• Mystery,  Two Tips

    Read the Cozy Mystery Men’s Club Chaos by Karen Cino @karencino #RLFblog #CozyMystery

    Read the Cozy Mystery Men's Club Chaos by Karen Cino @karencino #RLFblog #CozyMysterySenior amateur sleuths are at it again in Men’s Club Chaos, book #5 in the Cookie Cutter Cozy Culinary Mystery Romance Series by Karen Cino. Karen shares two tips that help her stay organized.

    Karen, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Thanks for sharing two tips with us today, but first, please tell us about Men’s Club Chaos (Cookie Cutter Cozy Mystery Series Book 5).

    Men’s Club Chaos by Karen Cino

    Genre Cozy Mystery Culinary Romance

    Book heat level (based on movie ratings): PG17

    Connie and Sara are preparing to bring cookie samples for the men’s club Thanksgiving dinner. An explosion at the water towers send the women running to the scene.

    After visit Kent and taking his order, Connie and Sara go down to the water tower to see if they can find out what caused the explosion.

    A few hours later while Connie and Brett are at dinner they receive a call that Ken is dead after eating Connie’s cookies. It is up to Sara to track down the killer to clear Connie of the murder.

    Who said that two women sleuths can’t get into massive trouble.

    Two Tips for Writing

    The most important tip is to write everyday. This helps build our momentum and gives you a rush of wanting to write everyday.

    Writing with you know is often harder than you think. Make certain to research even on a subject or occupation you know. What you did twenty years ago is totally different today.

    Two Tips for Editing

    I find reading my manuscript outlaid helps you find a variety of errors, especially in grammar and repeat words and phrases. After I finish a book, I put it on the side for a week or two before going back.

    It’s important to have a character sketch and timeline along side you to find mistakes. For instance the character starts off with dark brown eyes and halfway through the book it changes to hazel. I keep a character sketch for physical description and general information on each character.

    Two Tips for Organizing

    When writing a series, keep all your characters together. I have a notebook for my series. I like flipping through pages to see who previous characters are if I’m going to use them again in another book. (Besides the main characters.)

    I also keep a tote back with the current book I’m working on along with my notebooks and timelines.

    Two Tips for Timesavers

    Have all your notes on your work in progress in one place. Like a previously said, I keep my notes in a binder and notebook. Try to keep your work schedule at the same time everyday. I generally write from eleven in the morning until three or four. I set a word goal and go for it.

    Two Tips for Family

    Talk to your family members about boundaries. I find that a lot of times family members take our writing as a joke because we’re not getting paid a “big” or shall I say “small” weekly salary. Let them understand this is your passion.

    If you’re going to get up early or stay up late to write, let your family know that during this time you do not want to be bothered. No you are not making them coffee or entertaining them. Ask them to respect your time, especially if you are writing during your quiet time of the morning or night. (I know. Easier said than done.)

    Two Tips for Household Chores

    The house will be standing long after we’re all gone. But seriously, I clean my house every Saturday and Sunday morning. The bathroom I do everyday. This way it is always clean and I never go to bed with dishes in the sink. If you have kids, again you have to set boundaries. You don’t expect them to scrub your bathroom floors, but they should be responsible for cleaning up after themselves. And if they are using your car, then you have a great bargaining tool. lol I used that for years. But now that it’s just my husband and I, we share the chores, keep the house neat except for all my papers all over the living room.

    Two Tips for Cooking

    I find cooking for two days works out great for me. A lot of people don’t like leftovers, but if it’s cooking a meal and cleaning pots and pans every night, I learned to eat leftovers and so has my husband. Again, clean up as you go along and you won’t waste any undo additional time. Or when all else fails: Order out!!!

    Where to buy Men’s Club Chaos

    Publisher Mandolay Press

    Amazon https://www.amazon.com/dp/B089NXJJWX/

    Karen Cino Social Media

    Karen Cino is multi-published and has been writing since she was fourteen years old. She started her career by writing poetry, short stories and writing articles for her high school newspaper. Her daily walks down at the boardwalk are what gets her muse going. It clears her mind and helps her find realistic plot ideas and the characters boosting up her muse. Karen loves writing about local places that people can relate to.
    Karen loves the summer, loves the beach. Her previous books were written and take place in various places across Staten Island. Karen relocated to Barnegat, New Jersey in 2015. She traded in the Staten Island Boardwalk for the shoreline in Long Beach Island. Her Camp Mirage Series takes place in Barnegat, NJ.
    Karen is a member of Romance Writers of America, Women’s Fiction Writing Association and Liberty States Fiction Writers. She was Vice President of the New York City Chapter for four years and President for three.
    Karen has two adult children, Michael Giordano who’s a singer, songwriter and producer and Nicole Giordano who works in Retail Management and is also a photographer. In 2014 Karen married John Gatti. Her husband is an actor, teacher and attorney.
    Website http://karencino.com
    Blog http://karencinobooks.com
    Twitter http://www.twitter.com/karencino
    Amazon Author Page https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B008LCG31Y
    Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4444484.Karen_Cino
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