
Read Dancing in the Dark #FreeBook March 17-21, 2022 by Virginia Kelly @virginiagkelly #RLFblog #ContemporaryRomance

Do you believe in second chances? What if you discovered all you ever wanted were the things you left behind?
Virginia, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. I’m Kayelle Allen, author and owner of this blog. Happy to have you here! Please tell us about Dancing in the Dark.

Dancing in the Dark by Virginia Kelly

Read Dancing in the Dark #FreeBook March 17-21, 2022 by Virginia Kelly @virginiagkelly #RLFblog #ContemporaryRomanceGenre Contemporary Romance (with suspense undertone)
Book heat level (based on movie ratings): R
What if you discovered all you ever wanted were the things you left behind?

Covert CIA agent Matt Kincaid is back in tiny Walton Springs, only to find Janey Blackmon waiting to ask him a favor. Matt’s not there to reminisce with the girl he’s never forgotten…and he’s definitely not there to divulge government secrets about her missing brother.

Ten years…and Janey hasn’t forgotten the love of her life…or that he abandoned her on prom night. Bound by duty and honor, he was shipped out to parts unknown by Uncle Sam. But she knew he’d go because adventure is in Matt’s blood. Being stuck in a small town with plain Jane the librarian wasn’t ever in his plans.

Trapped by a flood, with no phone or power, desire tempts them. Will passion—and Matt’s offer to recreate prom night–lead to a future together? Or are they just dancing in the dark?

Shadow Heroes, book 1. Each book in the series is a standalone read.

Do you believe in second chances?

When I started writing my contemporary romantic novella, Dancing in the Dark, I wasn’t sure where I was going with it. I never do. I’m what you call a pantser. I write by the seat of my pants—just sit down and begin. I had a hero, home for some R&R, exhausted. But I write romantic suspense (although this story is not RS), so having him home to fish, drink some beer and hang out with the guys wasn’t going to give him his happily ever after. I needed a heroine and a complication with suspense undertones.

I took a break, turned on the radio to do some housecleaning, and CCR belted out “Bad Moon on the Rise.” The singer mentions earthquakes and lightning. Isn’t falling in love a bit like being surprised by earthquakes and lightning? Metaphorically speaking, of course.

With that song, I had what I needed to start the story.

My super tough hero, Matt Kincaid, wakes up, still exhausted from his dangerous high-pressure job, and discovers that his little vacation isn’t going to be what he’d hoped. There was a storm, the power’s out, his small fictional town’s flooded, and the bridges are closed. Poor Matt, he’s stranded, he needs coffee—he doesn’t need any more complications.

But of course, he gets Janey Blackmon, the hometown girl he’s never forgotten. She has questions about her brother that Matt can’t answer.

A few chapters later, another favorite rock ‘n roll song inspired me. Bruce Springsteen’s “Dancing in the Dark” worked on several levels. (Copyright law does not protect titles, so I am able to legally use this one.) Yes, it’s dark because of the power outage, but there’s a play on the word dark in this story, one that involves Matt’s career. But the word dancing, now that one’s pretty obvious.

I’ve mentioned two songs that inspired me. What about your favorite songs? What if the lights were out and you had some quiet time with your significant other for a little dancing, what songs would you hope to hear? What songs do you consider romantic?

Pick up a copy of Dancing in the Dark now. It’s free from March 17-22, 2022 at Amazon

Where to buy Dancing in the Dark

Publisher RBV Press

Virginia Kelly Social Media

Virginia Kelly is the author of romantic suspense and romantic adventure novels. Her books have been nominated for several awards including the RWA Golden Heart, the Holt Medallion, the Golden Quill, the Aspen Gold and the National Readers’ Choice Award.
Virginia writes about dangerous heroes (sexy, protective, gorgeous ones, of course!) and the adventurous women willing to take a chance on them. Adventure, steamy scenes and happily-ever-afters are a must in her books.
An academic librarian, Virginia is a Peruvian American and lives in Florida with her family.
Instagram https://instagram/virginiagkelly
Amazon Author Page
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2 years ago

Downloaded! It looks great :)