• Gay or MM

    Why Brita Writes Fanciful Tales @britaaddams #RLFblog #gayromance

    Please welcome
    Brita Addams to the Romance Lives Forever blog, with her take on writing and
    the not-always-smooth life of an author.

    – – –
    I will not deny that being a published
    author is a wonderful advent in my life. It is also one that I never expected to
    Brita Addams

    I’ve written all my life, started
    at about age ten, with a diary that my parents gave me for Christmas. I so clearly
    remember sitting in my bedroom, on January 1, and writing that first entry. I poured
    my heart and soul into those pages and over the years, I filled many a volume. I
    had missed years in there, as life does tend to get in the way of our best intentions.
    Sometimes, I was too heartbroken to even tell Dear Diary all about it, after all,
    the conversation is always one way.

    When I married for the second time,
    I already had two children. My wonderful husband took on the responsibility and
    even told me, upon the marriage proposal, that “There are three of us you know,”
    a play on the fact that I had told him the same thing when we started talking about
    something more serious. Today, nearly 33 years later, he often playfully sides with
    the kids, but now the ranks have grown considerably.
    When we decided to have a child of
    our own, I decided to chronicle the, at times, bumpy ride. I started a diary from
    the day we said, “Yes, let’s do it,” right through the pregnancy, her
    birth, and the long and sometimes discouraging journey through a world I knew nothing
    about–that of a handicapped child, one who cannot bend her arms or her legs.
    Having a physically disabled child
    is heartbreaking and there is no way of sugar coating it. We tread water that, at
    times, threatened to drown us, but then we’d look into her sweet little face and
    that grounded us in what was most important.
    Her strength and fortitude, her uncomplaining
    manner, inspired me then and inspires me now, 28 years later. She twice graduated
    from college, is a published author, and is married now. She’s patient and impatient,
    loving, kind, and has a caustic tongue at times. She is independent and takes no
    prisoners. Oh, yes, and she does all the things the doctors said she’d never do–brush
    her hair, her teeth, feed herself, walk, etc., but she is indeed above average in
    intelligence, as they promised.
    I tell you this because the diary
    entries during this period were probably the most honest I’ve ever written. As an
    adult, our daughter read them and has learned the true nature of my feelings, both
    good and bad. She understands that the bad had to do with me, and she appreciates
    knowing that Mom had that vulnerable side. Sometimes life isn’t all lollipops and
    roses, and sometimes Mom caves under the pressure.
    I loved English class, and wrote short
    stories for them, with the encouragement of my teachers, who apparently saw a budding
    writer in me. Today, I often dedicate my books to those teachers, for they are the
    ones who inspired me early on, when I encountered resistance from those who should
    have been the most encouraging.
    Raising a family occupied most of
    my early adult life. We have three children and their ages span a 14 year difference
    between oldest to youngest. There wasn’t a lot of Mom time back them.
    Now, I have the time and I use it
    to full advantage. I suppose most writers write because they can’t imagine not writing.
    That’s the way it is for me. Yes, it’s nice when a publisher wants your work and
    sends you a contract, but I have many stories on my hard drive that will never see
    a publisher’s desk. Writing is a need in me, an urgency to say what I have on my
    mind, without regard sometimes, to the marketability of the piece.
    Sometimes I write things and get part
    way through and lose interest or find that a brick wall stands in the way of completion.
    Sometimes, there was no story there at all. Just a few words. A smidge of an idea
    that had no legs. It happens all the time.
    I write because I can’t imagine not
    writing. Aside from being a wife, mother, and grandmother, I am a writer. I’ve given
    my all to raising a family, to employers along the way, to extended family. Now
    is my time to fulfill the goals that I set aside for so long.
    Regrets? I have a few. Don’t we all?
    But if I spent the rest of my life lamenting the “shoulda dones,” that
    wouldn’t leave much time for anything else. Will I ever write the next great worldwide
    best seller? Probably not. But I will write what is in my heart, and for me, that’s
    the better gamble.

    Newest Releases

    Serenity’s Dream
    Serenity’s Dream is book one of my Regency historical Sapphire
    Club series. It originally came out in June of 2010. I recently revisited the series
    and rewrote the books. My editor re-edited them and seemed please with the additional
    thirteen thousand words I added to Serenity. I hope readers will be as well.
    You can find Serenity’s Dream here.
    Blurb: Serenity Damrill has returned to her husband, Lucien after
    a ten-year absence. She carries with her a secret that could destroy her life and
    possibly all that Lucien has built.
    Lucien was quite happy in his life running the Sapphire Club
    and has no need for the frigid wife who deserted him the day after they were married.
    Can Lucien teach Serenity that her fear of the marriage bed is
    unfounded? Will Serenity’s secret be the death knell for their marriage?
    I also have ForMen Like Us, which also takes place during the Regency. You can find it at Dreamspinner
    Press. Just click the title to be magically transported.
    Blurb for For Men Like Us: After Preston Meacham’s lover dies
    trying to lend him aid at Salamanca,
    hopelessness becomes his only way of life. Despite his best efforts at starting
    again, he has no pride left, which leads him to sell himself for a pittance at a
    molly house. The mindless sex affords him his only respite from the horrors he witnessed.
    The Napoleonic War left Benedict Wilmot haunted by the acts he
    was forced to commit and the torture he endured at the hands of a superior, a man
    who used the threat of a gruesome death to force Ben to do his bidding. Even sleep
    gives Ben no reprieve, for he can’t escape the destruction he caused.
    When their paths cross, Ben feels an overwhelming need to protect
    Preston from his dangerous profession. As he explains,
    “The streets are dangerous for men like us.”
    In the April/May timeframe, Dreamspinner will publish Tarnished
    Gold, set in 19-teens-1930 old Hollywood.

    About the Author

    Born in Upstate New York, Brita Addams has made her home in the
    sultry south for many years. Brita’s home is a happy place, where she lives with
    her real-life hero, her husband, and a fat cat named Stormee.
    She writes, for the most part, erotic historical romance, both
    het and m/m, which is an ideal fit, given her love of British and American history.
    Setting the tone for each historical is important. Research plays an indispensible
    part in the writing of any historical work, romance or otherwise. A great deal of
    reading and study goes into each work, to give the story the authenticity it deserves.
    As a reader, Brita prefers historical works, romances and otherwise.
    She believes herself born in the wrong century, though she says she would find it
    difficult to live without air conditioning.
    Brita and her husband love to travel, particularly cruises and
    long road trips. They completed a Civil War battlefield tour a couple of years ago,
    and have visited many places involved in the American Revolutionary War. In May,
    2013, they are going to England
    for two weeks, to visit the places Brita writes about in her books, including the
    estate that inspired the setting for the Sapphire Club series. Not the activities,
    just the floor plan.
    A bit of trivia – Brita pronounces her name, B-Rita, like the
    woman’s name, and oddly, not like the famous water filter. Brita is her real middle
    name, after her father’s ex-girlfriend.

    Find Me Here

    Website http://www.britaaddams.com/
    Blog http://britaaddamsblog.blogspot.com/
  • Gay or MM

    Prelude to the Night @loveunleashed #RLFblog #LGBT

    Prelude to the Night

    Angela Plowman, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. Let’s talk
    about your book, Prelude to the Night

    Genre: Gay Romance, Victorian Vampires
    Publisher: LooseID
    Length: 34,000
    Heat rating: Medium/Hot
    Tagline: Victorian gentleman Christian Fitzgerald’s main passion
    is music – until he meets a mysterious older man. Once Christian is introduced to
    possibilities he never knew existed, he must decide if he is ready to enter into
    a dangerous duet.
    Victorian England is a place of double standards and hidden mysteries.
    A chance meeting at the opera propels dutiful, innocent Christian into the seductive
    arms of an older man.
    Valentine has come to England searching for a reason to live.
    He walks in the darkness listening for that siren’s song which will recall him to
    life. He may have found it in beautiful young Christian but can he persuade Christian
    to give up the conventions of society and walk a more dangerous path?
    Between the two there are perils in the London fog which could
    separate them forever.
    The conflict of his comfortable life on one side and the dangers
    of loving Valentine on the other threaten to tear Christian apart. Whichever path
    he chooses, listening to the music of the night is likely to cost Christian his
    Buy links:
    Loose Id http://loose-id.com/newest/coming-soon/prelude-to-the-night.html
    What are your main characters’ names, ages, and occupations?
    Christian “Kit” Fitzgerald – Gentleman 21
    Count Valentine Basarab – traveling vampire – age unknown.


    If you could change something about your first book, what
    would it be?
    I wish I could get it finished! Seriously, the first book I started
    writing is still incomplete after 4 years! My Muse Years resolution is to complete
    What do you enjoy most about writing?
    I love the creative process; in particular creating characters.
    I admit I usually start with an actor’s pretty face and the character grows around
    that. With “Wolf in the Fold”, it was Paul Telfer who did a couple of guest spots
    in NCIS. Not the buffed up body but that pretty twink face. So Gabriel was born.
    As I worked more on the character, and he evolved as I wrote I fell totally in love
    with him. I am prouder of Gabriel than of any of my other characters. To think that
    I managed to create him – little devil that he is – in all his perfection; loyal,
    passionate, intelligent, devoted and an absolute little teasing rogue.
    Then I got to do all sorts of naughty things with him. I actually
    made myself blush a couple of times and the mere mention of candles makes me come
    over all hot and bothered. I am not going to tell you what happened with the candle
    as that would be a spoiler. You’ve have to read “Wolf in the Fold” to find out.
    I can be a tease too…. I cannot believe I wrote that scene!
    The character I most want to sweep me off my feet is Richard
    Rochefort, the Highwayman himself. He is totally Jeffrey Dean Morgan – that twinkling
    smile could only be his. And his boy is based on a young and skinny Ben Whishaw.
    This time around, I have a dark and mysterious character in the
    form of Valentine. He is ancient, wise and yet vulnerable in his search for something
    to live for – some one to inspire passion in him again – some one to love.
    If you could choose anyone to be your mentor, who would it
    Saki – his ability to create these sparkling, so alive characters
    and to paint a scene with just a few descriptive words. And his versatility – he
    can give you the creeps and having you laughing a moment later. The fact that he
    is firmly entrenched in my favorite period – gay Victorian England. Actually I would
    like one of his characters – the devilishly charming Reginald to be me mentor. He
    moves through any society with such grace and knowledge and cares not a jot what
    people think of him.
    What is your work ethic when it comes to writing?
    Ha ha! Don’t make me laugh. I don’t have one. It is a total miracle
    anything ever gets written at all. Firstly, I can never come up with ideas. “Wolf
    in the Fold” came from an idea from a short story by Saki. “The Highwayman” is a
    retelling of Alfred Noyses poem of the same name – only with a lead character getting
    a sex change. “Prelude to the Night” was from an idea I had in a dream.
    I make Douglas Adams look like a dedicated speed writer. Do you
    remember his quote about how he loved deadlines – the noise they make when they
    rush by? Well, thank all the gods of writing I don’t have deadlines or they would
    never be met. About once a year, I get a sudden rush of urgency and write solidly
    for two weeks. I’m driven, it flows, and I love it.
    The rest of the year I think it would be great to do some writing,
    and so I tidy up my desk, and then start tidying the rest of the room. My house
    is really tidy – It’s why I can only ever write novellas. I have several Olympic
    medals in procrastination.
    How do you cope with stress as an author?
    Valium. No seriously – I cope very badly with stress of any kind.
    I fret and procrastinate so much I let it build up until it overwhelms me. That
    ought to be the competition. Leave a comment with or with out a stress busting tip
    for authors and I will pick one at random to win the title of their choice from
    my extensive catalogue of three books. Can we do that?
    Do things your family or friends do ever end up in a book?
    Blimey! I hope not. I don’t have any friends like that.
    Which of your books would you recommend to someone who doesn’t
    normally read your genre, and why?
    “Wolf in the Fold” from LooseID. It was my first published book
    and it has many faults I wish I could go back and clear up but it also has Gabriel
    in it and I love him so. I’m not sure many people got that it was meant to be a
    comedy too – or at least deeply tongue in cheek.
    What do you wish I had asked you? Please ask and answer it
    What other titles have you come up with for your books?
    “Wolf in the Fold” will always be “Buggering heights” for me.
    Emily Bronte with gays.
    “Prelude to the Night” had the most alternative titles. “There’s
    a Vamp in my Pants”, “Buggerers Opera”, and “Capre Antinouse” (Seize the gay).
    I have hell coming up with titles. Comic ones – no problem.
    What was the proudest moment of your life so far?
    When “Wolf in the Fold” came out with LooseID I was off on holiday
    with my dad. We decided to have one big posh holiday before his passport expired
    and it gets too expensive to get insurance for him. We went on a Nile cruise and
    it was amazing. A very small party of people on the tour – and I came up to breakfast
    to find my dad talking about me being a published author.
    Okay – I also nearly died of embarrassment. Dad knew it was a
    romance but not what sort of romance…
    Imagine you get to go on a dream vacation, but you have only
    one hour to pack and leave, and it starts as soon as you finish this interview.
    What will you take with you and where will you go?
    Love this question just because it makes me think. – That would
    be so liberating. No anxiety, just an hour to pack. Actually, can I have just ten
    minutes? I know where everything is.
    Knickers – because I am a practical girl.
    Nighty – am modest too.
    Bedsocks – my feet get cold.
    Pashmina – always take a pashmina. It’s like a HitchHikers Guide
    to the Galaxy thing but more chic than a towel.
    Spare contact lenses – because I hate wearing my glasses.
    Glasses – because sometimes you have to do what you hate.
    Moisturizer – because I am a lady of a certain age.
    Shampoo – hotel ones always make my head itch.
    Netty my trusty netbook which has all my extensive e book collection
    on it and my works in progress.
    Credit card – because with only an hour to pack I will now have
    the excuse to buy lots of stuff while away.
    Destination? One of those places with the silver sand, blue sea
    and palm trees. I’m not sure where it is but I can just see Sean Connery stepping
    out of the waves in his blue swim trunks. Nowhere too crowded, and with stuff to
    explore – preferably historical.

    Please complete the sentences

    I love pizza with my partner.
    I’m always ready for trouble.
    When I’m alone, I feel sad.
    You’d never be able to tell, but if you cut me open I would
    have “GEEK” written right though me
    If I had a halo, it would be
    If I could, I would.

    Find Me Here

  • Gay or MM

    Interview: Dangerous Velvet @xaviersaxel #RLFblog

    Xavier Axelson, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. Let’s talk
    about your book!
    Title: Velvet
    Publisher: Seventh Window
    Genre: Historical, Gay Romance, Erotic Romance
    Publisher: Seventh Window Publications
    Cover artist: Ken Harrison
    Length: 253 Pages
    Heat rating: Scorching
    Tagline: Nothing is more dangerous than Velvet.
    The first novel from Xavier Axelson is set against a
    backdrop of decadence, privilege, and intrigue. Virago, the royal tailor, makes
    a discovery that will test the bonds of brotherhood, unravel the forbidden
    secrets of his heart, and threaten the very fabric of his existence.
    In a land where cruelty is disguised as allegiance, loyalty
    is masked by obligation, and the laws of sumptuary govern the people, nothing
    is more dangerous than Velvet.
    Buy links:
    Publisher http://seventhwindow.com/index.php?main_page=product_music_info&cPath=&products_id=52

    What are your main
    characters’ names, ages, and occupations?
    Sylvain/Animal Trainer/20


    What is the most
    important thing you do for your career now, as compared to when you first started
    I now give my mind the
    permission to relax between books; this gives my imagination and spirit time to
    recharge and rest.
    What websites do you visit
    Twitter, Facebook, and
    If you could change something
    about your first book, what would it be?
    The title.
    What do you enjoy most
    about life?
    The ability to write
    and share my work is a gift. I truly find writing to be a great joy.
    If you could give the
    younger version of yourself advice what would it be?
    Write more.
    What does
    “balance” mean to you as a writer?
    It means finding time
    everyday to write but also reaching a place where you can shut your writer off
    and enjoy nature, family, friends and good food.
    What kind of books do
    you read when taking a break from your own writing?
    I love 1940’s-!960’s
    British literature.
    Imagine you get to go
    on a dream vacation, but you have only one hour to pack and leave, and it
    starts as soon as you finish this interview. What will you take with you and
    where will you go?
    I’d take a pad, a fine
    tip pen and worry about the rest when I got there. I’d go directly to Stockholm, Sweden.
    What is your favorite
    holiday and why?
    I really love St.
    Patty’s Day. I love celebrating the Irish part of me, or maybe its because I
    love Guinness and corned beef.
    If your life became a
    movie, who would you want to play you?
    Cary Grant
    If you were a color,
    what color would you be?
    Which statement is
    more like you:
    “I am a vacation
    spa because I am laid back and relaxed.”
    “I am a ten-countries
    in ten-days tour vacation, because I do things as fast as possible.”

    Please Fill in the Blanks

    I love pizza with everything
    on it.
    I’m always ready for what’s
    When I’m alone, I listen
    to audiobooks.

    Previous Books

    Xavier Axelson
    Cravings (Part of the First Time Dead 3 Anthology)
    Menage (Print Collection)
    Earthly Concerns
    Dutch’s Boy
    The Incident
    The Birches
    A Valentine for Evrain (Part of the Never Say Never
    Christmas Eve at The Powers That Be Cafe
    Books Coming Soon
    Sons of Orion (Part of the Tricks of the Trade Anthology)

    Find Me Here

  • Character Interviews

    Character Interview: Black Cat @katehillromance #RLFblog

    Black Cat

    Kate Hill, welcome back to Romance Lives Forever. We’re excited to
    interview your character, Edmond Chancellor from the book, Black Cat.

    Genre: Gay Romance Erotic Paranormal
    Publisher: Changeling Press
    Cover artist: Zuri
    Length: Novella
    Heat rating: Erotic
    Tagline: Time is precious, even to men who are practically immortal.
    Vampire Edmond Chancellor and cat shifter Tobias Crawford have
    had a not-so-secret affair for over three hundred years. Edmond wants to bond with Tobias permanently,
    but Tobias has reasons for keeping his distance.
    On a chilly December night, both men turn to past memories for
    guidance, but it’s a present danger that makes them realize that time is precious,
    even to men who are practically immortal.
    Buy links:
    Author site: http://kate-hill.com/blackcat.html
    What are your main characters’ names, ages, and occupations?
    Edmond Chancellor, vampire, is over a thousand years old and
    is an antiques dealer.
    Tobias Crawford, cat shifter, is over two thousand years old
    and earns his living through investments. He is also a hotel owner.

    Interview with Edmond Chancellor

    Tell us about yourself. What are you like?
    I’m what’s called a rogue vampire, one who has broken ties with my family. I dislike
    being told what to do and I dislike judging others based on their species or being
    judged on mine.
    What do you think is your strongest point?
    My ability to break away from my vampire family. It was one of the hardest things
    I’ve ever had to do. Contrary to popular belief, vampires aren’t solitary and I’ve
    been quite lonely living as a rogue.
    What would your author say is your biggest weakness?
    Tobias has been my biggest weakness since the moment we met. My author knows this.
    What drives you to do the things you do? What makes you want
    to be the “good guy?”
    During the first few decades of my life, I was very much like my vampire family,
    infected by their violence and prejudices. In 1066, an event in my life changed
    everything. Since then, I’ve proved that vampires don’t need to kill.
    If money were not an object, where would you most like to
    For me money isn’t an object and I’ve chosen to live in what I believe is the best
    town in the world, Whisper. I founded it, so I might be a bit biased, of course.
    If you were a tool, what would people use you to do?
    I hope they would use me to protect those who need it.
    Picture yourself as a store. Considering your personality
    and lifestyle, what type of products would be sold there?
    I’m an antiques dealer, so I actually have several stores. My favorite is here in
    Whisper and it specializes in antique weapons, in particular swords.
    As a child, what was your favorite thing about school?
    I didn’t attend school like many children nowadays. I greatly enjoyed the study
    of swordsmanship.
    Tell us a secret about your significant other.
    Tobias is the most beautiful, enticing, stubborn man I’ve ever met. He’s a cat shifter
    and doesn’t easily reveal his emotions to others, even to me. I know he might never
    pledge his heart solely to me, but I’m willing to wait and see.
    If you came with a warning label, what would it say?
    Contents under pressure.

    Please complete the sentences as Edmond Chancellor

    I love pizza with — I can’t eat pizza. I’m on a liquid diet.
    I’m always ready for defense against those who threaten Whisper.
    When I’m alone, I wonder how long it will take before Tobias
    accepts my proposal.
    You’d never be able to tell, but I want to be loved.
    If I had a halo it would be frightening
    to think someone with my past could have a halo.
    If I could choose one person to share my life I’d pick Tobias.
    I can never return to my vampire family because they would demand
    I kill or be killed.

    About the Author

    Always a fan of romance and the paranormal, Kate Hill started
    writing over twenty years ago for pleasure. Her first story, a short erotic vampire
    tale, was accepted for publication in 1996. Since then she has sold over one hundred
    short stories, novellas, and novels.
    When she’s not working on her books, Kate enjoys reading, working
    out and spending time with her family and pets. She enjoys hearing from readers.

    Find Me Here

    Youtube: http://youtube.com/KateH02
  • Gay or MM

    GLBT Romance: Comfort and Joy @CharleyDescote #RLFblog

    Charley Descoteaux, welcome to Romance Lives Forever. Let’s talk
    about your book, Comfort and Joy.

    Publisher: Etopia Press
    Genre: M/M Erotic Romance
    Cover artist: Valerie Tibbs
    Comfort and Joy

    Length: 10,195 words

    Heat rating: 4
    Tagline: How much love does it take to heal the wounds of hate?
    Sam and Charlie have been together over a decade, and their commitment
    to each other has only grown stronger through the years. But love isn’t always easy,
    and eighteen months after a violent assault, their fairy-tale relationship is still
    struggling. Charlie can’t shake the lingering fear of attracting more violence by
    displaying affection, and he’s angry at himself for not getting past it. Sam would
    do anything to help Charlie feel better–if only he knew what that was.
    The century-old farmhouse in Northwest Oregon
    is the perfect place to spend the holidays with Sam’s family, but it was their refuge
    after the attack, and it still holds painful memories of those difficult first months.
    Christmas should be a joyful time, but even being surrounded by people who love
    him isn’t enough to make Charlie feel safe. He could try to keep to himself, but
    even if Sam agreed to give him the space he needs, Sam’s warm and loving family
    might not. And even though they agreed not to exchange gifts, Sam has a surprise
    up his sleeve that he hopes will make everything merry and bright. But he may end
    up more surprised than Charlie before the week is out…
    Buy links:
    Amazon http://amzn.com/B00APRADZ0
    Amazon UK
    Barnes and Noble http://barnesandnoble.com/w/comfort-and-joy-charley-descouteaux/1113992806?ean=2940016096100
    ARe http://allromanceebooks.com/product-comfortandjoy-1026128-145.html
    What are your main characters’ names, ages, and occupations?
    Sam White and Charlie Price are both 28 and professional musicians.


    Tell us about your latest book, including its genre. Does
    it cross over to other genres? If so, what are they?
    Comfort and Joy, m/m erotic romance, is the story of an established
    couple, Sam and Charlie, and their struggle to heal the lingering effects of an
    assault and re-capture the joy of their love for each other while celebrating Christmas
    with Sam’s family.
    How do you come up with ideas?
    Coming up with ideas is the easy part. I’ve gotten ideas from
    things people say, music, random things I see while on public transportation. The
    hard part is deciding which ones would make the best stories. I admit, I’m not always
    sure about that. Take my current WIP: it’s a paranormal erotic romance with mystery
    elements. I’ve never written anything like it before so I have no way to know if
    it’s any good until it’s finished and I start sending it out.
    What is the single most important part of writing for you?
    It proves that I’m not insane. *lol* At least it proved that
    to me, because I’ve had characters in my head all my life. When I was a kid sometimes
    that worried me, but now it’s just awesome.
    Where do you start when writing? Research, plotting, outline,
    I’m not a big plotter so I usually start with a character and
    a feeling. With Comfort and Joy, I wanted to write a Christmas story that celebrates
    family and love and all that good stuff. I added a couple I’d known for a while
    and just started writing. It doesn’t always work out, but this time it did.
    If you could give the younger version of yourself advice what
    would it be?
    Your home doesn’t have to be clean, write more!
    Is your muse demanding?
    Sometimes — usually at night when I’m trying to sleep! He gives
    me a lot of wonderful material to work with, but is even more of a night owl than
    I am. His sweet spot is between 11 p.m. and 2 or 3 a.m. which makes it hard when
    I have to get up early.
    Are your stories driven by plot or character?
    Most often, by character. Most people have defining moments in
    their lives, and so do characters. These are where good stories come from.
    That said, my current WIP started out very plot-driven. I knew
    what I wanted the world to be like but it took a while to get to know the characters
    who live there and I’m still learning! It was fun going about it in such a different
    How do you balance a life outside of writing with deadlines
    and writing muses?
    Balance? I’m not good at that. If I could, I’d spend most of
    every day writing. Unfortunately, I can’t do that so I have to make lists of things
    that I can’t let slide and force myself to do those first, like grocery shopping
    and cooking dinner. It works more often than not, although I do have a long history
    of transferring items to several lists before they get done. To paraphrase Tyler
    Durden, it’s about letting the truly unimportant things slide.
    What is the craziest thing you did as a kid, and would it
    ever end up in a book?
    Well, kid is a relative term. In my late teens and early twenties
    I did a lot of experimenting to try and figure out my sexuality. Some of that will
    definitely end up in a book, or maybe several!
    What are some jobs you’ve done that would end up in a book?
    I’ve had a lot of strange
    jobs, or at least jobs that brought me in contact with strange people. I’ve been
    a bartender and a waitress, worked in book stores, flower shops, and a three-person
    newspaper office. Some of these have popped up in stories, and I’m sure more will
    in the future!
    What do you hope readers take with them after reading your
    I’m not sure, but I hope
    they’ll tell me what they do take with them. I’d love to hear from any reader anytime!
    List two authors we would find you reading when taking a break
    from your own writing.
    Like most writers I love to read. I read a lot of YA because
    those authors are amazing at writing a tightly-plotted story. My favorites are Holly
    Black, Sarah Rees Brennan and John Green. I also love reading LGBT fiction and M/M
    Romance. My favorites are Tara Lain because she makes me laugh and Amy Lane because she
    makes me cry.
    If you were a tool, what would people use you to do?
    I really wanted to tackle this one, but the perfect answer escapes
    me. It never fails, the ideas come faster than I can write them down as long as
    I’m not trying to write about myself! *lol*
    As a child, what was your favorite thing about school?
    Everything! I loved school and was a shameless apple-polisher.
    Teachers and librarians are still some of my favorite people. I was one of those
    nerdy kids who wanted to write reports about what I saw while playing in the back
    If money were not an object, where would you most like to
    I’d love to have a cute little cottage on the Oregon Coast.
    My dream house is a cozy single-story three bedroom with weathered blue-gray wood
    siding, beach access and a big old tree in the back yard.
    Picture yourself as a store. Considering your personality
    and lifestyle, what type of products would be sold there?
    I’d be one of those dusty little antique shops run by a little
    old lady who has no idea what things are truly worth. Everything from ornate gilt
    frames to used books to kitschy statues and vintage hats and purses would cram the
    shelves, and if you really loved something it would be at a price you could afford.
    Either that or the store mentioned on The Daily Show last week, “Chocolate,
    Blowjobs & Beyond”.

    Please complete the sentence

    Charley Descoteaux

    I love pizza with pepperoni, salami, olives and mushrooms.

    I’m always ready for some smash-mouth football.
    When I’m alone, I blast metal or club mixes and dance around
    while I clean house
    You’d never be able to tell, but I have an inner-preppie who
    pines for argyle and houndstooth everything
    If I had a halo it would be rainbow-colored
    plastic from the dollar store and a little squished
    If I could be a guy for a day I’d fool around with
    as many dudes as possible, and knit in public
    I can never judge anyone for being strange because it’s
    a safe bet I’m stranger than they are

    Find Me Here

  • Gay or MM

    The Fickle Muse by LM Brown

    Someone Like You.


    I don’t believe that you can be a writer of fiction without having
    heard of the muse. You see it references in blog posts (much like this one) and
    bemoaned on Facebook when it isn’t cooperating. Others scorn the idea of a muse,
    stating that writing is a job and you just get on with it whether the muse is with
    you or not. Regardless of how, everyone eventually hears about the muse.
    I am one of those who firmly believes in the power of the muse.
    The stories that come easiest to me are definitely those where the muse has been
    whispering in my ear and I have listened.
    Of course I can write without a muse, but I find it harder to
    get started, more difficult to make the story flow and consequently most of those
    stories are of poor quality and will probably never see the light of day.
    But when the muse is with me the stories flow from the smallest
    of inspirations. A picture of a single white wolf can spawn a story of shapeshifters,
    a quiz on a radio can generate a plot bunny like the one in my story DrivingMe Crazy, or a passing comment from my editor can inspire a story all of its
    Unfortunately, most of the time the muse talks to me when it
    is far from convenient. When you’re stuck at the evil day job, the last thing you
    need is a muse whispering in your ear and distracting you from your other tasks.
    Then, when I have the time to write the muse has given up trying to foist that plot
    bunny on me and the inspiration for a particular story is lost, sometimes forever.
    There are times though when the muse comes to me just at the
    right time. Last weekend was one such occasion. A plot bunny was calling and I had
    no plans at all. Two whole days of writing like crazy and the first draft of a brand
    new novella was complete. Times like those are when I am most grateful for my muse
    and my belief is at its utmost. I even feel a little sorry for those writers who
    don’t believe in the existence of the muse, for who writing is nothing more than
    a job.
    My muses may not always come to me at the most convenient of
    times, but I have certainly learned to listen when they do.
    I just hope my readers enjoy the stories the muses send my way.

    Someone Like You by L.M. Brown

    Buy link:
    Barnes and Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/someone-like-you-lm-brown/1113884765
    When Todd Hunter went to university he left behind his boyfriend,
    Deacon Jones. Todd knows Deacon is the one he wants to spend the rest of his life
    with, but for some reason Deacon has stopped returning his calls and is ignoring
    all his letters.
    Now Todd is home for the holidays, and he wants to spend them
    with Deacon. It might not be so easy though. Neither Todd’s family nor Deacon’s
    are happy about their relationship and while Todd knows if they stand together they
    can make it work, convincing Deacon may be the greatest challenge of all.
    Genre: contemporary gay romance (m/m)

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