Read The Solitary King the new #fantasy by Lyndsey Hall @lyndseyhall #RLFblog #YAfantasy

    Read The Solitary King the new #fantasy by Lyndsey Hall @lyndseyhall #RLFblog #YAfantasyAria returns to the Fair Realm with deadly consequences, in Lyndsey Hall’s new fantasy, The Solitary King. Will her new found abilities save her from the Celeste King’s clutches, or will the prince who betrayed her come to her rescue?

    Lyndsey, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about The Solitary King.

    The Solitary King by Lyndsey Hall

    Genre: YA fantasy

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG-13

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice…

    When Aria returns to the Fair Realm to attend a ball at the Salamander castle, it isn’t long before things take a turn for the deadly.

    With her father’s home in ashes and her newfound family reduced to dust, Aria finds herself King Auberon’s captive once more. Deep within the mountains that border the Celeste Kingdom, Aria is powerless to fight back, her newly-discovered abilities suppressed by the weight of the rock that surrounds her. But when a Celeste guard whispers about rebellion and promises to help her escape, Aria is desperate to trust him.

    Crown Prince Xander returns home to the Gnome castle, laden with grief for his brother and father, and dreading the day he will be crowned king. Preparations are underway for his marriage and coronation, but thoughts of the girl he betrayed trouble him day and night. Until the morning of his wedding, when a note arrives that Aria has been taken by Auberon once more, and Xander is forced to choose between his life of duty and obedience, and what he believes is right.

    Why did you write this book?

    When we got our dog, Bailey, I used to walk her in our local woods. We were living in a village on the edge of Sherwood Forest at the time, and the magic and legend of the place captured my imagination. The setting for The Fair Chronicles came to me first, as it’s based on that village and the surrounding forests, but as the characters started to pop into my mind I felt like I had to explore their story, and so The Fair Queen was born. But the story wasn’t over yet, I needed to know what happened next.

    What is your favorite genre to read?

    I love reading fantasy and fairy tale retellings, especially young adult, as I find the emotions and angst of teen characters to be deliciously heightened, and the themes and message are no less dark or serious than adult novels.

    Who is your favorite character from fiction (not including your own)?

    Kaz Brekker from Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo is one of my favourite characters, as he’s so complex. On the surface he’s a cruel and sadistic villain, but underneath he’s a broken, vulnerable man with a terrible backstory and a love he knows can never be.

    What are you working on at the moment?

    I’m currently working on a couple of short stories for charity anthologies. One Fair Eve is a goblin king origin story set in the 19th Century, in the same world as The Fair Chronicles. And Baroness of Blood and Bone is an urban fantasy story about the female alpha of a pack of wolf shifters. It’s unlike anything I’ve ever written and I’m really excited to share it.

    What books will we see from you in coming months?

    The second in my Fair Chronicles trilogy comes out on 31 January 2022, and then I’m involved in a collection of twenty short fantasy stories called Once Upon a Name, which is due out 20 April and is raising money for Book Aid International. On 1 July, another charity collection, Enchanted Forests will be released, raising funds for the Rainforest Alliance. And towards the end of the year, I’m hoping to publish the third and final book in my current series!

    Where to buy The Solitary King

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B09B4DRVB1/

    Lyndsey Hall Social Media

    Lyndsey Hall lives on the edge of Sherwood Forest, one of the most magical places in England’s history, and the inspiration for her debut novel, The Fair Queen. She grew up surrounded by books, and loved to write from a young age.
    She loves to travel and try her hand at new things, but is most at home when curled up in a chair with a cup of tea and a good book, usually accompanied by at least one dog.
    The Fair Queen, book one in The Fair Chronicles, is available now in ebook, paperback, hardcover and audio book!
    A sequel, The Solitary King, will be released on 31 January 2022.
    Website https://lyndseyhallwrites.com
    Blog https://lyndseyhallwrites.com/blog/
    Twitter https://www.twitter.com/lyndseyhall_
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/lyndseyhallsfairfolk
    Pinterest https://www.pinterest.co.uk/lyndseyhall_/
    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/lyndseyhall
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/20238905.Lyndsey_Hall
    BookBub https://www.bookbub.com/authors/lyndsey-hall
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/Lyndsey-Hall/e/B0878XVJDZ/
    Get to know Lyndsey Hall better by signing up for an email newsletter https://storyoriginapp.com/giveaways/b9f8866a-d5e9-11eb-9c83-23f03784bc30

  • Fantasy

    How about a little fantasy romance – Double Moon Destiny by *lizzie starr @lizziestarr #RLFblog #FantasyRomance

    How about a little fantasy romance - Double Moon Destiny by *lizzie starr @lizziestarr #RLFblog #FantasyRomance*lizzie starr, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! We’re excited to find out more about your heroine, but first, tell us about the book.

    Double Moon Destiny by *lizzie starr

    Genre Fantasy Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R

    On the night of the Double Moon a child is born, and the destinies of an acolyte and a rebel are changed forever.

    Jermanah, acolyte of the religious Compound, has never been given the opportunity to make her own choices. Although she accepts her way of life and yearns to rise higher in the order, she learns ancient, forbidden healing from the Seer. On the night of the

    Double Moons, a child is born and given into Jermanah’s care until the boy is taken to the king.

    Kierigh was born moments before the rising of the Double Moons, but his twin brother wasn’t so lucky. Rumors flow from the Stronghold—following an ancient prophecy, the king sacrifices the baby boys to increase his power. But Kierigh senses that even after five cycles, his brother still lives.

    When Kierigh’s rebels attack the procession, he takes the babe, and Jermanah, to his hidden camp. The captivating acolyte disrupts Kierigh’s ordered and simple life. He opposes her religion and all the Compound claims to stand for. She’s everything he doesn’t need in his life. Yet she is everything he desires.

    No longer considering herself one of the Compound, Jermanah discovers freedom, and truths she finds difficult to believe. But when the babe is taken from the forest, she will do anything to save the child, including face the leader of the Compound—and the king.

    Can a rebel and an acolyte set aside pride and differences to find a lost brother, defeat evil, and discover their prophecy fulfilling destinies?

    Where to buy Double Moon Destiny

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07DCH69HL
    Barnes and Noble https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/double-moon-destiny-lizzie-starr/1005445758?ean=9780997754285
    iBooks https://books.apple.com/us/book/doublemoondestiny/id1390810777?mt=11&ignmpt=uo%3D4
    Kobo https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/double-moon-destiny

    *lizzie starr Social Media

    *lizzie starr always made up games and stories to keep her company. So, a cunning witch lived in Grampa’s weather research station and was only held at bay by waving a certain weed. An ancient road grader morphed into a boat carrying wild adventurers to islands filled with fierce lions and dangerous cannibals, which really looked a lot like sheep. When her 6th grade teacher read to the class, *lizzie discovered the knights of old, Hobbits, and traveling through space and time. Her first written tales delved into fantasy worlds, and she passed many literature classes by handing in stories instead of essays.
    Even though she’d turned up her nose at her mother’s love stories, long night shifts at a nursing home drew her to the facility’s library. There she discovered that romance made tales of fantasy and science fiction more delightful, and the focus of her writing expanded.
    Filled with fantasy, love, and romance with a sparkling twist, the stories of her imagination swirl their way into the mundane world and into her reader’s hearts.
    When *lizzie must return to a more routine life, she’s *the Lunch Lady* at a private school. Author and lunch lady~~what a combination!
    Website www.lizziestarr.com
    Twitter https://twitter.com/lizziestarr
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    Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/lizziestarr/
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    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/139855.Lizzie_Starr
    BookBub https://www.bookbub.com/profile/lizziestarr
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B003F33Y0W
    Get to know *lizzie starr better by signing up for their email newsletter.


  • Fantasy,  Meet an Author

    Meet Daryl Devore @daryldevore Author of The Last Dragon #RLFblog #MedievalFantasy

    Meet Daryl Devore @daryldevore Author of The Last Dragon #RLFblog #MedievalFantasyMedieval dragons and audiobooks – Daryl Devore publishes a medieval fantasy romance audiobook – The Last Dragon.

    Daryl, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about The Last Dragon.

    The Last Dragon by Daryl Devore

    Genre Medieval Fantasy Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): G

    What do dragons, knights and romance have in common? Grab a copy of multi-published author Daryl Devore’s medieval fantasy romance – The Last Dragon and discover the answer.

    A sorcerer craving dominance merged with a dragon, the power overwhelmed him causing him to split into three dragons. Demora ruled thought, but was lost in time. Yidithe offered protection, shining like the light of the sun. Ayrradex craved chaos, revelling in destroying souls.

    Many knights died, attempting to slay the devil beast. One knight, Prince Hawkyns, did not fear death. He’d lost everything. Away on a mission when Ayrradex attacked his father’s kingdom, Penrythe, Hawkyns returned to find his noble father – feeble and defeated. His wise mother – crazed. His beautiful wife and unborn child – dead. Only a pile of ashes remained for him to bury. He knelt before his King and vowed to slay the devil-beast or be slain.

    Derry was born with powers that terrified her parents. They delivered her to a nunnery to be raised in secret. Jathe, a wise sorceress, discovered the young girl and trained her to one day use the secret hidden in her soul.

    Legends spoken around campfires hinted the sole way to destroy Ayrradex was when the hearts of a knight and a golden dragon became one. But after a vicious battle with Ayrradex, the golden dragon was thought to be dead.

    Can Prince Hawkyns’s bravery and Derry’s powers end the reign of the devil-beast’s terror?

    Tell us about yourself as a person.

    What makes you different from other people?

    I am me. I dislike doing what other people do. A salesclerk telling me – Oh, everyone is wearing that – will make me put it back and walk away.

    What is your personality type?

    Introvert. I sit quietly and watch the world. But once I trust you – we will be friends for life.

    What was your favorite childhood game?

    Don’t actually think I had one. I took dance lessons and spent my free time at class or practicing at home.

    What is your favorite subject to talk about?

    Wow! These are tough. I guess it would be my daughter. Who just got married the Saturday before Christmas.

    What is your favorite book?

    Anything by Dorothy L. Sayers. She’s a British mystery writer. If I absolutely had to choose 1 – I’d probably say – Gaudy Night.

    What is your favorite meal?

    Shrimp smothered in butter and Old Bay seasoning. For dessert – a luscious chocolate mousse.

    Tell us about yourself as a writer.

    What made you want to be a writer?

    Nothing made me. I just am. I was that annoying kid in school who liked writing essays. I found it easy.

    What are your favorite books for writing advice?

    Not books – people. When I have a writing question, I prefer to ask a human for help. It’s more personal and I get a faster response.

    What are your favorite reference books?

    Duck Duck Go. It is a search engine that doesn’t track its users. There is nothing I can’t search for there.

    When you go to a convention, what kinds of things do you take along?

    Never been to a convention. Last conference I signed up for was 20+ years ago and I backed out a month before as the Back Street Boys were performing in town and my tween was about to lose her mind!!

    What’s your best advice for a new writer?

    Find a critique group. It’s not easy. Try locally. Try online. But find one. You cannot edit your own work.

    What are your writing goals for the next year or so?

    I don’t make goals. I’ve got a WIP I’d like to finish. If I get it done – I get it done. If not…

    Where to buy The Last Dragon

    Amazon Audio https://www.amazon.ca/The-Last-Dragon/dp/B094YMNP6B

    Daryl Devore Social Media

    Two writers in one. Daryl Devore writes hot romances with sexy heroes and strong heroines. Victoria Adams is Daryl’s alter ego when she’s inspired to write sweet romances with little to no heat.
    Daryl lives in an old farmhouse in Ontario, Canada, with her husband, two black cats – Licorice and Ginny-Furr Purrkins – and some house ghosts. Her daughter is grown and has flown the nest. Daryl loves to take long walks on her quiet country road or snowshoe across the back acres, and in the summer, kayak along the St. Lawrence River. She has touched a moon rock, a mammoth, and a meteorite. She’s been deep in the ocean in a submarine, flown high over Niagara Falls in a helicopter, and used the ladies room in a royal palace. Life’s an adventure and Daryl’s having fun living it.
    Website https://daryldevore.wixsite.com/mysite
    Blog https://daryldevore.blogspot.com/
    Twitter https://twitter.com/daryldevore
    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Daryl-Devore-Erotic-Romance-Writer-280168402052520/
    Pinterest https://www.pinterest.ca/daryldevore2013/
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4686566.Daryl_Devore
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B004TJ1354

  • Christmas or Holiday,  Fantasy

    Read All Roads Lead to Christmas by Lydia Guleva @LydiaGuleva #RLFblog #ChristmasRomance #Fantasy

    Read All Roads Lead to Christmas by Lydia Guleva @LydiaGuleva #RLFblog #ChristmasRomance #RomanceA too-good-to-be-true knight helps a lonely engineer create Christmas in a honest to goodness magical world.

    Lydia, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about All Roads Lead to Christmas.

    All Roads Lead to Christmas by Lydia Guleva

    Genre Contemporary Christmas Romance, Fantasy Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG13

    Can a handsome Christmas knight help a lonely engineer spruce things up?

    Isabella knew Bralazin was too good to be true, but to find out that he was a knight from another world, a lord, and her brother’s friend? That was almost as bad as learning that the magical world didn’t have Christmas.

    At least Bralazin could help her organize an epic Christmas party and get gifts for every child in their kingdom. Easy. They could do it. Even if Bralazin kept questioning why they needed Christmas in the first place.

    Would’ve been great if there were roads they could use to deliver gifts, but Isabella wasn’t a road engineer for nothing. She could build the roads. Or have elves in neon green pants do it for her while singing Christmas songs.

    Bralazin, on the other hand, was something she’d have to handle herself. He could say what he wanted about not wishing to upset her brother, but it wouldn’t help him. Isabella set her eyes on him, and he was going down.

    Where to buy All Roads Lead to Christmas

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/All-Roads-Lead-Christmas-Boundaries-ebook/dp/B095CSMQCD

    Lydia Guleva Social Media

    My life is a crossbreed of a disaster documentary and a thriller. I moved a lot and often until I finally settled in my sixth country. Things eventually calmed down… sort of. Come on, I can’t have a peaceful life. I have to, at least, get a fixer-upper from hell with neighbors that keep things interesting. If I go a whole month without my foot going through the floor or an old, intoxicated lady asking me if I want a dead cat in a box (there was no dead cat. She hallucinated it), then it won’t be my life.
    I could probably write a memoir, but who would believe this crap?
    So, here I am, writing things that are a lot more realistic. It’s easier to suspend disbelief and imagine the world with mind-reading demons than me on a date with a guy who kept bragging about how silky his hair is, how he likes getting his butt fingered, how he likes to choke women during intercourse, and that he loves giving women expensive gifts but doesn’t have anyone to give those gifts to because his girlfriend is in jail. That’s okay, though, because it all made sense when his dad showed up (he was tracking his son’s car). Upon seeing me, his dad started profusely apologizing and said… and I quote, “I’m so sorry. I didn’t know you were with a girl. I thought you were doing drugs.”
    Website https://lydiaguleva.com
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